Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Embracing 2025 FULLY with Tiger Coll

Teresa & Tom Shantz

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New beginnings, energetic discernment, and the importance of being present moving into 2025. Tiger and Teresa discuss the significance of understanding personal and collective energies, the power of choice in involvement, and the price of everything in life. The dialogue emphasizes the need for discernment in navigating challenges and the role of spiritual guidance in personal growth. 

Ultimately, they highlight the balance between manifesting intentions and taking action while staying connected to the bigger picture. In this conversation, TNT SpiritWorks discusses the importance of embracing change and being present in the slipstream of life. The dialogue emphasizes the role of individuals as way showers, guiding others through their spiritual journeys while maintaining a focus on service rather than servitude. The discussion also touches on the significance of letting go of past experiences to move forward into a promising 2025, filled with opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.

Key Takeaways:

  • New Year resolutions are about embracing new energy.
  • Being involved in positive environments is essential.
  • Everything in life comes with a price.
  • Staying present helps navigate life's challenges.
  • Spiritual guidance can provide clarity and support.
  • Letting go of the small picture opens up possibilities.
  • Manifestation requires both intention and action.
  • Embrace change as a natural part of life.
  • Being in the slipstream means actively participating in life's flow.
  • Way showers help others navigate their journeys.
  • Service is about uplifting others, not fixing them.
  • Letting go of the past is essential for growth.
  • Decision-making is a powerful spiritual act.
  • Fulfillment comes from being of service to others.

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My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:02)
The new year resolutions, newness, letting go of the past. It's a time when we all are really anticipating how amazing tomorrow is going to be. But you know what? We're here today. So I'm excited because I have my soul brother and friend, Tiger Cole in the house. Hey, Tiger. How are you going? How are you going? I'm going good. And I'm excited because when you and I come together, just like when you and Tom come together, magical shit happens.

So we're here today and we really want to inspire you all to step into 2025 with some new energy and some new thoughts about how to really back yourself and work with your spiritual team and guidance. So a couple things have been on my mind lately, Tiger. All right, let's get into it. Let's get into it. Juicy. Well, so yeah, so the new year and all of the resolutions and energies.

But I've noticed lately around around myself as well as other people that there's been this inability to discern energies. And so I've noticed this in leaders I've worked with that I and I've managed to mention this before on the podcast where I can literally almost see energies that's not them and them. Okay. You probably you get this. Sure. Yeah. So, you know, so I've noticed that

patterns of energies come around people a lot. And it's almost like a swirling of like, you know, come around, then it'll leave, then it'll come back around and leave. And so I really wanted to focus on this a bit because if I there's a saying that we like to say is that if we spot it, we got it. I have this in me too, which we all do. And lately at work, I've noticed that there's been some energy that's come around. I really want to talk about discernment.

that's, you know, that's discernment. I, completely can relate to that. I'd imagine a lot of people can, discernment. They say that discernment is a part of your intuitive gift, right? For you for gifts. but that's part of your intuitive gift and everyone has it, but the, the idea of making sure that my discernment is at its peak.

is the difference between me taking on stuff that doesn't belong to me or me working with what I've come to do exclusively. And which means when I'm working with what I come to do exclusively, it is inclusive of people. It's inclusive of my relationships. So it's not about excluding things, but that I can totally relate to what you're talking about. The discernment if...

to just say, what do I want? When, the challenge hits, right? Like, let's say I'm in, you know, under pressure, right? Here we are in the, you know, the holidays moving through, and then you have the new year and you know, then there's that law. What do I need? What do I want is, and if, you're halfway sensitive, right? If you're halfway sensitive, then it's like,

Like, it's like being on a radio station, right? Like remember the old school, the knobs and then you can be tuned into things where it's like, get a lot of snow that'll shh in the, in the back or that you don't hear it real good. To me, that's part of that discernment. Like, like how long was I running a driving where this music I was listening to this good station.

but it wasn't tuned just right. was hearing all this background stuff and, and so why am I bringing that up is because for me, if I'm really tuned in, if I'm really discerning, clear about where I begin and end, why I'm where I am clear about why I want to be with these people or be at this opportunity, then all of sudden everything's tuned in sharp, right? Like I'm, can work with

The bigger picture. I know what my business and what's not my business. Uh, all that stuff. Or if I do hit troubles, which I inevitably do because I'm trying new things sometimes are all old patterns. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm getting it. That's right. Um, if I do hit it, I can discern, can identify what is that? Like I don't just fall into the trouble.

Like I can actually go, what is that before I fall into the trouble, which, you know, I, I don't know if anybody else, but so often I'll have the reaction to something. I'll just, I'll just fall right into a pattern because I'm, I'm in it. So anyway, without getting, I know we're going to really get into this, but that discernment for 2025, I would say would be right at the top. I agree with that for 2025.

Make sure that's that you have other things that need to be involved for the year, but that right needs to be at the top. Cause otherwise, how am I going to fulfill on my new year's resolutions? How am I going to step forward in this year and what I've come to do with people if without the discernment, basically all of my powers, all my sensitivity, all of my abilities.

are going to be operating at a percentage. That's kind of how I, and that, you to me, that kind of bothers me rather like, I have a hundred percent life and vitality and I'm using 52%. Yeah. And so like, where's that other 52 % going? Um, so discernment to me is, is critical. And, and, um, I'm sure you have some stories about that, but I,

I think that was spot on to bring that up for 2025. Well, I'm glad you thought about that and think that's true. Okay, so back to your little dial. Yes, because that's exactly how I feel that as I've explored and opened up myself energetically and understanding more and more about what's me, what's not me. That is what it's like. So here's my example. So I go to my new workplace and

that, you know, I have, learning so much, right? There's so many pieces of this puzzle that I'm, everything's new. And one piece is the telephone. So I have to learn how to do the telephone and it's, you know, it's a big, there's a big office and there's, know, a lot of people and you have to, you know, do the asterisks and hit their number and hit this and hold and transfer. I'm like, what the heck? So I start when I'm there, one of the ladies that I work with said, told me that the previous person could never, never like to answer the phone.

just didn't want to answer the phone. Okay. And I've, you know, I've worked in other places before and I asked a phone. It's no big deal. But what, what, what started to happen to me is when the phone rang, I got a panic attack. I felt anxiety within me and I literally was like, what in the world? And this went on for a little while. I didn't want to ask the phone because there's other people answering it too. So it wasn't just me, but I wanted to learn how, but so I recognize there was an energy pattern.

in the place I'm at that was affecting the previous person and now was affecting me. So once I discern this, it really cut it because then I'm like, I can do this. Hello. And so I would start answering the phone and then it was gone. But then it would start sneaking back in to go, Hey, hey, want to have a little anxiety? We laugh, but my God, it's like these little things. So it's fine tuning that. And I'm like, no, that's not me. So, and so this goes on with

all kinds of people as well as not, you know, just obviously personally, but also like collectively. Yes. So we're talking about, you know, coming in the 2025 and we have a new, we have a new administration coming in soon, which is going to be a whole other shift depending upon, you know, the likes and dislikes and everything. But, I guess this moves into really about, um, you know, am I discerning the fear I'm feeling or am I discerning like moving into love?

That's where want to go with this because for myself, I love this new job and I love answering the phone and talking to people. Hey, so once I really determined that and what it was, I was able to move out of the fear and into love. So to me, this is a big piece is being able to discern that. And then when we move into this year of slipstream, like moving into that energy of, yeah, I got this. And then that love energy versus the fear.

Well, thank you for sharing that story.

Everything is available all the time. Everything is available all the time. So even in my darkest places, there's always hope. There's always belief. There's always power available to me all the time, all the time. And when I'm at the top of my game, when I'm feeling good that all the relations is going great and the business is going great, there is always the availability to go

get caught and go in a hole. And everything is available to me all the time. And what I what I'm inspired by what you're saying is that if if I'm not discerning what it is I'm involved with, I'm going to I'm going to fall back to what I default to, what my training is, what my first seven years is, what my maze is.

what my ancestors did, so to speak. I'm gonna go there because that's the old picture. That's the framework that I'm working with. And just to kind of carry on in that similar vein, I've been working on some things administratively, which is not my niche. I enjoy being more out with people and stuff, so I'm already working at a place that's not my preference.

But my guidance kept saying, well, be involved, be involved. And I said, God, how many times are you going to tell me that? So involvement is a key for me because then I put myself in it. But in this process of this administration stuff, in the background, the websites, and working with people, and the checklists, and stuff like that, it's

There's stuff that works and all of a sudden things will break and you know, this isn't working and I'm trying to meet the time and all this kind of thing. And where I'm going with that is at some point I had to kind of float up like a balloon and make a decision. Like, wait a minute, what do I want to be a part of? Which is what I was getting from what you're sharing. What do I want to be a part? What do you want to be a part of?

Do I want to be a part of positive love and possibilities? Not from a feel good perspective per se, because there is such a thing as toxic positivity. this, it becomes this avoidance of, of things that I need to work through because I'm just going to say positive things only. So it's, I want to be a part of positive things because I, it feels good.

And it helps me move forward. It doesn't preclude me from having negative things hit me and all that kind of stuff. So making it, there was a certain point where there was enough going wrong. And this was recent. This is like within the last three months, there was enough going wrong that it, I was getting angry at home. You know, I'd come home and I'd start to feel angry. And I think about the next day and it started like, he's frustrated.

And so I just had to make a decision, wait a minute, what, what am going to be involved in? And that's the, that's the great power of working with your spiritual helpers or guidance, having that communication. you know, if you, if you want to know more about that, talk to this lady right here or go to the podcast that she has on that, but it's, it's a powerful thing to have that little backup. Right. So, okay. To the point.

I stopped, I recognized what it was when I would feel it. Cause it would hit me again. Something would break or something wouldn't work. And now we have to do more work because that's automatically not working or something like that. So it became this point. It's like, Oh, there it is. Okay. What do I need to do? Right. And then I'd go along and things would be going great. And then, Oh man, that isn't working. Okay. What do I need to do? And that only took me like two or three. That's just happened in one day. So.

It just took me like two or three times to get into a new groove. Right. And where it was great to have the, this feedback is I was talking to someone else, like the next day. Right. And we're on the phone and we're talking about this stuff that's breaking. And that person just is like, there.

they were just blown away. They're like energy just dropped. You know how they, you've seen people, like you see them, they're just like, they go from this, I mean, if you're not watching, but it's like their whole shoulders drop and their voices changes. And it's like, just, God, you know, God, we put all this energy in, you know, and the whole thing shifts. And I remember thinking to myself, wow, you know, it's come on. It's not.

Let's let's get, let's move forward. So it showed me where I had come. It showed me, and that's the great thing with working with other people tells you, made some progress, but I realized that if I, everything's available to me all the time, if I'm going to, if I don't discern it and I'm going to indulge in it, I'm going to start indulging in that frustration. I'm going to indulge in that anger or that panic.

or whatever it is, I'm going to start playing with it. you know, not to sound, make it a little, but you know, I'm, basically feeding this energy. I'm feeding something I don't want to be a part of because I'm not discerning it. I'm not, is this me? Is this even what I want? And again, it's not about being constantly trying to be positive. It's just, is this what I want or not? Okay. What do I need to do? Right. I need to

Pull myself up from my bull straps, you know, Hey, cut that crap out tiger. You know, that's who's that? And, so that's the, to me, it was just, am I going to stay in that? Or am I going to go to what I want? And, and, and so that's the discernment for me that I was getting from what you're sharing with that, that thing with the phone. I can kind of relate to a version of that. It's like, wait a minute.

This is I'm here because I want to be here. Hold on. You know, and I don't like every single thing that happens, but you know, am I, did I choose to be here not? And so anyway, that that's what stands out to me. Yeah. And so what really pops up when you're mentioning this is that, you know, a of times it's easy for us to see in other people when this happens, right? my God, they're talking about this again, or, or they're in the bottom of the bucket again, right?

And it happens every so many months or every so every once a year or whatever. But it's really when, like you said, working with your guidance and working with our energy that we start discerning it for ourselves because, you know, I could have went to talk therapy, not say there's anything wrong, talk therapy. But when I'm working with my guidance and my energy, it's night and day then talk therapy, because I've been to some talk there before. It's just there's nothing comparable to working with my guidance who know me, who know what I need.

and who can give me insights as far as, you know, starting to discern this. So when I can discern this and I can put together for myself that, there is something here that's triggering me when the phone rings. And what's really funny is this, I'm coming up right now about this. When I was back at another place at the retail place, right, for a couple of weeks before I got this new job, there was a time when there was, we were putting on these little

security things on all the retail, like the expensive stuff, right? And they go beep beep beep beep beep beep. Yes. Okay. So at one point, they they're all a lot were going off at one time and I had to stop them, like literally and it like like it triggered me. So it's interesting how like, so then there's a phone ringing like these things sometimes, you know, I don't know why I'm really sharing this, I guess, because it's these things that can trigger us into really oblivion almost. Yes.

and not being centered, not being aware of what really is going on energetically and the energy of where you're at, because this can happen at home, it could happen at work, it can happen in the car, anytime. So being able to access your guidance and making sure your energy is cleansed and clear when you're moving into different situations and what you're doing throughout the day can be such a game changer. And that's what I've noticed, especially in the last couple of years.

I guess what I'm.

There's a price for everything. I have to remember there's a price for everything. Nothing's for free. We live in a galaxy system. We live in a system where nothing is for free. Maybe if you go to a different galaxy system, maybe it's different over there, but it's not free here. Everything is a price, you know, for things. And, you know, I can't even breathe for free. These are the facts here. You know, I have to be willing to expend the

energy it takes to blow out the air in my lungs in order to grasp a new one. And in order to do that, I need to make sure that my I have my energy and high right, I got to eat, I got to take care of myself. In order to eat, I got to go buy the food, you know, I got to go get it. So there's this whole price to be paid, just so I can have a breath of fresh air. Now, that's a that's a price I'm willing to pay. Right, right. And most people are willing to pay that.

but I, but I can forget that there's a price for everything. And why I'm bringing that up is when I forget that I have, I have a choice when I forget that and that whatever I do will have a price. So

In order for me to be a part of the bigger picture of life, in order for me to have that flood through everything I'm doing to the last detail of everything, and we know whether, you know, we're, having a little fellowship and drinks or whether we're talking to you, uh, you know, solving complicated problems, building rockets to Mars and the whole thing, regardless of what it is, if I want

that bigger picture to channel through everything, then the price I pay is I need to be willing to let go of the small picture. Right. And why is that? Why is it? Well, tiger, you know what? That's not a big deal. I will, of course I want to do that. Well, the price I pay is because I'm kind of married to that small picture. I'm used to that small picture. That's how I used to operate. That's my go-to when troubles hit, right? That's my re

action when someone gets into my face or someone gets into my field or I get stimulated with something like you're bringing up all the noise and stuff I can relate to that it's like I can't even concentrate so in order for me to be able to move smoother through those things I need to be married now to the bigger picture and I need to get release that smaller one and that's a price there's a price to pay for that it's what I'm familiar to

It with it's what I'm used to. So there's a price there, right? And as long as I know, okay, I'm willing to pay the price, right? I'm willing to start letting go of the things and ideas that hold me to that old way. But I'm going to start building a new habit, a new routine for myself. And I'm going to let go of this old habit. There's a shift there. I mean, I don't know about you, but

I've had people in my life where when I start to try to make a change, they, don't like it. Cause that's, that's not, wait a minute, tiger, you're changing. You're, changing. That's not what I'm used to. So it stimulates them and they feel insecure. So it's like, okay, I know that's going to happen. So I can just keep nice and steady because I've got my, I'm married to the big picture now. This is what I want to accomplish. So it.

In hearing and feeling what you're talking about that when that hits me if if I can Say, okay, I'm committed to this bigger picture. I know I'm gonna live a life of purpose This is what I want to do, right? I assume if you're listening to this you must be interested in your life purpose so if that's gonna be my way right if that's gonna be my way and Then I need to now let myself

operate and discern from the bigger picture and to be clear everybody that I still fall down I I still react to stuff it happens wait a minute because you're human disclaimer tiger you're fucking human we forget that sometimes I'm it's the two of us talking about this oh yeah no one else will hear this but but the

Bottom line is that I'm committed to that bigger picture and I've got support, you know, and that's a great thing about, hey, make sure you're surrounding yourself with people who have true concern. They don't always have to agree with you, right? I mean, having an echo chamber of people who only agree with you, that's not helpful. But you have people who actually have respect for you, regardless of how they think might be different. If there's a respect,

That's powerful. And that's kind of like working with, you know, people of like mind, working with my spiritual helpers allows me to tune into the bigger picture in the universe. Those kinds of things help me move forward. And then I'm willing to pay the price. I'm willing to advance. So I, the price I pay in order to live a life of the bigger picture, whatever you want to call that, right? A life of the universe, a life of

Some people call it God, right? The all. Whatever it is, being a part of that, being one with all, then I need to be willing to let go of those smaller pictures that I have. The idea of getting, you brought up the point, like here in America, we have that change of administration and political power. If I'm not centered, if I'm not clear what I need to do, then I'm gonna get

shifted one way or the other because the ocean seems to be choppy a little bit rather than setting my sails setting my rudder I'm gonna move forward and and that's the that's the key for me that that really stands out there am I if I'm willing to let go of the small picture I can fully embrace the big one and so the word that comes to mind when you're saying all that is present so staying in the present yeah because you know we can't

past is the past, the future's not here yet, we're only in the now. And so, and I love that thing about the bigger picture, because that's really been a savior for me the last few months as I've shifted from doing my everyday, you know, being at the house every single day for how many years and then moving into, you know, moving out back into the workforce is like, knowing that what my bigger picture though is, you know, my soul and a physical body, you know, I've got guidance that I'm here to be of service. So I really believe that spirit puts me in the right places.

for me to gain some knowledge, to really, to gain some insights for, you know, again, where are people at, what's going on in the real world and getting out there. So sometimes, you know, we can be kind of hidden in our little caves when it's, we really need to get out there, be amongst people, live some life and really then recognize, okay, so what am I learning from this opportunity in the present moment? Yeah, I completely agree. you know, fear of success.

We talked a little bit about that before we went on air. if there are many things that I'm involved in, that may or may not be part of whatever, what I really want, right? Well, Hey, I want all rainbows and roses here. Why, why do I have these down days or why does this stuff happen to me? Poor little me. kind of thing. But if.

If I'm willing to commit to say, want, I want this in my life. Uh, that's that whole, that, I was saying that you probably heard it. Everybody's heard it a hundred times. Like if you, you do what you love, you're never going to work a day in your life kind of thing. And so I don't have to know how to get there. Right. As a matter of fact, if I tried to overthink that I can sometimes squeeze out the miracles.

that will happen because you know, the, the, the bigger picture is moving the manifestation that they, you know, that we talk about, they're moving chess pieces. Everything's getting lined up. If I'm crystal clear with what I need and want. So if I, all I need to do is be able to point my nose or set a goal. Hey, this is what I want to move toward. That's number one. And in 2025, you know, this is going to be a, for me, this is going to be a big powerful year. This is my discernment.

on this year is going to be a great year to really start to make those final decisions. Come full circle on what it is, everything that I've done up to this point. And what am I working with? What can I start releasing that no longer fits? And where can I start pointing myself to? There's going to be a lot of extra energy and you brought up slipstream, which is the theme of the year spiritually. But within that,

is that allow myself to enjoy everything I've got and I've got some challenges sometimes and I've got some great things sometimes and looking at it from the viewpoint of that bigger picture from the viewpoint of the soul or that my consciousness like look what I've created. The masterful messes and the masterful successes. It's mine, you know and and coming it from that perspective. Now I've got.

a focus, I've got a new way to allow the bigger picture and spirit and all those things to work with me, as opposed to me trying to do it by myself. I'm going to make it happen. Or on the other side of it is, I'm just going to let God do it for me. Right? And this is just, it'll just happen. Right. And, I'm, don't, there's, there's a, that's a technique, right? There's nothing wrong with that for, those of you.

practice that. Just remember it's a technique, right? It's to show you how much the people who say, well, I'm just gonna, God will provide for me. It's a good technique. It's not a way of life. It's a good technique to show how much can be manifested just by a thought. So it's like a technique, right? But in the end, it's kind of in the middle, I need to be doing my part.

And then the bigger picture in the universe and spirit will do their part. So I don't want to over try to fix everything and have every last detail completely figured out. I want to have it open for some miracles to happen. But at the same time, I don't want to just not do what I know how to do. And so if I'm doing going back to my point, if I'm doing the very best, I know how and that's the key, right? Am I doing the very best? I know how.

Do I show up at the place I'm going with these people? Am I showing up cleansed? As silly as that sounds. In other words, am I showing up at my best or am I already coming in at a, you know, shoulders down, head down, right? Am I ready for the challenge of the day or am I like, God, I got another day. Right.

You know, like, I doing my best? Like, sometimes I have to go and say, you know, I got to take a cold shower. I'm I don't, I don't want to be a part of that feeling. Right. Again, this is not posi, positive tech, Texas tech, toxic positivity, excuse me. but it's like, I'm discerning what it is. I don't want that.

What do I need to do about it? Okay. I'm to take a cold shower. All right. Or I'm going to cleanse or I'm going to do a positive punch or I'm going to some technique to say, no, I'm not going to accept that in myself. No, I'm going to go over here. Right. So it's not avoiding things. It's more, I'm going to go into that situation doing the very best I know how. And to me, that's part of 2025 because

It's guaranteed that we're going to experience some ups and downs. That's a guarantee, right? And we're up for change. Right. And that's for me, that's what a lot of what the slipstream is. I know I'm going to be moving through change, right? And I guess we'll get into kind of talking about people's fears and stuff, but I know I'm moving through change. So I want to be in that slipstream of life. I want to, I want to be in it and I want to help create it.

for others, right? And if, if every one of you who's listening to this makes that commitment for 2025, I want to be in it, life slipstream, and I want to help create it. Meaning that the people come behind you because you're a way shower will have an easier go of it. Right? It's just that little thing. And it's, it's silly little things, right? Going to the grocery store. Am I clear or am I, am I not paying attention? Right? This is how people have accidents, right?

You know, am I, am I seeing the world around me or am I just got my head down? You know, and little things like that, they're practical things, but they're spiritual things. It's like, wow, you know, it's like, oh, this is so profound. Yeah, it's practical. You know, you can do it every day, you know, and, then I find that the universe and spirit can back me more because they trust, they know that I've got some

consistency. They know I'm in the rhythm. I'm in the slipstream. that's that to me, if those of you are listening, can't see me. Imagine a pipe that's a couple inches or centimeters big. That the more I'm consistent with moving forward, working with what I want to be a part of when challenges hit,

doing the absolute very best I know how not getting caught up in personality, not getting caught up in little pictures, but rising to service, rising to the mission of purpose, right? If I'm doing that, then that little centimeter, a couple inches of pipe goes into a meter or yards worth of pipe.

meaning that I have all this extra energy to back me because I'm working with that higher feeling. I'm working with that higher purpose. So then all that's there. So that's the feeling I love when it hits. I'm sure most of you listening to this, I'm sure you have experienced that when you're just on your game. You're like, it's everything's hitting, we're moving, it all feels good.

And if there's challenges, they go, they move out quick. Or I learn, I learn what the, what I'm learning from it faster because I have the backing of spirit and I've got, I'm working with my team, working with the energies. And so I really want to go back to, to being a way shower. So I think this is a really, a good key moving in the 2025, which it's funny that 2025 I've been using the words alive and thrive in 2025. So the fact that whenever you can,

be present, be in the now, work with your guidance, really get into that slipstream of that energy you're talking about in the pipeline, like really moving forward with what's next down the road, what's, what's, what's spirit going to open up next for me. Then you're able to really showcase your skills and be a way shore for others. Cause that's what I've noticed in the places I've been into with who I am, my energy, my enthusiasm is that it really, uplifts others or it also

makes them look at some things that they're working on. So, you know, being a way show out in the world is not only because, you know, we're showcasing who we are and our energies, but, it's also to influence the energies of the environments we're in. So when I go into a store or I go into say, Tiger, us, we're in this room together, you know, recording this, our energies in this room uplifting it. And if someone were to come in, they'd like, Whoa, I feel it.

and that might stimulate them or in a positive way or in a way that they're going to have some type of big learning experience. And that's really what I've noticed in the couple of places I've been put into from my, you know, my jobs lately is that, yeah, my energy is definitely, you know, it's stimulating and it's, you know, creating different environmental, I'll say stimulants for people.

You understand what I'm talking about? yeah. yeah. yeah. And it's a good thing. It's a great, very good thing. I mean, way shore, you know, and if we even hyphenated the word, right? Way dash shower, right? Like that. To me, that's that life as an exam being an example of living life purpose, right? And to go one step further, for those of you

who maybe they you share more with people at this level or maybe that's you're more overt with who you are and what you believe. The key thing for me is always remembering the keyword service. I've come here to be of service, right? Not a servant. I do not come here to be a servant.

I came here to be of service. And if service is my standard, right? That goes back to that, I'm working with that more, that bigger picture energy. It's a higher standard. So if I'm working or helping somebody, for instance, what level of service, what am I, am I really being of service here? And so,

to me being a spiritual way show or, or, or living a life of example is not, is, is knowing discerning there, we go back full circle to the beginning, discerning the difference between being of service and helping or assisting and catering to people or having to take care of them. And to be clear, I want to just say that, you know, I, I have a life of, of

being of service and helping people. I, I want to preface this, but also I can't fix people that I need to, if that's anywhere inside me, I need to purge that. need to release that idea. Right. I can't fix them. I can't save them. Right. I can't fix them because they're not broken. They're,

whole and perfect for what they've come to do. They may not be perfect for what I come to do, just as you know, I'm not the other way around, right? But they're perfect for what they came to do. So they're not broken. And number two, I can't save them because they're not lost. They're here. They're having an experience. I may not like that experience. I may not want that to be a part of my life, but they're here.

They've organized themselves to be in this life. Not every soul, if you can imagine team, not every soul has organized themselves to incarnate to have an experience here. You have to be organized to do that. So even, even the little gal or guy on the street, you know, the ones that we typically can feel sorry for, no, you know, they have organized themselves to be here. They're having an experience.

When it comes time to go home, they're going to regroup their experience, you know, and that's the bigger picture. So being a way show or is to me, if we're to start classifying it, I mean, there's a hundred ways to be a way show. Right. But to classify it for me, it's really working with that higher standard. And to me, when I, when I have that embedded in me or I see it in someone else, it's inspiring.

Because they're, they're not going to let themselves play little petty games. They're going to see the potential in people, right? It's, they're not going to fall down with you. You know, there's that, that difference. know that sounds like semantics, right? But the difference between sympathy and empathy, right? Like sympathy, the root word of sympathy is like suffering with them, right? It's like, Hey team.

been there, done that. I know what that feels like to be in that position. I don't need to do that in order to help and inspire. I don't, you know, that's the vibration of the difference between the hand out or the hand up, right? The, don't want to hand out, but I, I, every now and then I could use a hand up, right? And it's, just a different vibe that it comes from. And as a way shore, can't afford

to look down on people and say, I need to save that person or I need to fix that. I got to help that poor little gala guy. Like that's coming from a position that you're lesser than me and I'm greater. Right now we kind of code it, right? We kind of sugar coat it like, no, I'm going to help. But the truth is, is my motive, my unconscious motive is you're lesser and I'm greater.

But the moment I say, a minute, you're just like me. You're just like me. Now, maybe I'm more organized over here, but you're just like me. Then I'm coming from a place. I'm showing the way from a place of a high standard, and I can actually help. And they can either reject that or accept that. Maybe I'm not the right person to help that person.

You know, sometimes I forget that, that my energy isn't ripe for that person, but the next person that comes along is. So it's not to throw people away. It's not to not help people. but it is just say, I'm here to be of service. I'm not here to be a servant. I'm here to support and back, but I'm not here to cater. because ultimately as a way show her, that's what my guidance are doing for me.

They're not trying to cater to me. They know what I'm capable of. They're not trying to fix me. They know I'm not broken. They know they're not trying to save me because I'm not lost. So they're a tremendous example. They're wayshores for me so that I can pass that on and do that. just in closing on that part, imagine 2025. Okay. So everybody listening to this 2025.

Imagine if every one of us commits to that way shower energy to commit to yourself, commit to myself, say I'm going to do the very best I know how and I'm going to pass on what I have. I'm going to hear to be of service. Right. And if no sir, if something doesn't present itself, I'll go find

A place to be of service, right? That kind of energy. And when, when I'm shining, you know, you have a lot of this when I'm shining at that level, the bad habits, the confusion, the, little idiosyncrasies that people can push my buttons with it out shines all of that because I'm up, I'm upfront, I'm here to be of service. I'm not going to.

go down to that pettiness of, of personality and little games. And I understand that let's face it, we have to live in a real world. You got to deal with, play the game. I get it. I get it. I have to do it too. But because I have momentum, you have momentum into 2025. You're in the slipstream. You move through it. Right. It's that feeling you're right. Smooth, smooth as opposed to that.

feeling of, you know, the nails scratching on, the chalkboard, right? We all know that one. So that's, there's wear and tear that I'm not tapped into that bigger picture, I'm not being a way show. I'm not leading myself. So that's part of, to me, that's the inspiration of what I hear you saying is if that light is shining bright in me, then there's no limit.

There's absolutely no limit. We're, on fire here, right? We're on fire here and I can have everything available to everything available to me at all times. I can have that if I want it. Right now it might take me a little bit to shake off the not so good habits, but I can do that. So anyway, being a way show or I love it. Yeah, I love it too. And the word that comes to mind whenever I think of way shower is and service is fulfillment.

So, and that can show up in all kinds of ways. I go back again to what I'm recently involved in, right? Moving out of being at home all the time, going back into a nine to five, 40 hour week. I'm so fulfilled. I mean, it's unbelievable how fulfilled I am because I am being of service. And I know what my service is moving into a workspace and what my job is and how important it is as a team.

So that's another aspect of what I'm learning at the moment with my current job is that everyone plays a part. And so to be of service in my area of what I need to accomplish and learn from, affects and influences everybody. So that's a thing that I really like to emphasize is that feeling of fulfillment.

And so being a way shower, you we're all way showers. It's just, but it's funny. Cause as you were saying one part of that, I was like, yeah, well, if you would have been here last night, cause I came home and Tom wasn't here and I was tired and I, and some things happened. He left the laundry in a place and I was all pissy. mean, it like this spun me out tiger was crazy because I'm human and I get home and you know, and I have expectations and whatever, like I'm freaking human.

but it didn't take me long. Well, I went to bed like that. And then this morning I was much better. because he got home late. Yeah, he got home late. We didn't get a chance to discuss it. So I went to bed in my little funk. then in the morning I'm like, okay, here's what it's all about, right? Laying out. Okay. This is what this is when the confusion came in because this happened. That happened. I was tired, which he knows if I'm tired, it can go south if you know. So I'm sharing this just to let you guys know that, you know, in the midst of

me sharing my enthusiasm, sharing my light, I'm human. And I have these moments too, where I get thrown off. But I don't spin out as long as I used to. That's the key. Because before I might go a couple days or who knows what, how long, right? Now I'm like, no, let's get down to it. And of course, living with someone too that I can go there with and say, hey, what the hell is going on with this? And what is he feeling? What am I feeling? And then we get to really

you know, be in the present and recognize, okay, what's our learning out of this? And how can we not do it again or do it differently if it shows up? Because it may show up again. Like earlier talking about the energies that come back around and the, and I noticed too, whenever I get to point and you know, Tom and I are also starting in 2025, we're starting to do a monthly class, which we're going to be offering. And this is a big deal. So whenever there's big deals that happen, there's confusion. I come in and go, let's spin them out.

Let's not let them work together. So it's really being, what's the word I want to say? Obedient, I want to say obedient, honestly, to my spiritual part and to the bigger picture of being a service and being a wait show. And being consistent with, okay, keep working on myself, regrouping what I'm learning and being able to access that part of me to not allow, when that comes around, to not spend out so long.

Does that make sense? 100 % just being real here people. that to me, to me, the word spiritual is synonymous with practical and real life, everyday opportunities. They, they are one in the same. And if I'm not working with things at that level, then I'm working off the theory of

metaphysics, the theory of religion, the theory of these positive living. I'm working off the theory of that. And if I'm not bringing it into that practical, real thing, like you're saying, okay, wait a minute, I'm sleeping on this. Okay, get up. I'm better. Right? Like, okay, sometimes I need to do that. Right? It's just kind of like, I don't advocate for this, but sometimes, you know, I need to go take a break, have a drink.

and just relax. You know, it's just like everyone does it different ways. Everybody does. Right. And so I get it. Now, as I improve, I'm getting to that place where I don't have to go and have an outer thing to help me with that. You know, and that's the practice. That's the spiritual part as opposed to the religious dogmatic part. Nothing against religion. It's just, it can be dogmatic. can be theory. Right. So that

I completely relate to that. think most people could probably relate to that about moving forward. And I think the distinction is

We all have momentum that we can tap into. And if I'm obedient, I love, I've come to learn to love that we're to rebel against that word. I hated that word. Now I've like incorporated it into my language because what I, when I say obedient, am I being obedient to my true feelings? Am I being obedient to the inspiration that spirit

And my guidance are telling me, am I being obedient to the bigger picture, my bigger picture, the bigger picture? So it's, it really is becomes a lot easier to just relax. Cause I don't have to control everything. Right. And I can start letting things go. There's a, there's a tremendous technique in some of our basic,

home studies and group work programs that, you know, that we offer. And one of them is that you actually regroup on if you were to graduate tomorrow, graduate, if you were to pass on, yes. Right. Bye bye. Yep. What would be the top six things you would have difficulty letting go of, right? Things, people, relations, situations,

Like to get real honest with myself. And these are just, that's just a fraction of some of the techniques, but going into 2025, like how, how free am I? Right. And I'm not saying that to have a spiritual life, you just live a nomad life of not have no possessions or something far from it. Have two Ferraris if you want, you know, but when it's time for me to move forward,

Am I willing to let go of the past? Right? And you bring it up that point, all I've got is the present. All I've got is this moment. So how free am I to move forward? Because if I keep, I keep dragging the past into what I'm doing, well, then what do I think I'm going to get? Right? If I do what I've always done, I'm going to get what I've always got. So I need to start to release things that are no longer.

helping me or serving me. And at the same time, I need to release people and I need to release things in my life. Those challenges, like you're saying you obviously released that situation. Otherwise you would have woke up and hit it hard and you know, get, you know, into that funk again, but you didn't. Well, it's hard because Tom's so sweet. so plug, plug. so that's, there's something there that we're able to move forward. And for everybody listening to this,

That is a decision. That is a decision. So no matter how bad the situation or how bad I was abused in the past, how terrible things have happened, that's the past. That is the past. And the only way for me to get dirty with it is if I dig it up. And a lot of people do. And every day they're reconstituting. Don't do this in 2025. You're working against the energy.

You're working against the rhythm. Right now that slipstream, that 2025 feeling is about, let's wrap it up, let's round it out, let's move forward. That is everything is moving that way, right? No matter what you may think, everything's moving that direction. So yes, we may have some ups and downs. Yes, we'll have some challenges and we'll have some great things, but everything is moving in that direction. We're all moving in that direction. So

Going back is if I'm willing just to make a decision and discern, right? If I make a decision, this is what I want to be a part of. Decision is a spiritual word, by the way. It's like it has a power to it. Think about it. If you make a decision, if you make an act like decision, it's done. They could kill you and you will still go do it.

Right. It's that kind. That's what I mean by the word decision. Right. When you make a decision that you're going to be the best you can be, not something out there. I'm saying being the best, you know, you can be that you've experienced when you're happy, childlike, right. That you're going to have fun. Right. That's enthusiastic, spiritual, right. that when that decision is made,

It doesn't matter how bad it gets. It slips off. It slips off. There's no hooks in me around me to grab onto stuff. So if I hit something and I'm wrestling with it, as long as I keep moving and I stay relaxed, it will slip off. But if I buy into the old ways, those are like hooks.

on me, like hooks on my skin where things can't just slip off. They'd actually get hooked into me. that that's that making that decision for 2025 and do something simple, right? Don't make a great big thing. we're to change the world. Want to change the world? Start with a person in the mirror, right? All I'm going to do is I'm going be happier. I'm going to move toward my goals. I may not know how to get there.

But I'm gonna move toward my goals and I'm right I'm gonna let that penetrate my body. I'm gonna let me penetrate my work I'm gonna let perfect my abundance Etc. Etc. Etc. Decision that's a that's a spiritual word from my perspective and And in that commitment because once I've decide I can commit But if I don't decide there's no commitment, right? I'm just basically doing it all for the outside. yes. I'll go to heaven if

good things, you know? And if it were that easy, I would tell you. Yeah, well, if it was that easy, we wouldn't be here. Because there's no reason to be here. I mean, how boring would that be? There's no obstacles, no challenges. It's just all, you know, rainbows and unicorn farts. mean, like, Well, why would we want that? No. I agree. Bottom line is it's going to be a great year and

Uh, everything's available all the time. So I can, I can dig down into the crap or I can grab the stars that are, have come closer. They're available to touch. They're closer, more of them. And, um, I'm not saying that just as a pump up thing, I'm just saying that those, that's what's happening. Right? I have the benefit of traveling. I have the benefit of working with many different people like you, uh, all of that feedback.

has had some consistency and that the stars are getting closer and that I can touch them, I can reach them. Doesn't mean that the crap isn't there, it's there. But it's just going to be exactly what I want it to be. And that energy of slipstream, the 2025, it's going to amp it. It's gonna put, so if I'm gonna go in my hole, there's a slipstream for that.

But if I want out of that hole and I want to do something fun and abundant, there's a slipstream for that. So what do I want to be involved in? And, and for me to just remember, not everybody, has that same vision. Not everyone has that same commitment and that's okay. You know, that's okay. When they do the things that you did,

they will gain an awareness and they will start doing it. But they just have to be allowed to have those experiences, right? And learn from them that they got like you did. Don't they say, don't steal them from their or don't rob them of their experiences. That's right. That's right. Powerful. Let them learn that. Well, so that's a good place to end this, I think. Cause this is obviously going to be two separate episodes, but

So what I hear you saying, Tiger, is that it's going to be a dang good year. It is going to be a year to move us into an entirely new wave. not it's it's hasn't it's something that we haven't seen, but it's it's just the wrap up and the culmination of decades and decades and if not centuries to help us get to this place. And we're starting fresh again. Right.

There's still going to be challenges. There's still going to be, you know, people at a different level and all that kind of stuff, but it's just the wrap up. so 2025, we're going to see a lot of that. And to me, that just is a fancy way to say for me to wrap up myself, all everything that's brought me to this point, everything that's brought you to this point. What do you need now? You know, let it come in this wisdom.

And what do I can, what can I let go of and what am I going to project going forward? This is something that you can do every day. And I get that, you know, we can do that all the time, but there's just more boost for it. There's, there's a slipstream for it, so to speak. So for those of you who work with others and share spiritually, this is the kind of thing that will project and people will be open for more.

It'll be easier to penetrate the challenges or the confusion around people because more people will have that urge. It's just like, it's like a ground that's fertile, right? So that there's a, there's a desire to spring up. There's plenty of sunshine. There's a desire to reach that. So that's the kind of vibe that we're in a healthy soil, lots of sunlight. So there's that feeling of wanting to emerge and,

And then that's the feeling of 2025. If it's all there, the goods and not so goods, but there's just more slipstream and more goods. Well, we're going to package that up. We're going to, that's what, that's what we're going to end with lots of goods out there. yeah. Oh yeah. Thank you so much, Tiger for coming on and sharing today. I really appreciate it. I hope that all of you guys out there enjoyed the conversation, the camaraderie here and the good vibes we're putting out into the, to 2025 and beyond.

Let's do it. Excellent. So thanks again for listening wherever you're at in the world. And until next week, remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.