Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

No Woo-Woo: Using the Power of Your Voice for Personal Transformation

July 09, 2024 Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 38
No Woo-Woo: Using the Power of Your Voice for Personal Transformation
Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
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Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
No Woo-Woo: Using the Power of Your Voice for Personal Transformation
Jul 09, 2024 Season 4 Episode 38
Teresa & Tom Shantz

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Tricia Dycka shares her journey of self-discovery and transformation, emphasizing the importance of following one's passion and intuition. She discusses the power of subliminal messaging and the impact it has on changing beliefs and creating lasting change. The conversation also delves into the fear of death, the significance of growth, and the peace that comes with surrendering to the higher power.

Tricia Dycka is a dynamic professional whose diverse expertise and passion make her a fearless advocate for business owners, coaches, and healers. With a mission to ignite the potential within each of them, Tricia empowers her clients to break barriers and reach new heights. As an intuitive empath coach, Reiki Master, and bestselling author, she has devoted her career to helping others. Her extensive experience as a teacher and speaker fuels her commitment to guiding business owners, coaches, and healers in harnessing their abilities and unlocking their full potential through self-belief. Central to her work, Tricia hosts engaging Facebook Live interviews called "Creating Lasting Change."

Find out more about Tricia here, Podcast, Facebook


  • Following one's passion and intuition is key to finding fulfillment and joy in life.
  • Subliminal messaging has the power to change beliefs and create lasting change.
  • Surrendering to the higher power brings peace and eliminates the fear of death.
  • Continuous growth and engagement in activities that light you up lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

We are excited to share that we have shifted the name of our podcast to hopefully draw in some more listeners and keep sharing the enthusiasm around the world.

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

Support the show

Hi! Iā€™m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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Tricia Dycka shares her journey of self-discovery and transformation, emphasizing the importance of following one's passion and intuition. She discusses the power of subliminal messaging and the impact it has on changing beliefs and creating lasting change. The conversation also delves into the fear of death, the significance of growth, and the peace that comes with surrendering to the higher power.

Tricia Dycka is a dynamic professional whose diverse expertise and passion make her a fearless advocate for business owners, coaches, and healers. With a mission to ignite the potential within each of them, Tricia empowers her clients to break barriers and reach new heights. As an intuitive empath coach, Reiki Master, and bestselling author, she has devoted her career to helping others. Her extensive experience as a teacher and speaker fuels her commitment to guiding business owners, coaches, and healers in harnessing their abilities and unlocking their full potential through self-belief. Central to her work, Tricia hosts engaging Facebook Live interviews called "Creating Lasting Change."

Find out more about Tricia here, Podcast, Facebook


  • Following one's passion and intuition is key to finding fulfillment and joy in life.
  • Subliminal messaging has the power to change beliefs and create lasting change.
  • Surrendering to the higher power brings peace and eliminates the fear of death.
  • Continuous growth and engagement in activities that light you up lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

We are excited to share that we have shifted the name of our podcast to hopefully draw in some more listeners and keep sharing the enthusiasm around the world.

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

Support the show

Hi! Iā€™m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

Follow us on:

šŸ’ Facebook
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šŸ’ YouTube
šŸ’  Tom on X (formerly Twitter)
šŸ’ Website

TNT SpiritWorks (00:01)

Finding other leaders in the world that fired up and are passionate about supporting others on their journeys is what really ignites the enthusiasm within me, guys. And you guys all know that because you listen to me quite often talk about how passionate I am and especially to find others that are just as passionate. And today I have a friend on who is just as passionate. Trisha Dycka is going to be joining me today. Hi, Trisha, how are you?


Tricia (00:26)

Hey, how are you, Teresa? I'm really excited to be here.


TNT SpiritWorks (00:30)

I am really excited you're here because you know what? For me it's exciting because I find that like attracts like and I sometimes share this that this is how you recognize like where you're at with your magnetism and where you're at as far as inside too because who comes around you and so you and I connected recently on social media. You've got an amazing Facebook social media group and you know and presence and when we met each other I was like she's awesome and you're like you're awesome so we're like awesome here.


Tricia (00:58)

Yeah, yes. Yes, yes, yes.


TNT SpiritWorks (01:00)

So I would love to find out a little more about your journey, Trisha, and how you came to being right where you're at right now in this moment in time. And you can share whatever you want to share about in your journey. We're open. This is an open space, girl.


Tricia (01:15)

Okay, so I'm gonna actually share something I really have not shared on social media. Not yet anyway, it's going to come out in pieces, but I'm gonna share here with you guys because why not? Why not? So for years, I was an empath coach and I followed the gurus who said, and guys,


TNT SpiritWorks (01:30)

Why not? Great place to do it, girl. Come on out.


Tricia (01:44)

This is just to say, do what resonates with you. Please do what resonates with you. So I followed the gurus with their typical take your laptop and go and have your business do this and have your, you know, have your clients calls while you're traveling. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was like, I hit a lot of blocks. I hit a lot of blocks and.


I had my clients, I was working with my clients and I never really felt fulfilled. I loved my clients, I helped my clients, they had great transformations, but I wasn't feeling fulfilled. And I was like, all right. And I actually was like pinpointing it in myself saying there's something wrong with you because look at everything you have, everything on the outside looks so perfect.


But I wasn't, I was happy, but I wasn't, I wasn't overly passionate or joyful about what was going on in my life. And if you find a level of frustration, and if you find a level of what is wrong with me, maybe there's more to my world than I'm seeing. I beg you to stop and just give yourself some time.


to actually be in that. I would push it away, I would push it away. And finally one day, I woke up one morning, this is going back into January, and I'm a big, big believer of subliminals, of hypnosis, of anything that helps us heal.


and create the next level and to continue moving forward. I think it's so important that we do that. And one of the things for me is subliminals is hypnosis. And I woke up one morning, took my speaker from underneath my pillow and I put it off and I'm like,


I'm not really seeing the results I want. I'm not really feeling like so much has changed. Yes, the needle has moved, but I feel like I should be getting bigger and better results. And I remember putting the speaker down, and this is where I stopped, and this is where I asked questions of the universe. I was like, and it was not a...


why me kind of nonsense because that's really putting us in a victim mode unless of course we're asking questions like why is the universe so vast or you know really pay attention to your why questions because why questions can put you into a downward spiral of why me why is this happening to me and instead i went with the what can i do differently what do i have to change


What else is possible with this for me? And I remember just going about my day and next thing I know if you were paying attention when you ask the questions, you get a lot of responses. And that day I was like just writing like, what is this? And I remember thinking, I think I'm crazy because these these answers are so out in left.


field for me. Like what the hell? Like that's all I kept doing all day and quite frankly the next day too. So I was like I'm writing and I'm questioning my sanity. I'm questioning everything I've received and I was like okay so what does this mean? And I actually started to look at my life as a whole and I realized


TNT SpiritWorks (05:26)

I'm sorry.


Tricia (05:45)

The business I had created in the way that I had created it was not what I wanted. And that was like, boy, what are we going to do now? Like what, what is my next best step? What guidance do I have to look for here so that I can keep moving forward? And I was like, it's okay.


So you created a business that you were okay with that brought in money that you gave transformation, that you enjoyed your clients, but it's not the thing you're meant to do. Because one of the things, and I'm sure, Theresa, you asked yourself this too, is how can I affect millions of people? How can I take what I'm doing and create change for millions, not just a few?


TNT SpiritWorks (06:38)

The many, not just the one. But the one does help the many, but yes, I'm with you 100%, Trisha. Absolutely. And you know, I think that what comes to me as you're talking about it is the journeys we all take, oftentimes when people do come to these critical places where they recognize either the relationships change, or the jobs change, or I've changed and that therefore it's really about us, right? We've actually changed and therefore the job is no longer fulfilling. The...


their marriage or the relationships no longer fulfilling. And then it's moving. It's taking that action step to move because most people, and I'll tell you a couple of years back when I got divorced, I heard from several people that said, my God, I really, I thought of doing that, but I could not have done it. You know, kudos to you. I mean, it takes some cojones, right? Some balls sometimes. So what was your action step that took you into moving into what was more fulfilling for you?


Tricia (07:24)



I shut down my business. I shut down some groups I was in. I removed everything and everyone. And the next step was do research. I got the answers as to why the subliminals weren't working for me, why things weren't moving forward for me. And I was directed, do the research, do the research. And I started doing research. And I was...


And when I used to hear, when you're, when you are in your passion, when you were doing what you're supposed to be doing, you won't even recognize the time going. And I was like, I think these people are crazy. Let's be real. Come on. And I had days where I was going until nine o 'clock at night. And I'm like, my God, it is nine o 'clock at night.


TNT SpiritWorks (08:19)



Tricia (08:29)

And the reason I knew is because I was constantly on the computer reading and doing notes and doing all of these things. And I'm like, wow, my eyes really hurt. And I'm like, my God, it's nine o 'clock at night. So to me, this is really important. And it took me a long time to figure it out. When you are truly on your path, when you are in your passion, when you were doing the thing that you were called to do, time flies.


You are excited all the time. A. We're human beings. We're going to have our days where things are not so great. Your mind gets in the way of saying, are you crazy? Do you really think you can accomplish this? You don't have the degrees. You don't have the experience. You don't have the X, Y, Z, whatever you want to put in there. But yet you were driven to continue. You were driven to keep going. And


one of the things that really, really sat down with me is I would sit here and be like, okay, I would be like, what's next? What's my next step? Where do I go? Who do I connect with? What do I have to do? It was like these amazing questions. And I used to hear too, the better the question, the better the response, but it's true.


the more you really focus in on the question and you can start with like little simple questions and then it continuously gets deeper and deeper and deeper. And it's just, it's phenomenal how your intuition works. It is phenomenal how the universe is giving you this guidance and however you want to call it, your intuition, the God within your higher self source energy. People get stuck on the words, but I beg you just.


whatever works for you, just start asking questions and then give your time to actually sit in the question without, here's the caveat, without dwelling on the question. So let's say you go to ask some questions. This is like, go about your merry way. Go clean the house, go food shopping, go take care of the kids, go do laundry. And it's almost like I ask the questions and I think,


part of me didn't really expect a response. So with that, I didn't have expectations of waiting for a response. And the other thing I want to point out, and please, Theresa, I want your two cents in this, when you do it from a level of desperation, the answers are really not coming from source.


It is when you're doing it from this place of, okay, I'm going to ask these questions and see what happens. And I've got things to do and I'm going to keep moving forward with my life for that day.


TNT SpiritWorks (11:35)

Absolutely. 100 % agree with you. Yeah, when we move from, I'll call them our concepts or our beliefs that we've been programmed to, you know, from our parents, from the environment. Absolutely. Other energies can come in that are not your higher self or perhaps are not your personal team of support or angels or whatever you want to call them that surrounds us on our journeys. I 100 % agree with you, Tricia. Absolutely. So it is key to move from


Tricia (11:41)

Mm -hmm.


TNT SpiritWorks (12:02)

that love vibration or the passion or whatever you want to stimulate inside enthusiasm. And then like you said, like let it go. And the hunches, insights, impressions that I found for myself, they show up and you're like, holy crap, right? Numbers or words or insights or it's amazing. Is that what you found too?


Tricia (12:24)

my God. And I have a perfect example of that. Yesterday I was out driving and I don't know, I got stuck in the rabbit hole of my mind. You know, when it's just starts chitter chattering about nonsense. And I don't recall the exact question. I don't recall the exact, I know it wasn't my best frame of mind. And I look up and at the light, I heard look up. So I look up the license plate in front of me is 444.


So then I hear look right and on the right side is a trailer pulling a boat saying faith. So if that's not signs, I mean, it's really about us being mindful, mindful of every step of our day, of where we're going, of, you know, allowing that guidance to come in and be like, knock, knock, knock.


TNT SpiritWorks (13:01)

You look awesome.


Tricia (13:22)

stop with your mind, it's just going on a rampage where you don't need it to go and here is my response to you, here is my direction to you. And this is always, my intuition's always been growing, it's something I've always worked on, but I just, these past few months have been, I mean, how many people really do want to shut down their businesses and start over and they won't?


Or like you said, leave a relationship, whether it's family, friends, significant other, and they won't because they are so stuck in that mindset of, I need to have this. This is the only thing that's going to happen for me. And it's like, we are so programmed by society, by TV, by the people that we're hanging out with. And we don't actually give ourselves a freaking break.


Give yourself a damn break and be like, all right, I need to do this. And some of these steps that we take will scare the ever loving shit out of you.


TNT SpiritWorks (14:31)

And they should. And that's good. Because isn't that like a sign to me? That's a sign of like, okay, this I'm on the right path. Like if there's, if it's something that's going to be out of my comfort zone, hex, yeah, let's do it. yeah. Onward. Absolutely.


Tricia (14:43)

Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. And that is a little bit of fear, a little bit discomfort, a little bit of like, you are crazy. I don't know what you're doing, but I'm going to do it anyway, because it jazzes you up to such a degree.


TNT SpiritWorks (14:50)

Mm -hmm.


Absolutely. Yeah. And I found too that and well, I'm sure you could probably agree with me here is that and if you don't move, the universe will help you move. Right, Trisha? And it's sometimes it's like a push, a shove and off a mountain. Here's a disease, here's a cancer. I'm serious. Like that is that's how shift happens. That's how shit and shifts happen.


Tricia (15:20)



yes. God, yes. And I actually do have a story with my health where it was pretty much, here you go. And I went, shit. And it was the biggest transformation that I have ever done. So whenever I get that fear or that, are you crazy? I will go back to that point in life, in my time where I was like, huh, so you want to stay where you are.


with the level of frustration and that level of blah and that level of, ugh, like, I don't feel fulfilled.


TNT SpiritWorks (16:06)



Tricia (16:07)

Or the universe will help you with a two by four occasionally or a health diagnosis. And then it pushes you to really go outside your comfort zone because it's our health is paramount. I mean, people talk wealth. Wealth, health is your wealth. You know, yes, it's money. Yes, it's everything else. If you don't have your health.


Everything else is secondary. It really is.


TNT SpiritWorks (16:40)

Absolutely, 100 % agree. And I think through the COVID and all the things we've been through the last couple of years that more and more people are understanding that. I mean, you know, all this material stuff and even our journeys, like all that, we have to have our health. That is key. The health, the body, the healthy body, and able to, you know, really move forward in what we've come to do and what we're here to experience. And so I 100 % agree with you. So Trisha, let me ask you a question about...


Where are you at today? So how do you support people who are on their journey searching?


Tricia (17:14)

I actually help people because I created a product and there are consultation services with that, but this product is about changing our beliefs because our subconscious rules the show. We can say we want this many friendships or we want to go here or we want to travel there or we want to do this or we want to accomplish that. And if our conscious and subconscious


battle one another and our actions are not in aligned with it, it doesn't happen or we'll take two step forward and go right back to where our belief system is comfortable. So I created a product that actually I use people's affirmations and I put it into a subliminal, which is nature sounds. And I done a lot of research on alpha.


you know, Delta, Theta brain waves and what works best where. And then my clients give me their own affirmations. So subliminally, they're hearing themselves. And that is so cool.


TNT SpiritWorks (18:26)

that's so cool.


That's so cool. I love it so much because that's even more powerful than like say, so I've done one before with a hypno, a hypnotherapist lady and I did it for a month. Now they really work, but they, but they weren't my words. They were her saying it to me, which was what it worked, right? It worked for me, but that wouldn't be more powerful to have the purse, my own voice coming, you know, hearing that every single day. Ooh, that's really cool. So I mean, how did you come up with this? Like the training you've had and stuff.


Tricia (18:53)



That was the day that I was listening to sub and I religiously listen to subliminals. I was listening to them every night. I was listening to hypnosis during the day and meditations and affirmations. And I'm like, I don't get it. I'm moving the needle, but it's not where I want it to be. And that's the day that I got a lot of downloads. I was told to start doing the research.


start like my father's a brain surgeon, so it works out perfectly. Yes. So it really worked out and I was like, I never even thought like I would go here. I didn't think this was not even a blip on my radar. So when it came on my radar, I left. I'm like, really? This is what you want me to do? Like, really? And I did. I sat, I probably sat for about two, three days and I was like,


TNT SpiritWorks (19:29)

That's so cool.


Mm -hmm.


Tricia (19:54)

this nuts like, and then I took off with it and everything lined up. I create the tracks. I do all the creation. I create the tracks. I pick the mute, not the music. I pick the nature sounds. I pick the binaural beats. I put them together. And then what I've been doing is I've been taking, especially for the nighttime one, it has to be subliminal. So when you're going to sleep, you're really focusing on the ocean sounds or something else.


And during the day, what I have found is alpha and theta, depending on where I'm placing it, people love listening to themselves. So I'll actually do it where they actually can hear themselves at a low level. And it's like, yes, it's no longer that generic, I'm going to find my soulmate or I'm going to be so self -confident in this. And it's their own words because now they're being taught.


What do you desire out of life? What results do you want? And let's create those affirmations based on those results and put it in a track.


TNT SpiritWorks (21:02)

Wow, super cool. So is there like, what's the process that they go through to, you know, to work on that and work with you with that?


Tricia (21:11)

Once they make the purchase, they then get an email. And then I go over in a video, it's about a 10 minute video explaining, like there have been people sent me their affirmations and they have said, I am not easily defeated. And I'm like, our brains do not see not. So you actually created an affirmation. So I actually talk about words not to use and what to use and how it has to be present tense.


and how it has to be something that lights you up and excites you and resonates and you feel it. When you say it, you're like, that's it. That's what I, that's the desire I want because now that's got the energy behind it. It's got the emotion behind it. And then they record it, their voice on a WAV file, email it to me, and then I implement it in whichever track that they've picked. So they,


I mean, people have come back. One woman said, I've totally shut down my business and started something else. I'm like, okay. All right. I guess that's a, that's a thing here. Yes. But they, they're trusting themselves more. Their clarity, their production is skyrocketed. Some woman said to me, I don't, I'm not productive. I do everything not to be productive. She goes, I put this on and I just get so much accomplished. I'm like, wow. So I'm getting amazing.


TNT SpiritWorks (22:11)

You're like, it worked.


That's super cool.


Tricia (22:33)

amazing feedback. And the best part is I can reach millions. And the best part is you're reprogramming your beliefs. You're reprogramming it to something you truly, deeply desire. And that to me lights me up. That to me excites the hell out of me because now instead of being told, things are not moving because of your mindset or things are not moving because you're not doing the action. It could be that it's our belief system.


that is deeply held in our subconscious. And once we start shifting that and doing what resonates, the action steps behind that are totally different, as is the energy.


TNT SpiritWorks (23:17)

Amazing. And what I love about it too is, I mean, I've had a lot of people come on this podcast and share and I've not had anyone that has done that, that, you know, does subliminal messaging and subliminal creations for their clients. So to me, that's really cool. And also there's so much these days about the brain health, about changing the synapses of the brains, you know, the way it works. And so it just makes sense to me. And it's super cool. Your dad's a brain surgeon. Hello.


Tricia (23:45)

Yeah, right. But yeah, it's all about creating new neural pathways. The possibilities are endless. You know, there are so many P there's and it's about being very mindful of our choices and mindful of what comes into our environment internally, because that is what we externally put out. So if we're internalizing, I don't know, the commercials on TV or some horror show or.


TNT SpiritWorks (24:07)



Tricia (24:14)

You know, these things, that's what you're going to be vibrating out. And that's the energy that you're putting out. And it was interesting. Somebody said to me, I wake up in the middle of the night and I scroll. And I said, you're scrolling because you're looking for a dopamine effect. And I'm like, you don't scroll at three o 'clock in the morning. Figure out something else that's going to work for you. Because the phone should not be the first thing that's picked up. The phone needs to be put out of.


your eyesight and a journal or having some, like I have, when I start to, when I wake up randomly in the middle of the night, I will go to my affirmations and start replaying them in my own mind. I go back to sleep. It's like, what are you doing to get yourself there? You know, we are so programmed to get up and run and we're starting our day without even actually giving ourselves.


TNT SpiritWorks (24:59)



Tricia (25:11)

the time to set the intentions of the energy of the day, of what we want to happen, of who we want to be, who we want to become. And it's the next thing you know, it's seven o 'clock at night and where did the day go and where were you mindful because we're a lot of us run on mindless.


TNT SpiritWorks (25:32)

Ooh, that's a big word, mindlessness. Yes, totally agree with that. So let's talk a little bit about, I want to talk about your Facebook page and your Facebook live creating lasting changes. So you've got, that's such an awesome Facebook podcast that you do. And so talk a little bit about that and about some of the guests that have come on and what you've experienced by having that. Cause I came on there, I loved it. And so I noticed you have it, it's amazing. So.


Tricia (26:00)

Yes, it's organic conversations. It is about sharing nuggets of wisdom, about creating lasting change, which is an ongoing process. But it's stuff that my guests give that can be immediately implemented. When we were talking that day, I had somebody come to me and said it was amazing conversation and they loved it. So it's, again,


reaching out and affecting more people, more people's lives with other people's perspectives and other people's thoughts and beliefs and the things that worked for them. Because what worked for me may not work for you, may not work for somebody else, but that person loved it and it works wonderfully for us. So I, I'm really excited about it and it's all different topics and they're all organic and it's an all natural type of conversation and.


people share what is most meaningful and what has created that lasting change in their lives. So I'm excited about that. And it goes live on Facebook and you can reach that person that I do speak to, as well as people get to ask questions, people get to comment below, which is really exciting when they do.


TNT SpiritWorks (27:18)

Absolutely. I can tell you from being a podcaster for years that that's the one thing missing in a typical podcast is the fact that interacting with other people and communicating and yeah, so that's a big deal because otherwise you kind of feel like you're alone a lot of times. Even though we're not, we're like, you can see the stats, right? They're from all over the place, but you're like, well, where are the people? And so, but then of course, I don't know about you, Trisha, but I found that a lot of people, I mean, they're


Tricia (27:34)

Mm -hmm.


Ha ha ha.


TNT SpiritWorks (27:47)

more people are silent than that come forward and actually say something or make a comment. And that's okay, right? I mean, cause that's just where we're all at. But, but having people comment or, you know, in more even than just saying like on YouTube, you know, like, and like, and subscribe. Yeah. Okay. But how about who's out there listening like a real, you know, getting a conversation going, getting real, a real, you know, human body responding back to what you're doing and.


Like you're saying, you know, really going, hey, this is something I could change my life or this is something I really need to hear today. Now that's priceless.


Tricia (28:21)

Yes, and that has happened and people are so grateful and I'm loving because it's your personal life, it's personal growth, it's business growth. You know, we grow in so many different ways and we create that change in every aspect of our lives. And actually one area then catapults into another area, which then goes into another area. So it is the domino effect. You change one thing, whether it's your business or personal, and it's


still becomes a domino effect. And when people, when I have guests on there and I just, again, it's what they're sharing. They are sharing what has worked for them. They are sharing their ideas and their ideologies. And you never know whose perspective that day will be changed.


TNT SpiritWorks (29:11)

Absolutely. And to me, that's a win -win -win. So it's a win for you, win for them, and win for spirit. Or a win for the other person. Maybe it's a quadruple win. There you go. It's a win to the fourth power.


Tricia (29:20)

It's a quadruple win, it really is. I love that. Win to the fourth power.


TNT SpiritWorks (29:26)

I don't know what we're doing that for, but that's going to be a good one. When did a fourth power? Because it's true. Like you're saying, you know, there's so many ways to resonate with something or people won't resonate with something and, you know, an offering different. That's why even with this podcast, too, I have different people come on because it's a win for all of us to share, you know, our insights, our wisdom, what we have going on, how do we create our path, you know, because people, they enjoy and love hearing about, you know, how other people have put things together for themselves because it gives them a spark, right?


Tricia (29:29)



Yeah, yeah, it really does. And I absolutely loved when you pay attention to your intuition, when you really pay attention to your intuition, there is a level of peace that is profound, that it's like, okay, I got this. I may not know the how, but I know I got this.


TNT SpiritWorks (30:26)

and that you're not alone.


Tricia (30:28)



TNT SpiritWorks (30:30)

That's a biggie because I think a lot of people and for me the fear too, the fear leaves, right? Like I'm not alone. I don't have a fear of dying because I know there's no death. It's just, you know, we're just transforming our, you know, one body to the next or one place to the next. But yeah, so those bigger pictures, those universal truths and those understandings on a either it be your intuition or on a soul level, whatever, just are so inspiring because it really gives a sense of peace.


Tricia (30:57)

And I like how you brought up about fear and realizing you're not alone. And even when we die, we just move on. Our essence is still here. Our essence is still. You know, I love that you said that because I think that's really important too.


TNT SpiritWorks (31:15)

Absolutely, because especially as we all age and you know, that's the one thing we all know that there's gonna be an end so For all of us right at some point there's gonna be an end and just having that, you know ability to have peace within that knowing that you know, yeah, okay, however, it ends I never end as a soul like you never interest like we're all eternal souls of


Tricia (31:23)



TNT SpiritWorks (31:37)

I believe of one, we just come down in different representations, different variety, you know, like a different variety pack, right? Like we're sprinkled all over the place, like confetti, raw confetti, but we all come from the one. I mean, we're just all, you know, energy. So yeah, I think that to me is really a way to give people peace and understanding that as we move through these journeys, especially as we get older towards the end, knowing that, you know, because like Tom and I are talking today, I'm like, damn, you know, I don't really, I probably don't have 50 more years.


Tricia (31:46)

I'm going to go.


TNT SpiritWorks (32:07)

Cause I'll be 56 this year. I'm like, you know, that's really, it's weird when you start thinking about like, and then my mom's, you know, she's 80 and she's like, you know, how many more years do you have? It's just, it's kind of an interesting inquiry and thought process of, you know, like, I only have so much time left, so I gotta get this damn thing going. Right, Trisha?


Tricia (32:25)

I actually had a conversation with my mother, you know, and we were talking and I said, listen, I'm, you know, I'm in, I'm 53 and I'm going to tell you, if this does not expand me or grow me or make me happy, I'm going to move on much quickly than I would have done 20 years ago, 30 years ago. You know, now that you see that there's 50 years, maybe, maybe not.


So I'm gonna focus on everything that's gonna make me happy and the impact I'm going to leave and how I can engage in a deeper, more connective way because it's almost like...


this feeling of I want, I want, I have things to do. I'm going to do them and I'm going to keep moving forward because this is where I want to be because death can be scary or death can be the next step. But until I'm at that next step, I'm in this human body and I want to experience everything I can.


TNT SpiritWorks (33:29)

Absolutely. And I think what the fear around death really is, how is it going to happen? That's what I hear from like my mom said the same thing, you know, like, I don't know how I'm going to die. And I get that, like, you know, so I always say, well, you know, manifest it like, seriously, like put into plans. Okay, you know, God, universe, whatever. This is this is the way I want to exit. And I have heard from people that they had like parents that have said, yeah, I'm going to die this way. And they did like, you know, you can.


Tricia (33:35)



TNT SpiritWorks (33:55)

You can manifest or not manifest whatever you want in this lifetime. But that to me is a biggie, right? Like, yeah, when I'm ready to go, OK, for me, I just want to go to sleep. So I'm good.


Tricia (34:05)

Yes, it's that expectation. It's that trust and it's that surrender to the higher power that this is what I want and this is what's going to happen. And that's it. Instead of stressing yourself out, how is it going to happen? What's going to happen? I find that I'm like, all right, I want to go to sleep and I'm OK. Peace out. Peace out. I'm ready. I'm good. I'm, you know.


TNT SpiritWorks (34:28)

Peace out!


Tricia (34:33)

But I think too, a lot of people stop growing and I think that adds to it. But I think once you are constantly growing and you are constantly getting involved in things, especially that lights you up, it's a whole different way of living and being that that does not. That's there, but it's like, no, I trust that I've got many, many years and I trust that this is how it's going to happen. And I trust this is the way it's going to be.


TNT SpiritWorks (34:33)



Just setting that energy, right, Trisha? Well, let's talk a little bit about how people can get in touch with you. Like I've already mentioned Facebook, you're very much on Facebook. You've got a great presence on there, but how's another way that people can get in touch with you?


Tricia (35:03)

Thank you.


The easiest way is Facebook. Send me a DM through Facebook or my website, which is trishadeika .com. You can get in touch with me there on Instagram, which is trishadeika .com, Spotify, YouTube. Again, trishadeika .com.


TNT SpiritWorks (35:32)

easy and all that will be in the show notes. So thank you so much Trisha for coming on today, honey. It's been so much fun talking to you. You're such a light.


Tricia (35:39)

Thank you. I adore you. I'm so grateful that you asked me to be here today.


TNT SpiritWorks (35:44)

Hmm, same here. Ditto, ditto. So again, listeners, all the information will be in the show notes. You can check out all the links to find Miss Tricia and get on one of her amazing affirmations and subliminal messages and for yourself that you can help sleep and help maybe with some issues you got going on. And until next week, and now we'll be back again next week, please remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.


The Power of Passion and Intuition in Self-Discovery
Transforming Beliefs with Subliminal Messaging
Surrendering to the Higher Power: Finding Peace