Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Psychic Intersection of Spirituality in Business - Part 2

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 5 Episode 4

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When psychic sensitivity and spiritual helpers intersect with business amazing things can happen. In Parts 1 and 2, Tom welcomes Francisco David “Tiger” Coll to discuss the intersection of business and spirituality. They explore the importance of service, and the balance between intellect and feelings, as they relate to the business of you.  

They also touch on the upcoming challenges and awakening in the world, emphasizing the need for a restoration of foundations and fundamentals. The conversation highlights the concept of being in the business of oneself and the importance of maintaining balance in all aspects of life. 

It goes deeper as they  go over the importance of clarity and direction in life and business. They emphasize the need to know what you want and to align your goals with your spiritual growth and physical survival. 

They also discuss the concept of income, expense, assets, and liabilities, and how it applies not only to finances but also to energy and spiritual well-being. They encourage listeners to stay relaxed, positive, and of service, and to be open to opportunities for growth and learning.


  • Business and spirituality can intersect, allowing individuals to bring their spiritual awareness into practical applications.
  • Everyone has psychic sensitivity and can work with spiritual helpers to navigate life.
  • Service is an important aspect of spiritual growth and learning.
  • Maintaining a balance between intellect and feelings is crucial for personal and spiritual development.
  • Challenges and changes in the world provide opportunities for growth and evolution.

Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!

Ready to FEEL more FREEDOM within? Access the FREE video series created by The Wayshowers College here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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And that sounds great, you know, because the more sensitive I notice I've become, the more aware of different thoughts and feelings that are floating in the environment. mean, in a way, I keep sharing these simple ideas, you know, that I'm energy, I'm here to learn and grow, like we're saying, we're big radio receivers and transmitters. And one of the things I've been noticing with my sensitivity is that it, you know, it kind of

As I unfold the layers, it's what keeps expanding. But I'm, I'm lately, I've been regrouping that, you know, I really need to like discern it fully. I've been sharing this about this for a few months, you know, and, in some areas of my life, you know, I'm relaxed. I don't have any, you know, habits or thought patterns that interfere with that. And when I'm relaxed, it's like, it's easy to discern fully what I'm picking up.

And other times when I have other concepts, you know, like that's all there is, or there won't be anymore, or I'm getting old and lack, you know, those kinds of and limiting thoughts that we're not even aware of because some of the limiting thoughts I've noticed are like kind of friendly thoughts. It's not like they're not mean or harsh or it's just limiting, you know, I cut off that flow of solutions.

And that's why I say, you know, it turns into in my business life when I can run across those challenges. Cause there's the funny thing about business is the environment that you do business in is always changing. know, the 30, 40 years I have in being involved with business, it's not the same. It's kind of the same. There's common elements to the way it was 20 years ago, but it's like, it's always a bit different, you know.

And, but as I tune into my guidance, I can really discern, you know, what's my opportunity in this situation. So I say opportunity, you know, that's a positive word. I'm looking at it. There's an opportunity there for me to grow spiritually. Is this, is this something I came to be involved with, right? You know, and to what extent so that I begin to know where I begin and end and that, you know, that really is, evolution.

You know, earlier in the episode, I said something about, know, can listening to your guidance get, make you rich, know, financially rich. And I noticed that when a lot of people go to psychic, so it was always about love and money and, know, if I, I know I've forgotten something, but the basic things, know, relationships, health, health, yeah. Love money and health. And, but as I clarify my thoughts and my energy,

Let's talk, take health. do have more energy. I am more awake. All of a sudden I don't need a nap in the middle of the day, you know, and, I always like a little bit of a snooze, you know, but, the other day I got up at like three 30. I was working with my guidance, got a few key insights, bang. was working it, you know, and I had a gig that night and, I maybe laid down for 10 minutes, you know, just before the gig, just to kind of recharge. But,

I remarked to myself, boy, when I'm really on, there's a lot of energy that flows. anyway, those are some of the things we're talking about. So let's dive in a little bit on some of these, because you're giving that amazing picture on everything. So to dive in, because you're inspiring me with a bunch of this stuff. So let's start with just the core.

Okay, right. Let's let's really get down to some things that we know that maybe you can work with. And you can have that spiritual life while you're in business while you're in personal while you're in social. So the first thing is, do I know what I want? Do I know what I want? Right? There's there's needs and wants and you were bringing that up is that my needs are basically

My physical survival and my spiritual. That's pretty much what you can boil down your needs to. So anytime you say I have this need, you can now have a place for it. When you're thinking about your needs, they're your physical survival and your spiritual, right? There's a, in the spiritual community, there's a thing that we say, where the only thing you take with you.

are your needs. You can't take your wants with you. So what's your wants? Well, your wants are everything else, right? You're the house, the car, the gold and the diamonds and, you know, every at the close, my body. I can't even take my body with me when it's time to go home. All those are some form of wants. And they're important. They are they are part of don't let anybody tell you that having material things and planet Earth

is not good. No, they are good because they're helping me with my opportunity. They're helping me have an experience. So I have lots of possessions, but I just don't want to be possessed by my possessions. I need to be able to let them go. You need to be able to let them go when it's time to go home. Right? So coming back to that thing, do you know what you want?

Right? If you already know what you need, right? That's your personal spiritual growth and your physical survival. Right? Now that you have that clear, do you know what you want? Right? And that's that whole thing about the person who's doing what they love never works a day in their life. Right? Because they've managed to bring together, imagine that they bring that super highway, the roads together to create a super highway.

of their needs and their wants together. So they're fulfilling what they want while making sure they're taking care of their needs. And that's why I love the way you say opportunity, because now it means that everything I encounter is an opportunity. And even better than that, I got a good business nose to say, or you have a good business nose to say, you know, that's not for me. Not, not.

from a perspective of right and wrong or good and bad or my preferences get in the way of what is essential, right? It's because I start going, okay, I know what I really want and I know what I need. So the very first thing to do is recheck all of what you need and want right now. Take the time after this podcast and actually just take five minutes and just go to high level.

Do I know what I want for this month? Do I know what I want going forward? Do I know what I want in this relationship? Do I know why am I at work? Why do I go to work? Maybe for some people it's well, it's breakfast, lunch and dinner so I can pay for it, you know, whatever it is, clarify it, get it clear. Otherwise, if I don't have it clear, I'm going to be a usable instrument.

or I'm gonna be at the whim of whatever's going on around me. So the other way to say it is the more you have your needs and wants clear, the less the environment can push me around. As a matter of fact, becomes like imagine a choppy waters. Maybe some of you can relate to that. You look out in the water or the ocean and there's some days it's just like glass. It's just like so smooth.

Yeah, the other day, it's very choppy, right? So we're talking about that rhythms and routines. Sometimes we have real smooth water. Sometimes we get a real choppy water. So we're moving into that time where we're getting into some choppy water with the worst thing you can do for anybody who's if you're listening to this, I assume you're interested in spiritual things. The worst thing for a sensitive person or someone's interested in their personal development or their spiritual life is to have no direction.

Especially when the choppy waters come. If you have direction and you have purpose, you can cut through a lot of that chop because you're moving. But if when I get stagnant, if I get stagnant, because I'm in my funk, where somebody said something or did something and I didn't earn that thing that I wanted to earn, which happens, but if I let myself go back into my hall or feel depressed or feel angry or...

whatever the trip is, if I do that too long, the boat stops. Yeah, and I get it. Now I'm fighting everything around me. Everything starts moving and I get seasick. You know, yeah, for a sensitive person. They need direction. That's it. So anyway, bottom line is the number one we'll cover a couple more things. But good bottom line. The first thing is, are you clear with what you want? Are you clear with your direction? And start at the top? That's what you brought up? Tom, that's saying, okay, I'm a soul.

with a physical body. Okay, and then work my way down to, you know, I want a certain amount of cash flow. Hey, I want this in my house. I want this kind of relationship. Great. That's wonderful. Clarify it, make it a goal, and start moving toward it. Everything else is an intellectual game to get me off. The intellect, my intellect, your intellect is only here for one thing.

to help you organize to achieve your goals. That's it. If it gets in the way of telling you can't do this and no that, then you're using your head for something it wasn't made for. Now can I do it? I know I do it sometimes telling me, I can't or I'm in lack or how am I gonna do that? And then before you know it, here come the emotions and my gosh, there's no end. There's just no end. It's a roller coaster that doesn't stop.

But the moment I say, a minute, how do I do that? That's what you're there for. How do I do that? You don't tell me that I can't, you tell me how, right? I tell a little funny joke and then yeah, please. I love jokes. There's a funny story. The guy goes in to interview accountants, right? He's this wealthy guy, he's interviewing accountants. And he says to the first accountant, he says, what's one plus one?

And the accountant says, well, that's two, sir. Okay. Goes to the next accountant. says, what's one plus one is two. Okay. It goes to the next account. says, what's one plus one. says two. Okay. Goes to the last guy. He says, what's one plus one. And the accountant looks at him. says, what would you like it to be? Now I want to be, nobody put this on Facebook that tiger's saying that you should break the rules.

I'm not saying that I'm simply saying that my head and my, my, meant to be organized on how to accomplish something. That's what it's about. So it's not, can I do it? How do I do it? And if my, if I'm working with the balance of my head and my heart, right, the spiritual and the material that I'm going to tune into what I need and want, I'm going to be tuned into the insights.

and the organization in my mind to how do I achieve it? Right. And that one piece there is going to be so important for what we're moving into. more you and I have the creativity and the insights to move forward, the more it's going to help not only you and I personally, but it's going to help everybody around. Right? Yes. That makes sense.

yeah. I mean, I think the more that we're all relaxed or, you know, we don't, you know, I have my ups and downs, so to speak, but it's like, I've always been sharing for quite a while. I don't get stuck there for very long. I kind of get tired of being down. I go, let's go, let's go, let's go do something else. You know, let's move on. And, but it will be challenging for some folks and the best thing we can do or I can do is stay relaxed, stay positive.

be willing to be of service. And that's a healing influence right from the get -go. I mean, it's amazing. You know, I noticed when I'm relaxed, people will say to me, I've, you know, I tune into my guidance, I go, God, you're, you're such a nice guy. And I go, I've hardly said anything to you. Why would you say that? I don't even, you know, I have a few friends that said that to me all the time, like, you're such a great guy. I'm like, you know, really, I don't spend much time with you. I don't.

So it's my dollars. Thank you very much. Yeah, it'll be the aura. And I, I love to say, you know, if you really want to make a difference in your environment, because many of us are motivated in that area, you know, we'd really like to see things, you know, we know that there's always going to be different levels of consciousness and a bit of toing and froing. And you might say a lot of different spiritual seminars are happening in lifetimes for folks. But

The more relaxed I am, the clearer I am, the more that I work with my guidance from my situations and my opportunities that healing energy, you know, that's this, you know, the little secret about it all is that we're soul, we're energy and guess what? Everything's energy and it flows and what I put out, you know, will float back to me. You might say the echo, you know, comes back. We're not the only folks who share this sort of thing.

But I haven't run across really so far, I haven't run across too many organizations that start up with, know, you're already perfect. You already have all your own answers. It's just a matter of, you know, getting your head out of the way and trusting your feelings. And it's through experience that we get into how we feel.

We can't, I can't start with my intellect. I have to start with my feelings and then utilize, you know, my organizational skills. So it's great to get organized. It's great to get educated, you know, as long as it doesn't, you start falling into the habit of why you can't do something instead of looking. Sometimes the dumb guy, the entrepreneur that never made it through college or high school becomes a gazillionaire because he's too dumb to know that he can't do it. He just has a feeling and he starts organizing himself and

gets the information that he needs. What if we all did that? You know, we'd all be happier. We'd all be happy and free. That's right. So here's an example of making things an opportunity. Okay. So in business, you hear so often right now, it's probably a broken record to everybody, right? Want to increase income? huh. We want to lower expenses. Right? We want to build assets. And we want to get rid of liabilities.

Right? Right. This is a common thing that everybody talks about. So if I say that, and now from a practical perspective, you know, that's a really good idea for where we are on what's coming. Right? Yes. I mean, let's have that on the wall someplace. But now let's apply that everywhere. Let's apply that spiritually. Okay. I need to be

clear about what's coming in, what I'm working with to help that energy move through me and then I need to be clear about what can take from me. Right. So what can what can what can expense what pulls on me the expense, right? So energy in energy out. So the first thing is, okay, how can I lift and build income? How do I

lower the expense of that. In other words, being able to do what I do do what you do, in a way that's more effective and efficient, where there's not as much wear and tear. Right? Can you do that in a way that's less wear and tear? That's an example of building energy and not losing it as you build it. Right? Okay, assets and liabilities.

An asset is something is wisdom. Right? That's what you take with you. As a matter of fact, when you have an experience and you really get it into your toes, that becomes wisdom. Right? And it's they say it's your spiritual real estate. Right? It's something you take with you. A liability, of course, is similar to what we talked about earlier, except for it becomes more of that heavy that that larger spiritual realm where it's something that's genuinely taking from me. Right?

So if we're in a magic place where things are going on, where those are going to get amplified, right? If you want to feel secure during this time, think about it from that perspective. Let's take something that we all can remember and understand income, expense, asset liabilities. This is not about an accounting show, by the way. I'm not into that. don't know. don't know. Right. But if, if I understand those basics, I apply them.

all over, not just on the in the bookkeeping. I apply them in my whole life. Now I'm starting to bring that superhighway together. Right? Imagine how you would feel how I would feel if I'm able to start doing that. In everything I do, how secure would I be? How secure would you be? Right? Right? I'm moving through working with people.

I feel solid and secure because I know what the energy exchange is. I know that I'm moving forward. I'm building my wisdom. I'm building material things too. Right. And I'm finding ways to get rid of the things I no longer need that can hold me back. That is just another golden nugget for where we are and where we're going. As simple as that sounds. And it's probably rote as it sounds.

how powerful that would be is if you start taking a look, remember we said take a look at your wants and your direction now. If you start applying that on how you're going to achieve what you want, apply that how you're going to do it. Now I'm gonna go do this, great. Now how are you gonna do it? What way are you gonna do it? I'm gonna do it in a way that I'm building that energy and I'm not gonna do it so it's taking away from me. That little thing creates so much inner security.

It's like being a pillar, being a pillar when everything else is being blown around. Right. That's, that's how that simple thing, that's how powerful it is of accepting the opportunity. That's a great, analogy image, et cetera, you know, metaphor, whatever the right word is for all that. Well, I like to give them. Yeah. And they're good. well, you know, folks, tiger has put together.

some subscriptions that you can find in the links on the show notes. There's a few free videos to give you a taste of what we've got to offer. It's from the Wayshowers College. He's pulled together quite a team of other spiritual leaders. People have been involved in this work for decades. And there's some really great stuff. And you know, I listen to these videos and I go, my God, I've been hearing that sort of thing for

30, 40 years and I just finally heard something I did never really notice before. And particularly during these days, the economy that we're probably gonna find ourselves in and the upheaval, it's really good to be reminded again that I'm a soul and some of what the video shares will be very beneficial. Be a little shot in the arm every so often and then you can work through a subscription series.

that helps you unfold your sensitivity and become more aware of your spiritual helpers and how you work with your four spiritual gifts. You start to communicate easier with other folks. You get inspired. I think that's the overall feeling is this the inspiration to carry on and to start to realize the value of all the experiences I'm having, even if it isn't what I think I prefer.

in my feelings, I'm probably gung ho. Yeah, let's do it. If we're gonna do it, let's do it. Let's have this adventure. anyway, so have a look at the show notes for the free videos, the subscriptions that we've got. And that'll eventually that's part of working with me as a spiritual businessman, I can offer some value added there. But you could also work with it on your own. And we have some other tools.

and techniques available. We have a spiritual cleansing video that Teresa put together which shows folks how to start cleansing. So we'll put a link in the show notes to that as well. Well, Tiger, I think it's about time we wrap this one up. Do you have anything else you'd like to share before you go on this episode? Now we're going to have them back. We're to discuss a few more things, but this is just one of our series of the spiritual businessman.

Yeah, I mean, I think my parting words would just be that.

What way do you want to move forward? It's no longer if you're going to be successful. What way would you like to be successful? What way would you like to be engaging with your current relationships and your new relationships? What way would you like to achieve your next level of business? What way would you like to move closer with your spiritual helpers and that spiritual communication?

I would say start putting your thoughts and feelings into that because that will help you with your direction and how you're going to achieve it. And if you're clear with it, then all of the backing and support will be there as long as you're clear with it. Beautiful. 

Well, folks, remember, as Teresa says, life's too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.