Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Spiritual Tip #9: Growing with Those Around You

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 34

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In this conversation, Teresa and Tom discusses the aspect of growing with those around you. They share their personal experiences of trying to save and mold people around them, and how they eventually learned to accept that everyone is on their own spiritual journey. They emphasize the importance of embracing who you are and not trying to change others. The conversation also touches on the idea that not everyone will resonate with your path, and that's okay. The key takeaway is to respect and accept where others are on their own journey.

Key Points:

  • Everyone is on their own spiritual journey and is at different places energetically and spiritually.
  • It is important to embrace who you are and not try to change others.
  • Not everyone will resonate with your path, and that's okay.
  • Respect and accept where others are on their own journey.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:02)

Welcome back to spiritual tip number nine. And today we're going to talk a bit about those around you and the aspect of growing with one another or not growing with one another. Sounds good. So let's talk about this today. So for many years, probably a couple of decades, actually, I tried to save people around me and I tried to gather.


those around me to do what I was doing. I noticed. But well, it's no, you're okay. Cause we're doing the same things that before. Yes, it was intense. And I'm sure those that were previously living with me would, would also go have their hands up and go, yep, it was intense. And what the liberating moment for myself was when I recognize that everyone's where they're at spiritually.


We're all in different places energetically, spiritually. We're learning from one another and that what I'm involved in is really about my journey. We're just kind of like, you know, cohabitated together, right? We certainly are. Of course, Tom and I really are. Yeah. Well, I love what you posted on your social media recently. On Facebook. Yeah. What was that line? Something about...


you know, people around me aren't going to get it because it's, it's my apprentices or the folks that, you know, I came to reach that are going to get it. And I don't have to try to mold somebody into being my apprentices or way to say that spiritually, like it's, you know, there's, you have something to share with, you know, we're all apprentices and journeymen for each other, you might say in certain areas, but that, that was a big key.


You know, it was a great, great line that obviously you were inspired to share at that particular time. Yeah. Yeah. And what I found too is as I'm more, if I'm relaxed with what I'm doing. So this is for you guys out there, right? So think about what you're doing and think about maybe a few people around you or close to you that just don't get it. They don't understand you. They don't, you know, they don't relate to you. And, and so they may oftentimes come at you with what are you doing and what's going on? And, and,


you know, and not understanding, but for myself, I found that the more I've really embraced who I am, my beliefs, and what I'm doing in my life, I can stay relaxed with those around me that maybe just don't get it, because it's not really for them to get, because like Tom was saying in this previous, it was a post, not a post, it was a social card that I did on Facebook. And the fact that, yeah, you know, like,


our moms, our dads, our brothers and sisters, my, you know, Tom, even he's not my, they're not my apprentices. My apprentices are out in the world and I need to locate them and find them and work with them or engage with them or interact. And so once I recognize that it took the pressure off for myself. Yeah. And when we say apprentices, you know, there, there's no greater or lesser than there. It's just that the folks who really are ready to hear my message or your message or deal with.


know, really need a bit of your spiritual thrust. You know, my thrust is to be happy and free. That's the that's the way that I express my purpose. What's your thrust? The follow through of my heart's desires. Yeah. So there we go. You know, those are there's, there's folks out there that want how what that feels like. And that's what they experience when you exude that, you know, so now it's not to say that.


some of the people around us aren't learning things from us. I mean, we're all attracted, you know, because we have similar concepts and similar areas of growth. But, you know, I really, the key word that comes to me is you were sharing that I'm picking up from guidances. It's all about acceptance. I need to just accept that they're where they're at. That's what they came to do is, you know, work with whatever they're working with. And then I will feel,


more happy and free. It's that simple. Now, simple, I'm willing to share with them or share with someone who is ready to, you know, hear my message or work with me from that perspective or be involved in my life from, you know, that perspective, whether they like it or not, they're, they're around me. So they're just like, I'm around you, or I'm around some of my good friends. It


there's something about their thrust that's probably really key for me at that particular time. Even the folks we work with, it's just that many of us, you know, we were ignorant to it. You know, we don't know what someone's thrust is. We might notice some qualities we like about them. And, and all that, you know, or why we like them or respect them or something. So I guess acceptance, I just kept hearing that word. What does acceptance mean to you, Teresa? Well, acceptance to me means that I,


I'm not judging. I'm honoring where people are at. And I'm just kind of going with the flow, really. Yeah. And I think, you know, in, in my life, I was the oldest of five children initially. And, then we were two families mix. There's a whole story of that, but like the Brady bunch. Yeah. Well, more than the Brady bunch, the original one. Yeah. And, it's,


I was raised that I needed to really make sure everybody was okay. And, you know, it was now there's a balance between being a leader and having that opportunity of being the oldest is obviously there's some leadership or there's things I'm learning about that, but, I'm not responsible for anybody else's, you know, growth or awareness or acceptance. You know, you can only help people as much as they're willing to help themselves.


and it just takes the pressure off, you know, always, always happy to be of service. But, you know, you, I've really found that people need to take a step towards it. You know, they need to do their 50 % is one thing I'll take a step towards you, you take a step towards me is more that vibration. And then the other thing that strikes me is that, you know, maybe they came to just get a little piece, and that's it and leave them alone. They don't need more. They don't, I don't have to feel


pressure that they've got to catch up to me. Or now I have my own version of all this, you know, but that that's the thing that I've had to release over time is they don't have to catch up with me. I don't have to save them around them up. I'm not responsible for their spiritual growth. I can certainly pass on what's worked for me. But when I think about anybody that's ever been a mentor or leader to me, or a role model to me, that's what we used to say role model, or a prototype for me to


you know, want to become more like it was all my idea. I just liked certain aspects or certain things they did. And I decided that I would move towards that. It wasn't something I had to convince somebody to, you know, move towards or sell a monitor, right? Cause that was part of your, your journey. That's because it's, yeah. Yeah. So, and the thing that I want to share about with that is that I've seen a couple people on Facebook lately talking about or sharing about the fact that,


their loved ones are not growing. They're not spiritually growing. And for myself, I mean, I truly believe that no matter where each soul is on the planet, because we're all in different places, everyone's always growing. They may not be growing in the same way that you are. They may not be embracing the same tactics or the same path that you are on. And sometimes, and sometimes that doesn't work out like it did with our previous,


relationships and then a lot of times it does. It just depends on what's the relationship like and what you know, what's the how far off are you from the from the pivot? I guess that's kind of what comes to me is like, you know, if you're so if you're swinging one way and the other person swinging completely the other way, well, at some point, it's going to be hard to relate to them. And that's what that's what I found for myself. And then once I, you know, got up with Tom and recognize that, you know, this is, you know,


who I've been waiting for and off we went because I just couldn't be in that any longer. I mean, I was unhappy and so that's a real big key for myself is just sharing the fact that we're all in different places. Like even those around me, if they're not spiritually inclined like I am, for some reason, I was just talking to Tom about this this morning as I was like, I feel like I've had so many lifetimes where I've been very intelligent.


really smart from my head, right? That left brain. And then I feel like I've had lots of lifetimes where I've been really religious. Because I tell you, when you go into a Catholic church or church period, I feel filled with the spirit, right? So I feel that from my previous incarnations. But coming into this lifetime, it's a whole different ball game because I don't feel any affiliation with religion or going to college or...


I'm just on a different path this lifetime and it's okay. So my path may not resonate with everyone's path and it really shouldn't because it's mine. But the fact that we're sharing how unique and unique we all are and that everyone is growing in their own way. We'd like to share about that, Tom. Well, that was that was spot on. And the thought had come to me while you were sharing was, it's really not fair.


on other people to expect them to be anything different than what they are in their own timing. This lifetime, another lifetime. That's the big key. And you know, what I hear you saying is, you know, great, because, you know, right now, you know, you might be with the love of your life for that period of time. And I love that saying, that's what comes to mind. But


if there's a foundation of what we're here to learn and grow together with, or there's enough respect. So mutual respect, you know, there's a saying they used to say, the family that prays together stays together. Well, what I found, it's the family who respects each other stays together. That's well said, Thomas. Well said. Well, and on that note, we're getting close to our


close to winding it up here with this spiritual tip for you guys number nine spiritual tip number nine nine nine, which is actually a completion number. So hey, pretty cool. If you want to learn how to work with your guidance, so you're more clear about when to move in and when to move out with loved ones. Or if you really want to work with people and learn how to be of service and get a better communication with your guidance, so you're more less, what would be the word for it, you know, kind of shooting in the dark or


if you want to get more accurate, you know, so that you for the best use of your time and your energy, so you can do more of what you came to do, learn to communicate directly with your own spiritual team of spiritual helpers and follow the links below in the show notes. And we'll get you to that. Also, you can always look at the reawaken series at the way shores college for some free videos and a little booklet that give you more of an orientation and perspective as to what we're talking about.


Awesome, Tom. Those are some great ideas and some great. And last but not least, Teresa has a wonderful book. Hey, how about that book, Soul Quake Survival Guide? Thanks, Tom, for plugging those. That's really good. You're getting that's my job. So thank you all out there for listening into another episode of enthusiastically spiritual from our home to your home or your business or your walker, wherever you're at. We appreciate you so very much. Let's all make it practical.


making spirituality practical. That's what we're talking about. And remember till next time that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.