Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Jump Start Fulfillment in Any Boring Job!

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 5 Episode 21

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FULFILLMENT in the context of work for personal growth is what today’s discussion is all about. Recognizing spiritual LESSONS in everyday tasks, the challenges of feeling UNFULFILLED in jobs, and the significance of TRUSTING one's unique path in life. Enjoy today’s episode!  

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:07)
So many times we feel unfulfilled in what we're doing, but it's when we really recognize being of service and how, if you are aware of what the spiritual lessons are for you in your service, you can really shift that. So, hey Tom. Good morning, Teresa. Are you ready to talk a little bit about being of service today? I love talking about being of service. I know because you and I both have moved from.

doing our spiritual work, which we're still doing obviously, but into really working in different realms. So I really want to share a bit today about some perspectives of what I put together for moving back into the typical nine to five job. Yeah, there's a lot of folks that, you know, hate their job. It's probably the most simple way to say it. Or they complain about it and they feel like they're suffering while they're there, bored, all those kinds of symptoms.

And when I start feeling that way, then I just don't know what I'm getting out of it from a spiritual perspective, you know, and what do you think? Yeah, I totally agree with you. And I'm for myself. I've recognized now there's two parts of it, right? I recognize for myself that I see other people hating their job.

And I see other people burnt out and I see other people not really recognizing what are you getting out of this position or have you stayed too long? Yeah. And you know, even things like I've often said, sweeping the floor can be fulfilling and people, you know, sometimes chuckle at that like or washing the dishes. But if I, you know, get a key word, I'm tuning into the key feeling, I'm aware of my thoughts, or just aware of the part that I'm playing, you know, the service.

And I know that one of the challenges I had is, particularly when I was younger, was that, you know, I'm very educated. have a degree in electrical engineering. Um, you know, I was trained as an FBI agent. was an FBI agent for several years. And, uh, you know, so I was in a seminar one day and the fellow that was running it said, in fact, Francisco Cole, he said, uh, you know, Tom's looking for work. And I said, yes, you know, I'm looking for some work to

in time to be of service, this is a few decades ago. And, he says, okay, well, we have a job for you. And, he handed me the broom and I got kind of all indignant about it. Like, well, you know, and I was reflecting upon, know, why did I get kind of indignant about it? and the reason was that I thought, well, I'm so organized. I have all this training, you know, I should be doing something more, you know, a bigger prestigious and a bigger thing.

And the big lesson out of that experience during that course that I was in was just that, you know, as you've often shared, you know, sometimes there's a spiritual point to doing something, you know, in terms of being a service. So it's not, you know, there's two ways to be of service. I'm being of service to myself and I'm being of service to other people. And so there's, you know, a lot of fulfillment in that.

Anyway, I learned from, you know, I did eventually sweep the floor and I did, I learned something about my little attitude at that time, which is something that stuck with me over the years, you know, that I can really enjoy, everything I'm involved with. If I, know, get tuned into my true feelings rather than my emotions or concepts and, you know, get back into, you know, what, how can I stay more clear while I'm moving through this opportunity? You know, how can I.

gain from it from that spiritual perspective. Yeah, and I think for myself, I want to go back to that word that I started being feeling fulfilled. So as I've moved through two different places of working with nine to five for the last couple months, I recognize that, you know, moving into it, you know, there's a feeling, especially when I worked with the retail place, because that was a brand new facility. So everyone was excited and, you know, anticipation happening.

And then the more the time I was there, the more people kind of felt what I noticed fell back into their, I'm here. It's a nine to five. This sucks. like that unfulfillment. And so, and even in the current job I'm in now, I've occasionally been asked, so are you still liking it? And if people look at me and I'm like, I absolutely love it. And they're like, or, and then one time I even had someone say, wait till you're here 10 weeks. And I'm like, okay, well, so the thing for myself and like Tom's mentioning, you know, looking back at

Even when I was massage therapist or back, you know, decades ago when I was working in the in the city, in the Air Force or other places, there is an, there's a pitfall that a lot of us get into with others of, you know, of not being fulfilled and being unhappy. And it kind of like feeds a narrative, right? It feeds the fact that yeah, most people are not happy with their job job. Most people are unfulfilled or feel unfulfilled because

Believe they don't know what they're getting out of it. So where I'm working at now I'm doing invoicing and I've never done accounting before and I am just loving it and the reason why I'm loving it and I was sharing this with Tom earlier is because

I recognize that the service I'm doing is helping everyone there. I'm helping, you know, it's like a piece of the puzzle to gather in, you know, monetary abundance for the facility and to get back, you know, payment for what the landscape architects have created and the work they've done. so it's really recognizing, and this to me is really big because, you know, I see every day how unfilled people are in their.

in their workspace, but then it also I believe goes back to how unfulfilled they feel inside. What do you think about that, Tom? Yeah. And you know, it's all about I'm motivated when I'm really in my feelings, my true feelings versus those emotions. But the emotions can get stimulated by concepts. And I noticed that, you know, when I am sort of open to if I start competing or trying to, you know, trying or

you know, beyond say a healthy competition, know, in other words, how can I improve myself? How can I improve my service? How it can be more direct and helpful, that kind of thing. But that can be like the little trip up because all of a sudden I'm not meeting my expectations or what I thought it was. And the more that I really tune into, you know, what's my true feeling about the situation.

that rather than my concept about it or the concept that people hold out in the environment or that my parents had about, you know, opportunity. So I think there's a couple of ways you can go through life. And one is through suffering and suffering has a lot of prestige in our culture. I love to suffer with you, Tom. Yeah. And, you know, we were at, a function last night and I had, you know, worked at, at a side gig.

And I'd worked all day and, you know, it was mentioned as like, yeah, I was at work today and, that kind of thing. And the, some of the folks said, well, I guess you're tired. You know, and I went, well, actually I'm relaxed. I felt tired, but I felt fulfilled because I really enjoy the service, you know, that I get to provide. And I'm, probably more aligned to my niche, which is something that we talk about the kinds of things that.

You know, I really feel happy doing and it's not to say that, you know, it's all a unicorn farts and giggles and bubbles. Yeah, I know that's it's, but, but overall there are real highlights, you know, during the day of being of service. And, you know, for me, when I let go of the, the prestige of the situation or, or competition that's, you know, that's makes things more fulfilling and easier.

And probably my final thought is, that as I, comment on this part is, you know, sweeping the floor and noticing how I get disorganized while I do it. You know, I start at one end, but then I go to the middle or instead of going, you know, if I just take this in a systematic way, you know, I'm still using my intellect. So I've got the feeling of wanting to, you know, clean the floor. And then I take a moment to go, doesn't that feel better?

Because it does feel better when the floor is nice and you know cleaned up and all the papers are removed or the place is vacuumed or Yeah, things feel better, you know where a lot of guys can probably relate when you cut when you cut the lawn You know, there's a nice feeling to it at the end of it And if I allow myself to feel that feeling of pleasure or fulfillment That's when I'm even more inclined to be of service. Yeah, so this is a big

a big topic because we know we know from the people we working with and in the past that the unfulfillment of that there's so many people feeling unfulfilled. So how can you as a person, you know, take away some some keys for yourself as far as, know, feeling more fulfilled in what you're doing. So there's one key that I like to share about and that really is sitting down with yourself and asking, you know, what is what am I involved in?

you know, where am I doing this at? It's the what, when, where, why. When am I doing this? So just getting some facts on yourself for, you know, why are you involved in your work? And this for myself, when I do this, it really gives me a clarity because you go what, when, where, why, and then you take the why and you create that into the what and start again. And you keep doing it until you feel like, I recognize that this is what I'm gaining out of this situation.

and or maybe it's time that maybe I'm not really fulfilled there. Maybe it's time to find something else. Yes. And the why is part of our feeling gift, you know, the the feeling gift part of us needs the why. And it's it's a feeling. It's not necessarily a theory. It's, it's more of a feeling. So yeah, when you run once you run out of, know, any more ideas in terms of the what for the next from that why

You know, you've got it, you know, usually it takes a couple of times or maybe just three times. But yeah, if I know where I fit, so there's another fact, where am I fitting? Like what I hear you saying is, you know, where you fit in the service and the flow and the system of creating beautiful spaces. You're not one of the people creating the beautiful space, but you're being of service to people who are creating beautiful spaces. And then we tune into that feeling of like, you know, people are going to, or myself walk into that park and.

see that wetland and go, isn't this nice? And I've got a beautiful path here and there's a sculpture and now I life is more pleasant. So the more that we tune into that service, the more fun and fulfillment we have. But, you know, if you're not struggling and suffering, you might lose a little prestige, you know, because, we loved you work so hard. Well, I don't know that takes, there's a lot of toll on your physical body when you push yourself to

to struggle, but really it's just changing your concept. You know, it's just not copying how somebody else did it. And sometimes we need to play the game of society. You know, it's important to do that. But like I said, when I, when I really tune into, I guess the key point for me is, that the feeling of being of service, if I'm going to really go the extra mile and help somebody who needs help, like we're taught to in our culture, which is great.

If I recognize that I'm getting something out of it, like I allow myself, all I'm saying is, is I allow myself to feel the feeling of fulfillment of lending a helping hand or being true and clear in my service. If my motives are clear, I'm not trying to cater. I'm just there to be of service and help people. I'll do more of it. And that's kind of the funny little secret, you know, about the whole thing. What do you think about that? Yeah.

Well, the last key I want to share about is trusting in your what you are here to do. So for myself, I know that, you know, I know I only have a limited time on the planet. So I know I'm a soul and I'm transitioning from one experience to another or lifetime. I know that perhaps at the place I'm at right now, it's not going to last forever. There'll be a time when I when I move on. And so really recognizing for yourself where you're at in your cycle of life.

where you're at in your position, like Tom and I don't have a family that we have to provide for or animals or whatever, so it's just the two of us. that makes a little difference also in what type of monetary abundance we have to bring in versus when we had kids and we had to provide more money because they need money to live and stuff. But really recognizing that wherever you're at for your unique journey,

and not allowing others perspectives and others influences and where they're at to to poo poo you I'll say literally because like Tom saying like you know I have people around me too that you know I come home and they're like and you know she's like well boy you must be tired today from being at work I'm like yeah I am like Thompson I'm relaxed and I feel fulfilled because I've had I've been at that you know four to five o'clock in the morning and I'm home at you five o'clock so not allowing others influences to influence where you're

Yeah, and I think that another symptom or another cause for not feeling that fulfillment is that I'm making the job more important than me, or I'm out of balance the other way. I'm making me more important than the service. So, you know, it's a 50-50 thing. And, you know, those of you who know how to check with your guidance, you know, you can take a minute, get a key word and reflect upon, know, what's the little trigger you might say?

where you start suffering instead of just feeling that fulfillment and feeling the energy to be able to go to the extra mile. anyways, you know, not everything is, you know, goosebumps and giggles while I'm in my learning situations. But when I regroup them at the end of the day, as we're talking about, and start seeing it from the spiritual perspective, like, I can't really tell you what the problem is. You can't tell me what the problem is.

we can give each other some hints, but if we go to our spiritual helpers, that's where they love to be of service because they really trust you, they back you, they know the leader that you are within, and they're not gonna cater. They're gonna just give you those chills and give you guidelines. And one step kind of leads to another. As we let go of these concepts we have about life here,

and we start tuning into the true reality of who we are as a soul or soul energy, you know, that's when things can start to really flow. Absolutely. So I think that's a good place to stop. And we just wanted to share a little bit about finding fulfillment, especially the feeling of fulfillment in what you're doing every day. And, that is being of service, because that's what we're all here to be. Yep, being of service is the key.

So until next week, we hope that you have a wonderful week and enjoy your fulfillment and whatever you're at in service. just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.