Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Mind, Body, What about Spirit?

Teresa Shantz Season 4 Episode 25

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It's the spirit that drives the mind and body.  Yet, it is not truly prioritized, and even overlooked, in areas of our wellbeing.  As if it's the last thing to consider.  As if just having spiritual ideas is going to "get you into heaven."   From the higher Spirit perspective, everything here is just a means to an end; to evolve and find fulfillment.  

The hosts emphasize the need to embrace our true identity as a spirit - soul - intelligent pattern of energy of light to affect our overall mental and physical health. They discuss the significance of embodying spiritual awareness, rather than just conceptualizing it. "Being" rather than "theorizing" and describe what that means to them.

The conversation also touch on how everything flows from our self respect.   The hosts highlight the need for authenticity for peace of mind and faster spiritual growth.  How  it is important to of tap into our true feelings, then organize (think) and move into action. Rather than react from programmed concepts.  

They encourage listeners to be actively involved in life to full enjoy the spirit, mind, body reality of our lives.

  • Be aware of the impact of doubt and negative thoughts on your physical and emotional health.
  • Learn how to cleanse (lift your vibration) to more easily discern your true feelings.
  • Strive for balance of feelings and intellect for authenticity in your spiritual journey.
  • Everything is going to be all right.

NEXT FREE Intuition NOW Masterclass with Tom & I for an exploration into your 4 psychic abilities for more clarity, trust and timing to get your own answers. Check out the link here for the next right timing to join us.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)
in the supportive energies that are flowing in constantly onto into our planet. Today we want to share a little bit about mind, body, and what about spirit? What about spirit? That's what I'm talking about, Tom. So I am on a mission, which y 'all know I'm on a mission from God, especially read my book because I put it right in there. I'm on a mission from God like the Blues Brothers.

And what I want to share about it, Tom is laughing. What I would, I'm so passionate about these days is going out and doing keynote speaking and sharing with other people and other organizations who do not really emphasize or maybe, grab ahold of that part of us spirit. Cause it all goes together. It all goes together. And that's what we're going to discuss today is, you know, what are we talking about when she says mind, body, spirit, because you've,

Certainly people have mentioned that before there's mind, body, spirit festivals or body, mind, spirit, or spirit, body, mind, you know, there's various forms of that, but I do find that, as you said, you know, they leave the spirit part out or they just briefly touch base on it. You know, it's, it's kind of like, well, we can sit here and meditate or I go to church. So that's, you know, the spirit part. There's a lot of focus on mind.

a lot of focus on body. And, but you know, it seems to me, as we were talking the other day, that it all flows from the spirit. It all, yeah. Cause that's what it starts with, right? We come in as a spirit into these forms and then we have to work with the physical body. And then we have to work with our mind to actually understand what we're doing while we're here. Yeah. So it really is a, a trifecta enchilada of stuff I like to talk about. Yeah.

Well, and you're a real example of that because you're very concerned. She's very concerned folks about diet and she cooks very healthily and was a massage therapist, right, which I understand a lot about the body a lot about and through my massage therapy practice, I understood at certain points when I didn't know much about the spiritual part because it wasn't talked about in massage therapy school, the one that I went to.

how I was affected by and influenced by the energies of others. And so, you know, some of those stories that I've, I've shared before and some I've shared in my, I think I might've shared in my book that I shared my book. I'm not certain, but cause I share a lot of darn stories. You know, I think people should get a copy of your book to find out. Okay. Yes, everyone get a copy of my book so you can find that that stories in there. But I do have quite a few stories of interesting things that occurred during massage therapy school.

And after when I was really a practicing and licensed massage therapist that happened in the in the room with other clients before and after and to my own physical body from the energy that I was taking in that I was not cleansing that I was aware not aware of what was really going on around me. You know, and I've heard that healing is really just a restoration of that life force or that life energy force.

So it starts with the spirit. And I know that it's concepts that we have about ourselves that can sort of block the flow of all that beautiful energy that we are and have and is available to us. Yeah. And so as an energy being and working with other people, and this is not just obviously for massage therapists, this is for all of us who are out in the world.

you know, interacting with our family members, interacting with people we see at work and we're at the stores with everybody out and about has a spirit, just like a body and a mind. And so interacting with that part of us and them affects us. And back to the massage therapy part, the things that I went through with, you know, major psoriasis and breaking out of my hands where I couldn't even use my hands any longer.

because of things that were being stirred up inside of me and were emoting out through my hands and through, you know, my psoriasis. I understand a bigger picture too now that everything that happens to me, I do bring towards me. So it's for my healing. But being able to understand what I'm going through and what I'm experiencing while I'm doing it for myself has been really priceless because it really has given me

Well, it's allowed me to understand things on a deeper level. I'll put it that way because Tom and I, we go through a lot of things together. And so we really, you know, are able to, you know, bounce off each other that sounding board, which if you didn't listen to was, it was an episode tip number four, the sounding boards that it just gives me a bigger, an understanding and a deeper explanation of what I'm going through, which at that point back when I was,

you know, a licensed massage therapist, I had no idea, no clue. And so a lot of people have no clue. And some of those people that I really am excited about, you know, going and speaking to is the medical field, is nurses, is people at even nursing homes, different places where people really interact closely with one another and have no idea about how important it is to understand the spiritual part of who we are.

Yes, and many people do that are in those, you know, walks of life, but sometimes they get so intellectual about it that they miss the obvious. And, you know, very sensitive people like yourself, like what I hear you saying is, is that you would, you know, you picked up the thoughts and feelings or emotions of others and kind of it, you had something there to kind of attract it, but it began to manifest.

with you physically as well. Absolutely. Because you weren't discerning that wasn't you that was that was the energy that person's working with. And so that's a that's a big key. Absolutely, for sure. And, and understanding that aspect of it. So another thing that comes to mind is, there's a lot of organizations like medical and like we're talking about, you know, nurses, and they do talk about mind, body, spirit, but they talk about spirit as a concept.

So it's okay to have a concept as I understand that as a concept of spirit, this is what spirit is, the energy in our body, whatever. But then there's a difference between actually embodying it and actually knowing in your soul's essence what spirit part means to you. So for myself, the spiritual part means it's truly, it's my essence. It is my, it is.

who I am, I am a spirit in a physical body, not a physical body with a spirit. And it's part of what I'm here to experience is this physical being in this physical body as a soul. So what does it mean to you to be a spirit? Well, as you said, you know, it's the driving force of everything around me. It's the driving force of my physical body. And it's just important that I learned to recognize, you know, how am I blocking the flow? And

know, that word respect, self respect comes to me, when I think in terms of, you know, accepting the spiritual awareness and, and yet, we meet so many spiritual people, and yet they are unhealthy, or, you know, they believe spiritual concepts, you might say. So I say, it's almost like they turn it into another religion, it's just got spiritual beliefs rather than

they, the beliefs modify the thoughts and the discernment or the figuring it out part, the intellectual part modifies, but they're not really feeling it or being it. You know, so if I'm, if I don't have enough respect for myself, you know, I might overeat, I might over drink. It's not to say that we don't enjoy things and once in a while, but if I'm consistently abusing my physical body,

you know, many people gain a lot of weight because they're so sensitive. They're they need like a buffer from all that they're picking up. It would be better and probably healthier for them if they learn to cleanse or be more discerning about those thoughts and feelings that are in their environment, so that they can, you know, maintain that a healthy vehicle for while they're here. You know, why suffer? Why don't you be healthy and feel invigorated? And, you know, so

can, and you have to be organized to do that. You have to know what works and what foods to eat and not eat or what to avoid and what's an indulgement once in a while, you know, it's okay. But, so you need to be, you have to have the spirit, which is that driving force. You've got your mind, you know, your, that's your discernment, your organizational skills, your awareness. It has to be trained.

And you've got your physical body, which really will reflect where your spirit and your mind, where your head's at, I suppose. That's what comes to me. Yeah, I totally relate to that. And also the fact that for, you know, obviously we're all on these journeys and we're all at different places. And so being able to go from a concept of something to an embodiment of something, honestly, listeners, it could take people five lifetimes to get there.

I mean, that's just what came to me. Like, you know, I look at other people and go and I but for myself being very sensitive and as an empath, I, I get a sense of have they embodied that I get a sense that maybe that person's not quite walking their talk is what I like to say. And for myself, I'm very aware of now not I didn't I was not this aware, you know, years ago, and I would be working with all kinds of

I'll say wackadoodle people, but we're all in different places, right? I mean, really, I had a lot of really weird experiences with people, but now I'm able to laugh. Now I'm able to really feel into have they embodied that what they're saying? Have they embodied what they're what they're sharing with other people? Because for myself, that's why I'm so passionate about going out and speaking to others about the about this, this part of my body spirit, because

I have, I feel like I have embodied that. And I feel like I've been, you know, walking my talk and I'm not putting myself on a pedestal or anything like that, but I'm just sharing that if you feel, you know, to get into the feeling of when you're working with people or you're contemplating or someone comes towards you to, you know, Hey, here's my hand. Would you like to take it in a, you know, and work with me? Does, how does that feel to you? Does it feel like they've embodied what they're trying to share with you? And this is just, you know, this is really a whole other level of,

of, you know, understanding that embodiment versus concepts. Yeah. And it sounds like you're talking about being authentic. You know, I can feel it. There's something that just clicks in when I've found the right people to work with or the right people to share with, or the, the folks that are going to help me the most, you know, every, we get something out of working with everybody and it's up to me, you know, it's up to me and my guidance, but there's folks that are more.

in balance, you know, with it all. And then there's folks where it's more of a theory. I guess that's another way of saying it. And, and then there's folks that have a lot of feeling, but they're a mess, you know, they're not organized there and they don't, you know, so it being in balance is really the key, you know, is having those feelings were moving from my spirit, which is my true feelings.

and then organizing myself and then following through and coming back to my, you know, true feelings, maybe reorganizing or modifying and then following through. Yeah. But you know what comes to me, Tom? What's that? Is those people that I call maybe little wackadoodle or what you just said, you know, they serve a certain level of consciousness. So we really need them. We need people out there, but for your self listener,

when you're contemplating working with somebody or, you know, or being around some people that maybe don't feel so good. That's where we're trying to just share about, you know, just accessing that feeling for yourself, because people are where they're at. And they and we really need all these levels. I mean, to have, you know, all kinds of people like the Dr. Joe Dispenza, that's, you know, high level. And there's, you know, all kinds of different people that like us and other people that are sharing and there's levels needed for everybody.

Well, you know, we talk about being reawakened so that as a soul, I have this innate wisdom. I have these inner resources that I kind of learned to tap into or really plug into again. So it's not like anybody's lost or they don't have it, but in a certain way, they're not ready to sort of be reawakened with what they already have.

because I suppose that's like, that's a big key. And, you know, what do you think about that? Yeah, I agree with that. And, you know, it does depend individually on the soul and where they're at. Also, you know, we all have areas that we're very masterful in. And we have areas where we're not so masterful in. And we're here to, you know, work through some of those concepts and ideas, and I guess fully experience it.

I mean, this is describing it, I suppose, at one level of awareness. It's, you know, there's other, there's other folks who say we were experiencing all things at all times. And I believe there's probably some truth in it, but that's a little too much for me. You know, I kind of have to be here now and work with what's in front of me. And, that all that other stuff, well, that, that when I transition, you know, maybe I'll become more aware of, you know, an even bigger picture, you know, when I'm ready.

Yeah, right now I'm focused in this opportunity. Yeah. What when you say the people are talking like that, like, you know, like, like the quantum level, right? To me, that's like, on a certain level, it's more intellectual versus feeling for myself for when I when I kind of tune into that. And that's why I'm not really drawn to a lot of people that talk about the quantum stuff and levels and all that stuff, because it's just not I'm really here just

to be in my feelings. That's a key thing for us because we talk a lot of some about that about, you know, we go from feel, think and act. So we start with how do we feel about things. And for some people who are more on that intellectual level or sharing at that level, it might be hard for them to get to the feelings because they're, it's just where they're at. Yeah. And we're talking about true feelings because emotions that we experienced and we're expressing ourselves with emotions.

That's it. That's actually in the act part of it. So it's my true feelings, discerning my feelings or organizing my feelings and interpreting my feelings. And then action, you know, is a communication, communicating my feelings. So that's really where the emotions show up. And it's weird because we put so much emphasis on the communication part or the emotional part. And when.

And that's, there's nothing wrong with expressing our emotions. It's important that we do. Absolutely. But how are we getting caught in our emotions and our concepts then that that becomes like a broken record. And, you know, it's important to know how to cleanse and work with that spiritual part to get back to our true feelings. Yeah. But that's also what I was saying earlier, where there are people who, where they're at, it may take them several more lifetimes to.

get out of those concepts and those emotional, I'll say like shackles, so to speak. Yeah, sometimes. And, you know, they, one of the thoughts that I had was that, you know, people will say to me, you know, but yes, but you can think it away. You can think, you know, you can have a positive thought and you can change your, and they think.

One thing that I'm aware of is that, well, what your affirmation that works for you doesn't necessarily work for me because I have my own version of, you know, whatever my fear or my anxiety is so that it's important that I develop from my inner feelings. Where's my true feelings at with that? The healing will go faster. So that's kind of a topic that you touch on, you know, when you share experiences that you have had with clients and

things that you've gone through yourself and the solutions, you know, one of the solutions is to, you know, know how to stay clear, how to discern what are my feelings, what are not my feelings. But what if I work from my true feelings, you know, I have my own brand of how I experienced that fear, or how I experienced that concept. So for me to tell you the answer, you know, that doesn't, it kind of works.

but really the individual has to do their 50%. The beautiful thing is, is we have it all within. It's just learning how to unfold it and tap into it. Because as you're saying, like for lifetimes, we've been trained or programmed. And so it's very familiar. Some of the concepts we have in our environment, like life is hard and we're little worms and we're not worthy. Those kinds of concepts have been around for lifetimes and they get reinforced when we come back in.

So we keep working on maybe new versions of that, or you begin to, you know, get clear on it, but you still sort of, you know, at a, at a higher level, you begin to re -experience it. I just really think it's beautiful that you've got this emphasis on the spirit, but you show how it connects with the mind in the body and how that, you know, become a living example. And then, you know, all these.

you know, what strikes me is we're watching the about the old Hindu yogis that used to, you know, sit there and meditate. And there's this fellow that's supposed to be 120 years old in India. And I don't know if he is or not, but maybe he is. He's looks old. I'll give him that much. But you know, he does all those breathing techniques. And I have a feeling there's something to it. You know, I bet you he's pretty old. And, you know, this is all this meditation and stuff that goes with it. But what about being involved in life?

and taking that energy forward, you know, so that it doesn't become something I have to do for eight hours a day to keep my body young. And so what's the point of sitting there for eight hours a day if you're going to live to 120 and every day all you do is sit there and meditate on, you know, healing your body. I mean,

be involved, get involved. Now that I'm not going to judge that because I probably had lifetimes like that. I'm sure you've done that before. I've probably experienced that and there was something for me to gain from that. But, and exploring that avenue, you know, so, but we love to talk about it from a more practical point of view of being involved in life and enjoying our family and our relationships and our neighbors and our work and, and, and our mind, body and spirit.

Here we go. Because they all go together. So we just want to thank you so much listeners for listening into another episode of TNT Spirit Works, enthusiastically spiritual and Tom and I sharing about the importance of mind, body and spirit. Yeah, I love your talks and I can't wait to hear the next one. So we hope that you enjoyed this. Thank you again for listening in wherever you are, because we know you are all over the entire world because we look at our stats every week. We're like, wow.

people all over the place. So thank you so much for listening in wherever you are at in your part of the world. In fact, we'll say, we'll give a shout out to Spain today. Hello Spain, España. España. Yes, we've got quite a few people in España for sure. So, so until next week, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.