Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Ready to move away from woo-woo and start making spirituality practical? That is exactly what happens here! In this podcast, we focus on fostering trust with our intuition, engaging in uplifting conversations, and offering spiritual guidance that’s grounded in practical wisdom. We dive deep into strategies and tips to help you use your spiritual gifts to guide your personal and professional life. It’s a space where you can explore how to connect with your intuition and use spiritual tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How to trust when those hunches, insights and impressions happen.
- How to manage your sensitivities when others around you don’t understand you.
- How to connect with your team of spiritual helpers to support and back you.
- How to decrease the overwhelm and start feeling more secure energetically.
- How to navigate through situations using your inner wisdom.
- How to work with your sensitivities in your 9 to 5.
- How to gather your own insights and be your own best guru.
- And more!!!!!
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Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Trusting the Universe: Embracing the Unknown
What does transgender have to do with a spiritual identity as a soul? In this episode, Teresa finds out. Wendy Cole shares her spiritual journey related to her experience as a transgender woman.
Wendy's story is one of self-discovery and self-acceptance. She opens up about the importance of trusting the universe and letting go of fear and self-doubt. She discusses the challenges as well as the joys of embracing her identity and living authentically.
Wendy shares why she feels there is a need for societal acceptance and understanding of transgender individuals. She highlights the significance of honoring other's unique journeys and the power of trusting the universe as they work themselves out.
Wendy plans to publish a book and continue sharing her story to inspire and educate others.
- Every personally challenging situation provides an opportunity for further awareness and growth. Wendy shares the pivotal moment that brought on a spiritual journey and the process of self-discovery.
- Teresa and Wendy focus their discussion on the common denominator of all souls here to learn and grow, as they share notes on what they are personally discovering.
- Moving through life, inner work and replacing thought patterns, help to overcome limiting beliefs.
- It makes a difference when you can just accept yourself, where ever you are at, so you can move yourself spiritually along. One step at a time. This also fosters greater acceptance and compassion for others' journeys.
- Wendy discusses the power of music in maintaining a positive mindset and the impact of inner work on physical health.
Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!
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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
So we all have these moments in time, or I should say maybe in the time life of our span while we're here of that, the spiritual journey when it really comes into play. And so I wanted to ask you, Wendy, what is, or can you recall the pivotal moment that really brought forth your spiritual journey? You go, my gosh, like everything changed now because I understand this.
Wendy Cole (00:25)
Well, Teresa, that happened pretty much in my first session with my therapist in January of 2015. I walked into therapy. I hadn't talked with anybody about my feelings, about myself and who I am for 45 years, four and a half decades. I sat there. It was an intake session.
I had done a lot of research on her. I felt we would be a good fit and God, she was great. I poured my heart out, felt wonderful. And what I came to realize, because she was the type of therapist who got into things with me, questioning and challenging my thoughts, my beliefs. That's when I realized,
Life is all about change. It's also about possibilities and it's our beliefs that block us from ever achieving those possibilities or even knowing that they're there. Our beliefs can mask those possibilities from us and I had been repressing myself for four and a half decades.
TNT SpiritWorks (01:47)
Ooh, that's a long time, Wendy. But, you know, I totally understand. And also that's the mid -lifetime. So not only, you know, did you want to come into who you really are, but also that those mid -lifetime and the changes. Did you notice that was also part of what you were going through at that time?
Wendy Cole (02:00)
Yes. And I had, I was done with my tech career. And now what's my next act going to be? I tried some things, they didn't work out. And Teresa, I had been repressing myself for so long and I was just tired. Just exhausted.
And suicidal ideation was no stranger. And I was in a very dark place. So when I realized that I was born transgender,
That's how we're born. That's how this happens. And I just knew that I had to do something about it. And I had found out that in 2012, my diagnosis had changed from a condition that I'm born with, recognized by the Medical Association for the first time in 1970, when I last tried to do something about this.
It was a psychological condition with no treatment, no cure. And I was called a freak by a doctor in front of a group of doctors. So that first therapy session, I realized how deep this really is. It's not something that you do as a choice. It's something that I needed to do to survive, to actually
be in alignment with my very being.
And I had a...
few amazing first experiences in therapy. My first three visits were incredible. And I just knew that there was more to this than just putting on a dress and being a woman. No.
TNT SpiritWorks (04:09)
Right. That's even for me too, right? For Jira Wendy. For all of us.
Wendy Cole (04:12)
I had to deconstruct over six decades worth of socialization as a male. Undo all of that. I absolutely learned a lot about shifting my thought patterns and diving really deep into the whole mental aspects of, well, I believe that I can't do this. Why do I believe that?
What thoughts do I have? What are the emotions that are associated with those thoughts are pretty powerful. My therapist got me right away into my old hippie days of meditation. She wanted me to start journaling and I'd never been big on it, but I did it. I set up a word document and I just typed. I didn't worry about punctuation, spelling, any of that stuff. I just put all my thoughts in there.
TNT SpiritWorks (04:55)
Ha ha ha.
Wendy Cole (05:13)
and my feelings, especially my feelings. How was I feeling? What did I feel about this? How did I feel about going forward with any of what I'm about to do? I'm basically doing a profound life change.
TNT SpiritWorks (05:30)
Real profound.
Wendy Cole (05:33)
It was really an experience of dealing with, I would go back after about four five days and read everything that I wrote. I came to the realization, I don't want to feel that way anymore. I don't want those thoughts. So that's when I started learning how to rewrite my thoughts.
how to block that little inner voice in your mind that's always telling you all these things, most of which are not very helpful at all.
So once I learned started learning how to shift my thoughts, change my emotions, I'm going, wow, this is a lot better. What a one much more wonderful way to live. The other thing that I came to a really profound understanding of is I had always been fixated on a routine.
having a routine for my daily life. And there were various aspects of my corporate career in tech that drove me crazy because that's all about change. Technology is changing constantly. And I was working for a technology company that did a lot of manufacturing and everything. They were constantly reorganizing, constantly changing, and it drove me crazy. Well.
As I started working through the process of understanding my own mind and how it works and how my thoughts and emotions combine to form my beliefs.
everything came together for me. Life is change. And I need to embrace this to go forward with it. one of the things that I, because I had this huge secret that I was hiding my entire life of really believing that I was a woman.
It was such a huge secret. I was afraid to be social with people. I was afraid to engage with people. My ex -wife said to me, wow, after five years of living on your own as Wendy, you're social butterfly. I enjoy people. I enjoy engaging with people, going out, being social, meeting people.
TNT SpiritWorks (08:06)
Coming out.
Wendy Cole (08:16)
It's fun. That's brand new. That's a whole aspect of life that I discovered as a result of doing this.
TNT SpiritWorks (08:26)
Amazing. You know, it's interesting, Wendy, because when we first met, you know, I heard your story and we shared a lot of, you know, intimate things of, you know, what you've been through and I've been through in our different journeys. And, you know, I just kind of sat back with it after we got off and I was like, I mean, this truly is how I mean, I believe that obviously we're all souls. And we're here having our unique experiences.
I can't relate to your experience as well as you can't relate to mine because you're not in my body, I'm not in your body. so, excuse me. And so as someone going through a massive change like you did, or even like any of us, like some people go through alcoholism or being drug addicts or even just midlife. When I went through midlife, excuse me, gosh, both of our throats are like, going through the midlife.
Wendy Cole (09:15)
TNT SpiritWorks (09:19)
people call it crisis, but the midlife, the change of midlife. And it's just honoring each other's journey. I think that's the part I really want to bring forth in, you know, act and really talking about being a spiritual being, which we are, and having our unique ways that we're experiencing this lifetime, because there's only one lifetime of who knows how many we've been here. But just the fact that, you know, to come together and honor each other.
Wendy Cole (09:22)
TNT SpiritWorks (09:44)
You know, yeah, like I can't I don't know exactly. I can't feel what you've been through, Wendy. But yet when I got off, I could. I literally said and I have chills I'm going to say this, but I really could feel like, yeah, you're a soul sister having an experience. and, you know, again, I don't know all the details. I can't feel them, but I can feel your soul essence. And it's beautiful. And we're all beautiful. So, you know, I don't want to say it's like a kumbaya namaste thing, but yes, it is.
Wendy Cole (10:10)
Exactly, it certainly is.
TNT SpiritWorks (10:13)
You know, I mean, it just brings me almost to tears thinking about it because I shared with you that I had a father who was, you know, who had, you know, was gay and passed away of AIDS and he had his stuff going on when he was here. And I didn't know any of that, Wendy. I didn't know what he was feeling inside and, you know, and we just don't know what each other's feels inside. to honor each other and to say, you know, your journey, Wendy, is your beautiful journey. And I honor it instead of all this, you know, I mean, I want to go down the
Wendy Cole (10:22)
TNT SpiritWorks (10:43)
we don't need to go down the path of, know, everyone how they are these days, right? But I just wish people would be more open and just understand and believe that bigger picture like, you know, that we you and I both feel as being a soul.
Wendy Cole (10:47)
We're all energy. I believe in the power of the universe and the energy that I derive from it.
When I started this, I understood there are no guarantees in life. That's an illusion.
So don't worry about it. Do what I need to do. I don't know if I'll enjoy living as a woman. And in fact, I don't care. I will get, I will find out when I get there. And then I'll deal with it from that point forward. That's, that's the reality I had to step into this with.
and I gave myself life tests to and from therapy. I would go to therapy. By my third therapy appointment, I was going as Wendy, which was my first time to ever go out in public, period. I hadn't cross -dressed or done anything with feminine clothing, appearance, makeup, or anything in almost four decades.
TNT SpiritWorks (12:13)
Wendy Cole (12:14)
I couldn't do it because it hurt too much to undo it, to take everything off. It reminded me of what I couldn't be and how I felt. And I felt this way from childhood. I told my parents at 10, I tried the transition during my senior year of college, and it didn't work. The society wasn't ready at the time.
I didn't have the resources at the time and the medical community was dead set against it. This was a psychological condition with no treatment, no cure. So once I started getting into this in 2015, that first six months of 2015, I just focused on my inner being, changing how I got to a point where by June of that year, I had
really accepted myself for who I am and what I am without any doubt or reservation and I was happy and my soon -to -be ex -wife said to me, I'm really upset with you. You're just so damn happy and I'm so nervous and I know we're getting divorced and all of that but what is it with you? And I said, I'm
TNT SpiritWorks (13:19)
Wendy Cole (13:39)
finally for the first time in my life going to get to be me and I'm happy.
TNT SpiritWorks (13:49)
Wendy Cole (13:49)
And that was a realization that just sat in for both of us. She did say something that was funny at the time. I laughed. My first husband left me for another woman. My second husband leaves me to become a woman. The irony of it all, but that was just the way it was. We divorced amicably and we still communicate.
TNT SpiritWorks (14:17)
And so a key thing for me of what you're saying is really that you doing that inner work is so important.
Wendy Cole (14:24)
It makes all the difference in the world. I know people who go through everything that I went through.
They do their legal name change. They start living and working full time as the woman they are. And they're afraid. They're afraid to, as I call it, blend into society and just be the woman that they've always known themselves to be. That's what I was able to do from day one when I started living full time in July of 2015. I did it in six months.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:03)
Wendy Cole (15:04)
When you go and ask anybody else in the community about it, they'll say, yeah, transition's difficult and takes a long time. My response to that is very simple. If that's what you believe, then that's how it will be. Period. So one of the first things that I do with my clients is everything I did with me. And I tell them this right up front. I did all the work myself. Now it's your turn.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:20)
Wendy Cole (15:32)
I'm going to be here to guide you through it. This is just like any other life change.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:41)
but it starts inward.
Wendy Cole (15:42)
It starts inward. That's my 80 % rule. 80 % of all life change begins and is 80 % between your ears.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:44)
Wendy Cole (15:56)
And that's the other thing that people, there's a lot of people that think what I did was a choice. No, I did it to survive. Anybody in the LGBT space that ends up coming out, they don't come out because they're all of a sudden courageous. No, they come out to survive, to actually...
align their inner being with who they really are and live as they truly are. So that's what I did and that's what I help others to do as well.
TNT SpiritWorks (16:34)
And I think that's a key right there, Wendy, because you're obviously, you know, like you're walking your talk, you're supporting people with what you've been through, and which obviously is not an easy thing. And I think of, you know, being the spiritual part of it. Like, I mean, there's even people who, and I've been guilty of this myself, you know, like I don't tell people what I do. I haven't, I did it for a long time because, they're gonna think it's weird or it's woo woo or.
And I mean, of course now, know, it's apples to oranges, right? Comparing what we've all been through and what, you know, the experiences, but there's still that reality of until we really own who we are inside as a soul and that we're here exploring this dimension in the ways you want to explore it, that's the most important thing.
Wendy Cole (17:21)
Absolutely that.
TNT SpiritWorks (17:22)
You know, and of course, I guess with the polarities and with all the, you know, really the black and the white, right? Like everything that's here, the fear and the, the, you know, embracing it. Like your, like your ex said, I mean, you know, you're so happy. Well, you're happy because you know who you are inside and that's where it stems from. And she, if she's not been through that, like I know a lot of people who don't do inner work and you can tell the difference, Wendy. Have you found this too?
Wendy Cole (17:37)
Yes, absolutely. have. And I find that with some of my clients, I've had to watch my phraseology. I finally wound up with one of my clients just explaining to her because she was very successful going through the whole process with me and actually did it very, very well. So I started to explain to her the
underlying principles of it, the law of attraction principles, all the stuff that I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza and about quantum physics and energy and all of that. And she looked at me and said, you're really out there. You should move to California.
So I hear you, I get that too. So no, it's, I usually have people start with journaling and I don't care how they do it. And they can video it, can audio record, they can write, whatever. But I want them to start documenting what they're thinking.
because that's where it all begins. It's your thoughts that block you from what you need to do.
TNT SpiritWorks (19:07)
Wendy Cole (19:08)
And I've, I really do also believe that this is something that is very common across all people in how we manage our thoughts on a daily basis. I, I'm not saying that it's easy or whatever, but it gets to a point where
When I'm done coaching somebody and when I finally did all the work to do with myself, Teresa, it's a life skill. I have used it through everything throughout the rest of my life. It doesn't matter what it is. I have made some very significant life changes. I was, during the pandemic, I moved back into the house, which I still jointly owned with my ex.
I set up an apartment for myself and I lived there for two and a half years. She and I agreed that it came time. We tried to sell the house in 2015, but the market was so bad, we couldn't do it. We were practically giving it away. So we took it off the market and everything worked out. And so in 2023, first six months of 2023, I just focused on emptying the house and selling it.
During that process, my ex was asking me, where are you going to live? And I said, I don't know.
TNT SpiritWorks (20:41)
Wendy Cole (20:42)
I don't care. I'll figure it out when I get there. That's one of the things I learned. think my second or third therapy session with Stephanie, my therapist, I said to her, I don't know how to do this. And that's what she said to me. You'll figure it out when you get there. So I started applying that. It works.
TNT SpiritWorks (21:08)
Wendy Cole (21:09)
We sold the house. I moved into a hotel in New Hope, Pennsylvania, where I had lived for five years and I decided I was going to start there. And then I'll figure out where I'm going to go. I didn't have a destination. I didn't have a place to live. I was technically homeless living out of my car and in a hotel.
TNT SpiritWorks (21:33)
For that moment. Yeah.
Wendy Cole (21:34)
for that moment. But I knew the universe would open up. There would be some pathway, some sign that something was going to happen. So I get an email from Jessica Rhodes. Wendy, if you're considering moving to New England and if you're considering Rhode Island,
Reach out to Jess Power. She's one of the top realtors. Just one email and it was two weeks. I was living in a hotel for two weeks. No other place to go or live.
I connected with the realtor, everything, we had a Zoom conversation. And after that conversation, I had totally come out to her as well by the end of our conversation, because I figured if you do background checks or anything like that, you're gonna figure this out. So I was totally open with her and she was fine with it. I got a...
TNT SpiritWorks (22:34)
Wendy Cole (22:41)
I get a text message from her three hours later. sitting at the bar talking with one of my friends and it said, my parents own a building here in Providence, Rhode Island. The third floor is apartments becoming available in July sometime. If you're interested, when can you come to Rhode Island and look at it? I'm in Pennsylvania at the time. I figured, OK, I'll be there on the 19th of June.
And that's what I did.
TNT SpiritWorks (23:14)
Wendy Cole (23:15)
And I knew it would all work out. Everything, everything's been, been good. And I'd never been to Rhode Island before as an adult. I'd lived in New England before, but I always drove by the state. It's a very small state.
TNT SpiritWorks (23:18)
It's very small, yes. Not real big like Texas.
Wendy Cole (23:38)
No, it's 48 miles north to south and 32 miles east to west.
TNT SpiritWorks (23:43)
Wow. Yes, that's pretty small.
Wendy Cole (23:46)
And a big chunk of it is water, which is why they call it the ocean state. And while I've lived here, I've been totally embraced city living. Another thing that I basically had a whole mindset change on. Do I want to maintain the expense of owning a car while I live in a city? No.
TNT SpiritWorks (23:49)
Wendy Cole (24:10)
I sold my car. First time in my life since college that I've been without car keys and a car to go out immediately and drive in. But it's been good. I'm getting.
TNT SpiritWorks (24:19)
Wow. Wow.
Yeah, that's really trusting, Wendy. That's trusting. Yeah. Yeah. And that's challenging for people though is to trust that.
Wendy Cole (24:27)
huh. I know it's gonna work out. It made
Mm hmm. It saved a lot of money in my budget because automobile insurance in New England is generally higher than it was where I was living in Pennsylvania, surprisingly. And it was it just made a big, very helpful because my insurance more than doubled when I moved here. So.
TNT SpiritWorks (24:56)
Wow, yeah.
Wendy Cole (25:00)
with all the expenses and everything, it saved a lot of money and I walk everywhere. It's a walkable city and I've embraced city living.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:02)
That's great. Yeah.
That is so amazing. Amazing.
Wendy Cole (25:15)
But in June of 2023, I had no idea where I was going to live. By July, I had a place lined up and was just waiting to move in.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:26)
Love the way the universe works, right?
Wendy Cole (25:29)
Absolutely. And it's worked like that for me so many times.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:34)
Yeah, I found that true too. And looking back, especially at times, I'm like, wow, like everything just lined up perfectly, even though, like you said, like, you know, sometimes it was like, I don't know exactly how it's all going to be. when you let it go, and you trust that, like, just amazing things happen. Yeah.
Wendy Cole (25:47)
Mm -hmm.
Right. And this is a life skill. And there are days I wake up and I think, God, you know, this is going to go wrong and that's going to go wrong. And I start working on shifting those thoughts, my morning meditations and my inner work. And it all starts. The other thing that really helps me music.
TNT SpiritWorks (26:14)
love it.
Wendy Cole (26:16)
all kinds of music.
TNT SpiritWorks (26:18)
I love music too.
Wendy Cole (26:20)
It puts me in a really good frame of mind.
It's really a much, much better, easier way to live. It's much kinder on yourself. And before, I didn't care about myself at all. I had almost zero self -acceptance.
And with this, I now totally and completely accept myself for who I am. I finally have that feeling of self -love.
So self -awareness, self -acceptance, and self -love all come from doing that inner work and aligning your soul with your being and being who you are. I had surgery at NYU Medical Center, as I say, to get my birth defect corrected.
TNT SpiritWorks (27:23)
that's how you say your birth defect.
Wendy Cole (27:28)
See, when I was born, the doctor checked out my physical anatomy and said, it's a boy. Well, gender is between the ears, not the legs. That's just the physical anatomy associated with the given sex.
but that's not how my brain developed. That's not who I was. As you mentioned too with your dad, sexual orientation is also in the brain. Both sexual orientation and gender identity.
begin development during the second trimester when the body starts to differentiate between the two sexes. The brain also goes through that same process. There are chemicals and everything else involved with it, as well as chromosomes and all of that fun stuff. But the bottom line is it's a sense that gets programmed in your brain as to who you are and how you feel, whether you're attracted to a certain type of person or not.
and how you identify.
TNT SpiritWorks (28:38)
Wendy Cole (28:39)
And it's not a choice. And it's something that we know from childhood, but because the doctor told the parents, it's a boy, I was socialized as such. And now by age 10, when I told my parents, my God, that was terrifying because it flew in the face of all that socialization and all the stuff that it was expected of me that I didn't really like to begin with.
So I basically waited until my 60s to do this. And that was because, yeah, that was because this was totally unaccepted by anything and by anyone in the medical community. As of 2012, it became something that was treatable with hormone replacement therapy, psychological therapy, and any necessary surgeries.
TNT SpiritWorks (29:17)
Wow, that's a long time.
Wendy Cole (29:39)
By 2013, it was covered by insurance.
as a medical condition. And nowadays there are doctors in every university hospital that do the surgeries. So.
TNT SpiritWorks (29:55)
Wow. Big shifts.
Wendy Cole (29:59)
Big shifts, major shifts, and when I saw that in late 2014, that was it. I was all in.
TNT SpiritWorks (30:09)
You just knew it. Yeah.
Wendy Cole (30:10)
just knew it and just had to do it. And I knew that my whole life would get upended. That's a given. We also all go through forms of loss.
TNT SpiritWorks (30:15)
Wendy Cole (30:23)
That's all part of it. But with every loss, there's also gain.
I, one of my gay friends always says to me, well, those that reject us, including family that reject us, we just replace and we build our new families, which I thought was a really nice way to look at it.
TNT SpiritWorks (30:48)
Yes, attract.
Yeah, I think that like, you know, you're saying no matter who they are, I mean, we all go through that. You know, like when I went through divorce, like both of my daughters no longer talk to me and I haven't talked to one in over seven years. So, you know, it's one of those things where people just wherever they're at. And I always say, you know, I mean, there's obviously takes two to tango, but they're going through something and that they don't understand what I've gone through. And same with you and your life. And so I want to ask you about your parents. Were they are they already deceased or are they still here?
Wendy Cole (30:56)
Mm -hmm.
They didn't witness this. I'm assuming that my father would absolutely have nothing to do with me. My ex believes that my mother would have been fine with it.
TNT SpiritWorks (31:32)
Okay. Yeah.
Mm hmm. Yeah.
Wendy Cole (31:40)
In fact, as a young child when I did come out to them, I expected or wanted my mother to help me with this. But she was a typical 50s housewife. My father ruled and whatever he said, was father knows best and everything. And in fact, when I tried to transition in my early 20s,
TNT SpiritWorks (31:50)
Wendy Cole (32:09)
One of the things my father screamed at me is you would hate being a woman. Their property. That's how he looked at his own wife.
TNT SpiritWorks (32:17)
Of course. Yes, of course. Yeah, that mentality. What comes to too, Wendy, as you're talking about this is even the consciousness of that timeframe. Like they just, they can't relate to it. And it's understandable, right? I mean, they came through what they came through and we're where we're at now. it totally, who knows where we'll be in like 20 to 50 years from now and the consciousness level of what we're experiencing and what those around us are going through. It'll be all different.
Wendy Cole (32:27)
Some of the inner work that I did wound up dealing with regrets. I dealt with that by my second therapy session. Went headlong into that. Can't go back and fix it. We don't own that anymore. That's the past. I also threw in, started working on forgiveness.
my parents threatened me with being committed to a psychiatric center and fixed, which was not a good thing either in those days. So I realized now they were doing the best they could with the information they had. And their whole thing was they were trying to protect me from society. That was it.
TNT SpiritWorks (33:19)
Yeah, no.
Yeah. Yeah, but like you're right though, Wendy, they were doing the best they could with what they knew. And absolutely. And still people are like that, right? So I mean, it's just, yeah, it's just understanding where they're at. I totally get it.
Wendy Cole (33:50)
That's why I am working on a book. wrote an article for parents of transgender and that got published. And I also am working on a book which I'm hoping to get to my publisher by the end of the month. It's been through a major edit and I'm going through dealing with results of that right now. people today still...
TNT SpiritWorks (33:56)
Wendy Cole (34:20)
It's, this is not something that everyone deals with. One of the reasons that I started doing podcast interviews to begin with was I want to humanize being born transgender for the rest of society. This is something that how many people get an opportunity to talk with somebody like me or hear questions about answer questions about this or whatever. So.
I'm totally an open book with doing this.
TNT SpiritWorks (34:52)
that's so wonderful. I'm so I was going to ask you earlier if you were writing a book because you clearly need to with all you've been through. so, you know, nothing to pass in mind, Wendy, is that because like, you know, Tom and I are doing our spiritual work and it's it's going well, but not as well as I wished it would be. So I think that and I kind of get the insights that, you know, lot of us right now at these pivotal moments in time, you know, what we're exposing to other people and we're sharing, we're like trailblazers.
Wendy Cole (35:19)
TNT SpiritWorks (35:20)
for the generations coming up whenever they're ready to be, you know, like embracing who they really are inside and the outside and who they are spiritually. And so, but really honoring the fact that we are trailblazers. mean, you know, and at some point it will hit where what you've experienced and what you're sharing with the world and on podcasts, etc. is going to be like, yeah, you know, Wendy came out and she did this and my gosh, you know, thank you, Wendy, for doing that. Thank you, Tom and Teresa. I mean, like it's all
So that's what I look at it like, you know, I do feel like there's still a long way to open up, but yet I feel it's gonna happen pretty quickly because everything is really energetically, it's going at a speed now that we've never experienced before because it's just where it's at, right?
Wendy Cole (36:04)
Exactly. There's a lot of people that are really into law of attraction, just getting attracted to that right now. And that's a huge part of our underlying part of what I do, and I'm sure what you do as a result of it. It's really something that
TNT SpiritWorks (36:21)
Wendy Cole (36:29)
The other thing that this has done for me is it has made a dramatic impact on my physical health.
TNT SpiritWorks (36:38)
Yes, yes, yes.
Wendy Cole (36:39)
I used to weigh 70 pounds more than I do now. I had type two diabetic. I had blood work problems with cholesterol and all the triglycerides and all the other stuff going on.
TNT SpiritWorks (36:43)
Mm -hmm.
Wendy Cole (36:58)
Three years after I transitioned, after I had my surgery, my primary care physician looked at me and he said, what do you attribute this to? I'm going through your medical records. I'm taking you off the diabetic medications. You don't need that anymore. You're no longer diabetic. I'm taking you off all the other meds. Your blood work comes back clean and it's consistent.
TNT SpiritWorks (37:24)
Wendy Cole (37:26)
What do you attribute this to? I said to him, Teresa, I said to him, it's because I'm happy. It starts with being happy.
that anxiety, the depression, the fear, the anger, the repressing, the holding the secret, all of that just wreaks havoc on your body. And what I've learned from my research and everything is that the way our minds communicate with our bodies is through chemistry.
The hypothalamus in the brain produces neuropeptides which shoot out throughout your body. There are receptors everywhere for that. And other glands in your body produce chemicals and hormones and all of that. And every emotion that is associated with a thought has a chemical signature that is picked up by the body. That's how...
you know, to tense your muscles, you prepare for fear or something dramatic or you're just so depressed.
That's all part of the chemical signature that's produced by those thoughts. Changing those thoughts changes the chemistry in your body. You build new neuro pathways. Those new thoughts get stored. The old thoughts get deleted. And it just has a snowball effect of getting easier and easier and easier.
I haven't spiraled down a rabbit hole over something happening in my life in years.
TNT SpiritWorks (39:25)
Well, that right there should be like, hello, the reason to do inner work, right? And I don't know about you, Wendy, but I mean, like when I'm out and about, and there's obviously so many people that are not healthy, right? But I can feel energetically, they're not in good places either. So I concur exactly and believe 100 % what you're saying is truth because yeah, it's just, you know, you got to start inward and it shows showcases outward. And then you like you're saying that you attract
the people that love you, the situations, it's just all a win -win -win when you really start with the inside, your soul, energy.
Wendy Cole (40:04)
When I go out, like tonight I'm going out to a local bar. It's about seven blocks from my apartment. Really nice place. And every Saturday night they have jazz combos come in. So it's nice. I sit at the bar, I talk to people. I engage with all the customers. And it just feels good just to be there, be social. I've met some really nice people.
TNT SpiritWorks (40:18)
Mmm, fun.
Cool, that's awesome. That's super awesome.
Wendy Cole (40:35)
And I never used to do things like that.
TNT SpiritWorks (40:39)
Right. Because now you are you are yourself now. You're more yourself now. I'm sure you're not Wendy. You don't look like it. You don't feel like it. I can feel your energy. You're full of life. So as we end up this end this session together is beautiful sharing Wendy I'd love for you to share with where do see yourself like in five ten years with what where you're at now and what you want to bring to the world.
Wendy Cole (40:41)
never did. I am myself and I'm out and about. I'm not done living either.
Okay, I will definitely have the book I'm currently working on published. I've also, since December of last year, I wrote six chapters of my main book, which it's not a story about my transition. It's a story about my life and everything I've learned about it from having gone through this. And...
The other thing that I expect, I'm starting to do a podcast with another host and I'm going to co -host on that. I do expect at some point the universe is going to have something more out there for me. I'm meeting people. I have one person who is interested in doing a screenplay about my life.
TNT SpiritWorks (42:09)
That does not surprise me at all. Yep.
Wendy Cole (42:11)
And where that leads, I don't know, but I'm totally open to it.
TNT SpiritWorks (42:16)
I love it. love the way you live in life, Wendy, because you are in your early 70s, right?
Wendy Cole (42:22)
no, Theresa. I'm 76.
TNT SpiritWorks (42:26)
mid 70s, you look fabulous. Absolutely fabulous and so much life. Like I hear these people that go, I'm getting so old. I'm like, are you kidding me? No.
Wendy Cole (42:37)
I have people tell me I'm too old to do this. How old are you? They tell me I'm 58. I did this at 67, I had surgery at 69, and I've never been happier and physically healthier. And I used to see people in my neighborhood that my ex was friends with.
TNT SpiritWorks (42:42)
I know, Wendy, it's crazy!
Amazing. Amazing.
Wendy Cole (43:04)
And some of these people look like they're ready to just give up.
TNT SpiritWorks (43:10)
A lot of people look that way these days, Wendy. So yeah.
Wendy Cole (43:13)
And they turn, something about turning 50s and 60s means your life is over. No, it's time to begin a new phase.
TNT SpiritWorks (43:26)
Absolutely. And my thing is to the last breath, I'm good. Just keep it going. Have fun. Enjoy it. Yeah. Well, when it has been so much fun having you on today and I want to share that, you know, I just wish you the best and get out there and spread your light and your energy and share with others that are ready to hear your message. So I want to share that Wendy Cole and we'll have all her all the links down below in the show notes that you can connect with her and and find out more about
Wendy Cole (43:30)
absolutely. Absolutely.
TNT SpiritWorks (43:55)
your upcoming book when it comes out, but also about how to, you you do some amazing mentoring and obviously your podcast and all that will be in the links below so people can definitely connect with you.
Wendy Cole (44:06)
Yes, and in addition to working with transgender people and parents of transgender, I also work with women entrepreneurs who are struggling with self -doubt and imposter syndrome.
TNT SpiritWorks (44:22)
Ooh, those are some big ones. Big, big. That's huge, Wendy. That's some big work. Excellent. like to hear that so much. So thank you again so much, Wendy, for coming on.
Wendy Cole (44:24)
Imposter syndrome was a huge one for me.
Thank you, Teresa, for having me. I really have enjoyed it.
TNT SpiritWorks (44:38)
And to all you listeners out there, thank you so much for spending the time listening to this wonderful sharing with Wendy and I. And just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.
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