Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

SUCCESS through ACTION for February 2025 with Chiron Yeng

Teresa & Tom Shantz

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"What you're seeking is seeking you."  In this episode, TNT SpiritWorks and Mr. Chiron Yeng, Evolutionary Astrologer, discuss the astrological insights for January and February, focusing on the key word themes of Synchronize and Seek. Although the interview was cut short, there is plenty of good stuff here.

They open with a quick regrouping  of the Energy calendar patterns predicted for January 2025.  They go into the importance of planning based the energy patterns and influences coming up as well as on your natural intuition.  They discuss the importance of receptivity to Spirit, trusting intuition, and taking action towards new opportunities. 

February will be a time for success through action. The conversation offers clues maximize your experience of personal growth, self-discovery, and the interconnectedness of experiences as you move towards that success. They emphasize the significance of authenticity  and the flow of energy for health and well-being, the need for regrouping and reflection, and the importance of prioritizing your purpose in your life environments.  Great keys are:

  • Every little win counts.
  • Say yes to this opportunity!
  • Release the past to embrace the new.
  • Enjoy the moment-to-moment process.
  • Ask yourself 'What did I really enjoy?
  • Focus on your business and purpose.

Connect with Chiron Yeng here!

Get the February Energy Calendar Here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
It is hard to believe that we are rounding down. Did I say rounding down? Rounding down? don't know. January is almost ending and we're starting February and this is my favorite episode of the month because we've got our in-house astrologer, Chiron Yeng in the house. Welcome Chiron.

Chiron Yeng (00:16)
Thanks for having me and happy new year

TNT SpiritWorks (00:18)
always a pleasure.

And then of course, Tom is joining us today, which is kind of exciting because we're in the midst of Aquarius. So and so his son, you know, son thing is coming up. It's almost here. you, Kyron. Thank you, Teresa. So that's pretty exciting that he's joining us on this really exciting episode. Yeah, so we'll go ahead and just get started. I want to share a little bit about what we do in this episode in case this is your first time ever watching this.

Chiron Yeng (00:29)
Happy birthday!

TNT SpiritWorks (00:48)
This is our one of the month, first of the beginning of the month episode where we share about what is going on astrologically and that's through Chiron's expertise because he's an evolutionary astrologer. And then from our end on TNT SpiritWorks, we do share our evolutionary energy calendar, which is something that we do sell through TNT SpiritWorks. It's a calendar that showcases seven different energy patterns that are coming onto the planet. And on the actual calendar, there's

breakouts in color of what each of the colors are and the energies and you can actually download a free copy of the upcoming month for this month, which will be February in the show notes. So you can check out that and we oftentimes suggest you do that before we get started because what I do and what we do together on this episode is I will write down when Chiron's mentioning something's happening in the month. I'll look at the energy and I'll write it down. So I have a key for myself as I move through the month. Anything else you want to share about the calendar Tom?

No, you're good. think you summed it up well. Okay, awesome. Well, and so the first thing you want to do is you want to just regroup a little bit about January because a couple months ago, you made a real good thing. Kyron, you said that, you know how all the energy flows together like month after month. So even though we go from a certain theme to a certain theme, it all kind of flows in the same stream, so to speak, which so I would like to go ahead and begin with January, which was the theme of synchronize.

And it had some key words of attune, agree, organize, integrate and mesh. And I'd love for you, Chiron, to share a little bit about how the energy and what you noticed astrologically, how the month was for you.

Chiron Yeng (02:27)
Well, there's so much balancing act that we have to pull together that sometimes we have a lot of things that we want to do, especially when all the craze about New Year Resolution, new goals, new me. And there's so much like things that we want and a lot of us are going out there outside of ourselves to look at shiny objects, to look for things that could really potentially help to resolve a certain lack of dinners. And I think...

January, it kind of like exaggerate that for 2025 because of the Mars retrograde cycle, where there's a Mars Pluto position going on where we started January. And then in the middle of the month, there's a Sun Mars position, which is the peak of the Mars retrograde, where there's a lot of doubt, there's a lot of like feeling of exhaustion burnout, not sure if this is where I want to go. And I assume that, you know, in the many weeks forward, we will feel like

There's a need for a deep radical change, right? Sometimes we think that we need some form of solution outside of ourselves, but what we really need to change is who we are, how we think about things, and maybe realign some level of desires. Because a lot of things that we think we want is not what we truly want. And this is where that this illusion just kind of falls away. And you go like, wait a minute, life is more simple than I thought. I wonder if you guys have that experience.

TNT SpiritWorks (03:48)
And so how did you see it?

Yeah, yeah, I guess for all you want to a little about head to mouth what month was for you, Tom? Well, one of the keys for me was really practicing being present in everything that I did. So instead of falling for old habits of, you know, being under pressure or putting a little bit of pressure on myself, I had a business opportunity where I was quite busy. And I noticed that, you know, while I enjoyed it, there were times where

I'd make it harder on myself by putting a little pressure, you know, to be perfect. So one of the things that I've been really focusing on lately, and which is a little bit aligned with what you're talking about is just staying being that still calm within and trusting that that's okay. If I'm, if I'm just still in calm, you know, and I'm willing to be of service, I mean, everything's okay, no matter what.

where the other people are at, know, staying the same somewhat detached from their drama and in being of service to them. But you know, making sure that I stay still within and just join enjoying the moment really living in the moment, which sounds funny in a way like, you know, we always talk about well be in the present live in the present, you know, that's why they call it a present. So what

Chiron Yeng (05:12)

TNT SpiritWorks (05:15)
you know, well, how does that feel? I guess that's what the feeling of living in the present for me is just really calm, cool, calm, collected within and not having thinking about outcomes so much just being there and doing and doing the best that I can, you know, maintaining being diligent to maintain that positive attitude and not get, you know,

just notice when I started noticing when I was falling into old habits of, know, either lingering on something too long or trying too hard, instead replacing it with a feeling of just that calmness and feeling like that slipstream, you know, that trusting that the slipstream behind me is going to move me forward. I still have to take action, you know, to magnetize something. It involves me taking some action.

but not stressing about the action. If you know what I mean, like in a way, the religious concept is, you've got to worry about it and keep praying for it. And you know, it's got this hard feeling to it, instead of saying, okay, this is what I want to do. I sincerely feel like I want to be of service. Now let's just go and be involved. Yeah, and I guess for myself, the word synchronize, it really was a feeling for myself also, because it was

I came to my 90 days in my new job, which I love my new job so much. So I felt there was almost like a synchronization of from where I was 90 days ago and to where I'm at now. And everything is really flowing well. Like I'm understanding how to do the job properly. People at the job are saying how well I'm doing in it in this short period of time that I've done it. And I've never done accounting before. it's been a really great month. And also, think also with the

the presidential shift and all of that stuff coming into play also around the 20th, that that really also for myself and I noticed a synchronization around even the other side, they're kind of, you know, taking, you know, taking notice and shifting a bit of what they've been doing for the last couple of years. So it was really an interesting feeling for myself and it was a feeling of expansion, honestly. So that's my take of the month. Definitely.

Kind of like when you're in the slip string or you're in that current, there's no, it's hard to ride against the current. It's a lot easier to just go with that direction.

Chiron Yeng (07:39)

Yeah, which brings me to the next highlight of like, you know, the nodal axis shift. You we had a one and a half years of Aries Libra where the theme of our evolutionary growth of our soul was really about relationships, you know, asserting ourselves, who am I and who is with me or, you know, who is against me. So there was a lot of like relationship breakdowns in the last 18 months and there's a lot of like integration going on.

this mud onwards to really understand why did that had to happen? What is the bigger picture of things? And can I, you know, understand there's a bigger stream like, you know, Tom has mentioned guiding us, moving us towards the greater good that we still can't see right now. And some, and this is what I mean that, you know, what we think we want is not what we actually want. And there's basically this disillusionment of like, maybe I don't want to do this anymore. Right?

Or maybe I just want to hang out with you anymore. Or maybe that this is just in the end. And let's begin anew, right? And from that perspective, I always trust that there's grace in everything, that everything has to happen as cliche as it sounds for a reason. And life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you and for a greater reason that we don't understand yet. But when we actually let go and allow the stream to take us, the synchronistic part of it is that what

It leads us to where we actually truly desire, not just within us, but for all of us around us. So there's this theme that we are coming back home to this bigger collective understanding that we are all one because of the Pisces Virgo axis. And this theme is going to amplify as the month goes on.

TNT SpiritWorks (09:37)
Okay, so I think that's a good place to tell you what the upcoming word or energy theme of the month is. And I haven't shared, I haven't shared this with Tom yet either, because I wanted him to, to get his insights when you know, right here, right when we're listening to it. So for February, the overall major concept influencing this month is the keyword of See S E E K. And some of the the corresponding words for that suggestion words are aspire, adventure,

Aim, improve and go. Aspire, adventure, aim, improve and go. Seek.

I'll just say for myself when I first read it because I just read it about 15 20 minutes ago because I pull them out right before we do it and I had a I literally had a visceral reaction in my heart about this so there's been a lot of talking you know Tom and I and another partner came together and started another podcast this month and we're actually just just did episode five so so that we're feeling an expansion coming so this thing of seek and aspire and improve and go it's exactly like

what we're doing right now in that endeavor. And also I just feel that in the bigger picture too. So it literally was for myself, a visceral feeling when I read that word. So anyone want to share what the, Chiron, you want to share how that word feels for you? Seek.

Chiron Yeng (11:09)
It feels like...

What you're seeking is seeking you. And there's something about availability. Opening up yourself to listen to your muses, to your intuition, to the higher calling. Vision quest comes to mind for me. And I think we are all lost, actually. For us to even want to begin seeking,

There's a feeling of loss and confusion, but the moments of loss, confusion and doubt is the moment before the feeling of enlightenment, the feeling of like a breakthrough, a feeling of like an aha moment. So if anybody is going through some form of like tremendous self doubt because life didn't go your way or what you expect, perhaps this man is where that feeling of like new possibility might start to enter for you in your life.

TNT SpiritWorks (12:08)
Yeah, I relate to that in that as a follow on to January, that's one of the themes that I've been aware of is how, as I go through the motions and put energy into gaining opportunities that I'd like to gain, or creating more opportunities, I have had this feeling behind it all. When I'm, you know, stay relaxed is that

You know, that's actually probably to my benefit that this just happened this way, you know, this thing that in my intellectually, you might say my intellect says, you know, I wish it would have gone this way, or I need it to happen that way. When really in my feelings, everything is okay. And it is like, I'm just kind of floating right towards the next bend in the river. And, you know, I get that in terms of

my sense of prophecy or that inner knowing, you know, about the future, I do get that feeling like, yeah, and when I when that new opportunity presents itself, it's going to be quite apparent to me, that's what I want to do. But it's, it's hard for me to sometimes know what that is until it's there. You know, so with my first gift of vision, I like to see it, you know, I want it, if it isn't clear in my mind yet. So that's probably what you bring up the vision quest, you know, like, keep that

What is my vision quest? How do I, you know, picture that because that's what I'll start, I'll move towards it. But in a simple way, I could say like, you know, you're saying like, just be happy with what occurs, you know, do the best I can, or that, you know, follow those little hints from my guidance as to when to be in the right place at the right time, but accept the outcomes and just move on. Continue to move on to move towards what I really am looking for.

not so much what I think I'm looking for at that time. So seek so let's now dive into some astrology with you, Chiron. What's what's the first thing coming up in the month?

Chiron Yeng (14:14)
Neptune, Venus conjunction with the North node on top of it.

TNT SpiritWorks (14:19)
And what day are we looking at? Oh, today.

Chiron Yeng (14:20)
first February, literally. Right?

So the thing is we end January with a new moon in Aquarius and it's the lunar new year for us Asians. And then, you know, right away we have something called a Venus-Neptune conjunction on the North Node. This is such a powerful, powerful, you know, vortex of reconciliation, love, because Venus is the lower octave of Neptune.

And if Venus is conditional love, then Neptune is unconditional love. And when they come together, I call it an all-encompassing love, meaning it's just a feeling of having your needs met, at the same time, you know, being connected to the unconditional parts where things are imperfect. And that's the point. So, you know, I just want to clarify what I mean by, you know, having all your needs met. The thing is that needs are always there. Everything that we need is right in front of us.

It's just that we lack the perception to see it. And in the very Piscean energy, that kind of stuff is really stripping away our expectations, all this illusion and our fantasies. And if we are so hung up with how things supposed to be, how love is supposed to be, how manifesting your life is supposed to be, then, you know, this is the time where we can either feel like, you know, tremendous pain or grief.

to the fact that we have lost some sense of like an expectation towards something or it could feel like an euphoric moment where we finally understood the point of our pain. So this is a really beautiful timing for again, reconciliation. If there's any conflicts in the past that we feel like is unresolved, this is a time that we can be resolved. If there are anything that we feel like we have not enough,

perhaps money or resources to get things started. Maybe this is a time where a windfall comes to fulfill your needs. And it's not like it suddenly came. It's more like your perception has opened enough to see it. And you go like, okay, let's try this thing. And then, and then the synchronistic thing happens and you think is a gift from God, which can, I understand it could feel that way. And perhaps it is to a certain degree. Um,

But my point is that with the North Note involved, is like, you know, these two planets are basically on steroids, meaning it's amplified, it's magnified. So we can feel so loving to one another and really feel each other's common humanity. But the dark side to this is that we can be so exposed in our boundaries about, you know, my sense of what I need can be overly exposed or dissolved to a point that we can feel overwhelmed.

by everybody's energies too quick too soon. And then this is what we don't want to do because it can flip us to the other spectrum of the polarity where we could feel resentful. Otherwise, this is a really great time to renew yourself by forgiving your past. And it's not about forgetting what people has done to you or whatever hurt that you have experienced, but to free yourself from the experience of the past so that it doesn't affect you in the present.

so that you can recreate a new future by visioning towards the direction that you want and move on. Live your life. Share your gifts. Be in place of service and receive the fulfillment that you're looking to have.

TNT SpiritWorks (17:58)
So Tom, do you want to share what the energy is of that day? Well, as we move into February, the first of February, all the way through the fifth of February is friendship energy. And friendship is, I'll read it. What are your feelings of friendship? A sense of belonging can occur, feeling of wanting to help a friend, a feeling of doing or wanting to back someone through actions, appreciating what you receive.

I think the interesting thing about this day too is on the calendar, there's actually an eye, like an all seeing eye. So that's just an eye. Yeah, it's to me it's like, like waking or like, yeah, an open eye to what's going on. I see something.

Chiron Yeng (18:46)
That's beautiful because we have the Aquarius new moon. Mercury is in close proximity to the Sun in Aquarius. That means we can have this feeling of insightful moments coming through. And then what's beautiful is on February 5th, Jupiter finally moves forward. That's your birthday. Jupiter starts to move forward and Jupiter and Mercury has a lot to do with vision.

TNT SpiritWorks (19:08)
And that's my birthday. Yeah, that's Thomas birthday.

Chiron Yeng (19:16)
about logistical planning, both the long term and the short term. And I believe that when we can emotionally cleanse ourselves from all this bitterness that has happened from the past, then our mental faculty can be so open to receive new ideas that is creative. When we relax into the moment, when we let go all the resentment that we have, we become a clear vessel, right? To receive and become a channel for...

creativity for God for the universe to move through us and This is beautiful because there's a series of things going on, you know in in the planets And right after that at the end of the week February 9. We have Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aquarius and it's gonna square Uranus which is the higher octave of Mercury and This is this activation and the stimulation of the mind to be extremely creative to plan out

the life that you seek and to map it out with exact steps. And this is this whole week, the first week of February, the first 10 days is basically, you know, surrendering yourself to something bigger so that you can transform the life that you seek to transform. And this means letting go of your expectations of what you think things are, how things are supposed to run so that you can really receive and and change your plan. So this is a time where we need to be really, really flexible.

TNT SpiritWorks (20:42)
So from the 6th of February to the 8th of February, we move into what we call ambition energy. That's some of the keys for that are wants and inner desires, feeling of commitment, doing more future inspirations. And there's a little symbol on the 8th of what, when, where, why getting the facts will lead me up the staircase. Then we go into the 9th through 11th into action energy.

which is directed and moving time to be alert accomplishment with fulfillment. So both of those action and ambition energies are a faster moving energy. So it's not like, it's not like the family energy is kind of more, not so quick. This, this can be like a quickening for sure, especially with what you're, what you're saying in the sense of, you know, surrendering, but yet also maybe planning and being more creative and in, know, in the activation of some things that you may want to

come into your life. It's, it's definitely a good energy on both of those, even the friendship, but the ambition action are really good energies to get those things kind of going. I always find friendship energy to be very light. You know, I noticed in business that, you know, I'll go visit, a client or customer, and there's always this nice, friendly have a cup of coffee. It's a good in fact, it's probably a good energy for me to establish a couple of coffee meetings that I've been talking about with some potential clients.

And it's just kind of easy. It's easy in that energy to get to know somebody a bit. And then ambition comes through a little stronger energy, faster moving as you were saying, Teresa. And then that's, you know, those wants and inner desires and the future inspirations and then action is really being in action. And I always find I say this every time, but boy, when you when it's acts and energy, you know, thank God it shows up because it's so easy to move through big projects and get filing done or get

proposals out or communicate effectively. It's, there's just a lot behind it seems easy. There's a lot of energy and momentum, you know, for accomplishment. So then after that sun, mercury conjunction and Aquarius, what's the next thing happening?

Chiron Yeng (22:55)
Yeah, and I want to add one more thing about, you know, taking action is when you have a plan, I think the really practical steps is to take action right away because clarity comes into doing in the action, because what we can do, what we can have in the doing is feedback. And feedback means more information. And this information is something you can get by sitting in your chair, just planning things out.

TNT SpiritWorks (22:59)

Chiron Yeng (23:23)
And so I think planning and planning and doing and taking action in those dates, like what Tom has mentioned, has to come together at every given moment. Personally, in my own life, I'm always planning, pivoting, acting, listening all at the same time to really understand, OK, what's going on? What's my next move? And there must be a balance between intuition and intellect when the combination of both is and is and it draws down into the body and is

powered through some form of will. That's where all the manifestation synchronicity can start to happen and it's really powerful. And all of this is going to climax on February 12th, right? With the full moon in Leo, where, you know, the Sun-Mercury conjunction is still very close. And it's a T-square with, I mean, Uranus, but it's a grand cross when you include this asteroid called Juno.

So, what does that all mean? Again, when Uranus is involved, speed is involved, right? And it's a full moon. It's a combination of something in the sign of Leo, where we can feel, seen, acknowledged, heard, respected. And I imagine that sometime around mid-February, 12th of February, or mid-February, because astrology is not just one day kind of stuff, right? It's a spread out of energy. We could feel as if like...

something has finally happened for us. It's like a manifestation, something they've been waiting for. It's coming, it's here. And this is where we need to be receptive, right? We need to be in a place of receptivity. And receptivity is not passive. It's actually actively opening your heart and your eyes and your everything to really accept the things that comes true to us. Because more often than not, when people compliment us, now we're gonna, we push it away, right? When people are trying to give us something, we push it away.

when the universe is showing you signs to, take this leap, take this door, say yes to this. And we say no because of whatever reasons. Now, the thing is, with all the action energy that was leading up to this moment, say yes. Right? Say thank you. Like, my God, thank you. Every little win counts. And because we are so stuck in a sense where we're always looking at the biggest possible thing that we want.

TNT SpiritWorks (25:35)
Do it.

Chiron Yeng (25:49)
and we get caught up by the gap between where we are now and what we want to have. And we lose that sense of perspective thinking that we are not doing good enough. And in reality, so much good things are happening. So.

TNT SpiritWorks (26:04)
Well, it's wild

that you say that for the 12th of February, because we move into two days of what we call orientation. And that's a time of getting the facts, knowing where you are, and a feeling of newness. So as you were sharing, you know, with that energy of the planets, moving you fast into this new situation is usually when you have to get oriented, like often when I've started jobs, or moved into a new opportunity.

It's amazing, but there this period of orientation shows up and it can it can feel slower when you're into something, you know, new, but it is a time to OK. It's flowing really nicely from friendship to ambition. Now, you know what you really want. Now you're taking action towards it and then OK, let's get the facts and all the planets that you mentioned. You know, I could see how that energy backs that that opportunity that

that situation.

Chiron Yeng (27:06)
Yeah, it's so powerful to like, you know, when you see something at right away, make plans, realign, take feedback, keep moving. And when it hits February, you're going to receive something that you've always been wanting and then just say yes to it. But the thing is that yes is not at the moment itself. It has to start now. It has to start as soon as you hear this podcast. This is a sign for you to not just sit there and contemplate on things, but to get things moving.

TNT SpiritWorks (27:08)

Chiron Yeng (27:36)
and then get the feedback.

TNT SpiritWorks (27:36)
You know.

Sorry about that. I relate to that because, you know, I've had inklings about what's coming up and it's not fully formed in my, you know, vision and it's not right there on a piece of paper in front of me. So it takes some trust. But what I heard you just say was, go ahead and trust those inklings that you're getting. It looks like February, the energy is perfect for those to start to actualize, you might say, or it's going to be more apparent what they really are.

Chiron Yeng (28:06)

TNT SpiritWorks (28:09)
release the past because you know, it's when I say what I want today, it's just my best definition of what I think I want. But until I get involved in action and start to discover where I'm really going and get more information, then it becomes more clear. And it's all part of the process. interesting to because whenever there's there is definitely some stuff opening up differently for Tom than myself. And so

I kept saying to him, it's like middle of February. feel that something just like a week and a half ago. said that I said, yeah, middle of February. And here we are middle of February with you, Chiron. I guess I want to reiterate that release. You you've been sharing a lot about relationships and releasing, you know, relationships, but the release can be in just little things that happen that maybe didn't go the way I thought I wanted it to go.

Chiron Yeng (28:43)


TNT SpiritWorks (29:03)
And the other day, my guidance told me, in fact, I had a job interview that came up very quick that I didn't kind of expect. And I've interviewed with them once before and my guidance said, release, know, don't think of it like the old one. Cause I was actually trying to prepare along the lines of the feedback I got before. But this idea of just let that old one go, just let it go. And then when I was in the interview, it was actually

similar but very different vibe than the one I had been in prior. And I really couldn't prepare for it. You know, I was I was somewhat prepared because I did meditate on like what experiences to share and things like that before that. But in fact, I loved being in the interview, even if the opportunity doesn't come through, I really enjoyed being in the interview with the people that I was I was with.

Chiron Yeng (29:56)
Yeah, and there's one more thing that I should mention about this energy in February, combining the understanding of the Neptune-Venus conjunction and the North Moon, is that new people can come through our lives when we finally release the old. New energy, new clients, new friends, new allies, and the combination happens in the Full Moon, where, you know, this Leo Aquarius archetype is about

TNT SpiritWorks (30:10)

Chiron Yeng (30:23)
gathering of creative individuals to come together to work on a common vision. And then with Mercury in Aquarius, there can be a lot of new allies, partnership, friendship. And with the energy connected to Uranus, we can be connected to something bigger than ourselves to be part of a collective project. So there's a lot of collaboration going on, and especially with Jupiter moving forward as well in the sign of Gemini. The downloads of information is just going to bombard our system.

And this is where I want to caution everybody because as lovely and amazing this energy is because it's opportunity everywhere, again, it can come as in a flood of being too much too soon. And when our vessels are not prepared to receive something like that, especially our health, our energy, or our daily routines are not supporting this, then we can crash. So it's essential again, as soon as you hear this.

What is that daily thing that supports your bigger vision?

TNT SpiritWorks (31:25)
Yeah, it's interesting. I'm glad you brought that up because I was kind of tuning in earlier when we started this discussion about the month is that here in the Northern Hemisphere, we're in winter hibernation time, time to be more inward. So as these new things start surfacing and start, you know, bubbling up, it's definitely important to make sure that you do have your, you know, your daily routines, the way that you take care of it's like you're saying, especially the physical body, because it all comes.

energetically into either through intuition or even through the intellect, it comes into the body and we feel it. And so being in this timeframe of the year, it's quite interesting because I know for myself, I feel I can feel very action oriented or, you know, activated, but I'm also kind of a little more sluggish. Like the lately I haven't felt like working out as hard as I do and other times in like, the spring or the summer. So I think that's a good

thing to also to bring to the surface that, know, just to really tap into where are you in the different parts of the world and how does that affect what you're feeling as you're going through these timeframes that there's a lot of activation going on.

What strikes me is, you know, your sense of...

Chiron Yeng (32:37)
Yeah, the question is, sorry, the question is like,

do you enjoy what do you do, you know, in amongst the things that you want to have as an idea, but when you're actually doing it, do you really enjoy it? Is it something that is, you know, that you think you need to have or is something that is a path of your greatest excitement that where you did not need any motivation from external sources to tell you that this is good for you.

I think it's really important to highlight that because we can set up our lives with great habits and goals and ambitions, but if we don't enjoy the moment to moment process and we feel like it has to be motivated through some form of like external pursuits like money or whatever or self-worth or love or whatnot, then we miss the point, right? We miss the mark. Yeah.

TNT SpiritWorks (33:27)

so glad you said that because I think to where we're at with our YouTube channel, we know we have this obviously podcast on our YouTube and then we also have our new discerning news program that we have every week. And I noticed that for myself, there's some aspects of it on both that I'm very excited about and then some I'm not. So like, know, really recognizing what what's what am I feeding? What am I taking in that's really feeding my soul at this time? And what isn't and kind of

you know, letting things kind of, you know, shift and change the way they need to. I guess what occurs to me is, know, the balance between, you know, the intellectually in my intellect, you know, I that's the part that organizes my feelings. So intellectually, I made no steps to go through the motions of things. But if I don't have a spiritual goal with whilst I go through those emotions, especially an older guy like me, like I've done a lot of these things I'm doing.

Chiron Yeng (34:20)

TNT SpiritWorks (34:27)
I'm always doing new things, but there's a lot that I've done before. But the difference between now and then I would say is I'm more focused on how am I feeling? Do I feel calm and collected? Do I feel smooth in my interactions? You know, I set a goal recently to just really be in more balance from transaction and activity to another activity. And

When I focused on that, like it wasn't a hunt. didn't do a hundred percent in balance every day. Like I had times where I felt, Hey, the last three transactions I've really felt in balance. was really fun. You know, that one, you know, I got a bit stimulated by that grumpy old lady, you know, and, didn't enjoy that so much. Okay. So what, what's my, you know,

how I just set the goal every day to continue to refine that, continue to refine that. And it was really interesting because I came up to the end of an opportunity and the last few days just seemed really smooth, you know, for the most part, like I would have rated myself at a 92 % rather than, you know, a 65 % maybe like early on, you know, or 75%. So I just, yeah, and I noticed that people around me were changing and they were...

they were different to me than they had been, you know, or I perceived them to be before. So in other words, just when I'm when I'm really focusing, sometimes that spiritual, like goal is just something very simple.

But what I was going to share earlier with you is that, you I know that your specialty really is working with health, you know, and healing yourself and so forth. And as you were sharing about the energies that would move in is it gave me that impression of how, so that's how it works, you know, where you get this combobulated. I can't put it in your words. You put it so beautifully where then the flow

you know, just backs up and then the health issues, you know, come to the fore, which are red flags that you know, I'm not I'm not imbalanced spiritually, you know, I don't have the spiritual side of it clear for myself, or I'm not organized. One of the two.

Chiron Yeng (36:50)
I think to put it simply, think the universe or you know, I think it's a law of the universe that we are to come back to our authentic self, right? It's almost like there's a foolproof homeostasis system that happens in the universe internally and externally, right? Because when we are the most authentic self, when we don't put on a mask, we are relaxed, we are calm, we're composed, we are in this rest state, we are in the place of social and connection.

and our energy, and this is where energy flows in our system, in our chi, in our prana, which energizes every single cell within us, and it functions, right? We become healthy. The same thing on the external side of things, when we downplay our self-worth, we're gonna attract arrogant people into our life, or parasitic people in our life, and it's gonna take advantage of us to wake us up to own our power, because if you don't value your own worth, someone's gonna value you and take advantage of you.

The same thing if we over inflate ourselves and became so confident, so cocky in the things that we think we don't need to learn anymore. Again, life is gonna humble us and to return us back to the humble seat. And we're gonna feel this more and more as we move on this month in February and towards March. because the theme here is basically, we're moving into a lot of Pisces energy and it's really a lot about surrendering and seeing the truth, right?

As they say, as Maurice, my mentors, astrology mentors say, Pisces is really about the end of hoping and the beginning of truth. And I love that so much. And this ties into what happens in the end of February, where Mars finally...

TNT SpiritWorks (38:39)
It said you stopped recording...