Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Ready to move away from woo-woo and start making spirituality practical? That is exactly what happens here! In this podcast, we focus on fostering trust with our intuition, engaging in uplifting conversations, and offering spiritual guidance that’s grounded in practical wisdom. We dive deep into strategies and tips to help you use your spiritual gifts to guide your personal and professional life. It’s a space where you can explore how to connect with your intuition and use spiritual tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How to trust when those hunches, insights and impressions happen.
- How to manage your sensitivities when others around you don’t understand you.
- How to connect with your team of spiritual helpers to support and back you.
- How to decrease the overwhelm and start feeling more secure energetically.
- How to navigate through situations using your inner wisdom.
- How to work with your sensitivities in your 9 to 5.
- How to gather your own insights and be your own best guru.
- And more!!!!!
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Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Encountering Spirits While Traveling
The hosts share their experiences of encountering spirits while traveling and discuss the importance of being aware of energy when on the road. They emphasize the need to cleanse and discern energies to avoid picking up negative or unwanted entities. The hosts also highlight the power of knowledge and understanding in navigating spiritual experiences while traveling.
- When traveling, be aware of the energies around you and how they may affect you.
- Cleansing and discerning energies can help avoid picking up negative or unwanted entities.
- Check with Guidance and anticipate the energies you may encounter when traveling.
- Getting the spiritual energy facts for empowers you to navigate your spiritual experiences while on the road.
NEXT FREE Intuition NOW Masterclass with Tom & I for an exploration into your 4 psychic abilities for more clarity, trust and timing to get your own answers. Check out the link here for the next right timing to join us.
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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.
My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.
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So all night long, I noticed there was something moving back and forth outside our bedroom in the hallway. And it wasn't until the next morning when Tom started sharing about something that he noticed that we recognized, we had some company last night. was a ghost. It was a couple of ghosts actually, but one specifically. So welcome back to another episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual. And we want to share this time about traveling with Spirit. Traveling with Spirit.
How spirits show up because we travel a lot and we have traveled a lot and This one specific this was actually our first time that this really ever happened for us. Yeah, we were shortly after we came together you might say like us about a year later, yeah, and We decided to go to Italy for my fifth day. Teresa wanted to go so we went and Were we in a CC then we were staying in?
where the all the wine is. Yeah, was a Tuscany area. And then older place. And it was beautiful. And staying at a winery. And from my perspective, you know, we went to we went to sleep that evening. And in the evening, you know, I woke up and I I could have sworn there was a young girl walking up and down the hallway just outside the bedroom.
And I think there was another energy there, which I've forgotten about, but you could probably share about that. And it came a few times during the night. I mean, it was so strong. I really thought maybe somebody was in the hallway kind of a thing. And I got up and I had to, as you do in the middle of the night, and there was nothing there, of course. The door was locked and that kind of thing.
but the impression was so strong that I was like, really, it was really hit me and I don't have those kinds of experiences all the time. So from my perspective, I remember getting up in the morning and then, saying to Teresa, you know, it was like, we had a visitor last night. mean, I think it was, you know, know, spirits, it was a ghost kind of a thing.
And so for my part, and all of sudden she says, well, yeah, so for my part, that's all I said to her. Well, first I'll share a little bit about the we were in a villa. So we were not in a hotel. We were not next to other people. We were in a villa country, Villa, a country villa on a winery. And this villa had a bedroom. It had a little, I think a little sitting room, a bathroom across a hallway and then the hallway between everything. But our bedroom,
was separate than the bathroom. yeah, so I, you know, I'm half in and out of my sleep and I'm just, I really get a sense all night long that there's something moving in the hallway back and forth. So when Tom proposes, Hey, I think there was, I'm like, yeah, there, remember there was, or I recall there was something going back and forth all night long in the hallway. you described it as a young girl in the hallway. I went,
my goodness, that's exactly what I picked up. You know, so before I had a chance to share with her what my impression was of that energy. Teresa just said it clean and clear and, and describe the other energy that was around, know, was kind of like, the other one we found later. so the thing is, is once we figured out that there was something in the villa and because, you know, I mean,
as we're since we're energy all of us are energy and when we travel and if we're very cleansed and we're very bright which a lot of times we are when we're moving around things you know are attracted then they they I think for direction right they can sense that we have the ability or we can help them right okay that's one of the main reasons I feel that this spirit and the other spirit really presented themselves so so Tom and I have been doing
trance healing work for you know him for quite a while and me for several years and So we know techniques as to how to send them back with their guidance to the light and move on so We sat down to do that do a certain technique to do this and then we recognized that there was someone else there That was ready to move on to so we we assisted that soul in moving on and so it
was really great because it was you know a clearing of the area and who knows how long those souls have been there. Yeah well we we got some facts on that at the time but the and this is training that's available through the Wayshores College which is an affiliate of ours and and both Teresa and I have had that training we've done this work on tour when we've been in Florida we've had these kinds of healing tables we call them and you know but when
spiritually, we attract things because we sometimes we attract because we have similar concepts, or we have similar ideas. Or there's a, there's a familiarity with that energy with that soul, maybe from another lifetime. And, you know, souls aren't really here. They're just thinking about things here and we pick them up and that they're still kind of reliving, you know, these old, the last past memories, basically.
So anyway, we worked with the techniques that we've been trained to work with and quick cleansing, no big deals, very business -like in a way. And that's why we don't really remember many details, but I did have a feeling that we knew that soul in the past. And that's coming to me now too, I remember that. Yeah. And I think it was near Assisi where we were. It wasn't far from Assisi. It wasn't far.
But anyways, all the words, how do you prove an experience like this? It's like trying to prove you had a strong dream, one of those lucid dreams, but it was just through the night. the big key for me was I hadn't even begun to describe it and out of Teresa's mouth was exactly what I experienced. Describe the basics, what we were both picking up
Well, I think the interesting part and why we're bringing this subject up today is just to recognize that, you know, as we've talked about in other episodes, as you know, in our, in our environment and the people that we live with and play with and work with, we experience all kinds of things energetically, but sometimes we forget about that when we travel, Especially we traveled to these far off places. I mean, this Tuscany Villa had been there for a long time and I'm assuming those souls had been there for a long time. And
And I myself too have traveled other places around the country, around the world and have had some pretty intense situations looking back, that was clearly souls or that was clearly energy. And I didn't know what to do with it at a time. my first, an example is my first experience in Hawaii. I literally in the middle of the night woke up being attacked by two spirits. I mean, like I remember fighting and then.
Just like, you know, when I said that to Tom in the morning, like, it was a girl, blah, blah. I just, I just know, right? So I just knew, I didn't know where these spirits came from, but I know that there's a lot of things that have happened in that area. And I think also Lumaria is in that, that area, part of the world. And I was part of Lumaria Hawaii. Yeah. Hawaii. Yeah. Lumaria. But I mean, that it was all that whole, the whole Pacific area at one point. So, or a lot of it in that area. That was, that was one of my impressions later when I learned more
Lumaria and the part of that were a part of the world like that was there. So, but yeah, so recognizing as you travel around, you know, you might experience energies or, you know, feeling weird because I've been places too, where I've gotten really sick. And why did I get really sick? It might have been an energy or might've been something there that I wasn't able to discern and recognize at that time. so we're sharing these experiences just to give you another
know, like a heads up or like an insight to when you travel places, just be aware of how you're feeling when you travel and, what spirit might be putting, you know, putting into place for you maybe to, to support you on your journey or just to give you insights. Well, one of the things that, I would do differently, from that experience, and this was some years, several years ago now, but I would really
regroup with my guidance, check with my guidance so I anticipate what I'm moving into, anticipate the energies I might be moving into. Like even if you're staying at somebody else's house, you know, what are the concepts that are heavy around that house that those folks are working through? And there might be pressures in certain areas. And if we're not, you know, careful, well, I mean, careful, like, like, it's not a big deal. It's just, as long as I know who I am and what I'm feeling and
what's me and what's not me, you I can move easily in and out of those situations and not pick up any hitchhikers, so to speak, you know, and bring them home with me. So, it's an awareness, right? an awareness. And it's that maybe not every pressure I pick up is me, you know, that I've got some help with that. You know, there has to be something that anyway, so, that's something that, you know, I, I like to cleanse the environment.
I'm in, I like to cleanse the road that I'm traveling, I like to send cleansing to the places I'm going. And then as I do pick up these impressions, I'm more discerning of them, like I feel more detached from what I am aware of, know. So the main thing is there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just that when if I get all fearful about it, it just kind of intensifies the fear, you know,
you it's like we get we go down this hole of fear kind of a thing, which, you know, it's, it's not such a big deal. It just feels uncomfortable, know, one, think that's the thing that we like about what we call making spirituality practical, right? I mean, so what does that really mean? Well, to me, that really means is that I understand what I'm dealing with when I feel an energy or there's an energy in our room or like Thomas saying, you know,
both of us discern and we were able to cleanse ahead of time and kind of know what we're getting into. Or when I go and I'm around someone for several hours and then I come home and I act out something that that person I've experienced with them. like, I picked up something. So it's really just giving you guys an awareness of, you know, of that we're energy and that, you know, there are things that pop up throughout our journeys. And the more that we're aware, the more that we're, you know, not in
in the shadows, so to speak, or like, you know, not knowing what it's about, the more there's power in knowledge. There you go. That's what I wanted to say. there's power in discerning the facts. That's it. Getting the understanding that you need. Right. And that helps you, especially when you're moving through your day, your life, your journey, and especially when you travel, because there's a lot of energies.
you know, that you're coming around and being exposed to that. And sometimes too, we travel, you know, I think back to the little, the Italy one. So we started at the south part of Italy, and this was like our third stop in a 21 day journey. So we were a bit tired, we probably could have cleanse and we might have cleansed somewhat, but not, you know, you're just tired, you're traveling, you're getting in your place, you're settling down, then all this chaos is going on at night. and I have another one too, that happened before.
where my friend and I were in New Mexico and down the road was a cemetery. And at that point, I wasn't quite aware of, you know, presences and stuff, but I mean, I somewhat but not like she was. And so all night long, these we got visited by, you know, people trying to get help. And so then if I would have understood about cleansing and about, you know, how to, you know, help them move back to their side, it would have been a lot better because there was a lot of people. So I guess what I'm trying to say is
there's there's all kinds of energies everywhere, especially when you're traveling. And, you know, we're so sensitive that when we go back to places that if you believe in reincarnation that we've been before, we start to tune back into the energy of those times or how we felt at that time. So that's something that it's kind of fun in a way, because you realize, you know, wow, you know, that's where I was, but it's, it's an area to anticipate.
you know, it's an area to recognize, okay, that's then this is now. And anyways, well, that sounds like a good ghost story. This maybe should be a Halloween episode. It's being aware of other energies around us that are some, call apparitions, some top, some may call just spirit energies, whatever you want to call it, but just being aware.
helps you become aware of what you can start discerning everybody. Yeah. Yeah. So that was a good one, Tom. Sounds good. Cheers to that one. Cheers to that one. So thank you all again for listening in or watching another episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual. We appreciate each and every one of you. And please make sure that you know if there's someone that you think might enjoy this episode or another one you've recently watched or listened to, please feel free to share. Please make sure you also subscribe if you are on our YouTube channel and also
If you are on Apple podcast, please leave us a little message of how you enjoyed the episode. We would really appreciate it. And remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.