Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
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Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Riding the Current: Navigating October's Energies
UPLIFTING moments in the CURRENTS of October is what this new episode with Chiron Yeng and TNT SpiritWorks covers. Get your oars everyone we are in for a fun ride.
The major concept influencing this month is the keyword 'current', which is connected to the spiritual year theme of 'slipstream'. The conversation explores the idea of riding the current gracefully and moving with the flow of life. They also discuss the upcoming solar and lunar eclipses and the impact they will have on relationships and personal growth. The conversation emphasizes the importance of self-leadership, following the heart, and being open to change.
FREE October energy calendar
Find out more about the calendar here
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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
We are back again for another month of sharing with Chiron Yeng, our in -house astrologer. So we are super excited to be sharing the astrological updates of October as well as our energy forecasting calendar around October. So welcome Chiron. Welcome.
Chiron Yeng (00:20)
Thank you for having me again and I'm so excited to dive into October. I think it's a game changer for all of us.
TNT SpiritWorks (00:27)
Cool. got chills as I said that. So let's start with the overall, the major concept influencing this month and the energy keyword that we have. And the keyword is current C -U -R -R -E -N -T. The suggested keywords are present, movement, undertow, follow and effortless.
So we both maybe just want to tune in a little bit to what do those words mean to us? Especially the word current. And I guess we should add that the theme for the spiritual year is slipstream. So under that, for the month of October, the keyword current, slipstream and current.
Chiron Yeng (00:52)
think what's interesting that's coming out right away for me, it has a lot to do with water, right? And the influence of Neptune, right, in Pisces, at the final degrees of Pisces, is kind of beautiful too, that this theme is coming up because next year Neptune move into Aries, right, on the larger perspective and the larger cycle. And I also feel like, you know, listening to the word current is like...
You either ride with the wave or you get drowned in it because if you try to control the wave and tying back to the spiritual year slipstream, right? I think there's some aspect of things that we cannot control and the best way possible is to ride it and to move through it gracefully.
TNT SpiritWorks (02:02)
It's interesting because when I tuned into it before we got on today, I saw an image of salmon fish going upstream. So like even that the current, no, the current may be coming at us, but like salmon, they go into the current and so, and they move gracefully through that current, even though it's going, they're going up against it. Yeah, I guess whenever you're involved with a slipstream,
or a current, you're going to be moving in a direction. That's what strikes me. so slipstream implies for me that it's easy. I'm in the slipstream. I'm behind the other car or I'm behind the big truck. there's less resistance to move forward. And then the current, that really moves you along. Like when you're sitting in a kayak and you're just floating down with the current. And sometimes the current moves pretty
quickly as you go through rapid water and sometimes it's nice and easy. But it really implies and feels like one way or another, I'm going to be moving with this current, whether I recognize it or not. And I suppose the solution for me is to be aware of what direction I'm moving in because there's going to be energy and momentum moving that way.
Chiron Yeng (03:22)
That sounds like an eclipse.
TNT SpiritWorks (03:24)
Hey, hey, it's eclipse time. Well, we were wondering how all this might connect. every month we keep discovering how does astrology meet the LFN energy calendars.
Chiron Yeng (03:28)
Yeah, you know, the eclipse officially starts sometime around mid September last month, right? And we're really in it. And we began October, October 2nd is when the solar eclipse is happening. And what's interesting about this solar eclipse is that it's going to be a ring of fire. And because the moon is, it's further away from earth. I think it's further away. Or is it nearer? I think it's further away.
That it makes the sun, it makes the moon smaller than it should be. That it doesn't cover the sun totally. Right. And that, that will produce this experience of a ring of fire happening in the solar eclipse. But, since it's crossing down on the South American, you know, all the way down to Patagonia and Chile, you know, unless you're there, you probably won't be able to see the eclipse, but nonetheless, we will be experiencing it tremendously.
Right? And in the sign of Libra, there's a call to action about whose team are you at, whose team are you in? There'll be moments of time where things and relationship fall away and new people come in, new allies, new partnership, new collaboration. And the thing about Eclipse that we need to understand is that there's some level of divine intervention going on. It's like the universe, okay, it's time to reshuffle our carts.
TNT SpiritWorks (05:07)
Chiron Yeng (05:07)
And then you don't know what card you're going to be dealt. And just like the current, you just have to ride with it. You just have to make the best out of it. And there's some level of, even though we don't have control over the circumstances, but there's some level of being able to guide the energy to serve our higher purpose. Because the intention for eclipses is to evolve and grow and especially our human consciousness to a level where
we are kinder, we more loving, we are more compassionate, we are more creative, and then we share these gifts with one another.
TNT SpiritWorks (05:43)
Want to the energy of October 2nd, Tom? Well, in October, right from the get -go on October 1st through the 5th, we move into action energy, which is always one of my favorite energies. It's the most powerful, you might say. There's a lot of energy moving in a direction. And in fact, the key phrase is to help
Get a feeling for action is directed and moving. Time to be alert because through action you're successful. And accomplishment with fulfillment. So I found, I often say in business, it's a time when I start to hear back on proposals, deals come through, companies make decisions.
And so also I found that it's a great time to go clean out that filing cabinet or anything that requires a lot of activity. It just seems like it's easy to get it done and move into action and get things accomplished and wrapped up. If a person's out of balance between their feelings and their intellect, they may not do anything during action and kind of let the energy go by. if you're...
caught up in some concepts around that time, you might find you don't do much. But if you're really in your feelings, it's my favorite energy because I guess on planet earth, you we really get evaluated by what we accomplish in our, particularly in our environment, our society. So I suppose that's why I like it so much. Yeah, I find too that it's, you know, not only materially, but also spiritually.
you can really move through some things very quickly and things will show up faster because the action energy is a faster energy out of the how many what the seven of them the seven different energy bands so it should be interesting to see how this eclipse and the action energy really I mean how the current moves I'm getting a sense and I'm getting a feeling like it's going to move kind of fast during this time frame and beginning October ironically enough.
Chiron Yeng (07:53)
Yeah. And I want to add on to that and piggyback what you guys have just said is because, and this is just not just the small cycle of what's happening in October. It's just that this is the beginning of it where Mars as a planet is going to start taking the forefront in a lot of things, right? It's going to activate a lot of big planets. It's going to basically create a lot of tension within people and within ourselves even.
Because right now we're going to approach into something called mass retrograde towards the end of the year. And it's during this time that it starts the energy of that retrogradation in that sense, meaning that it's starting to slow down even though it's moving forward. And what can happen is like, despite, you know, the energy and suggestion is action, a lot of us, you might be surprised, might be in a place of inaction and it almost as if we need that current.
from the universe to kick our asses. But I wouldn't suggest that. I would say that we need to take a proactive stance in whatever we want to do and what gifts we want to create in whatever desire and what purpose we want to put out in the world. We really need to take that level of like proactiveness to collaborate with the universe. Otherwise, like you say, you know, the energy might go to waste. Or from what I've hear is that
TNT SpiritWorks (08:54)
Thank you.
Chiron Yeng (09:19)
that action energy might be imploded inside. You see the frustration, the resentment, the bitterness can really build up in the system, especially when Mars is in cancer. We're emotional. Imagine that the moon changes sign every two and a half months, and we got to deal with people mood swings all around. We're going to get into fights and arguments and conflicts during this time. But it's not because of the things on the outside that is triggering us.
but it is us not being able to be completely honest with our authentic needs, desires, and where we want to go and how we want to express ourselves. So I really do say, you know, take precaution during the early days of October on how we direct our action and energy. And rather than moving forward in a destructive way, how can we be in creative space?
TNT SpiritWorks (10:15)
So I guess what comes in about this, which I think is quite interesting is, and about a month from October is the US election. So, you know, it's already revving up and it's been revving up for several months now as far as energetically and, you know, people on both sides and etc. And of course, that affects the whole world because you know, it's like it's the ripple. it'll be interesting to see how and I've really been noticing this lately with people, especially those that are saying they're
spiritual leaders or counselors, but yet they'll put stuff on on social media that's intense about the situation of who they like and who they don't like. And, and it's really a time it feels to me like, like you're saying authenticity, like showing up. So how as a spiritual leader, do I show up and, be a
not a role model, I'll say a role model or you know, someone that you would look up to and say, Yeah, you know, I'd really like to, to find out more about working with with Teresa or Tom or Chiron, because of the way they're leading in the world. And so when I see other leaders who are showing up in really some intense frickin energy, I mean, like the stuff I see on Facebook, I'm like, Holy crap, you're a counselor, and you're a spiritual educator. I mean, seriously, Chiron, and, and, you know, so this is an interesting aspect around
for the listener out there, know, really, you know, just taking notice of, know, what are you, how are you showing up for yourself every day and how are you bringing forth that positive energy and not, know, like, and transforming the negative. I guess I want to say that. Yeah, for me, what you're sharing about, is do I want to be a healing influence in the environment or do I want to, you know,
stir and all the toing and froing and the rough waters kind of a thing. I guess that's the key for me is I'd like to be a healing influence. So when people get caught in their likes and dislikes, that's more of a energy that fits in social rather than in business. So if I stay in the business of me, you know, what is my opportunity here? What am I gaining out of this experience today, you know, spiritually?
then I can remain in the present, pivoted, positive, happy and free. Not that it's not gonna be challenging with all those influences, but I guess when a leader gets involved in posting their likes and dislikes, mean, people just have to realize that's really their social, not their business. are you mixing your business with your social?
Anyway, what's your thoughts on that? Have you noticed that also out there?
Chiron Yeng (13:02)
Well, I've not been following a lot of US influencers on social media, so I don't really get caught up by it. Good thing about being away from the United States is that I do see a lot of different things, right? Rather than content really just focus on that. Because the thing is that sometimes when something is being highlighted, we can feel as if it's the world, right? And I think having a context of zooming out can be really great.
during this time and really see yourself, where do I stand in all of this? But what's coming up for me as you guys speak is that I think leadership begins with the self and no matter how amazing we rely on outer authorities to guide us and lead us and show us a perspective or a way, it must not be seen as an absolute because we still need to go back to our inner authority, our ability to have self leadership, to trust our intuition and our instincts.
to know the difference between right and wrong rather than just taking it as it is. Now, the reason why there's so much arguments from the astrological perspective and too many sides to this is that Jupiter is in Gemini, right? There's false news, false information being spread around and Jupiter basically explodes anything. And right now in the sign of Gemini, as much as it explodes really empowering knowledge to expand our consciousness,
Just like this podcast, by the way. And also there will be things that is like the other opposite, the other extreme, where, you know, there will always be haters. There will always be a completely opposite paradox, paradoxical ideas to what we believe. Now the question is, because Jupiter squares Neptune in Pisces, can we let go the ideological battle and see each other's common humanity?
TNT SpiritWorks (14:29)
Chiron Yeng (14:56)
And sleep stream is exactly again, connected to this water element, to the current of time, because the thing is truth stands the test of time, right? Anything that is not going to be that is going to be swept away by the current.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:15)
Well said, I think so. Well, what other highlights do we have in October from an astrological point of view?
Chiron Yeng (15:22)
Well, the first highlight is definitely the eclipse that we just mentioned. And the effects of it is not just on the day itself. It's six weeks before prior it's been building up and it's six weeks after that as well. Then, you know, of course, if you want to talk about solar eclipse, we got to talk about the lunar eclipse that happens once in September and another one, which is a partial one two weeks later, which is October 16th.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:34)
like that.
Okay. Well.
Chiron Yeng (15:51)
And I think October 15 for you guys, where the full moon, which is kind of like a partial lunar eclipse is happening.
TNT SpiritWorks (15:54)
We have.
Interesting for October, we've got action energy again that starts on the 15th through the 20th. So it's a whole week. And again, I find myself really looking forward to it because I always feel like there's a full week of accomplishment and action and things happening and things coming to resolution.
Chiron Yeng (16:05)
my god.
TNT SpiritWorks (16:21)
But if I have a fear of success or if I get stimulated in my fear of success, then I might find I procrastinate. But the energy's there to work with. again, action directed and moving, time to be alert, accomplishment with fulfillment. Yeah, it feels like.
boy, it feels like these eclipses are gonna give us some opportunities energetically, which is really what we're talking about. Because I mean, even if listeners out there don't understand a lot about Neptune, Jupiter, or the energy stuff we're sharing about, it's a feeling, right? It's, you know, how does this feel to you? having that feeling of movement forward and in a slipstream and in the current.
And there's a lot of opportunity for like, you you said before, Chiron, you know, it can either be for the for the good or not for the good, depending upon, I guess, really where the person is inside what's going on with you, as well as what's going on outside. Are you allowing the outside influences to influence your inner your inner authority?
Chiron Yeng (17:27)
It's super interesting that the entire wig is action again because this is where Sun is squaring Mars.
TNT SpiritWorks (17:35)
Chiron Yeng (17:36)
And sun is basically the leadership of your consciousness, right? What do you choose to do to create with your energy? And Mars is the will. know, will is neutral, but if it's too willful, we can basically hurt people or things or damage things. But if you're too passive or too willful from the inside, then we might hurt ourselves, right? We might hate ourselves, shame and blame and those kinds of things.
So the way, when I hear the word action and just tying back to what I see in the chart, this energy can go both ways. We sometimes can be the victim of other people's action on us. So it is a definitely a time of caution, but at the same time, a time of creative tension, conflicts can happen. Arguments can happen. We might take things personally. We might be so tunnel vision that we will, you know, make it about us when it's not.
Right. And another interesting thing is to mention here is that Mars is opposing Pluto while all this is happening. And square is Chiron, not me, but the asteroid Chiron in Aries. So there's a grand cross. That's kind of like a grand cross happening right between the cardinal signs. So all of you who are Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn.
TNT SpiritWorks (18:49)
It squares you.
Chiron Yeng (19:01)
any planets that you have in this science, you're going to be affected. You're going to be eclipsed in a way that there are things that you cannot control and you just have to write it out. You might make important decisions. Relationship might break out. New relationship might come in. It's almost as if there's this energy tone of like enough is enough. If we have been repressing ourselves, burying things under the rug, avoiding conflict, it's going to blow up during this time.
Right. Again, you know, when I say caution, I say move through all of this with grace, with the highest intention of love and compassion. And like what Tom has said, are you doing this for healing or are you really doing this just to, you know, for personal survival, self -satisfaction kind of thing, right? Or just trying to survive. And again, going back to the water theme, the water themes of Sleepstream and current, it's, it's more like how can we win together?
It's not an either or, it's not me versus you. It's a we conversation that we need to keep coming back to.
TNT SpiritWorks (20:10)
interesting perspective and I guess what comes to me is the fact that it's already there's a lot of truth, especially I'm thinking like in the media and not just America, but all over the world that you know, a lot of things are hidden a lot of the truth. Sir. I'm seeing things start to surface. I'm seeing people around the world start to get more clarity on what's truth for them. That may not have been truth for them over the last few years. So it's
again, very interesting to see how this all kind of transpires and takes shape in the next couple of weeks. What really strikes me about what you're sharing, Chiron, about the influences and also the energy is that, you know, in action energy, you can move through the challenges and accomplish the fulfillment of tremendous success. So there's a lot of
where the planets are aligned and so forth. Boy, there's a lot of energy to really move this forward. Honestly, my first impression when I think about September, there isn't all this action energy in September. There's more of an orientation and regrouping and...
And after we go through the action energy, both at the beginning and the middle of the month, we do go back into say orientation or we go into regrouping and then, you know, we've accomplished now let's kind of regroup or let's get reoriented and regroup and then what we want again based on what's, you know, occurred. But my overall impression is, wow, that October, I don't know what's coming up in November. I haven't looked at the calendar yet, but October,
a lot's going to, it'll feel like a positive month, like we're moving forward, things are going to happen that we're waiting for or you'd like to happen or whatever. What goes on from there, you know, could be a little bit of a stall. know, maybe my sensitivity, I'm almost picking that up in November.
the signs of what happens in October might even be misleading because it will be an impactful, you know, positive month if you let it. What comes after, as you're saying, could be different. And so I guess we'll cover November when it's time to cover it. But anyway, those are some of my impressions as you guys share and as I look at the calendars.
Chiron Yeng (22:36)
Yeah, this is why I say it's a game changer, right? And it's like, do you want to get stuck in victimhood or do you want to empower yourself, be proactive and take charge of your life? I think that the key word for me personally, for me, from what I've heard from you guys and tying back to astrology is self -leadership. I mean, just because the crowd is moving one way, we don't have to follow.
TNT SpiritWorks (22:40)
yes, right. I have the same feeling.
Chiron Yeng (23:05)
the crowd in that way, we can find our own path. think, you know, whatever crisis that might come, it's not a bad thing. It's showing us the greater truth behind everything else. And what usually hurt us is not the thing itself. It's our expectation of the things that's hurting us. Right. And we are attached to these things. And with Mars in cancer, we can be very, very attached. And Mars is basically.
separating our attachment so that we can liberate ourselves to higher energies, to higher consciousness, to greater possibilities even. But the problem with us being human, as we all know, we try to hang on to things. Just like if you don't trust the current, we try to control the current, the current will eat us up. But if we allow it, we can just naturally flow out of it. And I've experienced this for myself, you know,
playing around in Boulder Creek where the current was pretty good. And it wasn't, it wasn't even that deep. I got sucked inside and right away I, there's this really just recalling that moment of my soul, just like a bright light coming in. Don't fight it. Let it go. And you move out of it. And the moment I relaxed, that was the moment I got out of that current. Otherwise it's like an inflow, right? I'll get stuck in it.
TNT SpiritWorks (24:28)
That's a great analogy, really. That really is. Yeah, that's perfect with the slipstream and the current. Wow. I also like what, you know, Teresa was highlighting earlier in that, you know, it's a great time for me to start changing my thought habits. So if I have a habit of worrying about the future, or how the outer environment is going to affect me, if I get back to the business of me, and what am I here to do at this moment, and then watch my thoughts, you know, I don't have to move through
Chiron Yeng (24:31)
TNT SpiritWorks (24:59)
things worrying about it, I, you know, let's tune into the positive or replace those negative thoughts with a positive affirmation that's more in line aligned with my goals. So spiritually, that's really where the growth comes from. And I really feel that, you know, once I change my thoughts, I start vibrating at a frequency that actually attracts what I'm really working towards.
Chiron Yeng (25:28)
TNT SpiritWorks (25:28)
The funny thing is, is I'm the one in the physical body. So I've got to take the steps. I've got to communicate. I've got to follow through. And often it's just as easy as that is going ahead and following through. Yeah. And for myself, I'm contemplating because I have Mars in cancer, as you know, my, what is my Mars and Mercury are in cancer 24 degrees. So
Chiron Yeng (25:46)
you're affected.
TNT SpiritWorks (25:53)
Yeah, and I know it's going to be going over it, crossing in my natal chart several times in the next couple of months. So this is going to be, as you said, that we have to probably let go of things. Like my heart, I can feel it like, yeah, like I have some, the cancer, the nurturing part, and I like things to feel comfortable. But that conjunction of Mars and Mercury in my chart,
It's a little stirring. I feel it's already starting to kind of like activate in me of what's coming. A great time to let go of those self -limiting thoughts.
Chiron Yeng (26:26)
Yeah, and I think it's a
Exactly. And I think it's a great time to let go because Mars is going to go forward and it's going to come back. It's going to go forward again. So we're repeating this three times almost over the course of the next five to six months. So whatever is happening in October, I think it's great to take notes on what's happening, what's unfolding so that moving forward in December, in January and February as we start the new year.
TNT SpiritWorks (26:43)
Chiron Yeng (27:02)
We can check in if have we learned those lessons. think the beautiful thing about astrology is that we know this, this, this really little pockets of timeline and we can know when it's reactivated again. And it's like an opportunity to relearn the lesson again and again and again, more than anything else. think this is a really empowering time. And, the thing is that we just don't have, we have to stop resisting change.
TNT SpiritWorks (27:29)
Yeah, I feel that too. Yeah, one way or another, it's going to hit you. didn't get behind the slipstream or go with the current, right? Versus swimming against it like the salmon maybe do.
Chiron Yeng (27:33)
It's going to happen, right? Yeah. And it's a cosmic joke.
Yeah. I want to talk about one more thing is that I think it's really beautiful because I think Neptune in Pisces is really governing all of this thing behind the scenes. now this is not something that I've analyzed in the chart, thoroughly, but it's just an intuition that's popping out right here right now, as I hear the word current and all these water words, what's up with that?
TNT SpiritWorks (28:11)
Chiron Yeng (28:12)
Right. It's, it's almost as if there are things going on behind the scenes and we don't understand. And I'm called to, name this in a way that let's let us not jump into quick conclusions about whatever that's going on. I think life or the universe is preparing us for something bigger that we don't understand yet. And we're like, what Tom has said, you know, things could have happened and we don't know what's going to happen yet.
Right? So, so let's not jump to conclusions. And if we do jump to conclusions, that is when we block ourselves from the inspiration and the intuition, intuitive messages from our guidance from the above.
TNT SpiritWorks (28:54)
totally relate to that. Absolutely. Yeah, me too. And I think, you know, if I if I trust my true feelings, if I follow my feelings, follow my heart, so to speak, then organize myself to follow that, communicate with others, take action. It'll be real. You're going to move, you know, you're going to move some things. And I really don't have to I can be aware of my outer environment.
But that's not my priority. My priority is my inner, my inner environment and just recognizing that no matter what's going to happen tomorrow, today's a beautiful day.
Chiron Yeng (29:33)
Yeah. Yeah.
TNT SpiritWorks (29:34)
I like that. That's really good. I agree with you, though. We won't really you won't. I mean, if I walk into the month with expectations that that that's more from my intellect, you know, or my my programming, you'll be open to working with the energy. And what I
Chiron Yeng (29:37)
I would love to ask.
TNT SpiritWorks (30:00)
like to share with folks is just see how you feel that first. See what you notice in your environment. If you want to discern action energy better or be more aware of how to work with it, just start observing how you felt during the day. Did you all of a sudden clean out that garage? you notice that you didn't feel like being in long winded meetings? You wanted to keep moving. Did people make decisions during that time?
All that sort of thing.
Chiron Yeng (30:34)
Hmm. You know, what's coming up for me is I would like to know, to ask you guys like, what does following your heart means? You know, obviously we're working a lot in the heart space with intuition and love and healing. So I love to really ground this entire topic. You know, what does it mean to trust our heart and how I wonder, how do you too, you know, Teresa and Tom, how do you guys, how's your relationship when it comes to following your heart?
TNT SpiritWorks (31:01)
Well, it's interesting you say that because my spiritual thrust is the follow through of my heart's desires. So that is what I'm here to do. Like if I, if I'm moving into something and if it's truly something that I feel in my heart that I, I need to work, you know, go towards, I do, I just, I just immediately like flow at the current right to it. And it's been that way my whole life. So yeah, following that heart. And then if things come up that I'm not, it's not
from my heart, I recognize that there's, there's might be, I'll say challenges, obstacles, or it doesn't feel like it's, it's matched up with me and what I really come to do. Yeah. For example, if I do something because it's somebody else's idea, it's funny how the energy doesn't quite, you know, it might be not that somebody else's idea might not be a good, is a good one. You could be a good one. It's just, if I don't feel it, the follow through is
more difficult. You know, it's, it's, it's why all of a sudden you meet people that the last person they talk to is who they seem to agree with. You know, they're, they're not, they don't know what their feeling is on the matter. So my true feelings are that good kind, loving, sharing, sensitive part of me. And if I ask myself, well, how do I really feel about that situation? It may be different than what I think I'm supposed to feel.
So the more that I'm more aware of how to open up my feelings, become more aware of that, that's the guide in my life. My intellect is just there to organize what I feel I would like to go towards. you know, often there's, you know, folks that become, you know, billionaires and great entrepreneurs that never get much of an education because they just trusted their feelings and then organize themselves to follow through.
there's plenty of those stories where sometimes people who have a lot of intellectual horsepower, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's, they can think of reasons why it won't work rather than just following the feeling. So that's really what I'm talking about is despite what people say to you, what's your true feeling about it? That would be the thing I'd ask.
Chiron Yeng (33:21)
I think you guys really summarizes it really, really well. think for me, it's about authenticity. I mean, you can lie to yourself. You can run away from yourself. Yes, you can distract yourself, but you can't really lie to yourself. think that is what it means, you know, to follow the heart for me is that, and we learned by example, right? By mistakes, we don't, we try to do the right thing, right? But it just feels wrong.
TNT SpiritWorks (33:47)
Chiron Yeng (33:47)
And you know, we resonate with that and then, then you know, you're not following your heart. And then most of the time when you do, when you feel something's right and you just want to do it. Usually there will be fear and excitement. And this is where we, this is the pitfall of the trap where we don't feel like we are, you know, following the right direction. Then we self -sabotage or maybe we don't because we do it out of protection, out of fear. Right. So I think that.
Sometimes following our hearts is to follow fear. Because behind all the fears is a hidden desire that we had always wanted all along.
TNT SpiritWorks (34:29)
Well said. And I'll say, so we'll just end that. That's a great place to end and we'll say cheers to an amazing October. That's how we're going to end this. And we look forward to when it's all over with getting back together and say, wow, what was that all about? How did that really work out for us?
Chiron Yeng (34:38)
Cheers to Amazing October, right?
You know, there's something that I always say to people, you know, and when they ask me, how do you know this is right, Chiron, whatever, whatnot, right? And I'll say, you'll know when you know. So you just go through life and then when you know it, you'll know it.
TNT SpiritWorks (35:07)
Exactly. Totally feel that. Yeah. think for me, it's just like, that's a great, you know, comment or question that somebody had. just, it's just being open to the influences. for me seeing how things pan out, taking note of, you know, how I felt on certain days and what I was thinking. And, the more that I'm aware of what's going on from that energy perspective, the more I can be.
more in the right place at the right time. And the next time it comes around, I'm more aware of how to work with action energy or I recognize it, you know, a little earlier. So it's really all about doing the right thing at the right time is everybody knows that's the secret to business being in the right place at the right time. But also, you know, where's the emphasis? I mean, you can be active in regrouping our, it's not like you, you know, you have to sit there and meditate all day long.
Chiron Yeng (35:47)
I love that. I love that.
TNT SpiritWorks (36:06)
it's just there's going to be an emphasis of the insights you get, for example, during regrouping hour, if you bother to take a look and reflect a little bit, you know, about what you've been doing. yeah, so again, that's, think that's a good, good place to stop. And I wanted to share that we will actually be put in the PDF of this month's energy calendar in the show notes. And in the show notes, also, you can check out Chiron's website.
you check out his HeartQuest, the amazing offer he has for his clients. And also, if you'd like to check in about an astrological reading or transits or wherever you're at, you can check out the show notes. All of that will be in the show notes. But definitely go down because we'll have a free PDF of this month and you can actually download it, print it out, and then can check out the...
the energy as you go through the months. And for what I do is I circle the dates like the second is this and the 16th is this. So I make sure that I have those for myself going through the month. And in the future, if you have a chance to work with it a little bit, you may consider finding out in advance and getting the whole year of calendars. and you know, the links can be available. You can always contact us and yeah, we'll have the links below too. Any last comments, Kyra, anything you want to share?
Chiron Yeng (37:25)
Enjoy your life.
TNT SpiritWorks (37:26)
Well said, brother.
Chiron Yeng (37:28)
And, and really just take it all in the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. think when we can truly accept life as it is fully radically. That's true freedom. doesn't matter what happens on the outside. You're still the same, right? You still can choose joy and love and lead your life in beautiful ways. think that's my, my, my, you know, closing.
sharing for this episode.
TNT SpiritWorks (37:59)
Brilliant. Cheers on that one. So we'll say that thank you for all of you guys listening out there to this episode, another episode of Spiritual Enthusiasm. All three of us are very grateful that you are listening and are watching on our YouTube channel. you know, we'll be back next month to share more with Chiron. And until then, remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.