Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Ready to move away from woo-woo and start making spirituality practical? That is exactly what happens here! In this podcast, we focus on fostering trust with our intuition, engaging in uplifting conversations, and offering spiritual guidance that’s grounded in practical wisdom. We dive deep into strategies and tips to help you use your spiritual gifts to guide your personal and professional life. It’s a space where you can explore how to connect with your intuition and use spiritual tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How to trust when those hunches, insights and impressions happen.
- How to manage your sensitivities when others around you don’t understand you.
- How to connect with your team of spiritual helpers to support and back you.
- How to decrease the overwhelm and start feeling more secure energetically.
- How to navigate through situations using your inner wisdom.
- How to work with your sensitivities in your 9 to 5.
- How to gather your own insights and be your own best guru.
- And more!!!!!
Join in for weekly conversations that will reveal spiritual perspectives in a whole new light.
Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
The Power of Spiritual Boundaries-Purposeful Evolution
"The B word is boundaries. I don't have to take it all on board."
In this episode, the hosts delve into clear boundaries, exploring their significance in personal and spiritual growth. They discuss the importance of understanding one's sensitivity and how it relates to setting one's internal boundaries. They emphasizes the role of trust in intuition and the necessity of cleansing techniques to maintain a clear vibration for mental health. The hosts share personal experiences and insights.
- Boundaries are essential for emotional and spiritual well-being.
- Sensitivity without discernment can lead to insecurity if not managed properly.
- Cleansing techniques help maintain personal energy.
- Accepting your intuition is crucial for setting boundaries.
- Understanding the four W's helps in discerning feelings.
- Your Spiritual Helpers can guide you in your journey.
- Involvement with others will enhance personal growth.
- It's important to recognize what feelings belong to you.
- Setting boundaries allows for healthier personal relationships.
Check out the cleansing video on our YouTube channel here
Life is about being enthusiastic about your unique journey.
Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!
Ready to FEEL more FREEDOM within? Access the FREE video series created by The Wayshowers College here!
Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
Lately there seems to have been a lot more energy that for myself has made things more clear. And so in this episode, I want to chat a bit about a B word. Do know what that B word might be Tom? A B word. Ooh, there's a few B words that I know. It's the word that I've seen people talk about on social media. I see people reading books about, and the B word is boundaries. Wow. Boundaries.
Yeah, it's something that I've noticed a lot of people are really some people are doing masterclasses about it. Like I said, I've seen people reading books about it. And so I thought it would be a good topic this week to kind of tune into why is there so many people and so many things about boundaries at this moment? You know, I've noticed the same thing. It seems to be a word that's in the ether right now. It really is. Yeah. And I'm glad that you brought it up because you got me thinking about it.
or reflecting with my guidance, my true feelings. And it's important that I have boundaries so that I can stay in my true feelings. And my true feelings are that good, kind, loving, sharing part of me. The language of spirit is through my feelings. And I think a lot of people take an intellectual approach to boundaries. And that's...
what came to me when we were talking. wonder what else I'm going to hear from spirit as you share. for myself, the interesting part that I recognize in there were times when I also was looking for boundaries, right? I was always like, well, I can't be around that person because I can feel them and their energy and, that kind of BS, right? Which it all stems back to what my, what I understand now about myself and who I am as a spiritual being is that
what I'm going through inside and my insecurities or my securities, I'm reflecting out to others. So if I'm going like, hey, I'm not gonna be around that person because of their issues, well, that's also my issues. So it feels to me like in this timeframe that we're in right now, which there's a lot of shifting, a lot of changing in everything. And if you guys live in America,
with the new administration and the old that have just left, like there's like everything is coming up to the top of the, I'll say the cauldron, right? It's like everything's boiling up. And so there's a lot of feeling of insecurity, especially if you don't understand about working with this, this sensitivities you have as a spiritual as your spiritual part. Yeah. What struck me was, you know, there's an intellectual approach. There's the more balanced approach to boundaries.
And, I love what you just shared because what that means to me or what you helped me remember is that, know, it's important that I decide what I allow myself to indulge in, terms of the emotional feelings. So, if a soul is sensitive, if a person's very sensitive and they're, tune into, they feel a lot of the thoughts and feelings that are in the environment, you know, they can get really self protective and they kind of closed down.
And one thing that always strikes me is it's easy to feel great when there's nobody around. You know, if I'm a monk sitting on the hill and I'm just meditating all day, there's no one there to bother me. And you'll often hear people say things like that, you know, like, I'm so glad that, you know, they went to work today because now I'm alone in my house and I'm so glad that the kids are off at school. So,
You know, that's okay. I mean, there's nothing wrong with looking for some space for you to, or myself to, you know, tend to do, how do I feel? So what do you think about that? Well, what I think about that and what comes up is that I've noticed lately, especially, you know, I went back to work and so I'm around a lot of different people. And also with Tom's band, you know, he has gigs all the time. occasionally once or twice a month, I'll hang out with some of them and
And so I've really recognized, especially from the last couple of years with COVID and the isolation, how many people are still in that mode? Even one- Well said, yeah, I've run across that myself. Yeah, even one gentleman I came across recently, he said his wife really hasn't come out of house since COVID. Like, oh my God. So the isolation, the-
insecurity, the fear, the anxiety, and you know, I still see that too, when I go out and amongst, you know, like shopping places where people are still masked up. And, and of course, they might be sick, and you know, if they're sick, that's, that's fine. If that's what they want to do. But there's also the reality of, you know, like continuing on that, the inability to connect with other people and have a mask on. So that's something that comes to mind about, about that. what strikes me
when you share about that is how I've had that recent experience where, you know, yesterday I had a gig and I'm a little bit under the weather. have the, what the normal virus it's, you know, traveling around. It's, you know, seems to have come and gone and I feel pretty good, but I could have easily, you know, stayed home last night and watch some TV, you know, sitting next to you and so forth. So
But when I got to the gig, the energy of being out and involved with people was really apparent to me and how great I felt. And it was a great gig. You know, there was a great crowd and we played well and I was playing with wonderful musicians and you know, I pinched myself that I get that opportunity. But the key word for me is that involvement. So how do I stay involved and not turn into a recluse, you know, in a sense spiritually, you know, that I'm still out in active.
I guess you're going to talk about it because it's boundaries is knowing where I begin and end and what I'm going to accept. You know, if I'm feeling a bit nervous, you know, I noticed even in, it's funny, you brought this up in the band last night. You know, we had a, a fellow sit in with us that we play with every so often, but we've only, I haven't played with him for about a year and I could feel his insecurity. At first I thought it was me, you know, that
Somehow I don't know how the song goes or how they're going to interpret this, you know, popular song. And I realized as I'm sitting behind the kit, I'm going, my God, that's not me. That's him. That's him. That's thinking that, but I'm, there's something there in me that I kind of accepted that right away that it's my insecurity. And, one of the key things I did was I just took a deep breath and relax and said, you know, I just gotta be in my feelings.
you know, I don't accept that I play anything wrong. I'm just doing the best I can. And, and in contrast, the night before I didn't feel that so much. felt very secure and I felt like I played better than ever. And I wasn't even thinking about it much. just kind of flowed. So to me, when I know I have secure boundaries or I set them for myself as to what I'm going, it's great to experience what that fellow
it's nice to know that, okay, he's feeling a bit like that. I don't have to take it all on board and get sucked into it. And I would even probably say further that a lot of the venues that we play in, there's all kinds of things that are going on with people and there. And one of the things that I do before I enter the gig is I cleanse spiritually cleanse my involvement. don't try to change anybody else's experience or energy.
but just change, you know, cleanse the public areas and cleanse my involvement. And then when I leave, I make sure before I hit the road that I stop and cleanse. And I did that last night. It was pretty late. And I, right away, I just, you know, practicing our cleansing technique. I realized, wow, that like, does shift the energy. I'm not taking any energy home with me of somebody else's troubles, you know? and we were in a casino, so
You know, I'm sure there's people that have spent too much money and you know, all sorts of things that are going on emotionally for them. And I'm sensitive. how do you live in this environment or your any environment if you're a sensitive soul? I know you have something to share on that. I know that. So the boundary aspect comes back to really our sensitivity. And so it's funny you said that last night because when I was I was at home by myself last night watching some YouTube.
and Netflix and before I went to bed, I was starting to feel sick. And I was like, my God, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. And then I'm like, wait a minute, that's not me. So I too had to cleanse and I had to recognize, you know, that's not me. And I recognized who it was or who it might have been and it dissipated. So getting back to the sense of how sensitive we all are and that sensitivity can be a challenge to work with. I know it is for me at times.
where then that boundary part comes in. So if a person doesn't have their clarity on how to discern what they're feeling, like Tom and I are talking about, the boundary thing comes up, right? Like, okay, well, you know, I don't want to be affected by other people or they're just the insecurity kind of comes in. know, so years ago when I didn't understand how much I felt of other people walking around in my family, in places I was at,
I was, I was, that's when I was really putting up the boundary issue and the boundary, you know, the flags, the red flags everywhere. I don't want to be around anybody because the boundaries and their energy and, but it all stems back to me. So let's talk about some ways that people can work with. I know we mentioned the cleansing technique, which we can actually put a link to the video. We've got a wonderful video on YouTube, which shows the three types are personal cleansing.
the environment and then the world cleansing. I can put, can put that link in the show notes. That's a really good, great place to start. But what's some other ways, Thomas, you work with the boundaries, your sensitivities that might support people. as you were sharing one of the, the keywords that were coming to me from spirit and they were reminding me, and I even thought about it a bit before we started the podcast was that it's, it's been shared with me that if I have the facts, if I have
what we refer to as the four W's what, when, where, and why. And what I hear you saying is, is you took some time last night to discern, other words, get the facts from your feelings. Your impressions is who is that that you're picking up on? Is that me? Not me. What percentage might that be me? Because I must have something there if I'm going to really like absorb it, you know,
something in a concept. So, you know, we, I've learned to check with my guidance and this is where my spiritual helpers can really help me is help with my discernment, help me unfold my discernment, you know, through my four spiritual gifts and then identify, know, what, when, where, why, and sometimes we draw a little square, you know, where there's four sides and it's what, when, where, and why, and it's a boundary.
So in a way, when I have the facts or when I do have the facts, I have a boundary, you know, it's helping me set my boundary of what's me and not me. Now, what I had an old habit and many, I'm sure people can relate to this and that I would just accept the feeling like this must be me. I must be feeling this insecurity. Like I said, I mean, a simple little example. And even after all these years of working with spiritual things, you know,
I'm in, I'm in new situations where I'm thinking it's me that's feeling insecure about playing the song. The truth about my true feelings, how I truly feel, not my concepts of I have to hit, you know, a certain level is with the folks that I play with, they're very creative. So you really have to use your sensitivity and just kind of wing it. It's almost, we play country, but it's like jazz country in a way. it's, it's old country.
but boy, if I'm not flexible, you so I work with my sensitivity to kind of interpret, feel when I need to accent something or not accent something. And that's really fun. You know, it's creativity. So when I know where I begin and end, you know, with others, that's a way of setting a boundary because I'm never going to walk into, I think I shared about this in a recent episode of spiritual perspectives, discerning news.
And I've realized there's never going to be a utopia where like everybody's going to be like the people around me that I want and the house that I'm in and the, know, I can, I can gain those things for a period of time, there's environments always, you know, changing. guess the word that comes up for me as you're talking about, you know, creating the, the, getting the four W's and really creating your boundary for yourself is trust.
So a lot of times when like, you know, we're mentioning how last night we were both feeling different things that weren't even us. And in the past, I didn't trust that. I didn't even know to trust that. But recognizing that as, as you do evolve in your spiritual spirituality and the spiritual part of you, how trust comes to play a huge part of it, because you can either trust those impressions
hunches and insights that come in. And we talk about a lot of that with the four gifts and our intuition now classes that we offer each month. That's one of the main free master classes is about trusting those four aspects of your intuition. And so when you're able to step into that realm of trusting, it makes discerning and it makes your security within you feel more secure. And therefore,
You don't have to go, I need to really set up all these boundaries. It's like it's done because you trust what you're picking up on. You trust what you're feeling and you trust like Tom saying, working with your spiritual helpers who are here to back you and you know, as a team. So that's the word that comes to my mind is trust. I work with my helpers, not to tell me what to do, but just to recheck, you know, is this my feeling? Is this how much of a percent
I would have attracted it because there's some percent there, you know, but how much of a percent is this me? And usually they're like, like 3%. wow. Well, this isn't even my concern. My boundaries are my true feelings as well. You know, when I get the facts that what, when, where, why, what do I really truly feel deep down, you know, get out of my head, get out of my emotions. And last night, what I tuned into really at the speed of light was, know, that's
That's kind of coming from that direction. This fellow that hadn't played with us for a while, that feeling of, I don't know quite what they're going to play. But in fact, I knew in my feelings, like as I tuned into it, he's going to be okay. I mean, there, and I could have picked up, Hey, just communicate more clearly. What's the form of this song that we're going to play tonight? But I did it light speed, you know, I tuned in and I went up. No, I don't need to.
to say or do anything just now I know I can just relax a bit more and that'll help as well. You know, is the more that I can be a healing influences. just tune into my inner security, feel secure with my boundaries of my true feelings. My, want to be in my true feelings, happy and free, relaxed, moving forward, you know, all those positive loving feelings.
rather than stuck in my emotions or intellect. That is so important. What you just said, Tom is being able to tune into yourself and, staying relaxed within and that healing force. So I think a lot of people also don't recognize the, the, the power within the ability to transform and support others by just being you.
especially when you're secure within that's really an important piece, right? And I, I feel like spiritual evolution is really just evolving to live more from one, my spiritual thrust, which for me, it's to be happy and free. have a different thrust, but it's that true love, that true concern, you know, and true concern and true love also has an element of
not only lending a helping hand, but also let people have their experiences so they can move through them and grow from their learning, know, stepping stones or learning experiences and mistakes. Yeah. So I think that's a good place to stop. Don't you think we've got feels like it, feels like it, feels like it's a good ending to recognizing some things that you might have noticed around boundaries, around trusting.
your intuition around being a healing force in the world and also staying cleansed and working with that security within. Yeah. And if you want to know how to do that, you know, a good start is working with some of the free videos that we offer through the Way Showers College and an affiliate of ours. That'll get you started or oriented to some of what we work with.
We're gonna attend one of our classes. Yeah, I was just gonna say, you want to say something about that? well, we've got our Intuition Now class, the free masterclass coming up on the 22nd of February, but it happens every single month. So check out the link below, we'll have our link tree. And you can check out when is the next free masterclass. And then we also have a masterclass that's paid for a small dumb investment each month. And we go through each of the four gifts and this coming
March 1st and March 5th, we are going through the Clare Audient or what we call the intuitive gift. And each month we focus for 90 minutes just on that one ability. And the people that have come have been in awe of how simple it can be and profound and also how to really amplify and embrace each of the gifts we have. So it's some good classes. you work with, you know, spirit and that truly
you know, religion calls it a Holy Spirit, but when you work with that positive, high source of energy, it's a very healing, you know, experience and it's so simple. and practical. That's what we like to do. We'd like to keep it simple, practical and pass on the woo woo. So keep practicing, keep practicing. So thanks again for listening into another episode of enthusiastically spiritual.
We are so happy and honored that you listen in and or check us out on our TNT SpiritWorks YouTube channel. And until next week, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.