Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Synchronicities: How Being Naturally Psychic Leads to Finding Soulmates

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 39

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In this episode, Teresa and Tom, TNT SpiritWorks, share their personal stories and experiences with synchronicities and how they led them to meet each other. They discuss the definition of synchronicities and how they align with their spiritual paths. "Things definitely have occurred to get me to the next place."

They also talk about the importance of being patient during the in-between times and trusting in the timing of events. They share other examples of synchronicities in their own lives, such as finding job opportunities. They emphasize the need to recognize and embrace synchronicities in order to live a more fulfilling life.

  • Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that align with our spiritual paths.
  • Being patient during the in-between times and trusting in the timing of events is important.
  • Recognizing and embracing synchronicities can lead to a more fulfilling life.
  • Synchronicities can occur in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, social and business opportunities.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)

Everybody has a story. We all come from different places, different backgrounds, different events that happen in our lives. And today on this episode, we'd like to share a little bit about our story, and some of the synchronicities and the timings that happened to bring us together. And so welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual. Hey, Tom, how are you?


Good morning, Teresa. So yeah, let's share a little bit about synchronicity. So for myself, for most of my life, I don't even know if I knew what synchronicities are. Really, all I knew is that things for myself lined up. And looking back, right, like when I went through things, I didn't quite know what was really happening. But looking back, I'm like, my gosh, it was like all the breadcrumbs and all the things occurred for this next thing to open up and happen.


And that's what happened when Tom and I met in July of 2017. That's right. What do you want to say about that, Tom? How about you? Do you believe in synchronicities? I suppose so. What is your definition of synchronicities, Tom? I think when the timing of what I came to do, what from a spiritual perspective, you know, what I came to do. So what's that all about? What does that really mean?


You know, is it a job? it a lifestyle? Is it a learning experience? I suppose when it lines up with what spiritually I came to do, the lessons that I came to master the areas I came to master or learn or relearn, then things can doors can open. And yeah, there's been times in my life when doors have opened and doors have closed.


So, you know, I'm aware of times when there's a wave of energy that I'm riding and there's times when I've missed the wave or a little late on the wave and it's a little harder work to move with it or to catch it. What about


Yeah, so for myself, like I mentioned a second ago is I've noticed that things definitely have occurred to get me to the next place. And like you're saying, like, you know, maybe maybe sometimes I might have detoured or I might have like missed the timing a little bit. But in looking back overall, I really, you know, hit the marks, even though I might have had some hiccups or some pitfalls or some, you know, roadblock things that that, you know, maybe made the


the journey a little more challenging than it could have been. So like when we met, right? So before we met in 2017, I was living in Tallahassee, Florida. So I was on the East Coast, Southeast. And Tom was in Australia. And I was really doing my spiritual work searching. I have been really moving around like doing shamanic astrology, evolutionary astrology,


going to different events all over the world, honestly. this is live record. And, what does that mean? That means we're actually live. I'm not sure, but anyway, so, yeah. So whenever we've been, whenever I was exploring all of this, I had no idea where it would actually land me too. But I know that in searching and inside of myself, I knew that I was


at an unhappy place in where I was at physically, right? Like the place I was at, the people I was with. And so in understanding that moving through and exploring all those areas of opening up, I was actually in search of my next place of movement, my next person to come, which happened to be Tom. Well, I came.


Yes, he did come in 2017. We met each other at an event. We both came to an event in Iowa. And during this event, and it was funny because it was something that I was, you we were both guided to come to. He was called someone that called him in to do teaching. And I was called to go there because it was the next I was excited about what they were offering, which was a trans healing course. So over my, my last maybe 10 to 15 years before this, I was very into


healing work, was doing some mediumship, some, you know, trance work, reiki. And so hearing the word trance healing just like lit me up. like, I need to be there. Even not knowing anything about it. And that's kind of how I've always worked with things. I never really get all the details, but I get enough that I'm like, and I'm moved by my my spirit, like, you know, I just know I need to be there. So in and working with that and recognizing that I needed to be


we both showed up in the right timing. And once we showed up, we were involved in the class, the trans healing class. Actually, Tom was the teacher of the trans healing class. And during one technique, we were lined up across from each other, know, person to person. And Tom, ironically enough, spirit led him right across from me. So as we did this technique that we were all working with, which really helped us clear out some of the energy around us,


Each time we moved from chair to chair, there was a, like a veil unwrapped, like the curtain started opening up slowly and slowly. And then at some point I looked at him and I'm like, holy crap, I know this guy. And he had the same look towards me and it really got kind of uncomfortable. But then I just kind of relaxed with it and I just got, I've known him before. So after that event,


went outside and the first thing I said to him was, Hey, it's nice to connect with you again this lifetime. And he said, you got that too. Something like that. did. You said, you got that too. And from that moment, it was truly game on in the sense of there were so many synchronicities. were so many things that happened that were like, wow, spirit really set up the situation and the energy for us to really


reconnect to really recognize one another again, and then to also move to the next thing of what we were doing. So that's, that's how we met. So anything you want to share about that portion of it, Tom? Well, it's hard to describe, except when I was at the time, you know, it seemed very magical, you might say, the energy was the feeling around all those events was very high. And, you know,


The word I guess I had used is, you know, there was a, a mis awareness of the mystical, which sounds all woo woo, but I don't mean it that way. It just, I wouldn't say it's other worldly. would just say it was beyond the normal sense of awareness that that's probably the best way I could describe it was, you know, is on beyond my normal sense of awareness. remember we had this deja vu experience, at least I did. And,


I had met Teresa in the foyer of a building, you know, she had come from one room and I came to another and I asked if I could walk her to the, to the accommodation or the dorms that people were staying at. And there was just this, as I said it, there was an echo of almost an energy echo of saying that as if I'd said that before in another lifetime and the familiar feeling. And then I was kind of tuning into.


how I felt in that lifetime. And I felt like it was a military lifetime and I was very stiff and, you know, a bit rigid, you know, as, you would be back in those days and formal, I was very formal. And I even used words that, that naturally came out of me. I wasn't, this wasn't a conscious thing I was trying to do, but, I felt smitten with her. That was even that's a word that, you know, was probably used more.


couple centuries ago, you know, persons really smitten with somebody. And however, at that time, you know, it wasn't like, we thought, wow, here's a romantic, a new romantic partner, I wasn't, we weren't really thinking that we just knew that we were very attracted. And there was so much energy there. And then as the days went on, the energy moved very quickly, it was like we were in a,


as if in the time that we were in, it was only so many days, but as if a lot got regrouped quick, you know, as we're we were moving through it and the affinity, you know, and everything unfolded. So as if we were just picking up from where we left off, but you know, I believe that it was important that I was there at that time. I know that I had a lot of backing to be there.


And a friend of mine needed me there and he kept actually one of the people that you know, runs the events that we were in. But there was a lot of encouragement to be there and even some backing to get there. And so, you know, things just really, really fell into place, which they do in these times of what these when these synchronistic moments happen in our lives. And it's funny, because as we're talking about this, and I've shared


with other people in the past to the past few years. I've heard this from other people. mean, obviously, we have our own different unique ways that it shows up. But I've heard other people saying, yeah, they've met what we may call soulmate, a kindred soul, someone that you remember from a past or, you know, just recognizing a soul remembrance. It has it happens to a lot of people all the time. And, you know, why it happens at certain times. I mean, that's obviously


you know, your journey to find out why it has or why it hasn't happened. I believe for myself that for what I've come to do this lifetime, I needed to have a partner like Tom who was very connected spiritually, who knew who he was and was able to really back me as I move into the last seven years and beyond because I've got some big work to do here. And so that's my


belief of why this happened. And, I also believe we set it up to that we've been waiting for several lifetimes to come back together. So, and to have this experience, what do you feel about that, Tom? it's a good question. idea that, you know, synchronicities occur, not just with personal relationships, but in all kinds of areas. And, you know, winning a job or winning an opportunity


you know, that's kind of a business term, winning a job, you know, right, but getting a job or finding an opportunity that you really enjoy. And in looking back on a couple of opportunities that I've had to work with various people or organizations, you know, there was a window of time that that was going to work for me. And I stepped through the door at that time. And then later on, I've, you remarked to myself, gee, you know, I wonder if it would have been that easy.


know, a few years later, and it wouldn't have been things would have been different. So I guess the one thing that is important that I just learned to trust my guidance that, you know, these things will unfold over time. And where I'd like to get to is that we, you know, we had this amazing experience when we came together, and it wasn't something we were consciously planning. That was the other thing, but there was


in regrouping it, you know, there were, we were looking for something different, better, more in line, you know, with what we felt we came to do and, and be with somebody that was more supportive of that, you know, line of work, you know, doing this sort of spiritual work for us is like, we're in it, because we love it, you know, we love to share and we love to be involved with the energy of the higher spirit, really.


So it's all about being of service and then we get a lot out of it. We're growing, we grow a lot, have new awarenesses and it's a lot of fun. So certainly in the last several years, there's been wonderful experiences. what I kind of wanna talk about is, and we can talk about some other ones that have occurred, but


If anyone can think of a time, anyone out there, when things just seem to really fall into place for you and the doors opened, we all have those opportunities. Things were good and it wasn't so hard in a way. But there's times in between those big


you know, events where these doors open where, you know, you were kind of experiencing everyday life. And I think the one thing that, you know, I've been regrouping a lot is that to be patient in those in between times. That's really patient in the in those in between times, because not every day is a big like, you know, kind of a thing.


So what do you think about that? It's funny because I think about that and go, yeah, and what if it was, holy crap, like how would we really be like, every day is like, no, it can't be. I like what you mentioned about the synchronicities of, you know, of things lining up for really not only relationships in, you know, a personal, like you said, business and, and, and other events that happen. Cause I've had that through my whole life. I've in looking back,


been some really key events that have opened up like when I went to the military, you know, when I was 17 and that was definitely a divinely creative situation because it, it started the ball rolling for all kinds of things that happened later in life. And then eventually meeting Tom. So we, mean, we may have met up if I didn't go in the military, but I'm just saying for myself and looking back at these moments that are just really key for myself, there's, there's been so many of them.


But again, I do agree too, but there's been a lot of living life and being human and just having the normal, whatever the normal is for you guys out there, experiences. so it's not all, you know, like Tom's saying, it's not all, you know, lightning bolts and fireworks all the time, but these moments do show up and to really embrace them when they do, even if, cause honestly, when it showed up for me,


at that time, I mean, I was just moving through the energy, right? I wasn't like, my God, I can't believe I met a soulmate. No, I wasn't like that at all. It was just like, just moving through what we were experiencing. And then later looking back and going, Holy crap, that was major league. Amazing. Do you feel that way too, Tom? Yeah, it wasn't like I have deja vu experiences of that to that degree all the time, you know, but that's one I've had some, know,


But that was one where I really went, Whoa, you know that, and how do you describe that? You know, it's like, or how do I prove that? I can't really, it's like proving I had a dream. But if there's people out there that have had those similar experiences and maybe being covered with chills, you know, when your guidance comes close to reinforce, yes, what you just thought was true, you know, that's you're on, you're, on the mark. You know, you're, you're in the flow of the river. You're in the flow of


of what you came to do. I feel like my, you know, I was a special agent in the FBI, you know, back in the 1980s. And I got in as a young man, and I, I had some experience, but I, being an electrical engineer, there was a science program you can get in under, you know, and a lot of people I got to my new agent class, it only took me like six months to get into the FBI.


And when I was at my new agent class, there were people that were like, there was a guy like 35 years old. He'd been waiting like 10 years and to get in the FBI had worked as a clerk. you know, those, um, my, uh, fellow former agents will, you know, relate to that. There's all sorts of people that, know, really, you know, uh, waited a long time, you know, that was something that they, they stuck with. Whereas for me, it just, the doors open, the thing fell into place.


I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity while I had it. but then I felt it was time to move on to other things. So, there was an example where, you know, I think the sing Nick synchronicity of what I needed to learn and what I had to develop within myself, you know, which probably had a lot to do with confidence and getting a more realistic view of the world. And, you know, that kind of thing.


you know, there's, you know, there's probably a number of things working with the facts, you know, and, that kind of an understanding, not putting anyone else on a pedestal, you know, that all those sorts of things. And, you know, folks in law enforcement are just people too. And we're all just trying to, most of us are just trying to do the best we can to be of service and, and that sort of thing. But then I got into business and then there was a time


I had been doing some spiritual work. I'd been on tour and I was working with one of the founders, or the major founder of the Inner Peace Movement and the Wayshower's College. But I decided to go back to Chicago and work for my father. And I really didn't know if there was a job there for me or not. I was just heading back to Chicago from Washington, DC.


and to catch up with family. And it just had turned out that one of the fellows that had worked for my dad had just left. And this was Easter, you know, was around Easter time and he had just left after many years of working for my father. So there was all of a sudden that weekend, there was an opening, you know, to go work in my father's small firm as manufacturers representatives. And so, and that was a great experience. So I did that for a few years and I really,


got to enjoy, got to know him better and see what he was like in business. And, you know, it's, it's experience that I cherish, you know, I'm really glad I had that opportunity. So, in fact, you know, it was great. So there's a couple, there's a few right there, where doors just seem to open at the right time. And I guess, you know, the big challenge is, is worrying in between.


What's gonna happen? Yeah, am I gonna find my soulmate? Or am I gonna find that life partner that, you know, I'm one that believes we have 1000s of soulmates, you know, we're, but am I going to find a life partner that, you know, really reinforces what I need to be doing and what I came to do and from that spiritual perspective, know, or even a job or, know, a situation because even like right now where I'm at,


I know there's some new things going to be opening for me, but I have no idea or clue yet as to what exactly it's going to look like. And so there's no sense of worrying. I mean, for myself, all I'm doing is just, you know, doing the day to day what I need to do and showing up in the ways I need to show up. Because then in that action, which ironically enough, we're in action energy today taping this spirit backs that. And so and things will line up perfectly in the right timing


the next thing to open or the next relationship to come or whatever it looks like for you out there. So I think this is a good place to to, you know, kind of close this and close this sharing in the sense that so we know we really just want to share a little bit about our backstory and also just giving you some insights to look into how synchronicities and how things have lined up in your life and been backed by spirit that maybe you didn't think about too much. And, know, we I mean, we don't think about it all the time, but


in sharing and looking at the life journey that we all have and the stories we have. It's really great to look back once in a while and go, wow, look at what we came through and look at what happened and look where I'm at now. What do think about that, Tom? Well, I think it's true as we were, you know, sharing, Teresa loves to talk about when we first got together. I do magical and being a male and a man. It's, it's


You know, it was wonderful. It was amazing. You know, we personally have shared a lot about it as to with each other, like the synchronicities and the way things fell into place. And sometimes, you know, when I'm in the midst of those experiences, do, you know, a little doubt can come up, but in hindsight, boy, it was so perfect. I guess what really, you know, hits me is, we were sharing, you know, that I've often thought that like, you know, the timing of


getting into the FBI when I did so I could have that experience or the timing of my opportunity to work with my dad, you know, so I could have that experience there and grow from those experiences, you know, when I'm kind of aware of the lessons that I put together, you know, or how I felt, and how I changed inside in my inner, you know, it's not so much about the outer is for me is


Remember that what we're going to take with us is the inner part, right? You know, the outer trappings of your opportunity or not. You can't take that with you. You know, it's so, as you listen to this, you know, you may have a few, and there's probably others for me, you know, but you may have a few ideas that come to mind as to when things fell into place. And, and, on the other hand, you may be aware of times when you tried to force things and they really, the timing wasn't


But I always love to say, you know, the universe is a benevolent place. We have, you know, a purpose. We have a lot of spiritual backing for what we came to do. And if you're not feeling like you've got a lot of backing, it might be you just not in the right place at the right time. You know, your angels are not, your spiritual helpers are not really able to help you as much as they could if you were more move a little here or little over there. What do you think about all


Yeah, I think that sounds great. Getting that backing support definitely as you move through your journey is important. But I do believe that we're always, we always have that backing, but there can be like Thomas saying, like there might be a placement of, know, if I'm over here versus over there, they might be able to go, okay, Teresa, now we're going to shoot you off this way. Versus if I'm in this lane, and maybe it's not quite where I need to be at energetically, I can shift a little. So I think that's


Yeah. that what you're trying to say, Tom? Yeah. And you know what the other one that comes to mind more recently is aligning with some fellow musicians here in our area and how I met someone that a good singer, Jesse and the Medicine Men, you know, and I met Jesse at the right time and Teresa said something to him. And all of a sudden I was, I got opportunity and now I play in three different bands and, know, with a group of folks.


Fellow musicians that are around around our area, Des Moines area and having a blast. And so there's another opportunity, you know, example in the last few years where doors just seemed to open and it was the right timing. Yeah. So again, in your life, listener is, know, just recognizing when these things have happened for you also, and just giving great thanks for the journey you've been on and where you're at


So with that, we just want to say thanks for listening into another episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual. If you like this episode, please feel free to share it with others. Like also we would, if you're on Apple, we'd love comments or on YouTube. Just let us know how you really enjoyed this episode because we loved bringing it. Yeah. And as you unfold your relationship with your guidance and your inner gifts, you can become more aware of when these synchronicities are occurring.


and have less doubt and move through them, you know, more efficiently and more smoothly to enjoy life more. Sounds great, Tom. more fulfilled. And so with that, we'll say that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.