Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

The Spiritual Businessman: The Prophetic - An Outstanding Executive

Teresa & Tom Shantz

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"The Spiritual Businessman," Tom Shantz, opens with five key points that are the basis for the spiritual experience in business.  That we are energy.  Here to learn and grow.  Have a unique purpose and thrust.  Have Inner Guidance. And are spiritually Free.   Tom says, "If you're not in your niche, you're wasting your time." 

As one's awareness unfolds and expands we can grow faster.  This leads to finding and being in one's niche in life for more enthusiasm towards our experience.  One of the first things to be more aware of is our sensitivity and how it's practical in everything we do.

Tom overviews the four spiritual gifts also known as types of perception.  He goes on to focus on his observations and experience with people who have as their first, or main type, the gift of prophecy.  He shares their characteristics and strengths as well as a personal experiences in a business setting. Tom concludes by inviting listeners to explore their own types of perception through a free masterclass on intuition.

Key Takeaways:

  • We are energy and each of us have a unique purpose and thrust.
  • Finding one's niche in life is important to live your purpose.
  • Learning and growing can be achieved through trial and error or learning from others' experiences.
  • The four gifts or types of perception are Prophecy, Vision, Intuition and Feeling.
  • Those with the Prophetic gift as their main gift have hunches and premonitions and are often outstanding executives.
  • Balancing true feelings with intellect leads to being in the right place at the right time for more success along with fulfillment.
  • Developing awareness and exploring one's types of perception can lead to personal growth and smoother life experiences.

Join Tom and I for our monthly Intuition NOW series. There is a FREE 90 minute version and our EXPANSION Experience focusing on one of your four psychic perceptions for a small investment. Find out when the next ones are happening here!

Ready to FEEL more FREEDOM within? Access the FREE video series created by The Wayshowers College here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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Tom Shantz, "The Spiritual Businessman" (00:00)
Hello everybody, this is Tom Shantz and today I'm presenting an episode of the Spiritual Businessman.

I first want to remind folks of our basic philosophy. One, you are energy. Two, you are here to learn and grow. Three, you have a unique purpose and thrust. And four, you have inner guidance. And five, you are free. These five key points are kind of the basis for everything I share about.

on enthusiastically spiritual and also in the spiritual businessman. By the way, we've renamed enthusiastically spiritual to be called spiritual enthusiasm. So purpose in life is important. You know, what are you really doing here on planet Earth? Do you feel you're wasting your time? It's very simple to evaluate this quickly. If you have more ups than downs,

you're pretty close to your niche in life. It have more downs than ups. It's time to start thinking and moving to the right or left, up or down until you find your niche. Otherwise, you're wasting your time. So did you ever think of it that from that point of view, that if you're not in your niche, you're wasting your time? I know a lot of folks feel that way in the various opportunities we have.

know, to support ourselves to be in business and so forth. And some folks are thrilled, you know, with their opportunities. Well, the more that we begin to understand who we really are in our spiritual business, the business of you, then the easier it is to kind of flow through life and become more happy and free. I want to move on to

you know, life's all about learning and growing. So that's one of the, the second thing, you know, that we mentioned, you're an energy, you're here to learn and grow. There's basically two ways to learn once through trial and error. And the second is having some faith or confidence in other people's experience. The whole key is, that knowledge becomes wisdom through experience. So we're here to be involved in life.

And even if we're having some downs, it's important to realize you're getting something out of it. But if you'd like to unfold your awareness, you can grow faster. If you become more aware of, you know, the gifts that you've come with, the spiritual backing that you have, things just get easier. You know, you flow, more in the right place at the right time. So in these first series of episodes, I'm going to focus on the four gifts and they're

also referred to as types of perception. Now, each gift is, we have all four, but we work with them in a specific order. You may have heard me share about these in some of our other episodes, but today I'm going to focus on one gift and I'm going to talk a little bit about how I relate to that from a business perspective. know, in other words, when I'm involved in my avocation or

thing that I do to make a living or the things that I get involved with to be of service. And one of the key aspects is recognizing, number one, that there's a quote, psychic sensitivity, you know, associated with each gift. And then there's characteristics, you might say that when you're in balance, really help the team that you're involved with. So say when you're in balance,

in business, you are closer to your niche if you're involved in certain things and you're able to work with your strengths and be more aware of your strengths of that first gift. And also we can talk a little bit about what happens when you get out of balance. So I've often talked about being in balance or out of balance. And really what we're talking about is a balance between our true feelings. And that's how these gifts work with us.

are part of our soul nature. So again, your energy, that's your soul nature, that's what you are. You're from the universe and you're here to learn and grow. first of all, if I jump into prophecy, I'm going to talk about the fact that a person high with this gift or has this gift first in their gift order

They often have haunches and premonitions about things that are going to happen. So they may have dreams that come true and, you know, they just know things. You might say they think in knowings.

Often they become an outstanding executive because they've got a strong concern for the future. They plan ahead and they can carry projected programs through to successful completion. They're usually responsive to the ideas and feelings of others and usually command respect. I find working with people who are high in this gift of prophecy, they do just know. And one of my favorite stories to tell is when I was working in executive recruitment,

and also some HR consulting that I prepared a proposal for a multinational client, a manager that had worked with for a few years. And this was one of my early experiences with him. And so he asked me to prepare this proposal. And of course it's several thousand dollars just to enlist my services and to get started. So I started to go over my plan and I found that he used to complete my sentences for me, which at first kind of threw me, I mean,

I looked cool, calm and collected on the outside, but inside it was like, my God, know, here I'm being paid good money just to come up with a plan. And he seems to already know what I'm going to tell him. And to make a long story short, that's when I actually, from a practical point of view, tuned into my inner guidance. And I, I found an opportunity to get relaxed and check what was his first type of perception or how to best communicate with him. And.

It turns out his first gift was a gift of prophecy. So these are the folks that will complete your sentences. Is this it? They know what you're going to say. Now at first, this kind of, like I said, unsettled me. However, as I realized that through my guidance and through working with my guidance in real time in business, that I just had to relax because it was great.

that he knew what I was talking about. In other words, I was stimulating that in him, I'm sure. And he ended up being a client for decades. For quite a while, I would offer my services and they would enlist my services in various areas for various projects. So it was a great example of feeling less stressed because I was aware, my awareness.

was that I was dealing with a prophetic and allow him to complete my sentences. I didn't have to prove anything. In fact, I realized it was actually easy to work with him because once I came up with a plan or some ideas, he already knew what I was gonna talk about. And so it wasn't hard to sell him on it or explain it to him, because he just knew. So that's one little example.

Have you ever had experiences like that? Have you ever had inner knowings? Have you ever had dreams that would come true? Have you ever had premonitions or hunches about things that were going to happen? And if you think about it from a business point of view, it makes perfect sense that they have, that they're great outstanding executives, you know, that they're great executives because they do have a sense for what's coming. So I often would characterize these folks as

the sort of folks that start working on those way out there ideas and projects. I don't know if Elon Musk is a prophetic, I have never checked it, or if some of the fellows from Apple, but when they come up with their ideas, they're out there, they're really creative, and they usually come up with a lot of different creative ideas. So I find that when they're in balance,

they project kind of that just being around them, they radiate that sense of inner trust and everything's going to be okay. however, when they're out of balance, they can tend to spread themselves too thin, which means taking on more projects than they can handle and not really finishing anything or they can get a little moody. So when their intellect is in balance with their true feelings,

true feelings are different than emotions. True feelings are your soul nature, how you really feel, that inner wisdom. When you balance your organization or your intellect with your true feelings, things seem to fall into place like clockwork. So as we go through life, we all have instances where we get stimulated and we all know that we get stimulated at work, we get stimulated at home,

And like I say, as you unfold your awareness and you start to become aware of the bigger picture, you know, that we're here to learn and grow, that knowledge becomes wisdom through experience. And as you unfold your awareness, you can grow faster. It's like the bumps in the road gets smoothed out. So anyways, there's lots to explore. This is just one episode today of the Spiritual Businessman where we're focusing on the prophetic gift.

Hey, and if you want to get involved in learning more about your types of perception, we have a class that we call a masterclass online intuition now usually takes about an hour and a half. It's free. And we also work with some techniques online where you start to experience your, your four types of intuition. So see some links in the show notes and also

that'll help you get to the page and you can sign up. So we've got some great testimonials from other business people as well. Anyways, it's great to share with you. Have a good day, have a good week, have a good month. Next, we'll be talking about the gift of vision and how to be more aware of that one and what are the practical aspects of being a clairvoyant. Thank you for letting me share. Have a good day. Bye -bye.