Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Ready to move away from woo-woo and start making spirituality practical? That is exactly what happens here! In this podcast, we focus on fostering trust with our intuition, engaging in uplifting conversations, and offering spiritual guidance that’s grounded in practical wisdom. We dive deep into strategies and tips to help you use your spiritual gifts to guide your personal and professional life. It’s a space where you can explore how to connect with your intuition and use spiritual tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How to trust when those hunches, insights and impressions happen.
- How to manage your sensitivities when others around you don’t understand you.
- How to connect with your team of spiritual helpers to support and back you.
- How to decrease the overwhelm and start feeling more secure energetically.
- How to navigate through situations using your inner wisdom.
- How to work with your sensitivities in your 9 to 5.
- How to gather your own insights and be your own best guru.
- And more!!!!!
Join in for weekly conversations that will reveal spiritual perspectives in a whole new light.
Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Clarity in the Present: Tips for the Clearest Energy for You and Your Environment
Teresa Shantz, Author of "The Soul Quake Survivors Guide, " and founder of TNT SpiritWorks shares the spiritual energy perspectives and significance of tidiness in personal and business environments. Everything is energy and you are sensitive to it all. She emphasizes how a clean and organized environment can bring clarity to one's own personal energy. This allows for a fresh focused feeling of being in the present. You enjoy your life more!
You may ask yourself, what thoughts and emotions are holding you back?
The conversation explores personal experiences and practical tips for keeping spaces tidy, from bedrooms to workspaces and even vehicles. The host highlights the connection between physical clutter, energy attachments and emotional well-being. She encourages listeners to take simple yet impactful practical steps towards creating a more harmonious living and working environment. In other words, you be more efficient and successful. You can move faster.Your energy will feel and look better.
- Gaining balanced wisdom through life experiences is invaluable.
- Tidiness in your environment reflects your inner state.
- Making your bed helps you feel more awake.
- Energy is affected by the clutter we keep.
- Purging is fun as you clear out unnecessary items.
- A tidy workspace enhances productivity and energy.
- Closing up your space-and cutting your energy at the end of the day is crucial.
- Your car's condition mirrors your inner state.
- Simple habits can lead to profound changes in your energy.
It all helps maintain your enthusiasm for your unique journey.
Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!
Ready to FEEL more FREEDOM within? Access the FREE video series created by The Wayshowers College here!
Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)
A really cool thing about traveling through life is gaining wisdom along the way. So as I've moved through life, I recognize and looking back at where I was at, that there were some really key pieces that were really simple things that I actually started doing when I was a young person that I want to share with you today in this episode. So one of the things that I recognize is when I was a young child, I always made it my bed. I always changed around my room.
and kept things tidy. And in looking back at that, there was a lot going on in my home. There was a lot energetically going on with my parents and my brother and all the things that were happening that were a little chaotic for some children. And so the way that I really worked with that energy was to shift things around, to make things, keep things tidy, to keep my energy compact. And that's what I want to share is
about keeping our energy compact. So I also recognize in knowing more these days of my life about energy, the importance of keeping things compact. And this goes for your personal stuff, this goes for in your home, in your business, even in your car. Like everywhere that we keep things and that we move in and out of is energy. So let's go starting at the bedroom.
Getting out of bed every morning like back to when I was a little kid. I always made my bed There's something about closing the energy from that moment of where I was at moving into the day ahead So that's one tip that you can definitely do that's very quick and easy But can make a profound effect on is your energy still in the bed or are you is your energy up for the day? You've closed that energy down and now you're moving forward into what's coming next another really great tip is
especially in your home, yes, is changing it around a bit. Every so often you might want to change some furniture around, know, shift the energy. You also want to keep things tidy. And so I recently was at an event where a gentleman there was talking most of the weekend about how he has these drawers full of things around his house. And he recognized throughout the really the decades as he's had these drawers, because we all have these what we call junk drawers.
that it's really impacted his energy because it's like hiding things away in a drawer and being very mix-matched with stuff. You can't find anything, but really that's a reflection of what's going on kind of inside of us. So recognizing where in your home do you want to tidy up things? Where do you want to tidy up your energy and compact your energy so that way you're able to move and find things and also but feel
different because that's what he was really sharing is that he was not feeling so well because the fact that his energy and these drawers was affecting him. So that's one thing with your personal is, you know, looking around your rooms, looking in your drawers, looking in your closet, anywhere that you can tidy up, that you can binge and purge, which
I am a really good person to binge and purge. really should be, I really should have one of those jobs where I go in and just clean people's freaking houses out because I can throw away crap without even a heartbeat. Not even thinking about it because for myself, especially through the years of, you know, getting a divorce and leaving everything behind, like it's just stuff. It's stuff that we don't take with us. So being able to move through your areas and tidy up and get rid of things.
really can make a difference in how you feel in your energy. Especially if you have things from previous peoples that are passed on. We all accumulate things, know, mom and dad pass away, grandparents pass away, and all of that stuff has energy. So if you have that, I'll say it in the basement or in your garage, it would be a good time to binge and purge and to clean out that energy of someone else's.
to give your energy more space and to give your environment and where you live more, more ability to really expand your energy and not have all that stuff there for you. And then now moving into work. So I've, you know, I've been working in a couple of different places the last few months and what I've really noticed and I felt also so is how people leave things. Well, I'll say their day I came into work and there's a really beautiful
centerpiece of our office. That's a big table. So people, we've been getting a lot of baskets in a lot of goodies from other businesses. And so people have been eating on them. And I came in the other morning and there was stuff all over the counter. There was stuff open, there was plates left out knives from the night before and I really felt it. I felt like, wow, like all this energy is just sitting here open. I cleaned up and I put away and
it really started me on this path of thinking and feeling about how if we don't compact and tidy up our energy, really affects your environment. So that affects, you know, the office, it affects other people and, you know, and they may not recognize it. And when I came in, I was like, I really need to do like just a real short energy session with these people about how to take care of A, your immediate area to tidy up as well as your
the office. And so for myself in my personal office space, I make sure that when I'm done for the day, everything is closed up. I put all the papers away, I make sure that everything's in order. And this is not an OCD thing, okay? I mean, some people can get OCD about it, but it's really not. It's really understanding that if you leave things open, that energy is open. And so when you come in the next day, that energy is still open and it
just doesn't feel good. It doesn't add a lot for the new day ahead because that energy is still open and it's still what you worked on yesterday. And so I always close everything up. Computer, I close all the things. I make sure my area is tidy, put things away. And it prepares me also for closing a day and also opening up the next day coming in. Because yeah, some of those things that people leave all over their desk, they're going to work on tomorrow.
but having that energy close when you're not there and then open it back up when you are gone or when you come back in the next morning can make such a difference. So in this episode, like I said, I just wanted to do a mini morsel episode about the how tidying up your energy, keeping things compact in your environment, in your home environment, in your work environment. And of course I did not mention yet, but first of all, I talked about your car and your vehicles.
So a lot of people also keep a lot of their stuff in the vehicles and it's all over the place. And that's a reflection of and a mirror of what's going on inside of you. So tidying up, throwing away trash, keeping things compact just can make your energy field feel so much better. And also whenever you move forward in your vehicle, in your office, in your home. So that's just a little bit of insights I wanted to share today because I've just, like I said, lately been a
noticing how much most people don't understand about the importance of really compacting and tidying up your energy and not just, you know, just your aura energy, but like your energy of all the things we have in our life. So I hope that you got some kind of insights for yourself today. Again, it's simple, but sometimes I have found the most simple things are sometimes the hardest to grasp and hold on. So, so I just wanted to share that today and thank you so much for listening to another episode.
and I hope that you enjoyed it. And if you have any gems that you got for yourself or any aha moments, please leave me a comment down in the, especially if you're on YouTube in the comments area or on Apple, a review. I'd love to hear from you. And until next time, thanks so much. And just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique and very tidy journey.