Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Spiritual Tip #6: The Game of Life-When to Move In and Move Out

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 28

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The hosts discuss the importance of not getting caught up in the game of life and other people's dramas. They emphasize it's good to be aware of other's situations.  Keep the spiritual perspective and recognize that everyone attracts their own experiences.   That way you can truly be of service.

They share their personal methods of navigating through life, including using Inner Guidance to determine when to get involved and when to stay detached. They also highlight the significance of self-respect and reverence to flow from yourself to others.  The conversation concludes with a reminder you can heal with enthusiasm.

Key Points:

  • Be aware of the troubles of others, but maintain perspective and recognize that everyone attracts their own experiences.
  • Use Intuition and Guidance to determine when to get involved in other people's games and when to stay detached.
  • Cultivate self-respect and reverence for your own experiences, which will naturally extend to others.
  • Recognize the importance of timing and discernment in interactions with others.
  • Enjoy the journey and approach life with enthusiasm.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)

Here we are today to talk about spiritual tip number six. Six, six, six, six, six, six. Hey, I wanted to make it sound fun. Okay. it's fun. So what's on my mind lately is getting caught up in the games of life, you know, the game of life, getting caught up in other people's traumas. And you know, there's a lot that's going on in our environment and

It's important to be aware of that. You know, you need to know, you need to be aware. You need to have those facts so that you know how to navigate through life. At least that's what I find, but keep it in perspective. You know, some of the troubles that people go through are their troubles. They've attracted them. I haven't attracted them, but I need to be clear about, you know, what some of those pitfalls are when I start working with those folks. 

and you know, be aware of what what is me and what is not me. Does that make any sense? Yeah, so let me read let me say this. What I hear you saying Tom is that being able to understand what other people are going through and recognize for yourself when you need to be a part of that game, or not a part of that game. Is that what I hear you saying? That was beautifully put.

Okay. So yeah, I get it. And the way that I do that is I, you know, get into my, I feel it, you know, I can feel whether this is my opportunity, if this is something that feels good to me, or it feels like I'm on the right track. I mean, there's a lot of ways I could describe my feelings. They come in, you know, that the ways of those four gifts that we talk about, you know, for me, it's like, get pictures, and then I have an understanding or words, and then with thoughts, that's another way to say my intuitive part. And then the feeling, 

Like that's the gut feeling part and that inner knowing. So using my inner resources and then checking with my guidance, you know, is this my opportunity? Because one of the keys is, you know, that's important and that I've had to really regroup over time as, you know, be aware of sharing too much too soon with people. In other words, you're really infringing on their free will. 

know, and allow people to have some of those opportunities. We've shared this before, you know, that, you know, you see your troubles, but you know, they may maybe they need to learn a little bit from that. Does that make any sense? Yeah. And for myself, this perspective of, you know, allowing other people to play the games they need to play. And for me to know when to move in or move out has really been something that has been life changing for myself in the sense of

you know, I'm around different people that I'm either caring for or I live close with, or I, you know, maybe have a relationship with and recognizing that we're all going through our learnings. And so knowing for myself when I, you know, need to move in or move out is so important. So I'll just say that like for my mom who lives close to me, I know I use this, my mom as a reference all the time, because we have a wonderful relationship now where we're able to,

you know, interact with each other and also do healing work around, you know, things to heal from the from our past together. And it's been a really great situation and and an area to observe things for myself for sure. And so this has come into play because she deals with other people outside of me who sometimes stimulate her like we all have, right? We all have people that stimulate us. And so when she's stimulated in certain ways from other people, I know that I don't need to be involved in that.

 because that's just not a game that I'm, I need to play with. And vice versa, when I'm involved in things that she doesn't need to be involved in, she, you know, might know on a, you know, in her own way that, yeah, I don't need to be involved in that. That's what Teresa's going through or Teresa's involved with. So that's just my, a good example for myself, how I make it practical. So how do you make it practical? You know, that word reverent comes to me, you know, the key word of reverence, reverent.

And if I'm reverent with myself, it's amazing, I can be reverent with everybody else. If I have that inner self respect for what I want to experience or how I want to feel, I naturally it flows that I have respect for other people and their experience. But a big key for me is, is that, you know, when I get stimulated, say by relatives or people that I really am close to, you know, I just really have to check.

with my feelings and recheck with my guidance, is that my opportunity? Because sometimes it is my opportunity to help out and step in. But the key is for me to know when, and that's really working with spirit. That's really walking with spirit. When I can truly be of service for those folks who want to have a positive impact, that's a big key is just working with your guidance and the timing of what you say or how much you get involved. And...

just double check. But often, you know, you know, you just know, or you, you know, you get that impression or you've learned from experience, you know, what to delve into and what not to delve into. But I think the key is, is that I know for me, I've learned, I've had to, you know, kind of relearned, don't judge them for going through it. I mean, that's, that's all part of their experience. You know, that's just as I wouldn't judge myself so much for going through something, you know, I can evaluate.

say, Hey, you know, I really don't enjoy doing this, or I don't like being caught up in that. You know, I want to stay clean and clear and smooth and move through life, you know, in a more positive way, and have more positive experiences. So, you know, if I'm reverent with my experience, I'll be more reverent with others is the big key. Yeah, and I think also that it depends upon the person. And so again, I gave my example by mom, but let me give an example of Tom. So,

Obviously we live work and play together. So the things that I'm going through I mean he recognizes when That's Teresa stuff or okay. This is our stuff together. So here's a difference a situation that presented itself the other night So I got very stimulated a night time. We're tired. Okay, I don't know about you guys, but we get up I get up Tom gets up five thirty six o 'clock. So do I? By time, you know five or six seven o 'clock rolls around I'm

I'm tired and so is he. And this is when we notice that these games or other energies might come in to trigger us, throw us off. And then that creates an interaction between us. This happened the other night where I can't remember what I got stimulated about, but does it really matter? No, I got stimulated and I wouldn't let it go. And I got stimulated and this, and I had a thought about a certain situation in my life and this energy came in and

just really stimulated me more. So I was going at it, going at it, going at it. And it was a game I was playing with this other energy. And so Tom recognized that, okay, this is, I, you know, I can't go anywhere with this. So what did Tom do? He left the situation. I got myself together, cleansed, I calmed down and he came back in and we were able to regroup what came in.

what triggered it also what triggered him because obviously if I'm playing a game close to a loved one they might have some inner ways to interact or they may have a part of it that also is for them. OK. So just like with my mom some of the things she does go through it's for me too. So I know when I you know I need to work on that or interact with there. So so it was a real interesting situation that happens quite often because of course we're human and you know energies and I'm very sensitive and so is Tom. So.

 What would you like to share about that situation, Tom? Yeah, at the end of the day, you know, your buffer can get low, you know, our buck, we're like, we have a big electromagnetic field around us, which is our aura. And the more that I maintain that is stay cleansed and relaxed, then it's harder for those that energy to move in on me. So sometimes, you know, our bad habits, we may

 know, in that particular instance, I had the subtle thought of teasing Teresa about something. And then I noticed that every time I, it sort of moves in on me like that, where I'm, I just think I'm playing around and teasing her and, you know, giving her a hard time about something or kidding her or something. And then it moves, you know, the energy moves into something else. So, you know,

 That but that's all about self awareness. You know, it's like, we, we know better, you know, we know better than to play poor little me. We do. Yeah. Yeah. And you can tell when something's moved in on you because you have like, the thoughts just can't you just keep arguing with yourself or, you know, it's going back and forth. And the big key is, is what I did was I just kind of changed my energy. I just went up and actually I went and took a shower and got dressed for the evening and

 you know, came back down and then we, you know, then we both look at each other like, what was that all about? You know, what game do we just play? That wasn't us, you know, so. Right. So what was the, what was the thing we opened with? being aware of getting caught in others. And, you know, so what I wanted to share a little bit about too, was that in the environment right now and in the media, you'll see lots of things happening, you know, people getting caught up in their troubles and so forth. And it is important to be aware of it.

 it's important for me to be aware of, maybe tendencies that people around me have, but it's also important that I stay detached somewhat from it. So, you know, what will make things worse is I try to change Teresa's experience of whatever she was going through, you know, that I, you should know better and this and that and the other, you know, and unless it checks with my guidance.

 you know, that's the whole key is, is knowing when to move in and when to move out. Working with spirit, that's the most fun and how they make life easier for me is knowing when to move in and when to move out, when to be of service, when to allow people to have their learning experience. But I need to maintain that inner respect for myself so that, you know, I can stay detached from the other person's experience so that I can, how they're, you know, the emotional trauma that they're going through or whatever.

 And I say trauma because it's a word out there all the time, you know? Yeah. So we hope that the spiritual tip number six, you guys understood what we were talking about and playing the games of that you might be playing or other people might be playing and how to stay detached. That word detached or, or when to stay detached, when to stay detached or also when to play the game, because maybe there's a learning for you in that. Yeah.

 So that's okay to play the game. Absolutely. That is spiritual tip number six. Spiritual tip number six. Enjoy everyone. Thank you so much again for listening into another episode. We appreciate you so, so very much. And until next week, remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.