Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Ready to move away from woo-woo and start making spirituality practical? That is exactly what happens here! In this podcast, we focus on fostering trust with our intuition, engaging in uplifting conversations, and offering spiritual guidance that’s grounded in practical wisdom. We dive deep into strategies and tips to help you use your spiritual gifts to guide your personal and professional life. It’s a space where you can explore how to connect with your intuition and use spiritual tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How to trust when those hunches, insights and impressions happen.
- How to manage your sensitivities when others around you don’t understand you.
- How to connect with your team of spiritual helpers to support and back you.
- How to decrease the overwhelm and start feeling more secure energetically.
- How to navigate through situations using your inner wisdom.
- How to work with your sensitivities in your 9 to 5.
- How to gather your own insights and be your own best guru.
- And more!!!!!
Join in for weekly conversations that will reveal spiritual perspectives in a whole new light.
Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Unlocking Successful Patterns for Your Life
In this "Mini Morsel," Teresa discusses a "Spiritual Recipe for Success" and systematic patterns of life energy as she shares personal examples for navigating through her life with enthusiasm and purpose. The recipe involves three key components: feeling, organizing (creating a plan), and taking action. Through personal anecdotes, including experiences from military service, Teresa emphasizes the importance of her intuition and guidance received from Spiritual Helpers in making her life choices. The conversation encourages listeners to embrace their unique journeys and recognize the unseen positive energies that influence their lives.
- Life is not completely random; it follows systematic patterns.
- Feeling is the first step in the recipe for success.
- Creating and planning (organizing) are essential after a positive feeling.
- Taking action is crucial to achieving your goals.
- Intuition plays a significant role in decision-making.
- Personal Spiritual Helpers' guidance can help navigate life's challenges.
- Everyone has the ability to access their inner feelings.
- Recognizing unseen energies can enhance personal growth.
- The recipe can be a game changer for many.
- Life is too short not to be enthusiastic about your journey.
Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!
Ready to FEEL more FREEDOM within? Access the FREE video series created by The Wayshowers College here!
Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
For many, life may seem like a random act of chaos at times, but you know what? It really is far from random. Actually, everything we are involved here on the planet has a systematic pattern to it. Some may look at those patterns through mathematical calculations, or maybe the movement of the stars, or maybe the backing of the universe and our spiritual helpers. So through my life, I have developed a recipe, and this recipe
I started working with many years ago, decades ago when I was what I'd call unconscious to what was really going on. And these days when I'm more conscious, I'm still using that same recipe. So today I want to share that recipe with you and give you a little insight on how you can really put together for yourself an amazing way to move through life with more enthusiasm and really having that.
purpose and that backing from spirit that's going to give you the energy to do exactly what you've come to do every single day. So my recipe is something that I really started and I thought back to when was the first time I really embraced this recipe and honestly it was when I went in the military. So I'm going to go back to then. So it was 1986. I was 17 and almost two weeks from being 18 when I went in the military. And at that point I had no idea
about anything spiritual, except for the fact that my mom and my grandmother and them saw ghosts and dead people around in different places we live. So besides that part going on, I really had no idea about how to work with energy or that I'm a soul or any of stuff that I talk about lot these days and the differences between now and then. So being unconscious, the thing that at that moment, when I went in the military,
I had a feeling for it. So that's the first part of this recipe and working with this unseen parts of you is getting a feeling for what you're going to be doing. So the feeling came over me and the feeling was, it's time to leave. I need to get on with my life and it's time to go. So once I had that feeling, part two around the recipe is creating it and planning. So really using your intellect.
So for myself, I had that feeling that it's time to leave and I'm ready to go. And how do I do that? Well, it just so happened at that moment that the recruiters came onto our high school and had a big presentation. I went to this presentation honestly, and this is again unconsciously, recognizing that I wanted to be out of class for a few hours. And hey, what's a better way to get out of class for a few hours but to go to some kind of presentation?
And at that moment I wasn't going, I'm going in the military, but I was just like, I'm getting the heck out of class for a couple hours. So off I went to this presentation and during it, again, I started feeling, hey, there's something here. And I think I'm going to take that what's called the ASVAB test, which is basically a preliminary test that you take and then you're scored on it. And then they decide, you know, did you pass or not? which, and which,
Organizations want you so I took the test not even studying for it and the first people that came back was the army Because I passed for the army and I'm like, no, I actually want to go in the Air Force so I had to retake the test and then landed found myself landing into the Air Force and going, know that way after high school ended so Once I had that feeling that it was this was game on I definitely had to do that creating part
and planning on how to move forward with this. And the third part is moving into action. So taking action on what you want to do in life. And that's the part about I left. Yes, I left my home. I went into the military and onward I went. So having this recipe and accessing this ability to really feel, create, plan and move has shown up again my entire life. There's not been anything that I haven't had this happen.
Well, maybe some that I haven't had happen, but as far as being aware, these are the keys that I found for myself that work. So, you know, some people might be more in their intellect and they might think and think and think and then move and they have little feeling behind it. So what I have found is that truly there is power in having that feel first. So here's another scenario back to now, the time I'm in where I am more conscious.
of what I'm doing and conscious energetically of how I feel in the things and how I move from that feeling. So back in 2017 when I met Tom, there was a feeling that came over me that, hmm, I know this person. And that feeling kept growing and growing. And once that feeling started growing, there was obviously a plan when I got back home to be with Tom.
and to leave my situation and to move on. And then I took the action a few days later, said I want a divorce and off I went. So understanding that the feel comes first, it really helps a lot because that feeling for, know, this is what I want to do, this is not for me, this is not what I want to do. And really recognizing when you get that feeling before you really start creating and planning and also before you move into action.
can really be, really, I think, the recipe to success. And I mean, I've noticed that for myself. And even when I was unconscious, all the times in my life when I've done this, when I felt it, I created and planned it with my intellect and then moved into action. And I guess this comes into the fact that, you know, that really nothing here is random, that everything has a systematic pattern to the plans of what we're going through. And as souls, we have the ability to make choices.
we have the ability to be able to really feel into what we're doing, and then organizing it into our intellect and then moving into action. And whether or not a person decides to go that way is really up to them. And also it's up to where they're at energetically, because again, for decades, I mean, I really just did this innately. So that's one thing too that I really want to pinpoint is that for many people that don't understand about
their energy or that we have spiritual support from our guidance or how to work with our four psychic perceptions, it innately comes through us. So you might know people that are not spiritually awake or aware, but yet they move like this. And isn't that beautiful? Because that's how I moved before I even understood it all. So coming into this world and this lifetime, we have these unseen parts of us, these abilities to really access that feel.
create and then move into action. And when we can do that innately, unconsciously and or consciously, it can really make a big difference in your life. So I just wanted to share that recipe today because I'm really in a place right now where I, this is how I roll. I mean, I just feel it. I, I, you know, plan and create it and I move into action and recognizing the
the power behind this recipe can be, well, I'll say it, a game changer for you, my friend. So I hope you enjoyed this episode, mini morsel episode of Spiritual Enthusiasm. And if you like this, please make sure that you share it with others who may enjoy hearing some spiritual insights. Also like and subscribe. And if you're on Apple, we would love it if you could please leave a little review for us. We would appreciate that so very much.
And until next week, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.