Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Psychic Intersection of Spirituality in Business - Part 1

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 5 Episode 3

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When psychic sensitivity and spiritual helpers intersect with business amazing things can happen. In Parts 1 and 2, Tom welcomes Francisco David “Tiger” Coll to discuss the intersection of business and spirituality. They explore the importance of service, and the balance between intellect and feelings, as they relate to the business of you.  

They also touch on the upcoming challenges and awakening in the world, emphasizing the need for a restoration of foundations and fundamentals. The conversation highlights the concept of being in the business of oneself and the importance of maintaining balance in all aspects of life. 

It goes deeper as they  go over the importance of clarity and direction in life and business. They emphasize the need to know what you want and to align your goals with your spiritual growth and physical survival. 

They also discuss the concept of income, expense, assets, and liabilities, and how it applies not only to finances but also to energy and spiritual well-being. They encourage listeners to stay relaxed, positive, and of service, and to be open to opportunities for growth and learning.


  • Business and spirituality can intersect, allowing individuals to bring their spiritual awareness into practical applications.
  • Everyone has psychic sensitivity and can work with personal Spiritual Helpers higher up to navigate life.
  • Service is an important aspect of spiritual growth and learning.
  • Maintaining a balance between intellect and feelings is crucial for personal and spiritual development.
  • Challenges and changes in the world provide opportunities for growth and evolution.

NEXT FREE Intuition NOW Masterclass with Tom & I for an exploration into your 4 psychic abilities for more clarity, trust and timing to get your own answers. Check out the link here for the next right timing to join us.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)
Welcome everybody. It's Tom Shantz here. Today. We're here to talk with my good friend, Tiger Coll, and we're going to focus on the business of you. This is part of the spiritual businessman series and how you doing Tiger? Doing good. Glad to have me. Great to see you here. I want to open up with a few remarks. You know, what, what does business have to do with spirituality? Well,

You know, we're all here for opportunity. You know, you've heard us share a lot about the fact that you're a soul, you're here to learn and grow, and you have a unique purpose and thrust. You have the inner guidance and you are free. And I love to share about how I've made this practical, this spiritual awareness. And what I'm really talking about is, you know, my sensitivity, like some people refer to it as a psychic sensitivity, ESP, those kinds of things.

and actually working with our team, our personal team of spiritual helpers. And you'd say, well, are they going to help me get rich? They could if you listen to them and you find yourself in the right place at the right time. But we'll talk a little bit about that later and you know what their purpose is and and and also what we're going to cover early into this program is, know, how we see the energy coming up for folks.

you know, we're all naturally psychic. in fact, Tiger was raised in an environment where he was allowed his sensitivity to flourish and inner leadership. I knew his dad and we've been friends for decades. So, anyways, he runs a way showers college, which is a college of experience, spiritual experience. It's pretty unique. And,

Without further ado, Tiger, would you like to say hello to everybody and introduce yourself? Sure. Thanks, Tom. Yeah. My name is Tiger Cole. That's a nickname that I was affectionately given early in my growth. My father and I shared a common first name. So it became kind of normal to do that. And I had a lot of energy running around early and bumping my heads against the wall and stuff. said, wow, that guy is going to be a real tiger. So,

That's that's part of where that came from. But, you know, my purpose in life is to free people. That's what I'm all about. And so how I do that is I help bring together people's energy, their resources, both inner and outer to help them fulfill their life purpose. And so I like you brought up I've been doing this for a long time.

My parents, Dr. Francisco and Maria Cole were doing this work, kind of pioneering a lot of that stuff early. And I think by the time I was...

years old, I think I've been to like 10 or 13 countries or something like that, you know, and wow, there's a there's a picture of me somewhere. Whereas a little toddler, I don't know if those of you know, you know, we used to fly Pan Am and, and all that back then, and everybody was in suits. You had to you had to dress really nice. Like an ad, you say you come in there with their pajamas on and stuff like that barely have shoes, right?

But back then everybody had suits. So there's a picture of me somewhere as a toddler with a little three piece suit on. Jesus. That's something. Because that was how you do it when you were traveling back then. But the bottom line is I just was able to be around all that. And they they made it a business, right? That was their business. It wasn't just things that were for free and that was done on purpose because they really believed in helping people.

That was their, their mission. And, the, energy of it, the philosophy of it was if there was an energy exchange, we're talking about the, you know, being the business of you, if there's an energy exchange between people, then I don't owe you anything and you don't owe me anything. And it's a clean exchange. And so there's no gurus. There's nobody that to come and, you know, tell you what to do.

It just becomes something where there's that nice energy exchange. So I can do what I need to do. You can do what you need to do. Yeah. And, you know, as I was sharing earlier, you know, we are, all here for opportunity and we're here to learn and grow. Knowledge becomes wisdom through experience. You, we, as you unfold your awareness, you can grow faster. And I know your folks were very, those souls that, you know,

you chose to work with as a young person, they, you know, was all about freeing people. And inner leadership, self leadership was a big part of it. So, you know, I've heard this before and you've shared it, you know, that we have two ways we can learn. It's either through trial and error or the faith and confidence in others' experiences. And I'd like to share with folks that why I

believe that being involved with spiritual things like the Wayshower's College and the kinds of programs that we offer and being involved with myself as a spiritual businessman is as you unfold your natural abilities, your natural abilities as a soul, and you can tune into your spiritual helpers or your guides. We all have spiritual helpers who are here to help us learn and grow in areas they've already mastered. And I love to say they're 100 % positive.

There are master souls. This is the highest source that's available to you. And really, they're tailored to what you came to do. So you already chose a custom suit to work with. That's right. Bespoke, you know, when you're aware of your inner guidance, it's a little easier to move through the challenges of life and, you know, find positive solutions. And I know that's one thing that's that's I've really got a lot out of working with the programs that

your father, pioneered and, and a lot of the other folks that worked with him and helped establish those, those kinds of programs is that having that inner leadership, that inner trust, you know, that feeling that everything's going to be okay, that inner security is more consistent. You know, I'd have to say that I still come across situations that kind of rattle my cage or stimulate me or

You know, test my inner security, you might say, but overall I moved through them faster. So it's through this awareness that, you know, people can learn and grow faster. And one of the things I love to share is sometimes you can turn around, you know, and a not so good experience or maybe what we would term as a mistake. You know, there's really no mistakes. It's all stepping stones is you can turn it into a million dollar learning experience, or at least it has that feeling.

You know, and it's, better to feel that way than, you know, down in the dumps and stuck. So one of the questions I wanted to ask you is you're very sensitive and you work with, literally people around the world in your, you know, business and practice as a spiritual business person. you know, there's a lot of talk that there's going to be some, rough, traveling up ahead.

And then the other thing is there, the other kind of consistent theme is, there's going to be, like a new awakening, you know, that there's going to be more folks that are going to start looking spiritually. And, you know, instead of the old established patterns or the, you know, the old sources of information that we've been fed, what would you like to share about that? All right. one of the things that.

is important as we get into this area. And this is an important area that we want to talk about because it's going to affect everything and everyone. no one will be left untouched and not, that's not negative. It's just part of the situation. so one of the things to just establish is that here in our, on this planet and this solar system,

This galaxy, we work with rhythms and routines, right? Rhythms and routines. That's all we've got here. Rhythms and routines is, or is, someone wants well set is that, know, the universe is 90 % rhythms and routines and 10 % special projects. so I'm saying that because, you know, every so many years, we have a drought. Every so many years we have a flood.

every so many years we have a kind of a warming thing. Every so many years we have a cooling thing and you know, it's just nothing but rhythms and routines here. And thank goodness for that, because if we didn't have that, we wouldn't have the opportunity to have a stable growth and stable opportunity here. Like to have that rhythm and routine. That's a good thing. You know, it's, it's a, it's what, it's what makes planet earth, the giant and great school that it is.

Right. If we didn't, if we just had one way and things didn't have that rhythm and routine, it would be a different lessons, right? We wouldn't have such a variety of lessons here, which is such a powerful thing. So the tide comes in, the tide goes out. The tide comes in, the tide goes out. And so just like that in, you know, in the financial world, we have, you know, bowls and bears and you know, booms and busts and all that kind of stuff. So I'm just bringing that together because.

If we're remembering that it's all about that rhythms and routines, there's nothing that can get you or I into, worked up or a panic mode or something. Or something that's just realizing that's not all part of the bigger picture that we're already in. And so we just happen to be in a time, right. And, for those of you believe this, you chose to be here at this time, right. Meaning that.

You chose your spiritual helpers. have a life purpose to being here. This time of being here is unique and it's especially there for you. So not for me or for anyone to start thinking, God, know, woe is me or why is this happening? No, this is, this is tailored just like you use that terms like a tailored suit. It doesn't get any more perfect than this.

Okay. So now that I've got a little bit of that preamble that well, that's a pretty positive perspective to say that this is all perfect for what we need to learn and grow and be involved with his souls, I guess, in our evolution. That's right. It's, part of what we've come to do might not be comfortable. Well, we're to talk about that, right? How do we make it easier? You were bringing up the, I can learn the easy way, or I can learn the hard way.

Right. And the hard way is trial and error. Right. The easy way is trust and faith and confidence in other people's experience and also from guidance, you know, some bigger picture. So we're moving into a time and a cycle where we're shifting from kind of a very high, lots of thoughts, lots of great ideas. I mean, let's face it. mean, for those of you who all work with these.

fancy phones and, and, you know, all these things and computers. It's amazing what we have now. When you think about it, we can communicate with people across the world in seconds and they'll write almost right in front of you. mean, they're right on this right here, right? On the zoom or the it's incredible, right? So meet whatever. That's right. That's right. And so everything kind of comes into our lab. They deliver it to you. Right. And so.

That's normal. But then after that rhythm and routine, there has to be a restoration into foundations and fundamentals. Okay. So at the end of the day, no matter what's going on, you can be assured that where we're heading is toward the reinvigoration of fundamentals and foundations. So everything we're going to move toward going starting now over the next few years.

is gonna be a restoration of that. Coming back home to the basics. Back home to, and we'll talk about specifics and what we're talking about, both personally, business and social. But bottom line is, if there's a prediction out there, know that we're in that rhythm and routine of where we're shifting from that kind of almost decadence kind of thing.

back down to a nice, we need to come back to our foundations and fundamentals because when we get too high as a society in our decadence, we lose foundation. We forget what got us there. Right? Right. So the mass has to go back to that place. So that's what we're moving toward. And if you're armed with knowing that, or we're armed with knowing that, now we can go in

move through things easier because we know what's coming. We know what we're moving through and therefore, okay, I can do it this way so it's easier for me. Yeah, and what comes to mind is you share that, you know, the business of me is knowing what my opportunity is, what I'm there for. And to talk in business language a little bit is, you know, a business is an opportunity to have

transactions and be of service to lots of people at various levels of consciousness. In fact, we probably get exposed to folks we would never talk to otherwise, know, socially, we would not be attracted to them to, you know, be involved with them in our social or personal, you know, sort of situations. So it's it's a beautiful opportunity. And of course, as souls rub up against each other, in a sense, you know, this is how we all learn and grow and

You know, one of the philosophies of, I hate to use the word philosophy, but you know, one of the, I feel this is very true that, know, here's the kicker. You know, we're already perfect for what we've come to do. Everything's perfect for us. Now, there's not many folks that work from that perspective. You know, they'll talk about the shadow of this and that, and you know, there's a religious perspective that you're little worms and not worthy and...

you know, and not all religions, you know, there's various interpretations for the feelings around spiritual things. So, what do you have to say about that? service, being service and exchange for that service. We, in, our, we call that business, know, but being ex being of service and having an exchange for that service. In other words,

You know, I'm going to give this to you and you're going to give me five seashells or I'm going to give you dollars or whatever, you know, there's some kind of energy exchange or something going back and forth that throughout history, whether it is a different groups of faith or religions or personal development, however you want to call it, service has always been something that's been discussed.

Right. It's always been talked about service, be of service, help. Now, you know, depending on the group, you know, that can get skewed or miss, you know, balance, the reason why that's there is because exactly what you said, it is the most effective and efficient means to learn and grow spiritually. There's nothing like it. Relationships come close.

having relationships come close because there's so much dynamics, right? But there's nothing in contrast. It's just at its own pedestal that when you're having exchange at service with people, because I have to be willing to put myself out there, be organized in order to get that back and forth with people. And that whole process is what can shape and advance.

my spiritual growth and opportunity. It advances it so fast in comparison to say I'm just staying in my little world and you know, I don't save little world, safe thing, perceive it to be safe, know, comfy, the bottom line is, and I'm not saying that everybody needs to go out and start their own business. I'm just saying that you already are in your own business. You already are a spiritual entrepreneur. You're already doing that you came in that way, right? You come in alone, you go out alone, right?

Right. Nobody's going to raise my state of consciousness, but me. People can help, but in the end, it's up to me. So you are in the business of you. And once that really hits home, like what, does that really mean? And that's what we're to talk about. What does it really mean to be in the business of me? What does that mean when I interact with people in actual business? What does that mean when I'm having social?

having fun and you know at the bar or wherever you know or what does it mean when I'm in my personal when I'm by myself I'm just with my helpers never once have I left the business of me in all those situations I have a constant you have a constant you're in the business of you so everything revolves around that it's not an a greedy selfish me first me second me third thing that's not what we're talking about we're talking about that

loyalty to yourself, so that then I can be loyal to others. Right? If I'm of service to myself, then I can there's no end to how many people I can be of service to. Does that make sense? Yeah. And you know, I'm sure some of the folks who've listened to us in the past have heard Teresa or myself share that. And yet, for me, what is great about spiritual growth is, you know, every once in a while,

I get an aha moment or a realization that, in this particular area, I'm being a little disloyal to myself, or I'm not trusting my true feelings. I'm just going by a programmed reaction or a concept I've been fed that I buy, you know, I, you know, because it's the, it's the current wisdom, so to speak, even though it's doesn't really work, and never did work.

It may seem like it worked in the, in the short term or longterm, but, so, you know, one of the things that, that really struck me as you were sharing is that, you know, we have our true feelings, which are our soul nature. And then we have our intellect, our brain, so to speak while we're here. And that's how we organize ourselves, you know, and it's interesting. The brain has to be trained. play the drums and when I learn a new groove, even though I know many, many

drum grooves and lots of beats, it's a little awkward. I have to get the synopsis flowing and flying and it takes a bit of time. So, but the funny thing is, is we don't take our physical body with us when we pass on. We leave that right at actually in the ground. So the spiritual part, you know, the feelings that we go through that desire for me to play the drums and to participate with other people who are musicians and feel those chills when we're all in sync, that's the...

To me, that's the spiritual part. So, you know, to be organized in life is important in our society. You have to have a balance between what you desire and what motivates you that that motivating feeling force is really what motivates us that incentive. And then we have to be organized to know how to move towards it. And then what strikes me about, you know, all the various religions or like you're saying this.

the various self -development programs or schools of thought about this or that. And, you know, they're all paths and pathways and they're really, I like to say they're just interpretations that my intellect makes on what I'm feeling. you know, I was recently, was doing some, got interested in some research about, you know, the different gospels in the New Testament. Sorry to get into this folks.

Teresa Teresa would be bailing out about now, but you stick around. This is good. where, know, all four gospels say different things. And, sometimes you're even, you know, contradictory or, then there's other, there's other gospels like Gnostic gospels and they look at it more from a spiritual point of view. And the thing that struck me about when I was listening to the history of the gospels and who they think might've written something in

who the audience was, was that it's just an interpretation of a feeling. You know, there was a beautiful message shared and people have interpreted that message different ways. That's our intellect. And to me, that's the environment that we grow up in, that our folks, and that's the part that, you know, I'm gonna see it one way or another because of, I grew up in Chicago, I live in the United States, I used to live in Australia. So I have perspectives based on that.

And, but really my, truth is in my feelings. So I like to look at the commonality and I guess I brought that up because, I'm a big believer and there's truth in all things, but not one thing has all the truth. And the more that I think as we go through these rough patches, as the tide moves in and out and the challenges show up, let's face it, that's what we're going to be faced with is some challenges. it's important, you know,

to remember that people are going to interpret things. And maybe you can accept others a little bit more easier, you know, when you realize, you know, they just have a different interpretation for what they're feeling, they're feeling they want to be one with all they feel they're, they are one with all they do feel that they, they want, you know, that unity, you know, and that purpose, how they interpret it and

the intellectual organization, they, you know, maybe place on top of those feelings or work with, you know, some of it works good and some of it doesn't work that good, but that's all part of the learning and growing, suppose. That's right. the, we're getting deep here, folks. big thing is we're talking about in the end, we're talking about opportunity, but you know, that understanding the distinctions between structures and theories.

And then the actual feeling that the core drive of things. Right. So that, that whole thing about, you know, where does science come from? Where does religion come from? You know, that, that those basics, I know this is basics folks, but it's, it's good to recapture it because remember I brought up about foundations and fundamentals, right? Right. If I'm not clear on that, then what happens is

The masculine is a masculine intellect and the feminine feeling. Right. And so the intellect must be trained. It has to have training, which is what you said about the drums. Right. And then for my feelings, there needs to be guidance. Right. Don't ever try to train my feelings. That's the worst thing to the feminine feelings. I don't ever try to train it. Right. But guide it channel it. Right.

Don't ever try to guide your masculine intellect. That's not going to work. It has to have direction and training and purpose. Right. So once I understand these basics, then I understand how I can maintain my balance. So, you know, from the intellect, science is born, right? Cause we want to understand thing. How, why does this happen? And why does the moon do this? And you know, all that kind of, but from my feelings, religion comes because

I have a need to feel one with all. I have a need to be with my community, to be with people and connection and fellowship. Right. And so this is the core and the source of where things are born from, from the intellectual nature and the feeling nature. And so once you understand you need a, you need a balance of those, then as we move forward through any challenges, right, if we're going for

from a big boom to a bust or we're going through all the political changes and you know, it's pretty impressive to see when you take a step back, right? I'm getting off the course here a little bit, but when you take a step back and you look at the stuff that's happening, right? We just haven't seen this level of stuff happening for like hundreds or thousands of years. It's pretty impressive that we have so much happening now. And that's why I was saying it's such a wonderful tailored

situation that not every person, not every soul gets to have that happen right in their lifetime. So for us to have so much going on, it's going to stretch you, it's going to move you forward in a way that others haven't experienced. So that's perfect. So that brings me full circle back to opportunity. So making sure I have balance in this whole thing, not buying into not accepting.

that something's wrong. Right? Because that's the game is that the game is that people are looking for attention. Right? They want attention, they want a power or they want money or what and that's fine. We all do some of that. But when people get insecure, they start groping and grasping for those things. Right? And so as things change,

We're going to experience that in the environment. People are going to get insecure. if, mean, obvious, right. If, if the environment that I'm in is a little bit more chaotic than I'm used to, then I'm going to feel uneasy about that. So that means I'm going to start holding tight on certain things. Right. If I'm not aware of that, I'm doing it unconsciously.

But once I become, okay, it's a big, I'm feeling this, right? That's what you're bringing up. mean, I'm feeling this. Okay, great. What is that? What do I need to do about that? Because I don't want to walk around. I don't think anyone wants to walk around being tense all the time, right? It's not healthy. The body doesn't function that way. And I can't get clear communication with my spiritual helpers. If I'm tense all the time.

Right? It's like, imagine having a pipe. Like you've probably seen a hose that you hook up to the fire hydrant. It's those flexible cloth hose. Right? And, but when you put the water in it, it expands out, right? Into a hose. Well, imagine taking a rope around that hose and start to constrict it, pull it tight. You wrap it around it and start pulling it tight. Well, it starts taking that big hose and it starts tightening it up. Right? Where that,

not is. And so that puts pressure. Right? Right. That's what happens to me to you, when you're tense, that flow of energy, that flow of life, that flow of creativity, that flow of insights starts getting constricted, and it doesn't feel good. So it's very important that I remember those big pictures that you were just sharing earlier about your energy, you're here to learn and grow.

You have a unique purpose and plan. You have guidance and you're free. Those five key things that you were sharing about are so critical so that when I feel that I go, a minute, that's not me. Yeah. What do I need to do? Right? So anyway, getting back to that point is if I remember that I don't need to get caught up in it, I can actually be part of the solution rather than part of the pollution.

End of Part 1.  Look for Part 2.