Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Ready to move away from woo-woo and start making spirituality practical? That is exactly what happens here! In this podcast, we focus on fostering trust with our intuition, engaging in uplifting conversations, and offering spiritual guidance that’s grounded in practical wisdom. We dive deep into strategies and tips to help you use your spiritual gifts to guide your personal and professional life. It’s a space where you can explore how to connect with your intuition and use spiritual tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How to trust when those hunches, insights and impressions happen.
- How to manage your sensitivities when others around you don’t understand you.
- How to connect with your team of spiritual helpers to support and back you.
- How to decrease the overwhelm and start feeling more secure energetically.
- How to navigate through situations using your inner wisdom.
- How to work with your sensitivities in your 9 to 5.
- How to gather your own insights and be your own best guru.
- And more!!!!!
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Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
DISRUPTING the NEW AGE movement with Jill Ogle
Calling herself a new age disruptor, Teresa's guest, Ms. Jill Ogle shares her journey through the New Age community. She emphases the importance of embracing all aspects of oneself, including challenges and negative emotions. She critiques the common practice of setting barriers with ideology and dogma that prevent healing and understanding.
They go on to discuss how societal and political dynamics serve as mirrors for personal growth and self-awareness. Jill notes the ongoing spiritual revolution and its connection to political dynamics, particularly in relation to the Trump phenomena and the awakening of consciousness. She emphasizes the importance of contrast of experience in facilitating personal growth and understanding, while also addressing the programming that influences our beliefs and behaviors.
Jill shares insights into her spiritual offerings, including her Alchemy membership community and various healing models, and expresses optimism for the future as more people awaken to their true selves.
Connect with Jill here
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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01.602)
So why are you a disruptor of the New Age community, Jill?
Jill Ogle (00:07.144)
That's a big, long story, that one. What a way to start.
TNT SpiritWorks (00:10.576)
Let's just start it off right.
Jill Ogle (00:14.252)
Why not? Yeah, look, mean, long story short, I've spent the last 20 years kind of awakened to, you know, new age teachings. That kind of happened around my dad's death. And then when my brother died five years ago, I really got awoken to a greater level of understanding. And...
since then, I guess I just, you know.
I used to work for a famous meditation teacher and I saw in that community that there were so many people struggling. And you know, there was some people having amazing transformations for sure, but there was just only a few people that were having that transformation at any one retreat and then the other thousand were struggling. And so when my brother died,
I really woke up to the fact that, you know, it's not about loving the parts of ourselves that we love, it's about loving the parts of ourselves that we don't love. And I think there's a lot of missing information in a lot of these new age communities out there. And so once I found kind of the next level, and I'm sure there's plenty that I don't know,
Still, right, because this is life. But certainly when I got that next level of information, it was like, now I see how it all works. I see how it all makes sense. And I see why a lot of these new age communities have challenge. You know, I know people in the Abraham Hicks community who, and I was one of them, you know, I...
Jill Ogle (02:16.756)
I thought I had to be positive all the time and stay in the vortex and my God, if I fell out of the vortex, horrible shit would happen and horrible shit did happen. And it just doesn't, like it doesn't work like that. And our challenges are our greatest assets if we understand them. And...
TNT SpiritWorks (02:22.948)
Jill Ogle (02:39.66)
And so it's not about living a one-sided life. It's not about, you know, trying to be this Pollyanna unicorn rainbows version of you. It's about really loving every aspect of yourself. And that's what will allow you to transform. And in a deep, deep way as well. So my mission is
exactly that is to show people that they are the divine. They are the divine, they are the creator, they are God. And so is that person that's pissing them off right now, right? Because that's the bit we miss. It's like, yes, I am the creator of my reality and I'm gonna manifest all of these amazing things. But my boyfriend's an asshole or, you know, my boss, you know, is...
mean to me or you know, whatever it is, right? And so it's, it's about getting that next level of information to see that the asshole is divine and the mean person is divine and you are divine. And then with the newfound knowledge, you can move through life in just such a different way. You don't get knocked off tilt so easily. You
don't end up on this emotional roller coaster of highs and lows. You're not, you're not, I mean, I know for me, right? Like when I was on that whole positive thinking track and Abraham Hicks kind of way of thinking, was like anytime I had a negative thought or something that I perceived was negative that happened, it was like devastation.
Like, my god, the world is ending. There's something wrong with me. I'm broken. I can't do this. You know, it's great for you manifesting your red Ferrari like in the secret, but you know.
TNT SpiritWorks (04:32.965)
TNT SpiritWorks (04:38.181)
to hear.
TNT SpiritWorks (04:45.616)
Vision boards everywhere.
Jill Ogle (04:49.864)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know, this must be something wrong with me, right? And look, that's not to say that I didn't create some amazing experiences and some amazing things. You know, I grew my property portfolio. I worked for Joe Dispenza. I was traveling the world. You know, I've had amazing things happen in my life.
But the difference is I didn't feel fulfilled. I didn't feel healthy. I was still all over the place with my emotions. I didn't feel whole. I didn't feel complete. didn't feel, you know, people still pissed me off, like left, right and center. I was very judgmental. I had a myriad of health issues.
And so, yeah, so my dad woke me up to the spiritual path, his death, which, you know, I'm really grateful that he gave that gift to me. And I'm guessing that people who are listening to this podcast understand soul contracts. If you don't, it's like you make a deal before you come into this lifetime that certain aspects are gonna play out.
for your growth and I believe that I had a soul contract with my dad around that. Because yeah, diving into, diving into spirituality and positive thinking and watching The Secret and all of that Abraham Hicks stuff. I thought I was on a quest to save my dad, but actually what it was was my awakening and.
Yeah. And so what a gift. Like what a gift. And you know, it took me a minute to work that out. That that's, that's, you know, that's what was happening. But and then, you know, so I went on that path for a long time. Like I said, I had some amazing experiences. I had some challenging ones. And then when my brother died,
Jill Ogle (07:18.528)
That was the next level of awakening. That was where I saw why only a small number of people at retreats heal. Why so many people struggle in the Abraham Hicks community. It's because there's so much missing information. There's so much missing information. You don't need to be positive all the time. I like to tell people,
Optimism is the path, a healthy optimism where you know that sometimes you're going to be challenged because that's how you grow. And in the end, you're going to get there. Like you're going to get to your thing. Like have an optimistic view where things are going to happen, shit's going to fall apart. That's okay. It's you're still on path. Whereas this whole positive thinking track.
And it's a nuance. It's a nuance because people could say, well, what's the difference? But the whole positive thinking track, you know, they tend to think that if anything goes wrong, you know, they're not worthy or they're broken or they've screwed up or, you know, whatever. But the challenges are the way the obstacles are the way they're so you're missing it half the time if you're not.
TNT SpiritWorks (08:29.486)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Jill Ogle (08:46.078)
If you're not understanding the feedback that you're getting from people, circumstances, situations in life, then you're missing a big part of this message from the divine.
TNT SpiritWorks (08:57.36)
Interesting. I mean, all you said was interesting because what I really hear you saying is about keeping it real. So I'm the same way, Jill, like it's funny how you and I really resonate with one another. And I have so many people in the last four and a half years that I've been on the podcast on my podcast. And I have I have probably have 200 people on my waiting list right now because I just can't I can't let just anybody in anymore. Like, I don't resonate with all of
Jill Ogle (09:08.724)
Jill Ogle (09:23.518)
TNT SpiritWorks (09:26.8)
what you're saying that, you the New Age community and everyone is having the same type of, you know, I want to say like, la la la, you know, like woo woo kind of stuff. And I'm just like, I just can't have it on anymore. I'm just I'm, you know, I'm to that place. And so I think also, like, you know, there's a place for Abraham Hicks in that community is a place for other communities, because there are people that are at different levels, right? Yeah.
Jill Ogle (09:51.83)
For sure, for sure. And look, yeah, absolutely. And I think that, you know, having the contrast of the experience in these other communities is actually going to project them into understand or wanting to understand the greater truth. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with anything on the planet.
TNT SpiritWorks (10:17.188)
Jill Ogle (10:17.536)
And that's probably the big difference between me and a lot of these other new age types is, you know, they're all focusing on the love and light, but they're forgetting to love the darkness. And it's okay to love the darkness. But no, I think there's absolutely a place for every person and every modality and every kind of methodology.
way of thinking, because it's either going to help you get where you want to be, or it's going to help you get where you need to be. exactly, and that's what it did for me, you know, like I, I felt so shit that when I woke up when my brother died, when I found the greater answer, like I really, it was like, yeah, okay, got it.
TNT SpiritWorks (10:58.018)
Exactly one way or the other, right?
Jill Ogle (11:15.84)
I was ready for it, you know?
Jill Ogle (11:20.684)
Jill Ogle (11:41.484)
TNT SpiritWorks (11:42.97)
I know, think that your internet's not so good, huh?
Jill Ogle (11:48.318)
It was me? man!
I've had six weeks of internet issues and I thought it was finally resolved like this week, but just north of Sydney. Yeah. I mean, I've, I tested it this morning and I was getting a hundred megabytes per second. Yeah. I'm getting like 90. So
TNT SpiritWorks (12:00.304)
Because tell me you're in Sydney, right?
TNT SpiritWorks (12:09.688)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, it's, you know, it's one of those things like it happens, right? I mean, so just like we're talking about with life and, know, and being it's it's how it is like, and there's no reason to get upset about it. It's like, OK, well, you know, so either that will cut out or not. And, you know, the right things will be said at the right moment. So it's totally fine in a big way. but, you know, I recently
Jill Ogle (12:16.68)
Yeah, easy.
Jill Ogle (12:31.348)
Yeah, it's so good.
TNT SpiritWorks (12:37.198)
listen to your little sharing you did on Facebook about your brother's passing. And I really wanted to bring that thing about boundaries in because I've been seeing a lot of people as they're waking up and they're moving to whatever levels of consciousness they're at. A lot of people about energy vampires and boundaries and boundaries. And I have the same feeling that you do about them. So I'd like you to share a bit about your perspective of boundaries and energy.
Jill Ogle (12:41.804)
Jill Ogle (12:51.254)
Mmm... Mmm...
Jill Ogle (13:04.458)
Yeah, for sure. Thank you. I cause a lot of friction when I talk about this actually, because, you know, so many people are sort of stuck in that old paradigm still, which is fine, which is okay. And I will just preface that if you are challenged by what I'm about to say, there is absolute gold in this for you. Do not let it go. Do not let it go until it makes sense.
I don't believe in boundaries. I don't believe that you need to set boundaries. And I think that you're doing yourself a grave disservice if you do. When we set a boundary, what we're essentially saying is you've done something that I don't like and I need to keep you away from me. And what you're missing is...
And like I said before, right, you are divine, you are God, call yourself whatever like resonates with you. You are the universe, you are energy. I'm gonna use divine and God interchangeably, simply because some people, again, are triggered by certain words, right?
TNT SpiritWorks (14:19.278)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
So it's religious concepts, right? Yeah.
Jill Ogle (14:24.092)
Exactly, exactly. You are the divine and that person that's triggering you is the divine. So when you remove that person from your life, you're removing a conversation with the divine. Makes me want to cry when I think about it because people do not understand how powerful this is. Everyone is coming to heal you and everyone is coming to be healed. And so
If someone triggers you, they're showing you a part of you that you've not yet owned, loved and integrated. That's literally God walking up to you and saying, love this. And what is prolific in the new age community these days is, my God, that person's toxic. my God, that situation's toxic. I'm going to cut them off. I'm going to set a boundary.
cover myself in white light, whatever. And you're missing it. You're completely missing it. When you can start to look at the feedback that you're getting in your life and learn from it, that person that was just triggering you, all of a sudden becomes an angel.
because you can see the other side of things, right? You can see them in a different way, you can love them in a different way. And yeah, just to bring it back to my brother, like, you know, he had mental health challenges and, you know, I was going through my Abraham Hicks, like, gotta be positive all the time, remove all the negative people from my life, you know.
And I didn't talk to him for a number of years. I set a firm boundary and next thing I know, I'm getting a phone call saying that he shot his girlfriend and killed himself. And that boundary kept from him the very person that could have helped heal him.
Jill Ogle (16:42.344)
And not to say that, you know, it didn't all work out perfectly because I do believe that everything is so carefully orchestrated and that that was another soul contract at play.
Jill Ogle (16:59.986)
and boundaries just, they're just not.
Jill Ogle (17:06.506)
They're keeping God from you. They're keeping God from you. And you know, what's going to happen? You're going to end up, you know, removing all of these people from your life because they're triggering you. And another person is going to come in and display the same thing because it's not going anywhere, right? Like you're seeing you, you're seeing you in the mirror.
TNT SpiritWorks (17:27.524)
Thank you.
Jill Ogle (17:31.328)
Right? And so you remove another person and then another one comes in, you know, instead of being your brother, it's your boyfriend or instead of your boyfriend, it's your boss. Those, those triggers don't go anywhere until they're loved and healed and setting boundaries is just prolonging your pain. It's just prolonging your pain because you're keeping away or attempting to keep away the very thing that's going to heal you.
TNT SpiritWorks (18:01.846)
Absolutely. And it's interesting because from like the perspective that I'm at now, and what I understand about energy just like you are, and what you understand in the different, you know, level is that I can see, you know, that like you're saying like that person is me. So if I and it also reminds me to have that scenario of like they say, you know, like, I just can't stand living here anymore. I'm going to move.
Jill Ogle (18:03.059)
Jill Ogle (18:09.707)
Jill Ogle (18:25.727)
TNT SpiritWorks (18:25.924)
So then they move and then you create the whole scenario again, which is different people. But it all comes right back to you because it's something to look at. It's something to work with or not, right? I mean, because it can be, we obviously, there's a lot of people on the planet who are choosing this lifetime not to go there. So, okay, you know, there's other lifetimes or other places you'll be exploring that.
Jill Ogle (18:47.596)
Totally. And you know, I've heard other spiritual teachers saying, know, like, if you're not happy in your relationship or where you live or in your job, then you should change. You know, you should just change all of those things. And it's like...
Yeah, but you're missing the point. you're missing, you're the common denominator, you know, like you're going to change relationships and end up in the same relationship. You're going to change jobs and end up in the same job. You could move to another country across the other side of the world and you will still have the same patterns show up in your life. So I think that, yeah, some people aren't ready and you know, some people are listening to the people that...
sharing this information that's really keeping them stuck. so that's part of my mission is to awaken people to a greater truth, to show them a different way of being, to showing them that they can have everything that they want. It's just not the old paradigm that all of these spiritual teachers out there are teaching. There's a different way.
TNT SpiritWorks (20:01.68)
Well, I think the interesting part is too, is not only in our close environment, but further out from us, like the political environment, you know, the government, whatever, you know, perspective is outside of us beyond our family and our immediate. That's all a mirror to us too, you know, and we'll just chat, you know, take a little bit moment for the Trump and the Kamala situation recently and both sides, you know, whatever side you were on. I mean, it's a mirror of
Jill Ogle (20:08.918)
for sure.
Jill Ogle (20:15.82)
TNT SpiritWorks (20:29.348)
the good, the bad, the ugly, whatever you wanna call it. And so it's playing out everywhere and there's no question it's game on right now, really.
Jill Ogle (20:32.288)
Jill Ogle (20:38.206)
Yeah, for sure. And, you know, had people looked at that election objectively, I mean, I don't think you could say that the four, I mean, I'm Australian, obviously, but I probably know more about American politics than I do Australian politics. I don't think anyone could look at the four years he was in, Trump was in as president.
TNT SpiritWorks (20:58.731)
Jill Ogle (21:06.41)
and then the four years that Biden was in as president and say that no, definitely Biden was better. I don't think you could objectively say that. And so what I noticed as an outsider was it was actually people's triggers and charges around Trump. people were either voting for Trump or against Trump. No one was voting for Kamala. Like, and when I say no one, like I'm sure there was some.
But on the big scale, was like people were voting out of their, voting from their mirror, right? Either I really admire this person because he's a reflection of me, or I really despise this person because he's a reflection of me, rather than go Kamala. Like I didn't, I just didn't see a lot of that in terms of,
you know, because there was a lot of people asking like, what do you like about Kamala? What do you like about Trump? And people always had an answer for the Trump side, but never had an answer for the Kamala side. And that to me is a pretty clear indicator that it was, yeah, the reflection stuff going on. But yeah, I mean,
TNT SpiritWorks (22:18.872)
Well, you know, it's interesting. I want to make a point here with you saying that because so for Trump, I see him as obviously a strong, you know, a strong alpha male. You know, he's he's spoken. He, you know, just is on right. And then the other side. that, you know, depending upon what you agree, I mean, obviously, I like him. So that would be a positive. And then the Kamala side, like there was nothing there. So
Jill Ogle (22:42.39)
TNT SpiritWorks (22:43.338)
you know, like people, could they relate to? So if you look at it light or dark, like which one do you relate to? And like you're saying, you know, like, you know, to make a choice of which one was the right person that they might want to vote for. It's really like voting for yourself. Like, what do I see in these people? Well, in Kamala, there was like nothing. Even in Biden, there's nothing because poor guys got dementia, right? I mean, like, there's like literally nothing going on there. So it's so I hear what you're saying about it really was a
Jill Ogle (22:49.025)
TNT SpiritWorks (23:11.512)
You know, there was either they were voting for Trump or against Trump, but that really wasn't for Kamala because there was there's really nothing there.
Jill Ogle (23:18.356)
Yeah. And look, to be fair, I mean, I, I, when I was watching a lot of the, clips from both sides, I, know, cause I really wanted to, look at it objectively. I mean, I found myself having to own where I rambled like a humbling idiot because I really had to own that part of me because it was really starting, like, I could see it every time she spoke. was like, where do I do that? Right. Because.
It's a reflection, so it must be there. But yeah, I do believe that Trump is part of the spiritual revolution that we're going through. And, you know, we've got a lot of stuff going on here in Australia, which is kind of the opposite of what's happening over your way now. We've got more freedom of speech being locked down. We've got more kind of communism stuff coming in, but
Look, at the end of the day, like I do believe that there's a solution to every problem. And, you know, just like, I think that Kamala supporters have currently a level of contrast to help them to awaken, right? Because, you know, Trump supporters, like they're feeling free, they're feeling, you know, back on purpose, all of those things. Whereas the Kamala supporters seem to be.
TNT SpiritWorks (24:35.621)
Jill Ogle (24:46.7)
quite erratic in their behavior and, you know, flying off the handle. Very emotional, very triggered, very charged. So that contrast of Trump being in is actually like designed to help them to awaken. And, you know, I think the same here with Australia. I think that there's a lot of people that are quite asleep and don't understand the power that they have.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:02.948)
Jill Ogle (25:16.0)
don't understand what's going on in the world. you know, the contrast just has to get heavier and heavier until, you know, they awaken to a greater truth. And so, so be it.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:30.32)
Exactly, you know, and that's how I was too with the election. was like, whoever wins, I'm going to flow with it, you know, because I know what my truth is, what I need to do for myself because it starts with us, right? And yeah, so I would be totally okay. You know, like I said, I have my preference, but I would be like, okay, game on, let's do it this way, game on, let's do it that way. So, and that really is a more keeping it real, especially in the spiritual perspective that we're really focusing in on that unseen part of us.
Jill Ogle (25:34.57)
Mmm. Mmm.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:59.908)
the awakening, energetic, soul essence, that part of us that really goes, okay, what is really going on here? And I think that's really the key is right now there's a lot of people that were on the left, like Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg. mean, like they're coming over to their side now because like who's in charge now? It's kind of unreal too when you see that perspective going on.
Jill Ogle (26:18.011)
Jill Ogle (26:24.78)
I hope Mark restores my Instagram accounts and Facebooks. I mean, 2025, I could have 42 Instagrams and Facebooks come back. So look out people. Not quite that many, but yeah, it has been challenging. Yeah, look, it's interesting, right? It's interesting seeing, I mean, it's interesting seeing even people in the
TNT SpiritWorks (26:28.976)
Okay, that might be the first thing.
TNT SpiritWorks (26:37.36)
Jill Ogle (26:53.886)
energetic, healing, spiritual kind of, you know, space over the past four years, like pushing certain agendas, like really, you know, kind of on the side of the New World Order and pushing the fear and pushing the, you know, the jibby jabs and all of these things. It's like, hang on a second.
just a minute ago, you were telling me that I can heal myself and that I'm, you know, to get beyond the fear. And now you're telling me that you're afraid to hug someone because of some make believe thing going on out there. I'm just careful with my words for censorship. Yeah, like I don't even believe in germ theory. That's how far.
TNT SpiritWorks (27:37.904)
TNT SpiritWorks (27:42.766)
I hear you. I feel you.
Jill Ogle (27:51.274)
gone I am. just I don't think you can catch anything. I think it's all toxicity in our bodies, whether that be emotional, you know, environmental, whatever. It's our body's way of detoxing. You know, we start to cough, we start to sneeze, we start to vomit, start to diarrhea to get whatever toxic load is in our physical system. And yeah, you can't solve that by putting more toxins into your body. So
TNT SpiritWorks (28:10.896)
Jill Ogle (28:20.084)
Yeah. Yeah. Look, it's been, it's been an interesting ride. You know, the funny thing is I was very unwell over those first couple of years. had, you know, pretty much no immune system. I never wore a mask. I kissed and hugged everyone and it never got sick. And so to me, it's, it's not about that. It's not about the immune system. It's about the detoxing. I was detoxing every day. Yeah.
TNT SpiritWorks (28:41.135)
Jill Ogle (28:49.322)
But some
TNT SpiritWorks (28:49.784)
Also, if you buy into the mass psychosis, then you're part of it. You you're just going to take on what everyone else is experiencing.
Jill Ogle (28:56.428)
Totally. it's really, you know, and, that's a really good point too, right? Because so many people believe that they're living their lives and we're actually rarely are like we actually rarely are because generally we're living the programming of, of, that we've acquired over our lifetime. That is the collective consciousness.
That is, you know, everything we've learned in the first seven to 10 years of life. That is the programming we've received, in our mother's womb. And that is epigenetically 13 generations back. So what we believe isn't even what we believe, you know, it's not even our stuff. It's, we're so programmed to, to think a certain way and to be a certain way that.
I don't know, I just feel like when you can get beyond all of that programming, when you can get clear on what it is that you want in life, see what's challenging you to get there, because it should manifest instantly. So what's in the way, uncover that subconscious programming, heal that part of you, and then you're done, you move on. You get to live a life where you're, like you say, keeping it real, you know, you're...
you're living your truth rather than living someone else's idea of how you should be.
TNT SpiritWorks (30:29.6)
Absolutely. So in you know, in looking at like where we're at right now, Jill, and so let's just move ahead just a little bit just to have fun with this. So what do you what's your perspective or prophetic feeling for what's coming in the future for all of us?
Jill Ogle (30:34.998)
Jill Ogle (30:48.04)
in terms of the Trump administration and that kind of spiritual revolution is that
TNT SpiritWorks (30:54.02)
You can, you can take it any way you want to take it.
Jill Ogle (30:55.852)
Yeah, yeah, cool. Look, I do hope that he gets in safely and that's no prophecy whatsoever. I just know that, you know, with the changes that he wants to make, you know, they're certainly going to do everything they can to not have that happen. I did have a vision years ago.
in the lead up to the 2020 election, where I saw Trump standing on a hill, kind of looking out at this utopia. And it was just the most beautiful thing in the world.
I thought he was going to win the 2020 election.
Can you hear that?
TNT SpiritWorks (31:48.888)
It's totally cool. No worries.
Jill Ogle (31:55.382)
We've got builders out.
TNT SpiritWorks (31:55.696)
This is being real.
Jill Ogle (31:59.04)
builders across the road and so he's like, don't you come near my mum.
TNT SpiritWorks (32:03.12)
I will take you down. Little bitty dog, Exactly. Yeah, there you go.
Jill Ogle (32:05.716)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, at least he's feeling better.
Yeah. Yeah, I saw this real, like, you know, this beautiful vision of Trump overseeing the land, overseeing this utopia. And look, I know that, you know, we're never going to have a perfect society unicorns, lollipops kind of thing. But to me, what it what it sort of implied, well, firstly, I thought it was going to be the 2020 election.
And I'm glad that it wasn't because what happened was it provided a lot of contrast for a lot more people to wake up. He wouldn't have had the dream team back then. He wouldn't have had RFK Junior or Tulsi Gabbard. And so that contrast of losing the 2020 and having those four years of Biden has kind of, know, awakened, you know, Tulsi awakened RFK Junior to a
a greater truth, right? And yeah, and so while I don't see it being unicorns, sunshine lollipops, because we're always going to have challenge. Yeah, I do see that it's going to be very different to what it was like with Biden. And I think that a lot of what's going to happen in this next administration is going to kind of pave the path
TNT SpiritWorks (33:17.495)
Jill Ogle (33:35.308)
for those who follow. Because you can't go in and change the three letter agencies to the degree that they want to and not have this next level of freedom and free thinking and that kind of, the government.
The government was formed to work for us, you know, they work for us. And I think over the years that has very much been forgotten, you know, they're public servants, they are to serve us and
TNT SpiritWorks (34:16.376)
And not just in America, like everywhere.
Jill Ogle (34:18.792)
everywhere and, and this seems to have been this real sort of flip to we control you. And that's never how it was supposed to be. You know, it was never to be a control thing. It was to be of service. And I can, I can really see that.
Jill Ogle (34:42.524)
no matter what you think about Trump, I can really see that that's in his heart, that he just wants to be of service to America. He wants to make America great again. if my vision's correct, he's gonna do it and he's gonna do it in a big way. And my hope is that that will then float out into all of the other countries. And I mean, we've already seen shifts within the first
24 hours of him winning the election, know, there was shifts around the world of different leaders, like almost kind of celebrating, you know, like I just saw him in France recently and it was like, it was almost a celebration of like, thank God you're back.
TNT SpiritWorks (35:24.112)
TNT SpiritWorks (35:33.872)
Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, and the thing is too is that, you know, like people like people who are strong, even though they may not like him as personality, but like, you know, you want to have a teacher, a leader that that has a strong foundation that knows what the hell they're doing, right? Or at least has a, like you're saying, at least, you know, has the people at the heart. And even if a lot of people may not agree with him having that, I believe he does too.
Jill Ogle (35:35.668)
Yeah, yeah.
Jill Ogle (35:42.005)
Jill Ogle (35:50.432)
Jill Ogle (35:58.227)
Jill Ogle (36:02.782)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And, you know, he, he, you know, during, during my video watching when I was owning my, my bumbling fool, with Kamala, I also had to, you know, I also owned my strength. was this moment where I was talking to a girlfriend of mine and I
TNT SpiritWorks (36:03.726)
Get out.
Jill Ogle (36:24.266)
I was like, my God, Trump, like he just, you know, he just gets knocked down and he just gets back up and he keeps going. And he's just like, he's so on mission. He's so on purpose and he's just unstoppable. Like it doesn't matter what they throw at him, know, like he's just like, he comes up fighting.
TNT SpiritWorks (36:41.528)
or a madam, right? Like literally, yeah.
Jill Ogle (36:45.0)
Yeah, exactly, exactly, exactly. Exactly. He just keeps going. And then I stopped for a second and we were both like, yeah, like that's you because that, you know, I was just having so many challenges at one point. And yeah, so, so my point about telling you that is anything that we see in others, whether it's the positives, the negatives,
you spot it, you got it. And so that strength that you see in Trump, that is within you, that is within me, you know? And once you start to understand that at a deep level, like, my God, your life transforms, you know? You just...
TNT SpiritWorks (37:16.898)
TNT SpiritWorks (37:34.296)
On both sides, though, like you said, on both sides, like it's, you know, even with the dementia and the not, you know, wreck, I mean, he's out of it, Biden. So like, we have that in us too, when there's moments when we're confused with energy and we're like, my God, I don't know where I'm even at. And, you know, owning that too, like on both sides. No, I mean, really. Yeah.
Jill Ogle (37:42.603)
Jill Ogle (37:49.228)
Look, I gotta tell you, like 10 minutes before I got onto this call, I was like, my God, I feel so vacant today. I need coffee.
TNT SpiritWorks (37:59.872)
Right. Exactly. Yes. Yes. On both sides of the spectrum, we have all of it. So it's owning it.
Jill Ogle (38:02.934)
Exactly. Exactly. And exactly that is just owning it. Like, there's nothing wrong with being vacant at times. There's nothing wrong with rambling like a bumbling idiot at times. There's nothing wrong with being a bitch at times. Whatever it is you got going on that you're trying to hide and get rid of, there's nothing wrong with any of it. And
the way to it's so paradoxical because it's like the moment you love and accept those parts of you is when they kind of disappear. Yeah. They soften, they soften so much they don't because they're just screaming to be loved right now like and the moment that they're loved well they don't need to kind of it's like a it's like a toddler right like
TNT SpiritWorks (38:39.293)
Absolutely. Yes. they soften, right?
TNT SpiritWorks (38:45.806)
They do.
TNT SpiritWorks (38:57.296)
Jill Ogle (38:58.132)
I need your attention kind of thing, know, once you pick them up and you give them a cuddle, they're no longer kind of biting your ankles or whatever it is that they're doing. Yeah, yeah. And it's beautiful. It's truly beautiful,
TNT SpiritWorks (39:09.136)
Exactly. Right.
TNT SpiritWorks (39:19.704)
It really is. So let's talk a little bit about what you have going on, Jill, because you just recently started your Spiritual Revolution podcast, which I was on. It was super fun. And so that's one way that people can connect with you. But I would love for you to share a little more about, you know, what you offer clients or people to connect with you and how they would connect with you.
Jill Ogle (39:35.946)
Yeah, thank you. Yeah, so I have one-on-one spots available. They're very limited. My focus is definitely on my Alchemy membership community. It just launched a few weeks ago and it's just so beautiful, like seeing the community come together and start to like have so many kind of aha moments and, you know, really...
just shifting their paradigm from that old way of thinking to a greater truth. So I'll be relaunching again 2025 for a new round. You'll come into the big group. Yeah, and it's amazing content. I've got the Cosmic Law framework where I teach you how to live in alignment with the universe so that you're not kind of.
you know, getting slammed all the time with these big kind of catastrophes. The emotional mastery model to really get you off that kind of emotional roller coaster that so many people are on coming out of that positive thinking community. And then the quantum body blueprint is phenomenal if you've got any kind of dis-ease going on in your body. We talk about epigenetics, we talk about psychosomatics.
Even if you don't have disease going on in your body, it teaches you how to understand the feedback that you're getting in your reality to kind of prevent things getting worse, right? And because the moment you have symptoms show up in your body, whether it be a headache, whether it be, you you've bumped your knee, that's communication again from the universe.
TNT SpiritWorks (41:17.124)
Jill Ogle (41:32.906)
you know, feedback that you're also going to miss like you would if you were to set boundaries. So, so there's a whole heap of kind of models that I use to help people and it's absolutely beautiful work. It's heal your life with alchemy and then next year, also 2025, I'll be hosting retreats, there'll be workshops, there'll be a masterclass each month.
Yeah, there's going to be a lot going on. The Spiritual Revolution podcast is just starting out, but yeah, it's so amazing to have these beautiful conversations with people around the world who get it. And to have listeners who maybe don't quite get it, but are sort of starting to sort of, you know, have their spidey senses sort of say, there might be something to this.
TNT SpiritWorks (42:31.248)
Jill Ogle (42:31.564)
kind of next level of understanding. yeah, so that's basically, yeah, I've got a lot going on, mate. Yeah, yeah.
TNT SpiritWorks (42:39.364)
That's some stuff going on, Jill. And I'm sure you know a things. And also you can find Jill Ogle on OGLE, which her links will be in the show notes. So you can find her on Facebook and yeah, go and go check it out and prepare to get real. Right, Jill? It was so fun. Thank you for being on today. I really appreciate it. And I think this is a great conversation for the moment that of the time we're in for sure.
Jill Ogle (42:58.668)
Thank you so much. Yep, totally, totally.
Jill Ogle (43:06.25)
Yeah, yeah. Look, it's gonna be amazing what happens in the next few years. Just Trump leading that revolution. Yeah, I fully intend to lead the spiritual revolution. think so many people are waking up to this old new age stuff isn't 100 % it. And I think there's gonna be a massive, I can feel it, I can feel it in my bones, this amazing shift in the next four years. So, yeah.
TNT SpiritWorks (43:31.574)
Absolutely. Many of us are absolutely feeling it. So if you listeners out there are feeling it, please get a hold of Jill because she's an amazing person to get in touch with and to move into 2025. I like to say feeling more alive. yeah. So thank you for listening in around the world and wherever you're at, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.
Jill Ogle (43:46.347)
Love it.