Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

SURRENDER and Embrace JOY Navigating the Energies of March 2025

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 5 Episode 27

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"Have loose plans but strong intentions."  TNT SpiritWorks and Chiron Yeng explore the astrological along with the energy bands and themes for March 2025, reflecting on the previous month and discussing the significance of various transits. They emphasize the importance of surrendering control, embracing joy, and the interconnectedness of relationships. The discussion highlights key astrological events, including the new moon, Venus retrograde, and the lunar eclipse, and how these energies influence personal growth and spiritual awakening. The conversation concludes with insights on the importance of being adaptable and open to change as we move through the month.

Grab the FREE Energy Calendar HERE!

Find our more about Chiron Yeng's offers HERE!


February was a month of seeking and surrendering.

Joy is a state of being, not an outcome.

Life is about adapting to change, not seeking comfort.

Truth is intrinsic and needs no validation.

Friendship can reveal deeper truths about ourselves.

Astrological transits influence our personal and collective experiences.

The lunar eclipse signifies a time for reflection and discernment.

Service to others is a key aspect of our purpose.

March's energy encourages resolve and new beginnings.

Eclipses bring major upheavals and opportunities for growth.

Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!

Ready to FEEL more FREEDOM within? Access the FREE video series created by The Wayshowers College here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
Here we are everyone a new month ahead and saying goodbye to another month. And I'm here excited because I'm here excited. I am excited because Chiron Yang is in the house. Welcome Chiron.

Chiron Yeng (00:13)
Hi, thanks for having me again.

TNT SpiritWorks (00:15)
Absolutely. So it's the end of my day, the beginning of your morning. yeah, so it's going to be a really fun episode. And we had a little, a little challenge with our timing. So I think it's a little indication of, some energies we're going to be sharing about coming into March and some new things that are shifting and moving around, right?

Chiron Yeng (00:34)
Yeah, completely. mean, lot of planets are going to the sign of Pisces and sometimes there are things that is beyond our control and beyond our understanding that is entering our human experience right now. And not just going with the flow because there is some level of adaptability and that needs to be there. It's a co-creation moment.

TNT SpiritWorks (00:55)
Right. And so what we'd like to do in this episode, and I'll just share in case this is your first time watching this episode or listening on the audio. This is an episode where I share about an energy calendar that Tom and I work with through the Wayshower College. And it has different types of energies that flow throughout the days of the month. And I'll be sharing that. also you can gather a copy for yourself at the bottom of this show notes. You can get your free copy of the month. so you can...

get it and actually what I do is I mark along. Matter of fact, I'm gonna get out my my pen right now and mark along as Chiron shares what astrological transits are happening throughout the month. So it's a really powerful episode and actually my favorite episode of the month because it really gives an indication of what energies are going to be moving in and out and what transits are we going to be working with. And it's a really good collaboration that we've noticed the last couple months we've been doing this, I guess about maybe five or six months now we've been doing this.

Chiron Yeng (01:51)
I think so,

TNT SpiritWorks (01:52)
Yeah, so that's the really cool thing I think about is that we really recognize that there is definitely, in the different variations of things we work with, this calendar and then also astrology, that it all comes together in a really cool way, right, Chiron?

Chiron Yeng (02:08)

TNT SpiritWorks (02:09)
Completely. So what

we usually do is go back to the month we're exiting, which is February, and we kind of just regroup a little bit about what we noticed for that month and the energy. So the energy or the keyword of last month was seek, S-E-E-K. And so would you like to share anything that stood out to you for experiences or any energy stuff that happened for you during the month?

Chiron Yeng (02:35)
It was a game changer month for me personally. I'm humbled by Life, you know, I mean as an entrepreneur as a business owner and someone who had a chronic health condition to juggle It's always unpredictable but this month is especially unpredictable for me because like I had some really bad health scare I won't say health scare like I have to go to the hospital and stuff like that, but it's more like

the chronic inflammation got so bad and I did everything that I knew that supposed to work did not work. And because of that, I am humbled by the fact that I have no control over my business or my health. And that's scary for anybody who is in the same position. And that showed me that there are blind spots. And one of the blind spots that I've discovered for myself is this feeling of like, wait a minute.

my life, my health, my business is not under my control whatsoever. Never. It has never been. And this is where the letting go, I think it's like a precursor, like a prologue to what's coming in March. Because there's a lot of surrendering, riding the wave and recalling the simplicity of life. So one of the greatest insights that I have is, yeah, you know, we can work towards something, plan it out, figure it out, hustle it out, make it work.

TNT SpiritWorks (03:49)

Chiron Yeng (04:02)
Sometimes we need to be in that zone, in that level of intensity. But at the end of the day, if you're not enjoying what you do, you're not going to sustain what you're doing. You're not going to enjoy the life that you're going to be building. So I've learned the hard lesson. And one of the recent questions I keep asking myself, OK, I'm in this situation right now. How can I love this? How can I have more joy in the moment? Because joy is not something you attain. It's not an outcome. It's a state of being. It's a state of.

consciousness that you can tap into and to me how I get there is gratitude.

TNT SpiritWorks (04:37)
lovely and what a powerful month and so for myself it was definitely a month of exposing things at a deeper level and I'll say that in a way of my sensitivity so I recognize and recognize this in others also that there was definitely a an up I want to say like a leveling up and so for myself I recognize that it was almost like

like as if tearing the bandages off of my sensitivity. so I became, I am now at this point I'll say I became, am still in the process of feeling more in the sense of energy energies, also smells. I became so heightened and so sensitive this month that at some point it was almost unbearable, honestly. And so I recognize, and I want to say the word humble like you too, Chiron, because I recognize that

It brought forth in myself a humbling for my journey, but also a humbling for many of the millions of people that don't know anything about this part of them and the recognition that how sensitive we all are as souls and physical bodies and that being affected by the sense, all the senses that we all, you know, go through and endure every day. So that was really my big

exploration during this month and it was it was very challenging at times because again, I I didn't know what to do with this fact that I could smell on a level that I was being energy, you know felt the energy on a level that I had never felt before. So that that's that's what I experienced and that was interesting the word seek so it was kind of like, you know seeking okay. What do I do with all this now? And I had to really work out you know how to work with it.

Chiron Yeng (06:25)

Exactly, right. I mean, this is the magic, I guess, or the lesson of the Mars retrograde. In the last two weeks of February, was really that Mars is slowing down to station. And no matter how much we try to push to make something happen according to our plans, we just don't have that energy. And I know for a fact so many people are burnt out, have some health scare, have somebody to take care of.

Like my dad had a panic attack. know, are things like stuff like that is beyond understanding that we need to attend to and really depends, you know, where this shows up in our chart and how it shows up. the fact that Mars is in cancer is emotional. Right? We talk about how there's a lot of water energy coming into this year and it's going to be more of that in March. And like you mentioned about how boundaries gets dissolved.

how our sensitivity gets heightened. And the reason why it gets heightened is so that we can remember the interconnectedness between each other. That beyond what we see in terms of our color, terms of our belief, in terms of our culture, in terms of light, anything that separates us, that sensitivity is an opening of a consciousness to remember that we are all one and we are interdependent with one another. So we have to remember that there's something bigger

beyond us, intelligence that knows how to take care of us. the funny thing, you know, in your situation is like, there's nothing for you to do or make it work. It's just letting go. And then the wisdom around that, and the wisdom around that will show when you let go.

TNT SpiritWorks (08:08)
That's all I could do.

Absolutely. It's

interesting you say about your dad having a panic attack because I there was a time where I took out this plastic we had a Valentine's Day party at my work and I took out this plastic tablecloth table cover and this the fume from it almost sent me to the hospital. The fumes because it was so toxic and I was like holy crap and that also made me think about all the times where

you know, we're just in this toxic world and how to work with it. was, yeah, there were just so many moments like that. And there were other ones too that weren't maybe as intense as that, but there were definitely intensity of the month of February. yeah, so, okay. Well, so we should we buckle up for March?

Chiron Yeng (08:53)


yeah, the intensity is not going away. It really depends on how well you learn certain lessons and how well you integrating the energy. Because when you don't, then you're just unconscious and you're just going to a place of autopilot. It's easy to just go into a place of fear, fight and freeze with these energies and feeling overwhelmed or being, you know, taken away by life. But the thing is that there's wisdom to all of this and

TNT SpiritWorks (09:02)

Chiron Yeng (09:29)
You know, like the raging river, if you try to swim against it, at some point, it's not that the river drowned you, it's that you swimming in the opposite direction that drowned you. That's what it's gonna feel like.

TNT SpiritWorks (09:40)
Right, exactly.

Exactly. let's start. always start with what's the key like concept or influencing energy of this month. So for March, it's the keyword of resolve.

Resolve and I have a dictionary a little word of what it is resolve is to settle or find a solution to such as a problem dispute or contentious matter or also decide firmly on a course of action and Like like a sentence is she resolved to call Dana as soon as she got home and the keywords for this coming month is form commit pure intrepid and present

resolve. What does resolve mean to you, Chiron?

Chiron Yeng (10:33)
See, we all have a calling, And there's a quote that I share very often in my work and it goes like this. If you have a heart, you have a purpose. If you have a purpose, you have a calling. Then if you have a calling, you have a desire desiring you. Right? And the fact that we have a heart and we are here to live our life and we exist, that means the universe, our life, needs us.

there's inherent value and worth in you, in us that we don't know or we have not discovered yet, especially for a lot of us. But if you are someone who have discovered your desire or your calling, the resolve is that, is to be more of you. And what I love about what's coming up is this integration, and for lack of a word, but also kind of synchronistic, is actually dissolving

your old identity and resolve towards your soul's true nature is what's happening and what's going on. think the energies is here to show us more layers of that, to really uncover those lies and remember a deeper truth that has been there all along.

TNT SpiritWorks (11:52)
Wow, interesting, because as you're saying that I not only resonate with that as far as personally, but I'm also feeling into like what's the collective energies around the world that right now is resolving, like you said, truths, resolving where things are at, resolving how to move forward in this realm that we're in where it's just it's constant change, right?

Chiron Yeng (12:16)
Constant change, constant evolution, and that is the only permanent thing in life. And we as the subjects of life has to adapt to it, not the other way around.

TNT SpiritWorks (12:29)
Exactly. So moving into the first part of the month, what's the one of the first big transits coming or is it full moon, new moon?

Chiron Yeng (12:38)
New moon in the first actually at the end of February 28 is the new moon, right? But the energy will definitely Sprinkle through and I just sprinkle is a lot of energy going to first of March and the second of March So what we have a new moon in Pisces and basically that is as well You know Close enough to be the beginning of an eclipse as of a solar eclipse We won't we won't be able to see it

But we can definitely feel it, right? If not, you know, in the late February, I'm sure so many of us have been feeling it, like your story, my story, that we've been sharing, that things are getting out of control. And then what happens after that is very interestingly, the next day on the 2nd of March, Venus goes retrograde in Aries. You you're just like, I'm gonna move forward. Nah, I'm gonna move back, right? And then at the same time, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries.

Now what does that all mean?

Now, usually, New Moon's a time where,

It's like starting from scratch. It's almost as if like, okay, you know what? Let's regroup. Let's look at what's our new direction. Because if we don't sit back, reflect about what our actions are producing and we're going, going, at some point we will feel like, wait a minute, I'm just going against myself. I don't really want this. And especially when Venus Go retrograde, we could feel like...

you know, maybe partnerships and relationships is not the thing or the people or the path that we want, right? So that might be a misalignment there. And this is a great time to really hold yourself back a little bit from making quick decisions and to review if the partnerships and relationships around our life is the actual dynamic that we want to have. And now with Mercury moving into Aries, we can be more upfront about our conversations. We can be more direct.

I'll say, you know, pay attention to how you communicate. And if a closure needs to happen, do it gracefully. And if, if not, you know, maybe as well, good things can happen in a way that we can read, we can move as a relationship, we can move towards a new direction that's more exciting and more amazing. Because sometimes when we want something, we might fear that someone don't want the same thing as this. And we hold ourselves back from that conversation.

And the funny thing is sometimes when you open up the conversation and then the other person go like, my God, I feel the same way too. Thanks for bringing it up. So sometimes we just need to take the courage and everybody's holding themselves back because they're afraid to trigger each other. But sometimes we just want the same thing and we don't even know that. But the risk is what if it's not the same? And then, and that's fine, right? And it's okay to go separate ways. But that's the thing. We are so afraid to bring up the truth.

TNT SpiritWorks (15:32)

Chiron Yeng (15:42)
and realign the values and even if you're in the same relationship for such a long time, sometimes it's good to reveal those conversations. Like, hey, know, back in the days you said you want this, is it still coherent to you? Because we change all the time, we evolve all the time, we sometimes will want different things at different phases of our life. And the point here is to listen to the deeper truths. And in the new moon, when Pi sees the energy, it's really welcoming us to be like...

What is the bigger picture in the grand scale of things? And the second question to that is like, you know, the work that you're doing, yeah, you you're building towards a beautiful dream, a great things and you're hustling it down and you're consistent, but is it bringing you joy? Is there simplicity to the complex projects and dreams that we're creating? Because if you're not happy with it, at some point, you know, that...

you're gonna self-sabotage because you're gonna hate it. And I've met a few people already telling me, hey, Kyron, I really love what I do, but I'm burning out. All right, let's look at it. It's a message. It's not like a problem to be fixed or to go back to business as usual. It's really like, what's going on? What's the message?

TNT SpiritWorks (17:00)
It's what I call recently, I said this, it's a coming to Jesus moment. Yeah, that's like that. Have you ever heard that phrase before? Yes, coming to Jesus, meaning like, you know, putting it all out in front of Jesus as a Christian, of course. And, you know, and like exposing yourself like, okay, it's coming to Jesus moment. And obviously I'm not very Christian, but it's just one of those statements that, you know, kind of flies around occasionally.

Chiron Yeng (17:04)
How many to Jesus' moment? Tell me more.


And I really like

that you mentioned that because if you don't expose it yourself, life is gonna expose it for you and when life does it for you, it's not really nice. It's like an abrupt and rude awakening in a way that's painful. And truth hurts, but in the end of the day, it liberates us. So you might as well proactively go towards it.

TNT SpiritWorks (17:44)
Right, exactly. And so for the first part of the month, the first to the third, we have what we call friendship energy. And this is a really this is a lighter energy. And I noticed for myself, whenever this energy comes on to the planet is that it, it lightens up a lot of things. So it's really interesting, you're talking about these really, you know, like a new moon and Venus going back to areas is like, that's some big stuff. so it kind of gives a feeling of like,

Chiron Yeng (17:52)

TNT SpiritWorks (18:12)
belonging and also, you know, there's feelings of being appreciated and really, you know, coming together with other people. But it's a real, it's a real light energy, which is interesting.

Chiron Yeng (18:25)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So usually there's like some keywords along with the main keyword of resolve. What are those keywords actually for the month?

TNT SpiritWorks (18:27)
to start the month with,

Yeah, the keyword is form, F-O-R-M, commit, pure, intrepid and present.

Chiron Yeng (18:38)
Right, right, you mentioned that.

Yeah, so what what came out for me is that when you say friendship energy is you know, it's the less likeness to it But what I love about the word friends and the true meaning of friends is that is the revelation of truth You know your friends are the most objective people in the world. At least they should be True friends i'm talking about true friends and and really true friends mirror back you know each other's bullshit and

because they are less emotionally attached to each other, it's easier to deliver those truths, right? And sometimes, you know, in the close relationships, like in family, we are just so biologically connected to each other that sometimes we just trigger each other before we can even listen to the truth. So friendship is definitely that spirit of like, hey, you know what? I would like a clear mirror right now. So who can I talk to? Who can I be with? And sometimes to me, those are

I'm my mentors, right? And, and you know, there's this whole thing about in the, in the whole personal growth industry. And to me, it's like kind of weird when they say, no, I'm not your friend. I'm your mentor and kind of thing. Right. And to me, I think mentors are your true friends. And I think what they mean about that quote is that I'm not here to please you. Which brings me to this understanding that our understanding of friendship is so skewed in the world today.

TNT SpiritWorks (20:12)

Chiron Yeng (20:13)
and we are here to please each other and I don't think that is serving anybody. So if we have friends, I think it's a time to have an awareness on who are you hanging out with? Are they bringing the best out of you or are they holding you back?

TNT SpiritWorks (20:31)
Absolutely. And I've noticed too lately that it's been also about the truth. Like you're saying, like, you know, can I really tell this person some deep things? Can I share with them what I'm really truly feeling inside? And that's, I guess, you know, that thing about really resolving to the truth of friendships and relationships that we're into. And I know this right now is a big thing with not only, you know, personal, but also like, you know, your business.

and also in the people you socialize with. So it really kind of hits all the different realms.

Chiron Yeng (21:05)
100%. Yeah.

TNT SpiritWorks (21:07)
So after the new moon and after Venus goes retrograde into Aries, what is the next thing on the agenda for the month?

Chiron Yeng (21:14)
I mean there's always agenda and a month in every single day, but I'm gonna go to the ones that is more strongly energetic. And the next one I see is on the 13th of March. There's a conjunction between the sun and Saturn. Talking about resolve, that energy is resolved, number one. And then number two, the next day on the 14th of March is when the lunar eclipse happens in Pisces and Virgo.

And Saturn is a key player in this, which means it's so amazing that the word is resolved because Saturn is what putting your foot down on something and saying this is like my boundaries, this is my standards, this is integrity. And I'm not gonna waver because this is how things work, right? Saturn, if you can think about it, it's like, okay, guess what? This is the rule of the game and this is how things are gonna go. And usually it's truth, right?

But of course, with our man-made interpretation of the truth or attempt to interpret it, we come out with our own truth that's convenient to us. Right? But in the sign of Pisces, it's like, you know, it's not up to you anymore. It's not your rules, right? It's natural law. It's universal laws that is actually governing everything. So for those of us who understand what those natural universal laws, if you know about it...

TNT SpiritWorks (22:30)

Chiron Yeng (22:43)
It's time to apply in your business. It's time to apply in your relationship. It's time to apply in every single thing that you do. Because if you're incoherent to that or you're blind to that, then there will be blind spots that it's going to be very costly and it's going to be painful. It's just what it is because Saturn in Pisces is calling for a realignment to life, to nature.

And this is why everything is so toxic. You mentioned toxicity and I myself have that own experience, right? I have my eyes were like red for like four, five days and then I couldn't sleep and because of like toxic food I was eating during Valentine's day as well. And so, so it's a big calling for humanity, like, you know, your company's policy, right? Your food business, everything.

TNT SpiritWorks (23:24)

Chiron Yeng (23:37)
Is it coherent? Is it ethical on the higher level that it promotes life rather than consuming life for your own benefit and for your own profit? Right? So businesses and you as a person, are you contributing to the circle of life or are you just really consuming with your addictive behaviors? And this is where Saturn says like, you know what?

there's no time to baby you anymore. You either experience something like a health crisis, a relationship crisis, a money crisis. Again, it depends where your chart is and what distinct hits in your chart. But the point is that it's time to realign your actions, right? Stop being a baby. Stop seeking comfort and convenience as a way of life because life is not about comfort or convenience. We are made to do hard things and adapt to life so that we can be more creative and we can evolve.

towards our greatest potential. So this is the calling and the moon in Virgo is telling us, you know what, stop thinking and dreaming about life. Start to put those things down, first of all, in paper, plan and strategize, then uplevel your skills, develop your capabilities, and make it work. Because, remember, you have a calling. There's a desire desiring you.

And for those of us who have been putting the work down, this is amazing time because this is where manifestation happens. The Saturn is like, yup, I see you, you're recognized, it's time for you to be elevated. People come to you, you get known, and in Pisces energy, it's like you can be swept away by life so suddenly and so quickly, and on top of that, it's eclipse. There's a divine intervention coming in, and you might be elevated.

a new position of leadership or a new position of recognition so much that it becomes a new normal and you don't have time to get ready for it. It's like here comes the baby and here's like they'll deal with it.

TNT SpiritWorks (25:43)
Do you by any chance know what degree the Pisces, the moon's at?

Chiron Yeng (25:48)

TNT SpiritWorks (25:51)
24. Okay, so this will be hitting my Pluto on my Yeah, yeah

Chiron Yeng (25:54)
Yes, you're mid heaven in your IC, right? So I

assume that there will be a lot of like work development going on for you. Leadership development, business development that could bring you to the next level. again, it really depends on the intentionality around things. That being said, watch out for your health, watch out for your daily life routines, and check in with yourself. Do you even enjoy the work that you do?

Because if you don't, then it's gonna like, despite the promotion, it's gonna be an add-on burden.

TNT SpiritWorks (26:33)
Right. Well, I'll just share with you what energies will be feeling those days. So the 10th through the 13th is direction energy. And that's an energy where you kind of focus on like what direction you're going, where you're going. And it's a time that you can like sense ahead at what's coming and where, where like the energy is flowing into. And then the 14th to the 16th is what we call orientation energy. Just like it sounds new.

getting the facts, knowing where you're going, a feeling of newness. So it's interesting that, you know, the 13th and stepping into the 14th into orientation with that lunar eclipse, where what I hear you saying is that there's going to be a lot of opportunities to really amplify the things you might really desire and what you're really here to do.

Chiron Yeng (27:22)
Yeah, mean, Full Moon is a feedback time, right? It's a manifestation time. when the outcome shows, like, and it's your choice to have that discernment. And Virgo is discernment. Moon in Virgo is discernment. What shall I turn on so that I can have more of this and what things need to go? Right? We are so focused. Sometimes we want to build a dream or whatever. We're so focused on the desire and we think it's all about accumulation. But sometimes it's really all about removing things that is not...

coherent anymore, right? So that we don't have priorities anymore, but just have a priority. Because there's no such thing as a plural priority, otherwise it wouldn't be a priority anymore. Just like you can't have more than one number ones. There's only one one. Right? Yeah, and it's interesting that, you know, I forgot to mention as well on 15th March that Mercury is going backwards from Aries to Pisces.

TNT SpiritWorks (28:11)
That's it, one.

Chiron Yeng (28:21)
So it's Mercury retrograde season as well.

TNT SpiritWorks (28:26)
Holy crap.

Chiron Yeng (28:27)

holy crap, right? You have the eclipse, have retrograde Venus, you have retrograde Mercury, you have all these planets hanging out in Pisces. Guess what? There's a bigger plan. So this full moon, I'm glad that you say reorientation. I'm saying this again, it's not up to you. Your life is not up to you. Your life is not yours even. It's borrowed experience from the universe. And we need to...

TNT SpiritWorks (28:29)

Chiron Yeng (28:55)
It's really harsh to say this, but by divine law, you are obliged to give back to life. Not that the universe was going to make you, but if you don't do it, you're basically destroying yourself because your nature is to give life something. You're not here to consume life. It's your design to figure out what's that authentic

You need give inside of you to share. if you don't, something is going to happen and it's going to wake you up. And so, so yeah, not forced, but you're obliged to. Yeah.

TNT SpiritWorks (29:35)
Being of service, right?

Yeah, what's your service?

Wow. So after that, which is a pretty kick ass middle of the month, what's the next on the, on the agenda.

Chiron Yeng (29:50)
On 20th of March, we have a San-Kanjang Neptune in Pisces.

TNT SpiritWorks (29:56)
Holy crap.

Chiron Yeng (29:57)
That amplifies all the other themes that we have spoke about. But this is also a time of like a spiritual awakening and illumination of truth perhaps. And sometimes it also shows us where we are addicted, where we are blind. So, you know, in Pisces, I'm going to quote Maurice on this because he's my astrology mentor. says that, you know, Pisces is basically the end of hope.

and the beginning of and truth is not something that is defined by anyone or anything. can, as far as we are human, we can attempt to define what that truth is.

But truth is basically this feeling of like, my god, it just is. There's no other stories to it. There's no other evidence to prove it because truth needs no proving. And sometimes you can be the only one who knows your own truth and nobody can understand that. And yet you are called to go forward with that no matter what. So there's a lot of surrendering, a lot of trust and that needs to happen.

So I'll say that this is why spiritual practices are needed, or at least any contemplative practices are needed, so you don't get lost in opinions, comments, judgments, criticism, praises, even of other people to guide your actions, but to connect to your heart that intrinsically know what that is for you, and follow that no matter what.

TNT SpiritWorks (31:32)
The 17th of the 20th that we're back again in friendship energy

Chiron Yeng (31:37)
Friendship we've got now.

TNT SpiritWorks (31:39)
There you go. Friendship with God. I'm trying to think March. Is that when we have the is that the change of season two or is it April?

Chiron Yeng (31:46)

Equinox, yes, it's March. On the 22nd. 20th. It's on the 21st, yeah. It's on the 21st. And I should mention as well, the conjunction with Neptune is at a critical degree of Pisces. It's a 29 degree of Pisces. So I'm gonna add that there's gonna be a lot of completion, a lot of endings, really. And the things that you think you want are supposed to be...

TNT SpiritWorks (31:49)
Holy crap, is it 21st?

math degree.

Chiron Yeng (32:13)
it's gonna just dissolve, right? So life is not gonna show up the way you expect, it's gonna show up the way it is. So the whole thing about radical acceptance and taking full responsibility rather than being a victim of the circumstances is how you move through it. To look at the gratitude in it, the wisdom in it. And I think there's a prayer in Christianity called the serenity prayer, right?

give me wisdom to change what I need to change and I forgot the other word or the grace to move through everything and gracefully, right? So you change what you can by the things that you can't let go.

TNT SpiritWorks (32:47)
Something like that, yeah.

Seems like that's what the whole month's about, resolving to let go.

Chiron Yeng (32:58)
Yeah, and it's gonna be like a mini-death and many rebirth moments for a lot of us. I just had mine.

TNT SpiritWorks (33:06)
Mine's working. I'm working on mine.

Chiron Yeng (33:06)
I mean, in February. Yeah,

I had mine in February.

TNT SpiritWorks (33:10)
Yeah, yeah, it feels big and it feels and you know being out amongst the the workforce again and out in the world I'm really recognizing that a lot of people I'm seeing are going through things right now. They're death and birth especially death.

Chiron Yeng (33:25)


TNT SpiritWorks (33:29)

Chiron Yeng (33:30)
And then moving on, 22nd March, another transit. Sun, Kunjang, Venus in Aries, on the second degree of Aries. And that's huge. That's another big energy.

TNT SpiritWorks (33:33)

Wow, yeah, that's not so like, you know, back in, oh, was it 2020 when Venus transited the sun? That's not the same type of thing, right?

Chiron Yeng (33:52)
Well, Venus and Sun conjunct in five different areas of the astrological chart, right? And this is called the Venus star point, right? And it's a huge energy and activation because the Sun is about the heart. The Venus is about love. And right before that Sun was touching Neptune, it's about unconditional love. So love can be soft, beautiful, and blissful, but at same time it is wrathful. It's fierce.

TNT SpiritWorks (34:01)

Chiron Yeng (34:21)
It's like no bullshit. And this is where, you know, relationships fall apart and relationships come together. And I'll say that it's like a reshuffling of everything. It's almost like we're going to be washed over by huge energy so that the truth and the authentic expression of who we are can show up.

TNT SpiritWorks (34:42)
Wow. And on the 21st and 22nd and 23rd is regrouping energy. And that's to me, it's always that's kind of an energy of like, you know, really taking stock of where you're at and what's going on. about especially your experiences and the way that you might be moving through life. So that'll be interesting time to have all of that going on during regrouping, because it's also a time when it's a lower like like action energy is faster energy. This is a more slower energy. So it's really

Chiron Yeng (34:48)
He he.

TNT SpiritWorks (35:12)
going inward.

Chiron Yeng (35:13)
Yeah, I mean the fact that there's so much going on in the past week of eclipses and all these different activations that's happening, it's nice to have that regroup. And on the 24th and then on the 24th of March, sun is going to conjunct Mercury in Aries. And Mercury rules our mind and that can be an aha moment for all of us. Maybe a replanning.

TNT SpiritWorks (35:22)

Chiron Yeng (35:37)
based on the integration of the big experiences that we have in the 20th and the 21st to the 23rd. So what I'm saying is that, you know, that we need time for contemplation in March. We need space and silence at the same time. Be ready to act. Be ready to move. It's more being receptivity energy. And what I mean by receptive, I'm not saying passive. I'm saying that you adapt, you improvise, you dance with life.

And I don't know how many of us have experienced, you know, partner dancing and things like that. You're not in control, but at the same time, you are contributing to it. It's a back and forth energy. it's dancing with life, it's dancing with the universe, it's a partnership. Because on the 27th of March, right, Venus is going to go back to Pisces, it's going to conjunct Neptune at the 29, 28 degrees, 29 degrees of Pisces. We can feel the love and the grace.

TNT SpiritWorks (36:16)

Chiron Yeng (36:37)
all that we have been through. It's perspective moment. It goes like, I know why the pain has to happen. I know why certain things need to leave. I know why I have to break down before I can have my breakthrough. Because at that time as well, Mars is going to square Chiron in Aries. And that square, the tight square is also saying that it's healing time. Pick up your pieces. Don't cry over spilled milk, but let's see what you can do with the broken thing. Because essentially,

Our heart is meant to be broken so that light can enter so that we can remember the truth of who we are and we can truly live the life of freedom that we call for. All of this, this experience is part of it.

TNT SpiritWorks (37:21)
It's the part of the recipe, right? Part of it. Wow, what a month. you know, like I started with the conversation today saying that, you know, to make sure you get your get your copy of the of the energy calendar, because this is what mine looks like at the end. If you if you're watching on YouTube, that's what mine looks like at the end of every month. I've got notes everywhere. And last month I went through we were going through some big things around the 10th. And I'm like, look at this, Tom. He's like, holy crap. So

Chiron Yeng (37:24)
part of it. Yeah.

That's insane.

TNT SpiritWorks (37:50)
It's so good just to reflect back as some of these key points of wisdom and insights that you give us and that are on the calendar. So, wow, powerful months. So, any final words on this one? Yes, absolutely, absolutely. no, new moon, okay. okay.

Chiron Yeng (38:00)

Can I add one more thing? Yeah, I do, I do. Cause the new release on the 29th of March.

Sun, and Aries.

And this is an eclipse by the way. A partial solar eclipse. Again, I don't think it's that visible but the effects of it is there. So we're entering an eclipse season. It's gonna be about six to eight weeks of energy that is just gonna a major upheaval in all of our lives. So have loose plans but have strong intentions.

TNT SpiritWorks (38:16)

Chiron Yeng (38:38)
and basically towards the end of March, the sun, moon and Aries is like, okay, I'm ready to begin anew. Let's get things going. And I think it's gonna be a very powerful time moving forward by the end of March.

TNT SpiritWorks (38:54)
It feels like it's me. And so just, I know I always like to end too, with a little, a little snippet of what's April going to be like, so, man, hold on. You're not being connected. Recorded. Hold up. Damn. Okay. let me,

Well, unfortunately, I lost Kyron and didn't recognize it until the very next day when I went to have my editor process the video. So and the audio. So I hope that you enjoyed this episode and I thank Kyron for coming on today. It's very challenging. The Internet in Malaysia doesn't work as well as the Internet in America. So, you know, cheers to him coming on and sharing with us in the time he can have. And then the

internet how it works. we will just honor that that was the right place to stop and that you got the insights and the wisdom and the energies of what's coming for March. So with that intact, I want to say thanks again for listening in. I want to also share that if you are interested in gathering some more insights for yourself astrologically or how to move forward as a heart centered leader in this world.

please check out the link below for kyronying.com. I'll have the link for Kyron. He's got some wonderful master classes that are free. He's got some events that you can attend and he is, can attest a dynamic soul because I've also worked with him for the last couple of years. So with all of that, again, thank you for wherever you're at in the world, whatever you're doing moving into March. I hope that you have a fabulous month. Looking forward to sharing more of what's coming.

in the next few months with Chiron back, I'm sure again. until then, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.