Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Recognizing Decoys in My Spiritual and Material Direction

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 5 Episode 29

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Teresa and Tom, TNT Spiritworks hosts discuss recognizing decoys in your everyday direction.  What is a decoy?  Anything that you put energy into that does not lead to fulfillment.  When you go along with outer direction that takes your energy and does not get you to your goals.  You might say they are areas that you think you need to be involved with, but without a feeling for it.  Decoys can waste your time which is valuable to you.

They explore the balance between intellect and feeling for full awareness and living in the present, the impact of societal influences, and the significance of trusting one's inner guidance system. The conversation emphasizes the need for patience to recognize and overcome fears, and finding balance in life while celebrating each individual's unique journey.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
celebrating the decision to be here right now, immersed in all that's going on on the planet is what we're going to share about in this episode. So, hey, Tom, welcome. Hello, Teresa. So, yeah, I feel you're laughing. Why are you laughing? I don't know. Because he's ready to share in this excitement of what we're going to talk about today, because we've all been going through quite a bit of things lately, especially around life, just like living life and the uncertainty of these

I'll say unconscious decisions that we all make every single day. And I say unconscious because a lot of times most people, and I'll say a large majority of the percentage of the people in the world don't recognize how to work with their spiritual part, how to embrace their, spiritual helpers, how to, you know, embrace cleansing their body and making conscious decisions. So that's why I want to say they're unconscious. What do feel about that, Tom?

I feel that, you know, everyone is the soul. So we've heard that before that we've asked, we heard that before. So their energy. Yep. And when they come back to planet earth, you know, as a soul, they have their true feelings. That's more their soul nature. And they have their intellectual nature, which is more their brain organization, right? Understanding. And they need to be in balance.

And I think when people are relaxed, they do live their spiritual thrust, they do feel think, act or feel organized act, and they work with their sensitivity. If you ask them, you know, did I pick up an impression, many people will think they thought it, they they worked it out in their intellect, and it was logical. But when they're under pressure, that's when things change, you know, that's when

what I wanted to talk about or kind of emphasize is that how we get caught up in decoys, you know, in terms of our direction. And as you're saying, you know, there's a lot going on. So you said there's a lot going on. People are experiencing uneasiness, right? With change. Yes. And part of that is because they are chasing decoys.

In other words, they're moving from just their head, their intellect, rather than more from their true feelings. So when we do that, we find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. You know, we're listening to what others think we should have, or we buy into societies or, you know, people that influence us around us as to what we should be concerned about, and so forth. And that's when we get off, we get off track.

Well, it's interesting because the word decoy to myself, I think of like when they're doing like hunting ducks, you know, so they're out there and they have these or they have the, should say not ducks are hunting the birds. Obviously I'm not a hunter. Okay. But they're, okay, they're ducks and they have the decoy ducks. And so the decoy ducks are not real. They're fake. And they're just to like, you know, make them like think that, Oh, there's my duck, my duck buddy. So I'm going to go down and then they're dead. Right.

So that's when I think of a decoy. So in contemplating decoys out in the world, especially right now, what you know, always, I mean, it's not just right now, but this moment that we're here right now. Well, we've been watching that series on, you know, America in color, and it's this goes through every decade and, you know, key historical events. And it's, we've been watching it on prime, but it's on all kinds. You know, it's been around for a while. And I think since at least 2019 or so.

And what strikes us, you know, as we're, as we're watching that is wow, like a lot of stuff happened every decade last century, know, it continues to happen. Then the big changes every decade. Like I love watching those shows because it helps regroup where things were at where people were at, cause it's easy to sort of glorify the past or, you know, and, and also, you know, think things weren't as good as they really were.

as well. So yeah, and I think for like ourselves with where you know, the collective energy is at this moment in time, where we're more open to understanding about the unseen spiritual parts of ourselves, which is, if I'm looking back over the decades, especially in in that series, American color, I recognize that, know, that's one thing no one ever talks about is, you know, they talked about the physical or the intellectual, the technical.

But no one ever talks about, what was what's going on energetically or, or how we're feeling about that. So, I mean, of course it's a story. It's a story about what's going on. But, that to me seems a part of what's always missing that, that element that's missing. And that's, guess why I'm so passionate. And I know, you know, you are too Tom with our business and helping people recognize that how this is just part of, of our everyday. It's part of our intellect. It's part of our feeling. It's part of.

moving through our life embracing that part of us. Well, I think, you know, a key thing about growing spiritually or being aware of the spiritual part is, as I unfold, and I grow in my awareness, I become less of a victim to what's going on. And well, like, early used to say victim of soy cum stance, you know, of course, laughed at the students when he said that. But

But he was right. I am, you know, I mean, I can be a victim of circumstance if I get too caught up in chasing decoys. And all I'm talking about is things that are planted, that are outside myself, you know, chasing my incentive outside myself. If I if I'm going for something that's outside myself, I tend I need to get all cranked up intellectually. I need to get all emotional about it.

If I move from my true feelings, you know, let's face it, if I really feel like I want something or I'm sure most folks can relate to this is that you go up and get it. I mean, there isn't a lot of thinking about it. There's just movement towards it. You know, it's interesting because as I, lot of my, besides my work, which I see a lot of things going on there too with people, but also on social media, I've read and noticed a lot of people sharing a lot of inner turmoil they're going through.

that is being expressed that they express through their, you know, well, through their social media. And what I see about that is like what you're saying, like if they really felt into what they were saying, like how that doesn't even affect you, or it's something that maybe, you know, it's a perception they see out there, or like you're saying a decoy, you know, of this might happen, or that might happen. And I'm already freaked out about it. it's like, but does that really affect what you're doing in the now?

And that now moment, the present moment is all we have. it, and as I know, and I have, you know, I've been around a few decades too, just like you have Tom, but I've recognized you've been a couple more than me, but I'm just one more. I recognize that, you know, that things change. So the thing I would might've been so worried about happening in the future never occurred that way because something shifted.

So I think that's the thing that I really noticed with the decoy, you know, scenario or metaphor is that so a lot of times these decoys, they don't even come out that way. And people get so anxious, so fearful, so filled with trepidation about what, how's it going to go? And then it never even happens. Well, you brought up an earlier point before we started the episode where you said, you know, it's really important for people to get to know.

you know how they receive impressions, and how to tune into their true feelings, you know, versus their intellect. So, you know, that's been referred to as that psychic part of us. And as we've often said, you know, people get inner knowings, they get, you know, symbols or pictures in their minds, I are clairvoyance. And there's folks that get, you know, those intuitive sort of impressions like the clairaudient parter, words and

And there's folks that get the gut feelings. And of course, we talk about that in our intuition now, masterclass to introduce people to how obvious your intuition really is. And you know, it's, it's a real lifeboat for me, because I just can come back to my true feelings. And then when I discern that, when I utilize my discernment and, and organize what I'm feeling, you know, now I'm more organized, and then I can, you know, follow through and do the things that I need to be doing.

no matter what's going on around me. Yeah, I think that's a good point because for myself, this part that unseen part of me that I didn't deal with for decades and I knew nothing about that's been the greatest shift in myself is recognizing in the midst of what people may call woo woo metaphysical, whatever, right? Weird. It's not like this is a part of us that we all work with every single day. Like Tom saying, it's

You know, I get knowings, I get hearing, seeing, and you know, my mind's eye, I get the gut feelings. And that's a big one for me is like, Oh, I feel that. So recognizing and embracing these has been for myself. Truly. It's been priceless because it's helped me really shift into a different reality than I was previously. Do agree, Tom? You trust your intuition. I trust, I trust my intuition. And then on top of it, we've got, you know, spiritual helpers, angels.

guides, whatever you want to call them, but they're the highest source. And we've ever we have our personal team for what we've come to master. So in this world, that might seem pretty chaotic, you know, and, you know, like with politics, depending on which side of the fence you're on, or which ideologies you subscribe to, really ideology, because they both are both sides of the fences aren't so good. it's the stay in the middle of the neutral so bad either. Right. The point is, is that it

how do I navigate that? Well, the only way I can navigate that is really trusting myself. But one of the reasons that you know, I'm involved doing spiritual work, and I'm sure you are in that I've really learned that people have to kind of discover it themselves, they've got to open up their sensitivity. And then as I, you know, begin to change my thoughts and think more positively, and stay more relaxed and positive and cleansed and in that in my true

concern my true that true loving feelings, if I pivot from there. That's, it's something only I can do because, you know, in our first seven years, we pick up a lot of habits and attitudes and concepts from our environment or those who raised us. And, you know, when those fears move in, usually there's a there's a concept there that I picked up from one of my parents, but you know, you

Have you ever noticed that you can tell people what's wrong with them, but they never get it. It's only until they have that big aha moment and they go, I realize now, you know, and you'll, you'll, you'll think to yourself, I know I've done that. I'm wow, I mean, like, that's been obvious for years. You finally realized that, you know, so, but that's how spiritual growth works. It's like, no one can do it for us. We have to do it ourselves. And of course we have systems in our society to keep us all secure.

And we have rules and regulations that help us all thrive in an environment because we need each other to share with. You know, we say as a soul, I come in alone and I go out alone, but I need other people to bounce ideas off and share so that I can grow spiritually. you know, so that greater awareness doesn't come from someone telling me, it comes from me going, aha, that's what I found. And I think most of us would.

agree, you know, it's like when you try to tell your kids not to do something stupid, and they do it anyway, and then they finally come back to you some years later and go, you know, you were right, that was really stupid, or us doing that to our parents. Yeah. Oh, did we do that? Yes, we did. We have our learning experiences. So, yeah, well, one thing recently that I was reading in one of the books we have is about, which is a key word is patience. So it was really in regards to when I have patience for myself,

then I can have patience with what's going on around me. And I feel that's a really biggie right now because I feel that a lot of people and I'll be, I'm guilty of this myself of not having patience. And so the times I've not, it's not had patients like I get, you know, stirred up inside and I get the fear from the anxiety and all the things that we're talking about as far as, know, what's, what are the, you know, outlying, pressures and, words that people put to how they're feeling. Right. So,

Experiencing that patience also allows me to relax with myself and then I can relax with where other people are at and so that when I read that this week in one of our books we have I I Really really took me to a different place because I'm like, yeah again, like you're saying Tom it all starts with me So, you know outside of us we've got all these people sharing things and ways to do stuff and how to move and etc etc, but until I'm ready

And until my and my soul and to until I've gone to a know, grown some of whatever I'm experiencing, I may not be ready to for that patience. But so that was really big. So what how do you experience? Well, anytime something rattles my cage, I know there's a concept there, you might say. And so that's what I mean about these habits and attitudes or these blocks, blockages, sometimes we refer to them, fears that come up. And what I noticed in society is we look

we have these little addictions, these little sweet addictions. And lately, the key one is, you know, getting on the phone, right? And getting a little dopamine hit from somebody liking, you know, something on social media and that kind of thing, or looking for the latest YouTube video on the latest news of the latest situation with whatever's going on. And, you know, I noticed there's times when I feel that fear, you know, that

that keeps me from being in my true feeling. I heard, I heard a interesting, a great way of putting it through.

you know, guy that shares a lot on YouTube. And he said, you know, he has a lot of spiritual training, you might say. And he said, you know, fear, talking about people being manipulated, you know, fear manipulates people. And, you know, it can be fear can be overpowering, not only overpower your intellect, but also your your feelings, you know, and I took that like, that's so true, because

there's been times when I've gotten anxious about something. you know, typically it's usually comparing myself to other situations or I get too little too caught up in the competition. And, you know, I think competition is a good thing because it helps me excel or bring out the best of myself, you know, within service. But at times it can be, you know, over the out of balance over the top.

So that fear, you know, can really cloud my true feelings. And that's so as I said earlier, you know, there's all times where we're like, we're in sync, we're flowing, we're in balance, things fall into place. And then there's times when they don't. And there's that fear that anxiety or like you were saying, living in the past, and then worrying about the future and living in the past and the guilt there and then the future and instead of just being in the now.

Well, really, the now is all we've got. But why would one want to start knowing about being psychic or their spiritual part is because this is who we really are. We're here to learn and grow. We are meant to have a good time doing it for the most part, it's meant fulfillment is there. And so but I found in life, I guess this is a big key point is that it's kind of a never unending thing. You know, I

Here I am at this stage of my life after decades of being involved in spiritual work, because it's more of a way of a life. It's a way of moving through all the changes because come in full circle, every decade, if you look at the 20th century and the last two decades of this century, you know, weird stuff is big challenges for society and the environment have been going on every time every decade. And in some ways, you love to say

We got a better than we ever had it, you know? absolutely. Not only for like, you know, our comforts of, you know, be living in a house that has a toilet and running water and heat and, know, looking back at the old the older generations, like you said, the, know, like 1920s and 1910s and 1900, you know, where there were no roads and yeah, they had to have ice in the house to get something cold. And so, yeah, so the comforts for one thing, but then also as far as our spiritual part and

And even our intellect, look, look how far we've come with, you know, our ability, like, you know, to reach you guys out there with this, you know, podcast and, and other means of really getting out into the world and, and, you know, connecting with one another in places that we would have never had, you know, even 30 or 40 years ago, because everything is going so fast and we've really expanded our intellect and also our spiritual part, the material and the spiritual. So I really want to touch a moment on the fear that you mentioned.

because I feel that's a really big one because I've recognized that for when I've worked with people and not like in different situations where when they when the fear comes in, there's no there's no talking to them any longer. I really recognize there's there's for myself. I mean, if I did, it would be a fight. So there's and I have fought in the past, right? So I've gotten caught in that in the past, but in the last good at it too.

And last, you know, five to seven years, I've been able to recognize that, you know, that there's no reason to go into that fear into that, you know, that area with someone if because there's no there's just no backing out once that fear hits and gets in there. It doesn't there's no, you know, that it's really interesting because more and more, I'm hearing even, you know, people that aren't so quote, spiritual, you know, more conservative or more religious.

say things like, wow, you know, people just believe what they want to believe. And I find that to be so true, when I'm ready to believe something else, I'll shift my belief. But, you know, we, a lot of times, those beliefs are okay, in the sense that it's a crutch, you know, and never kick somebody's crutch out from under them until they're ready to replace it with something else until they've sort of internally. So, I mean, you know, that

to get straight to it when I work with my sensitivity and out of that positive loving vibration, when I work with my true feelings as my pivot point, and I recheck with my guidance and I get clarification from spiritual helpers or angels that have already been through what I've been through, then life's a lot easier, it's a lot smoother and I can move past the noise and the chaos and really accomplish what I need to do.

And then, you know, sometimes it's just being of service, it's helping other people, it's, you know, we've been sharing a lot of stories on that other podcasts that we do the spiritual perspective discerning news of just how simple it is when people follow their, their heart, their true feelings, religion calls it the heart, you know, psychologists might call it the subconscious. And, scientists might call the intellect, you know, the intellect, right, or

but religion calls it the head. So we call it true feelings and intellect and being in balance is a big key. Yeah. I guess, you know, we're, we're let's full circle this right. So full circle first full circle. Let's round this up. So I guess where we want to take this with is just recognizing listeners that wherever you're at on your, in your journey and whatever you're surrounded by, or you're engaged in on a daily basis.

recognizing that to tap into that spiritual side of you, the unseen parts of you, your intuition, working with your guidance, cleansing your energy field can make can shift some things perhaps for you and also recognizing and not judging others on where they're at because we've all made these decisions to be right here right now in this moment in time. It having these experiences. So really celebrating where you're at and also celebrating where other people are at. think it's a great point, you know, to

remind ourselves and I love it when you say it, you know, everybody chose to be here at this particular time that's here. Absolutely. And there's a reason for it. And it's because of that, the spiritual growth that's that comes from it. So how do I transform my living and my experience of life? You know, religions have some great platitudes like love your neighbor or, you know, help others and that kind of thing.

But like you said, if it doesn't start with me, I want to get back to that. It starts with you that that's how you can live all those those ideas because it flows naturally. Absolutely. So cheers to wherever you're at in your journey. And we want to take a moment and just thank you so much for listening to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual. And until next time, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your

Unique Journey.