Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Spiritual Tip #10: Planting Seeds- Releasing Expectations of Others Growth

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 36

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TNT SpiritWorks discusses the concept of planting seeds in spirituality and the impact it can have on others. Beginning with a personal experience, they talk about how sharing spiritual experiences and knowledge can plant seeds in people's minds, even if they initially have doubts or skepticism. They emphasize the importance of making spirituality practical and relatable to others. The conversation also touches on the topics of expectations, enjoying the journey of spiritual growth, and the need to relax and take things one step at a time.

  • Sharing spiritual experiences and knowledge can plant seeds in others, even if they initially have doubts or skepticism.
  • Making spirituality practical and relatable to others is important in helping them embrace their spiritual side.
  • Having high expectations for oneself and others can hinder spiritual growth and enjoyment of the journey.
  • Relaxing and taking things one step at a time is essential for natural and free-flowing spiritual growth.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)

Hello, enthusiastically spiritual audience. Today, we're going to share spiritual tip number 10. 10 10 10 10…


It's like Bo Derek. Yeah, that's one definition. We're gonna let's let's work with starting over. So you mentioned something to me, we had an interesting experience on the weekend where we had somebody come up to us recently, and they asked us to do a psychometry reading. And they they learned about that from a class that we held, like two years ago, like two years ago, and they participated in the class. And in fact,


you know, there were times when we'd heard them share, they thought, you know, that person thought, Well, I don't know if I believe in this stuff. And this seems pretty. But it was interesting how I had a function that came up to us and asked to do a psychometry reading. And it struck me then that we had planted a seed. What do you think about that? Yeah, I think this is a really good topic, Tom, as being making spirituality practical, because


The spiritual part of us is the unseen parts, right? It's our intuition. It's our spiritual helpers. It's things that a lot of us can't see and a lot of people can't see. And a lot of people have a hard time relating to. But in sharing, no matter what ways, well, you know how we share. So we share on the podcast, we share through my book, we share through going to classes or expos and fairs. But however you share out there in the realm of your life and your existence at work or play or family,


It makes an impact. And so, yeah, this lady, literally beautiful lady, we, you know, two over two years ago we had, or maybe a little closer to years ago, we had 25 people at this event. We had a, you know, a great time, a great, you know, master class and hadn't heard anything from most of them. Right. And then she comes up and just, hey, would you do this? And we're like, whoa, okay. So it is interesting how things are planted in people and it's okay to.


it's just you know, it's like planting that seed and then letting it let it let it germinate. Right? Yeah, and I found this with relatives as well that you know, there'll be times especially when, you know, for you spiritual leaders and educators out there that when you're really excited, usually at first, you found something that's working for you. And you know, there's that enthusiasm to want to share it with everybody. And over the years, you know, I'd share it with loved ones.


and family members and so forth. And we've shared about this from different aspects before. But it's amazing to me how as I've gone through literally decades of, you know, from the time that I first, you know, talk to them about working with their spiritual helpers, or their natural psychic abilities and natural intuition, and that sort of thing that they'll come back to me later in life. And they'll say things like, you know, remember that stuff you were telling me about?


I have spiritual helpers or angels, I want to find out more about that now. And at the time, you know, years prior, they were probably dead set against it, or, you know, give me a hard time about it or something like that. So, you know, I guess if you've come to do this work, or you've come to just help share some of this with other folks, take heart and that planting seeds seems to be a reality of the business. And, you know, everybody's got their time.


And you know, you show up to be of service and, you know, might be next lifetime. They do something with it. You know, that's, that's all okay. Yeah. Those are some of the thoughts that come to me. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I think the thing that comes to me too is how, you know, like, especially I'll say social media, right? So I have a, I have a pretty good following and a real active group of people and lovely people on Facebook.


and on my personal Facebook. So if you want to go there, Teresa Shaw, it's my personal Facebook. I'm always on there doing lives and different things. And a lot of people see things and they don't say anything. So like we even had someone come up to us Saturday at the same event who shared with us that she watches this podcast every week and she doesn't ever like or share with us. But that just meant so much to me because the fact that


know, people out there are listening, they're seeing, they're experiencing, you know, things that we might be sharing in their way at their timing. And it just it meant so much to me that to have people, you know, come up and say is what the some of the seeds were planting that there are people out there who are enjoying, you know, the sharings we do and the things that you know, that I might share on especially social media. So what comes to me is that phrase by the inch,


it's a cinch. When referring to spiritual growth, you know, one little step at a time, it doesn't have to be hard. But what is by the by the inch, it's a cinch mean to you, Teresa? Well, I'm laughing because as you said that, I saw my inch was a like, like a yard, yardstick. Like, that's the thing that I have to remember too, is that I came in to do this work.


It's this is my this is my passion. This is my of service work. You know, I even wrote my book that I'm on a mission from God like the Blues Brothers, like but not everyone is as you know, hell -bent fire excited, enthusiastic around the spiritual part as I am. So I have to remember that when I'm planting seeds and out and about or even sharing on this podcast with you all that, you know, there's different variations of how people are accepting, embracing,


or being influenced by what I'm sharing when I'm like, you know, scream at the mountaintop, go up to Everest and say, yeah, everyone, come on, get on board with your spiritual part, because it's super cool. Yeah. And you know, the folks that are ready are the ones you want to work with anyway, you know, and if somebody isn't sincere or is committed to it, well, we can't really help them that much, you know. So the other word that came to me as you were sharing was the word expectations. So what does expectations?


have to do with that? Yeah, that's a tough one because I probably have had too high expectations. Expectation to me is having a feeling that was expectation. I'm trying to I'm not not going to the definition, but my feeling of it is that like having like being enthusiastic about something or wanting people to really embrace something that's not what they really want to embrace. Like I have.


I know I've had too high expectations on people around me. Like, my God, so I get this. So my husband's going to understand this or the kids are going to get it when it's like they were like the deer in headlights, like what the, what is she talking about? So, you know, if you lose your enthusiasm, cause we're all about being enthusiastic and what strikes me is the times that I've lost my enthusiasm is because I had expectations. I had different, I had high expectations or different expectations.


And then really what that distills down to is that I must have high expectations for myself. And so we live in a society, you know, where we've had that drilled into us. You better have high expectations for yourself and so forth. But, you know, if it, if it comes to, you know, playing basketball or, you know, your job or, playing the drums or learning a musical instrument, you know, you may.


it's, you know, there's probably having some high standards or high expectations might fit. But when it comes to growing spiritually, I can't really rush it. I mean, I'd like to rush it, but it you can't. The best I can do is facilitate my growth and others growth, but I got to take it, you know, kind of a step at a time. But really, most things that we're involved with, you know, it is important to just take things a simple step at a time. I know.


Cause there's a lot of us out there that like myself, I'll say that likes to jump like to the third or fourth step or the next plateau. When it's like, I can't do that. Cause I'm not ready. And they often say, you know, the, the fun of the, of the trip is, you know, not the destination as much as the travel to get there or the experience along the way of achieving the goal. And so what does that mean to you, Teresa? We'll start with you and then we can go to me. Yeah. So enjoying the ride along the way.


I'm sure I've experienced a lot of times where I've rushed through things and probably missed gathering the enthusiasm that I had for that moment. I, and I would say a lot of that probably was especially when I had family because there was so much going on on so many different levels of be here, be there, you know, do this, do that. And so that just really revved up my, my, my action, right. But, but yeah, so as far as these days,


I try, I slowed down quite a bit than I used to, but I do try to embrace the present moment and really enjoy what I'm doing. How about you, Tom? Yeah, me too. And I'm old enough now and I have enough experience that I've lived that. I realized from having arrived at some destinations, like really the fun was in the getting there and organizing myself to get there. So,


know, whenever we start making the end more important than the means from our spiritual perspective, from growing spiritually, then I'm going to miss out, you know, because I just can't, the truth is, I can't rush my spiritual growth, I have to take it a step at a time. And then one of the things that strikes me is, you know, I can't make a religion out of my spiritual growth, my, you know, religion to me is our what that means to me is


I have concepts and dogma about this or that and the other. And sometimes those concepts are good in terms of it helps us stay organized as a society. It helps us respect each other's boundaries. But it's important that when it comes to me that I relax, you know, I relax with my expectations and I'm kind of coming back full circle. So the only way for me to grow naturally and free flowing is through.


relaxing, taking a moment to go, gee, you know, I noticed yesterday my motivation was low. What's that about? I'm, you know, I'm picking it up on some family members and boy, it's funny today. I feel different. So, you know, I guess it's all it's, you know, and I like to say, my God, you know, look at how old you are and you've invested all this. And well, this is my not so positive friends helping me with that, but.


the not so good friends that, you know, maybe I should know better. Well, there's a concept I should have known better. Well, if I don't take it a step at a time, by the inch, it's a cinch. You know, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna keep experiencing things until I finally, you know, shed those, those ways that I put stress and pressure on myself. Yeah, so there's spiritual tip number 10, planting seeds. One of my favorite lines is, you know, you're already perfect.


you already have your own answers. So I reflect to myself and I say, well, what does that mean? You know, it's like, well, I picked up habits and attitudes in my thinking, or I've accepted certain stresses and thoughts and concepts that really, you know, hold me back and expectations is one of those, you know, we live in a, our culture, you know, particularly in the U S is all about accomplishment and achievement and hitting that goal. And, you know, but when it comes to me spiritually growing,


there can be no competition. However, there is competition here on planet earth. Yep. There is expectations, you know, one step at a time. It's good if you uncover those. It's great. That's good news. I must have a little expectation there. My enthusiasm is waning. So there you have it. Yeah. So thank you all for listening into another mini morsel episode of our spiritual,


practically spiritual tip. What do we say? 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10