Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Your Innate Ability to Heal with Jen Fedorowicz

Season 4 Episode 23

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Jen Fedorowicz is a quantum energy healer and spiritual mentor. She helps her clients to clear unresolved emotion from their subconscious so they feel empowered to step into their ability to create a magnificent life.

Jen shares her journey into energy work and the importance of aligning with our higher selves. She discusses the significance of the pandemic as a preparation for the current awakening happening on the planet. Jen explains her approach to energy healing and how every individual has the innate ability to heal from within. She emphasizes the importance of tuning into our own energy and embodying our true selves.

Jen leads a guided meditation to help listeners connect with their higher selves and experience the flow of energy through their chakras.

Jen's website, membership, Instagram, Facebook, Insight Timer

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)
So Jen, I'd like for you to share a little about your story and how you came into doing energy work and finding this pathway of healing for yourself and for the clients that you work with.

Jen Fedorowicz (00:13)
Sure, absolutely. I was actually a school teacher for 15 years. And in my teaching days, somebody introduced me to yoga. And I became really excited about yoga. I started doing yoga and the whole embodiment piece of yoga was so powerful to me. So I quit teaching, the whole story is a long one, but I quit teaching, stayed home with my children for a bit, and then became a yoga teacher. And in my yoga teacher training, I began to learn Reiki.

So my first experiences with energy were Reiki, which really is just about alignment of your system and helping to align another person's energy. And I just have a brain that can't get enough of things. I was so intrigued by this idea that we are bigger than the body. We are these energetic beings. And I actually watched a podcast or heard a podcast with a woman named Dr. Sue Mortar.

And she's my mentor and my teacher. She's written a book called The Energy Codes, and I've been studying with her for the past six years. And the healing technique I'm certified in is through her.

TNT SpiritWorks (01:19)
So six years, so that was before all the plandemic stuff that went on. So interesting. Do you feel that was something that was preparing you for the coming years and all the things that have kind of, you know, gone on since that time? Because that's a big difference now.

Jen Fedorowicz (01:24)
Mm -hmm. Yep.

Yes, I do. I feel like we each have a path and that our path is pulling us forward if we're listening and paying attention to it. And I really do feel like that time of the pandemic was about preparing for what's happening on the planet right now with this big awakening. We had to go inside and be still. And some of us did really tune into our inner world. And I feel like it was preparation for what's happening now in this big expanse of time on planet Earth.

TNT SpiritWorks (02:06)
And I don't know about you, Jim, but I am super stoked to be here right now. I mean, it really is a fabulous time in the midst of a lot of things going on. And as you're mentioning, you know, the going home and, you know, really come going inward that the people to that left vibrationally, they were ready to leave. I mean, so in the, you know, looking at a bigger picture energetically of what's gone on the last few years and how people have stayed and people have gone and people are still kind of in a midst of.

you know, illnesses and then transformational timeframes. And so what about clientele for yourself? Have you noticed a difference in, you know, where you started at and then like where people have kind of transpired to right now in their journeys with all that's gone on?

Jen Fedorowicz (02:50)
I do, I find that as I have expanded and become even more comfortable in these conversations, I used to be sort of careful about how I talked about things energetically and who we were and what was happening on the planet. And as I have really aligned and become comfortable with myself and with the conversation, I find more and more people are searching. They wanna know who they are and what they're doing here and that there has to be more to life than just getting through, right?

TNT SpiritWorks (03:19)
Absolutely. And also like finding like -minded people like you and I just came together recently and when we came together, I'm like, you need to come on and share because you're a dynamic soul out in the world doing amazing work and it's much needed. So I'd love you to share a little bit more about the codes and what you really do with people.

Jen Fedorowicz (03:24)
Mm -hmm.

Sure. So it's funny because I would call myself an energy healer or people would call me an energy healer, but everybody is an energy healer. Every single one of us is born to innately heal from within. And then even bigger than that, every single one of us is spirit coming here to be human and to try and out a human suit, right? And to live the best, most expansive life that we can.

And so what I really have come to understand is each one of us is made of the creative energy of the universe. And when we can tune into that creative energy within us and embody it, awaken to it, healing is a natural byproduct of that. It just happens. So the body begins to heal. And then what's even more beautiful is life begins to heal or life begins to flow more easily, more effortlessly, because...

We're a field of energy. We're a toric field of flowing energy. It's streaming down and hitting the earth and rising. And each one of us is this flowing field. And as the field flows, as the energy that we are, the spirit moves through us more enthusiastically, it might be a good way to say it, right? Life flows that way. Your life is a reflection of your energy flow. So I work with clients to help them to tune into that.

to empower them to know how to do that for themselves so that life just becomes easy and fun. My motto is kind of like, if you're not having fun, what's the point?

TNT SpiritWorks (05:15)
love that so much. The same way it's like, yeah, if you're not, you're not loving what you're doing, well, it's time to shift, right? And so I feel to that it's a real powerful time right now with what the work you're doing. And like you said, many other people in the healing realm, right? Cause I mean, we're all just pieces of, of really the one. And I was just reading something there today with, do you know what the Gene Keys is? Have you heard of the Gene Keys? Richard Rudd.

Jen Fedorowicz (05:17)

Yes, absolutely.

Mm -hmm.

No, I feel like I've heard it, but I don't know.

TNT SpiritWorks (05:45)
Yeah, Richard Rudd's work. So it's a whole other, you know, there's all these works, right, of everywhere, which is fabulous. And so but he had this one phrase in one of the books, the key number 55 I was reading about and it said that we're moving from at this current stage right now, from the me to the we to the I. And I have chills just saying that, Jen, because that's what I hear you saying, like, as far as connecting with your energy, which is all of our energy, which is the

Jen Fedorowicz (06:03)

TNT SpiritWorks (06:12)
energy of the planet, energy of the cosmos. Like it's all just one energy but we're fragmented, right, into different pieces so that way we can heal and have experiences and then come together as one. But I thought that was super cool from me to we to I.

Jen Fedorowicz (06:29)
Yeah, that's beautiful. Because we, I love that one of the things that I talk about a lot is that we are multi -dimensional, right? We are flowing through the dimensions. And so there are parts of us in every dimension. And often when somebody wants to have a spiritual awakening or get to know themselves more spiritually, they look out there. They look beyond themselves for that higher place. And the work that I do is about bringing that I -ness, that oneness in here.

embodying it so that you begin to walk through life as that instead of searching for it outside of you.

TNT SpiritWorks (07:06)
Yeah, and like you mentioned a little bit ago, and there's more and more people really searching for this because of the fact of where I think we're at aligning, you know, consciously and what we're coming into because we're expanding into really being just light beings on the planet.

Jen Fedorowicz (07:21)
Have you heard, I feel like I should share this. Have you heard Anita Morjani's explanation is we're like a big, the universe is a big disco ball. And each one of those little facets of the disco ball that shines the light onto the wall, that's what each of us are connected to this oneness of the disco ball. And so when the light shines through us, we become our unique individual self. And yet we're still all connected to that oneness.

I love music and I love to dance. So that visual is, I love that visual.

TNT SpiritWorks (07:49)

That's so cool, Jim, because I was in a store the other day and there was a bunch of those disco balls and they were selling them somewhere big and little and I almost bought one just to have one. Because I was like, that's so cool. But gosh, I love that so very much. So you are going to do something special for the listeners today. You are going to offer and lead us through a technique. So I'd like you to share a little bit about that and also what the listener needs to do in order to prepare for this.

Jen Fedorowicz (08:21)
Sure, so I'm gonna explain it first, but when I get ready to to guide you through it You'll want to be in a place where you can close your eyes and be relaxed and still you don't have to be lying down You could be but seated is fine. You definitely don't want to be driving your car and listening to this Okay Yeah, number one no down the car and so the bigger picture of my work is about spiritual integration So we are these big beings?

TNT SpiritWorks (08:37)
Number one, no driving a car and listening.

Jen Fedorowicz (08:49)
here living in this physical body. And many people and many of the clients I work with are familiar with chakras one through seven in the yoga teacher, you know, the yoga trainings, we ought we go deeply into one through seven and the parts of us and a job, excuse me, a chakra is a layer of your consciousness. It's a part of you, right. And each of the chakras has a feeling or a felt sensation. So,

I've heard in your podcast, Teresa, you and Tom talk a lot about feeling and sensing and right. We are sensory beings and we are thousands more times sensory than motor. And yet if we're overly sensitive, like I was an overly sensitive child, if we're overly sensitive, you know, people think what's wrong with you or we take on everybody's stuff, right? But sensitivity is a superpower. And when we can embody the sensitivity that we are.

We aren't affected by other people's energies. We're not pulled off and we don't go into that wobble because we're so aligned with it within ourself. So back to the chakras, I work with chakras one through 12. And so big picture, chakra 12 is your higher self. It's the Ananda Maya, which means bliss. It's the celebration or the divine loving presence that you are. And chakra 12 is coming into form.

It's compressing and compressing and becoming this physical body that steps out into life as creator. And then chakra 11 is that creator moving through life. And then 10, I'm not going to go through each one in depth because in my meditation or my guided healing, you're going to experience them. But we land in the earth at chakra 10 and we start to become this. It's a becoming of who we are, these parts of us. But most of us are not.

tuned in to these higher frequencies of who we are. And so it's really a beautiful way to start to tune in and understand them is to feel them because every chakra has a felt sensation or a frequency or a vibration. And so in this guidance I'm going to do, I'm gonna guide you to the feeling of each of these parts of you, which will help them to awaken. Okay?

TNT SpiritWorks (11:12)
Cool, I'm ready, Jen.

Jen Fedorowicz (11:13)
Because they're here, right? They're here, we're here. It's just we're not awake to all the parts of us. And I just want to mention like the science behind it is where your mind goes, energy flows. So if all of a sudden you start becoming aware of this energy around you, your mind is finding that and it actually causes it to be more powerfully awake. It causes it to be more there and in your life. Does that make sense?

TNT SpiritWorks (11:38)
Absolutely. Yeah, and I I think it's kind of back to that, you know, like attracts likes like, you know, the people who are listening to this podcast probably on some level understand some of the chakras. So it'll be exciting for them to experience this and to feel like you said, I mean, I it's for us, it starts to feel think acts. So it's all about the feeling parts, you know, so I'm excited to experience this, Jen.

Jen Fedorowicz (12:00)
Awesome, okay, so we're ready to go? Okay.

TNT SpiritWorks (12:01)
Okay. I'm ready ma 'am. You're ready listeners? Oh, they can't go back. They can't tell us. Yes, they're ready.

Jen Fedorowicz (12:07)
All right, so wherever you are, I invite you to close your eyes if that feels comfortable and to just take a few moments here to breathe deep in the belly. It might even feel good to take a deep, slow inhalation through your nose and then exhale with a ha, just letting it go.

and the next breath maybe comes in even more deeply and letting it go. It's important to understand that breath is spirit in the body. And so every time you bring your mind consciously onto your breath, you begin to tune in to your higher self.

So just breathing here in and out for a few breaths.

And I'd like you to notice the alignment of your spine. So you might sort of press on your sit bones. It will cause you to sit a little taller if you're seated, lifting the crown of your head.

Almost now as if you're leaning back against your spine. So as there's this beautiful alignment from the tailbone, straight up through the wisdom center, the power center.

to the heart space.

the throat.

The third eye.

and then up above the head at the crown.

You are a stream of consciousness and this consciousness is descending and ascending through the body all of the time.

As you breathe, you may feel some of that and you may not. It's all perfect.

I'd like you to start to bring your awareness around your physical body.

in front and back and all sides.

There is an essence, a presence that is right there.

It is the frequency or the energy of pure divine love.

And again, don't worry if you feel nothing, but what I want you to do is start to think about in your mind something or someone that you love unconditionally. It could be a beloved or a pet.

could be the feeling you get walking through a beautiful woods, smelling the trees, the pine needles.

We're watching the sun sparkling on the surface of water.

There is a feeling, a felt sensation of pure, unconditional love.

Take a moment and allow your mind to find that.

to remember.

and breathe in the belly.

And this divine loving essence is who you are.

chakra 12, your highest self coming into form.

And as this divine loving essence moves out into the world, it awakens as chakra 11.

And so perhaps you can see yourself now in some of your daily interactions as this essence.

See yourself moving through life.

tuned in to the frequency of pure love.

and breathe in the belly.

And as you become aware and remember that this is who you are, that this divine love has always been and is never going away.

You may begin to feel a sense of relief. Ah.

That's me. I am that.

always been here.

That sense of relief awakens chakra 10.

which is like a landing pad in the earth.

where you are constantly rising from.

And so as you breathe and tune into the feeling of relief.

you may begin to sense that rising.

There is a spiraling.

up into the body.

And this energy will spiral up through the chakras in the physical body.

all the way up through the upper chakras.

it will continue out the top of your head.

until it reaches about four feet above your head. That's the anchoring point for chakra nine.

which vibrates in the frequency of divine celebration.

Like an aha feeling.

You might remember a time when you were in a grand celebration and just feeling the excitement of that.

And as you do, you tune in to that energy of chakra 9.

a part of you.

Breathing in the belly, embodying these feelings, these felt sensations.

And as chakra nine sort of rains down around you, it flows through the energy of chakra eight, which is about two feet above your head.

And it feels like a divine blessing.

You are a divine blessing.

You are receiving the blessing.

And as it pours through you, you share your blessing with the world.

Relax and breathe and allow yourself to be blessed.

And this energy of eight will come in through the funnel of chakra seven, the crown. It will flow through the intuitive center of chakra six, the center of your brain.

flowing through the throat, your ability to manifest and speak your truth.

through the heart, the oneness that we all share.

Breathe in the belly as you feel that energy flow into chakra three, which is the power that fuels the heart center.

and then deep through the wisdom of Chakra 2.

landing and anchoring at the root.

Just sit for a moment in these feelings and sensations.


Perhaps you feel a tingling on the surface of your skin.

or a sensation in the palms of your hands.

You might feel an inner warmth and a sense of contentment and safety.

And there is no right answer, but as the mind finds these feelings, these felt sensations.

The mind finds the real you.

divine, pure perfection that is truly you.

Breathe into the belly.

And with your eyes still closed, I would encourage you to just gently begin to raise your hands. You may notice a thickness around you.

You may bring the hands facing each other as if there's a beach ball between them. And if you were to press, you may feel that thickness.

that awakening of your higher self, that energy is now coming online.

The thickness that you feel is not separate from you, but is you.

And don't worry if you don't feel it because someday you will. It always is perfect.

Take a deep breath, deep into the belly.

And then exhale with a ha.

Taking a moment to wiggle your fingers and your toes and when you feel ready to open your eyes.

And then the key is when you open your eyes, if you did feel that or any of those sensations that you felt, can you feel them with your eyes open? Can you be right? We can be there in that beautiful meditative state. Now we want to be that and carry that out into our life.

TNT SpiritWorks (24:35)
That was lovely, Jen.

Jen Fedorowicz (24:38)
Awesome. Did you feel it?

TNT SpiritWorks (24:40)
Absolutely. Now, of course, you know, I've been feeling energy for quite a few years, kind of like you. I started with Reiki and did different things. And so but it's subtle. And I think that's the thing that really I really had to understand for myself is because everyone feels it differently. But that subtle aspect, like when you're going through the chakras and even coming together, you know, to feel my energy between my hands like.

It was it was heavier. It was thicker. I mean, I could feel the, you know, the difference in my energy. And but what really hit me is when you really when I went further out and understood that that's my essence that I'm moving through my days with that. And I'm also interacting with others energies that that is that far out from them, too. And I think that's a key, you know, aspect of this is that to understand how we really interact with one another.

And even like you and I, even though we're, you know, far a distance wise, we're still interacting energetically with one another's energy field.

Jen Fedorowicz (25:42)
Yep, absolutely. And I love that point, Teresa. So here's this field that you are and you're actually walking out into life looking through that field. So the more you bring your mind into the core of your body and start perfecting this central line or central channel, the more this field outside of you perfect. Okay, so it's the coming in and the feeling this stream and really feeling it in the body embodiment.

Now your field, if there's a wobble, the wobble perfects and it becomes more clear. And so think of it this way. Every one of us is looking out into life through our energy field. And if we're looking out through a wobbly field, life seems pretty wobbly and everything's not going so great. And I really wish things were different. But when we perfect our field, now we're looking out through a perfected field and life looks grand.

And little things still happen. I'm not saying that life doesn't happen, but it happens. And we see it as, oh, wow, that totally happened for me. That was a blessing for me to experience that. And I can just come right back into that alignment and move through it. So that subtle, you say it's so subtle because that is our subtle energy, right? But it's the bigger part.

TNT SpiritWorks (26:56)

Right. Yeah. And I also absolutely. I also felt like a pulsing. I felt that pulse.

Jen Fedorowicz (27:08)
Yes. So yeah, so let's talk about that. So our universe has a pulse, a boom, boom. This universe is constantly expanding and anchoring, expanding and anchoring. And because each one of us is connected to that universe, each one of us is doing that too. But if we don't know it, it feels like overwhelm and the world's going crazy and.

Oh my goodness, right? There are people that are feeling that right now because they're not in tune to that bigger part of them. When you tune into that part of you, you know, you are expanding and anchoring moment by moment. So when I do a healing session, I hold pulses, whether it's remotely or in person, and I'm holding and waiting to feel that synchronized pulse of the universe. And that's how I know in the clearings that I do that I've

cleared the emotion and this system has come into alignment.

TNT SpiritWorks (28:07)
Hmm. I love it. And I love the fact that you said that, you know, this is what people are kind of searching for right now and really needing because there is so much going on energetically everywhere and it affects all of us. So really having that practicality of just honing in and maybe even doing this, you know, you can listen to this episode again and, you know, redo that that technique you just went through as often as you want to because that really will help you.

Oh, because don't you believe that to Jen, like, oh, as much as you do it, then it just becomes like a normal. It's an easy way. Or you can easily come back into alignment and grounding. Is that what you found too?

Jen Fedorowicz (28:44)
Yeah, it's like muscle memory, right? You go to the gym and workout. Yeah, same. And so you have energy memory too. Absolutely. It's so easy for me. I still get wobbly and life still gets me, but man, I can come right back into alignment so quickly now. It doesn't take me five days of saying, oh, why did I have, you know.

TNT SpiritWorks (28:46)
There you go, that's it. Yes, muscle memory.

I'll take.

I love that you said that Jen, because that is key. Because I'm the same way too. I used to go like, you know, someone throw me off and I would be out for a while. Right. And now it's like pretty quick. I can go, oh, that's not me. And my energy exists. And so that is another really big key for the listeners to understand the fact that, you know, you can well, it comes back to you. Right. Me. It really all starts at me. Starts to you, Jen. It starts with every person listening their own selves because no one's going to

Jen Fedorowicz (29:22)
Yeah. Yep.

TNT SpiritWorks (29:30)
correct or realign your energy but you. So you have to do this for yourself. This is really a gift for you, right?

Jen Fedorowicz (29:34)

Yep, it's an inside job, I say. You've got to, right? An inside job. And I start every morning, that practice I took you through, I start every morning doing exactly that, finding those higher parts of myself. And it's quick, you can do it so quickly once, like you said, once you start doing it, those feelings, which the biggest feeling, the essence of this entire universe is love. So it's finding the love.

TNT SpiritWorks (29:40)
This is great.

Right, right. That is fabulous. Well, I thank you so much for doing that today. That was amazing, Jen. And I know the listeners will love it so much too. And I'm sure I'll get some really great feedback. And I'd like to talk a bit now about how people can find you and the work that you do offer.

Jen Fedorowicz (30:24)
Sure, so my most recent thing that I'm so excited about is I've started a group membership called Awakening to Joy, a 5D collective. And it is for people who are interested in understanding this idea of awakening to who they are, doing it through embodiment in the physical body and understanding this shift on our planet into the fifth dimension or knowing the fifth dimension. And it's at just what I said, awakening.

to joy. and then it's memberup .com is my membership. And my website is perfect. My website is I am Jennergy. I work with clients one -on -one, helping them to awaken one -on -one, or I also do healing sessions. And my meditations, and there is a version of this one, are on Insight Timer, the Insight Timer app. I have a number of meditations and guided.

TNT SpiritWorks (30:56)
And that'll be in the show notes. Yeah.


Jen Fedorowicz (31:19)
practices also on the Insight Timer app. So plus I'm on Instagram and Facebook.

TNT SpiritWorks (31:23)
Awesome. Instagram, Facebook, all the social medias and all of that will definitely be in the show notes. So that's super exciting. And what can you share a little bit what's included in your membership?

Jen Fedorowicz (31:35)
Sure. My membership houses some of the courses that I've taught and some of the meditations that I guide through. And then we meet for a monthly coaching session where I'm doing some teaching, but also more answering questions and helping people to understand, you know, what's going on and how to, how to maneuver through this life. It started because I, I work with clients for usually a three -month period. And then after three months, they say, but I still need you, Jen.

And so I started the membership and then just invite, not everybody has the means or even the time that they want to do the one -on -one for that long. So it's available to anybody that's curious and ready to awaken.

TNT SpiritWorks (32:19)
Oh, that sounds awesome. And that what a great way to to continue that connecting to yourself as an energetic being and that mentorship. I'm really about mentors or having a guide is a must. Absolute a must.

Jen Fedorowicz (32:33)
Yes, I needed it. I can't tell you how many thousands of hours I went through having to guide. And still, I still am in a spiritual mentorship with my teacher that we meet monthly. And I'll never stop learning.

TNT SpiritWorks (32:35)

Awesome. No, without a doubt. And it's a continual because as I found with my mentors, as they level up, I level up. So it's just like that continual expansion and it's a great, great thing. So, yeah. So is there anything else you'd like to leave the listeners with today, Jen, as a last parting word?

Jen Fedorowicz (32:53)

Yes, absolutely.

I think the most important thing to know as a listener is you're made of magnificence. You're a divine, beautiful, amazing being, and you're made of that. And it really is just a matter of waking up to it. I work with so many clients who don't feel worthy. And so I would say just take a deep breath right now and feel your magnificent worthiness because we are all that.

TNT SpiritWorks (33:30)
Thank you so much, Jen. I so appreciate you coming on today and sharing. It has been delightful. And like I said, listeners, everything will be in the show notes. And I hope that you really enjoyed that episode and that session with Jen today and look into her work and what she's doing out in the world because she's an amazing soul. So thank you so much, everyone, for listening into another episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual. Until next week, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique.
