Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Get Intuitive Answers in Your Life Through Trust & Timing

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 41

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TNT SpiritWorks discusses the importance of synchronizing time and trust to access intuition and get answers. They explore the difference between emotions and true feelings, emphasizing the need to pivot from a place of true feelings and respect for oneself. They also discuss the impact of collective emotions and offer solutions for staying in sync with one's true feelings. The conversation concludes with an invitation to join an upcoming free masterclass on intuition. 


  •  Synchronizing time and trust is essential for accessing intuition and getting answers.
  • Emotions are programmed reactions, while true feelings come from the soul essence.
  • Working from true feelings and respecting oneself is key to staying in sync with one's timing.
  • Collective emotions can be overwhelming, but trusting oneself and spiritual helpers can help navigate them.
  • Developing intuition is a process that requires awareness and practice.
  • Joining a class or community dedicated to exploring intuition can provide support and tools for growth.

NEXT FREE Intuition NOW Masterclass with Tom & I for an exploration into your 4 psychic abilities for more clarity, trust and timing to get your own answers. Check out the link here for the next right timing to join us.

Click here to watch FREE VIDEOS around your journey from The Wayshowers College

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)
Hello, this week on enthusiastically spiritual, we're going to talk about intuition now synchronizing time and trust to get your answers. What does synchronizing time and trust to get your answers mean to you, Teresa? Boy, this is a biggie because if I am not in sync with

my timing and the sense of like, if I'm in the right place at the right time, and also working with those hunches, insights and impressions, the subtle ways that spirit backs me, I may miss some, you know, my getting some answers or getting some insights for myself. So being able to be synchronized, and I love that word so much because that word to me is like coming together, teamwork.

with my guidance and what I'm here to do, then again, I might miss something. What about you, Tom? What does synchronizing time and trust mean to you? Well, the things that occurred to me is that if I'm out of balance with my feeling nature, if I've got a lot of feeling but I'm not organized, I'm gonna end up running around doing for everyone else and leaving myself out. So there's that situation that occurs.

Another situation that occurs is if I'm over organized and I'm thinking and thunking and rethinking, but I don't have much feeling for something. So I don't really move into action, but I sit on the fence and that, you know, state of mind, then I blow my timing. So we're not in sync with the timing for myself, for the environment, for spirit.

And that's why we might find ourselves. Well, in effect, blowing our timing. So now when a person's in balance with their feelings, and I'm always talking about our true feelings, you know, that that positive, active, loving part of us, the real us, the real me. And then I follow through on that feeling by organizing myself and take action.

that that's when I'm really synchronizing myself, my energy, my time, and working with spirit, you know, just to double check or recheck that I'm in the right place at the right time. That's when it all kind of falls into place for me. so I really would like to, in the talking about the true feelings. So I'd like to share and talk a little bit about true feelings and emotions because to make sure and just differentiate the two. people understand

know, because some people feel that emotions are our true feelings. So what is your thought about that, Tom? Well, emotions are like programmed feelings. And you might say that there are ways we've been taught to react to situations, and the way that our society or our environment, you know, reacts to certain situations. They're almost like feelings of the intellect. So it's not my true feelings.

Now that's not all bad. Because you know, we, in our intellect, we do have certain reactions program to keep us safe. And you know, if I didn't feel that emotional fear standing in the middle of the road is the trucks bearing down on me, you know, that that's not a great way to survive. So it's not that it's bad. It's just recognizing what's a program reaction versus how do I truly feel about

because we really work from the perspective that, you know, you already are perfect. You have all your own answers. You have all your answers. So what keeps us from, you know, delving into those answers? And I think one of the reasons is that when we get, you know, kind of an impression, we really don't take it fully down into the four ways that we, you know,

pick up impressions or the four spiritual gifts we call them or four types of intuition. And then by becoming aware of that, you your full, you might say compliment of the way that you receive impressions to really round out, get the full picture, get the full idea of that, that impression as you work through your feelings, then you're more in sync. You're more in the right place at the right time.

You're not so surprised by events that happen around you. You're more aware of what's coming and So anyways, I guess the difference between emotions and feelings emotions are like how we express ourselves as well But they're not of my soul nature. They're part of my experience here on planet Earth Yeah, so when I think of emotions, I think of how again if that's a program or a belief that I picked up from maybe

my mom and dad in those first seven years or the environment. And depending upon, I know some people have very volatile for seven years and I didn't, but I did have, you my dad was an alcoholic. So it did have some, some dynamics going on in the house that affect the little kid, right? And so, and who knows, maybe there was words or maybe there was, you know, some type of emotion that my mom, you know, conveyed during times that my dad might've been doing his thing or

vice versa. And so I picked those up. so those become a part of me until I and like Tom saying, it's not bad. We need emotions because that, you know, like if someone kicks me, I'm going to go, you know, like, I'm not going to go, I love you. And, know, that's fine. I don't feel, I don't feel hurt at all. I didn't break a rib. mean, like these are part of our existence in this realm and in this, human experience that we're all having, but recognizing

some of those emotions that throughout our lives we can actually work on alleviating because maybe that's something I don't need to carry on with me because of the fact that that was something that I learned from mom and dad and that's theirs not mine. So that's what kind of came to me in the sense of the unfoldment and as I see that like the onion layers peeling back. Right. So you know we all are we're human having these experiences having emotions.

but we're really all trying to be more balanced and getting back to that true feeling, that kind, loving part of us that is our soul essence. And that's what every single person has when we come in until we're then affected by the environment and those we live in. Yeah, for me, it's being, you know, moving from how I truly feel my true feelings because here's the truth of it is we're all really positive energy.

if I wasn't positive energy, I wouldn't be here. So we have this opportunity where positive energy, we're here to grow, we want to be here to grow. And we were enthusiastic about it. And when we first came here, so or when we came back, and if you believe in that, so anyway, but our emotions will express, you

we feel and they, you know, they move through that filter of our intellect, our culture. There's, you know, there's ways you express yourself in New York City that you couldn't get away with here in Des Moines. You know, people are have a different way of expressing themselves and a little bit more low key out here in the Midwest. So let's talk a little bit about that. want to talk about the collective emotions, right? So in the sense of what we're all going through and experiencing the last couple of years, and then with, different

on political situations that are going on around the around the world, right? And so you have a collective group of people on either side that are highly stimulated together in emotions. They're not moving from their true feelings. But yet, like you're saying, we all have that within us, every single soul on the planet. So how do and how do we work with a collective energy of emotions that are bound up that are fearful anxiety?

you know, you know, critiquing, judging and whatever else, you know, positive and negative, but pretty much the negative is what we all really notice, right? How do we work with that energy and entrusting that, you know, that's just a part of the whole of what we're all going through? so a solution is to be in sync with your timing and trust yourself and trust your spiritual helpers. My god, Tom, that is what we started

You are such a good spiritual leader. And you know, one of the things that occurs to me is if I, you know, rebellion, there's a lot of rebellion out there. And if I rebel from my true feelings, that's usually a positive thing. Because, you know, if something doesn't feel right, in my true feelings, you know, I'm going to establish my boundaries, you know, I'm going to respect myself, I'm not going to buy into somebody else's version of, you

me or the manipulation. And so that's a positive thing. If I'm rebelling from my intellect, that's when I start thinking, well, my way is the only way. And, you know, that's where the confusion moves in. So that, you know, there's two things there. If I'm working from my true feelings, all things are good. And it's important that I respect myself as I respect others.

It's all predicated. If I respect myself and I'm reverent with my feelings and myself, easy to, it flows from there that I would naturally respect others and their boundaries and where they're at. I think that's the key right there is that a lot of people out there listeners don't respect themselves. And so without having that self -respect

who you are, your journey, and also the bigger picture we're talking about you as a soul, you may get, and the people we're seeing gets intertwined in the energies of the emotional energies that are out there going on at this moment, and honestly have always been going on. It's just not anything new, but what's new about right now is that it's amplified to a higher level because we've got so much.

media on it. We've got so much. There's so many eyes, right? Like like a safe, we're out and something really horrific happens. There's probably 200 people standing around with a phone on it, looking at the energy of what's going on there and sharing it, broadcasting it out into the world. So I got chills. say that. So there is definitely a amplification of what we're all experiencing right now through this emotional component. And like you're saying, and not really being synchronized

who we are and within our true feelings. What do you think about that? Yeah, we react from our programming rather than how do I truly feel rather than responding from my true feelings. So how do I know what my true feelings are? Well, I have to relax, I have to be spiritually at peace with myself or we have a technique, you spiritually cleanse to help you with that. And then I just tune into myself, my impressions, what do I truly feel?

So those four spiritual gifts that we talk about to be in sync with, you know, it's not just saying having a premonition, that's only one aspect of your four gifts. That's the prophecy part of us, but also, well, what's the total picture around that? What's, how's that fitting within the view of everything? What are the facts? What are the true facts of the situation?

And then how do I feel about that? Like, is that my opportunity to even get involved in that or is that for somebody else to go through and work with it? So being in tune with, in sync with your four gifts, you know, not just one way of, you might say, receiving impressions at working with all four is one of the solutions.

and then tuning into your spiritual helpers and being aware of the concepts you have, you know, so if there's a fear that moves in there, you know, a lot of times those blocks that we have from keeping the keepers from getting the full impression is just based on a fear. can almost feel the fear as I get, you know, if it's not something I want to see, my first gift is a gift of vision. So I think in pictures, if that's not the, what I want to see, I might,

stop from getting the facts, and then getting a feeling and then having that inner knowing of whether this is even any of my business, or whether it's something I need to be concerned about. once I take it all the way through, and come back to my first gift, that's one of the solutions. So how do you do that? Well, you have to become aware of what your gift order is. And you work with your guidance to recheck because they help us

get a inkling and a better idea of what's truly, you know, how I feel about it versus what I've been programmed with. Yeah, and I think also, or I should say I feel about is that this is a process. you know, Tom and I are sharing this, you know, some things we put together for ourselves. And, you know, and being able to bring that forth to you listeners.

and other people who are ready to hear it and ready to embrace it. It's again like that onion layer, like, you know, it's layer by layer because, you know, the awareness that I have today, I didn't have two years ago, five years ago, 10 years ago. I've, you know, developed this over time. And so we're excited because we actually have a class coming up called Intuition Now. It's going to be on Friday, August 2nd, 7 p .m. Eastern. It's a 90 minute session and master class. And what we're going to be doing is exploring

how to synchronize time and trusting your four gifts, working with your guidance, giving you some insights, also some techniques that's gonna really help you relax. And what I really like about these classes that Tom and I've been doing lately is also the container is set up for you listeners, because a lot of times people, a lot of why here out there in myself too, I don't have time for that. I'm so busy, la la la la, know, on and on. But where do you put your time?

And so dedicating a 90 minute time container with us where you can come together with other like -minded people and really explore your intuition and how to open that up and feel into some of the techniques and some of the things we're going to be exploring. It's really a fun time. We'll be sharing, you know, uh, some facts about, you know, the game of life and, um, how we work with it, some of our personal experiences and, and also

really, we're just going to be passing on some tools and techniques for you to explore for yourself how you make that practical. Right. It's going to be super fun. So if you're interested in that, I'll have that, um, the link down below in the show notes that you can definitely book your seat again. It's, don't know if I even said it, it's free, the free 90 minutes. And, it may not take all that time, but we were, we're offering, we're blocking out 90 minutes so that we can, um, have plenty of space. And if you have any questions at the

Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun. So we hope you would like to join us and start synchronizing your time and trust to get your answers. And remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.