Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Thoughts and Experiences on Transition (aka Death) of Loved Ones

Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 33

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In this conversation, Teresa and Tom discuss death and their spiritual perspective on transitioning into the afterlife. They share personal experiences and insights on how death is just a transition and that as souls, we are intelligent energy that continues to learn and grow. They talk about the importance of recognizing ourselves as energy beings and the messages and connections we can receive from the other side. 

They also discuss the concept of life after death and the idea that we all have spiritual helpers and angels to guide us. The conversation concludes with a discussion on releasing loved ones and the understanding that we are all souls on different journeys of growth and expansion.

Key Points:

Death is just a transition and as souls, we are intelligent energy that continues to learn and grow.

We can receive messages and insights from the other side and have connections with loved ones who have passed on.

Life after death is a continuation of our soul's journey, and we have Spiritual Helpers (Angels) to  welcome us and guide us.

Releasing loved ones and allowing them to continue their journey in the spirit realm is important for both their growth and ours.

Recognizing ourselves as energy beings and understanding the bigger picture of our existence can bring clarity and peace when facing death.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:02)

Besides birth, there's another constant that we have that's gonna happen to all of us. It's called death. So today I'd like to share a little bit and get some insights from Tom about death and moving into that with a spiritual perspective that may support you on your journey. So hi Tom. Hello Teresa. And first I do wanna say a big thanks to all of you around the world who are listening in.

 and tuning in, we appreciate you so very much, no matter where you're at, because we know that time is of an essence and spending time to listen to us and to also share with your friends and family some of these episodes that may support them, we thank you so much. Thank you, folks. So with that aside, let's talk about the happy message of death. Death. my goodness. You know, it's been coming up. I mean,

 last few years, I've had quite a few in my life. I've had, you know, they've come in kind of like, I always heard it when I was young that death comes in threes. And sometimes it does. But a lot of times it doesn't. So I think it's an old wives tale. You think it's no wives tale? Well, it could be but I have had that happen one time with me. So but I've noticed for myself that through the years, especially when I didn't have a spiritual awareness or understanding of that soul part of me and how I move with life and how

I'm an energy being. I was receiving a lot of messages, a lot of insights and hunches from the other side, from those that have passed on that I didn't recognize fully or understand, but I just went with it. Like one time when my grandfather passed away, that night I got a download of what to say at his funeral the next day. And I wrote everything out and I went up there and gave a really great, you know, eulogy for him. Wow.

Yeah, it was really cool. And I mean, my grandfather and I, we were, you know, I wouldn't say we were super close, but it was a really cool, I felt a gift from him to those that came. So, so I noticed these days that there's a lot of people in the last couple of years who have lost like, you know, three sisters have one, one lady I know lost a granddaughter and a son within like a year and a half or so. So like, there's a lot of people losing a lot of people right now. So I just kind of wanted to talk about, you know,


what to really the perspective of, you know, being a soul. So would you like to start off a little bit with that Tom about, well, the first thing that I have to say about all that is death is just a transition. And in fact, you know, as a soul, I'm intelligent energy. I always have been, I always will be, and I'm here on planet earth to learn and grow. So, and you know, energy, even the scientists say that it,


it cannot be created nor destroyed. It just changes form. It's transformed. Well, I have experienced similar things this year where, or the last few years, a number of people I know have passed on. I imagine that part of it is the age that I'm getting to, you know, it's kind of that time of life. But what I really like to share is that recently,


I was at a retreat in Puerto Rico with the Wayshower College. And one of the techniques that we were practicing, we were taking trips, astro trips, as we call it, to re -experience and remember to the memory bank of our experience and to remember what it was like to transition in into a new physical body and what it was like to transition out. So that's pretty far out, you know, so.


What's your insights from that? I mean, what did you feel? Well, the feeling the overall feelings that I got from it were that without going into the details of the lifetimes or anything, it just was that, yeah, there's this bigger picture, I felt more at ease, you know, with the whole idea of transitioning in or out. And that, you know, just tuned into that, that feeling of that bigger picture and so forth. Now,


having said that, you know, like I don't walk around every day thinking about that. You know, I don't, I'm living life. I'm enjoying life. I, you know, still, experience the same emotions as everybody else, you know, sadness when certain folks, when people pass on that are close to me or, you know, and all that. So, but I must say that I don't have a huge grief over people passing on. I, I do go,


go through a period of, for lack of better word, grief or nice thoughts about folks and what I enjoyed about them and what I didn't enjoy, maybe what I'd have done differently, that kind of a thing. Or the other thing I think I've gotten is that as people pass on, I get back to that bigger pictures perspective of, really, why do we make such a big deal out of half the stuff that we get?


upset about, especially when it comes to other people and, or why do I get so focused on, you know, certain things that I want to have or do or, you know, kind of get caught in, you know, because we all move in and we're all going to move out. Yeah, interesting. Because I was thinking back to just a couple days ago, Facebook always does gives like a memory, right? It's like,


five, four, one year, two years. And this went back to, I want to say like eight years ago when I took my brother's ashes out to Northern California and I conducted, we had a ceremony for him out in the open and released his ashes. And we won't say where because that's actually not, you're supposed to do that. But anyway, and so that just reminded me of, you know, going through that process with him and, which is some of what I do share in my book, The Soul Quake Survival Guide, I share.


my brother's passing and my dad's passing and just some spiritual awarenesses I have and just, excuse me, giving you guys and those that read the book insights on just how it's just really a process, right? So in recalling and remembering the timeframe that I went through with different people and how, like with my brother, the morning he passed, I went over to my mom's house because he was living with my mom at that time and...


She got a clear message from him that mom I'm okay and so, you know that really for myself at that time that you know, of course I was very upset that was my brother and everything and you know, we were both, you know solemn and crying and etc because it just had happened but it gave us peace and that's to me what understanding like Tom was mentioning about how we're energy and you know, we just transition between this body the next it's really the attachment that we have to


Excuse me the attachment we have to those we love right like I love my brother and two days before our brother died I woke up middle of night bawling my eyes out and not knowing why but clearly I was Feeling and knowing that he was gonna be leaving so I was already you know mourning that so But knowing that yeah, we never die as a soul and actually on the other side And I've heard this from many people too and myself included that sometimes we can have a deeper connection to those on the other side versus


when we're here in these personalities and having our egos and having our, you know, our issues with people on the other side, there isn't any of that any longer because you know, you drop your intellect, it's just your your feeling, it's just your, you know, your energy body. So what do you want to say about that, Tom? I feel you whatever, where your state of consciousness is that when you pass on is where you're going to be. And, you know, I've talked about


in the past, how we have a balance between our intellect and our feelings. And our true feelings is what I'm referring to when I say our feelings. And our true feelings are that kind, loving, sharing, want to be a part of things one with all, you know, perspective, or that's how we feel about things. And that's, that's within our soul. That's how we are as energy, our intellect is essentially our way of, you know, understanding the world around us and operating here and


and our intellect gets programmed, you know, it's in some ways, it's just like a computer, you know, and you learn to do things and you learn to move your body a certain way. But when we pass on, you know, of course, from dust to dust, you know, we go back to the body disintegrates and the soul moves out. And really, you can't take your brain with you. But there is probably a spiritual aspect to this idea of mind, you know, so I don't want to negate that. It's just that,


you don't need your intellect out in the universe. You really operate on your feelings, your impressions and your inner knowings. It's a different sort of experience. And we can work with those superpowers as you like to call them. You know, our four spiritual gifts, our four ways of perceiving, you know, seeing without eyes, you know, hearing without ears, knowing without having a brain, feeling without having, you know, actual nerves in a physical body. So,


suppose for me personally, I mean, this is just my opinion that everything we have here on planet Earth is probably a reflection of something that exists spiritually, or it wouldn't, we wouldn't have it, you know. So wherever your state of consciousness is that, you know, at is what you're going to take with you. And, but you know, we all have spiritual helpers and angels to guide us through this lifetime. And if we pass on in a confused state,


know, they're going to wait around until we have that aha moment. yeah, I'm a soul. I was just here to learn and grow. I had a mission and, you know, I'm one with all and let's go back to, you know, home. What comes to mind for me is when I, you know, watch some of these YouTube videos on near -death experiences that people have and how they, I've said this before, but there's such a commonality or there's common


areas that everyone seems to experience. And one of the key things is they talk about meeting one of their spiritual guides or an angel. They talk about how they become more aware of who they really are again, and the bigger picture of their life as a soul and, and sometimes many lives.


they become more aware of their purpose. And then they get to this point where they love it, where they are, because they're truly back home, but they, they get keen on wanting to come back and come back into their body and finish their mission, so to speak. So, you know, the way I look at it, when people pass on, they've, they've gotten to that point where there's two things, you know, they're, they've either completed their mission,


or they've gotten so confused that they need to get back out to the universe and get it all reset again and come back around. But, you know, whatever they're going through, whatever we go through here in planet earth, we're gonna experience some growth. It's just some of us move faster or slower depending on how we unfold our awareness as the sole nature that we have.


Right. Another thing that comes to mind too is how there's oftentimes waves of people that come in at certain times to have certain experiences. So like say the baby boomers, that was a huge thing in, I don't know about worldwide, but definitely in America. And so there was a lot of babies born at that time. And so, and it's, you know, obviously increased, increased, increased as we've gone along through the years and the decades where now we have, you know, the most people ever on the planet right now.


And so when you look at that population and how it's expanded, and I just looked up online before we hit the play button, record button, and it actually said that worldwide there actually is there's more birth than deaths. And that but in America, there's actually a decline in birth versus I didn't say death, it just said decline in birth. So I think that's because a lot of people are having problems with.


fertility and getting pregnant and who knows, you know what the reasoning behind those are. But, but I think going back to, you know, people passing and having that experience myself so many times in this lifetime and as we all will write because those, you know, it's usually your parents, your grandparents and you know, if you have a big family that my siblings go or whatever or friends, cause I've had friends that have left also, but in recognizing for myself that, that,


since I have this awareness, I can stay more relaxed with it. And I can also know that and also tune into for myself, the soul versus you know, versus who they were. So an example, this is recently Tom and I were at an event out at the Way Showers College Center. And we did a technique where we really tuned into the soul of the person sitting in front of us without the personality. And then we gave a reading around


what we were picking up on as far as, you know, attributes and maybe some things they can work on and then overall impressions. So when I and from that experience, it led me into recognizing more so that how each of us are just a soul and we're all going through all kinds of experiences for our own growth. And that when I can differentiate between that person and what they're going through and my God, what is that all about versus what am I, what do I feel with that soul?


And so it just gives me, it gave me a deeper perspective again of death and that, you know, as, as we're all souls raw, but we're all here on different to experience different things at different times in our, in our existence as a soul. And so that really, for me gave me a lot of, like I said, clarity and just understanding at a different level about death. What do you want to share about that, Tom, in the experience we had? Well, it's a great technique because,


know, what, what I can, when I look at someone sometimes, that what I see can be deceiving, you know, or, you know, if I get caught in judging what I'm looking at, then I can miss out on really tuning into the positive qualities of that soul and really tune into the areas they have mastered. But equally, I can become aware of the areas where they may have some


areas where they need to expand their awareness or grow. I don't want to say pitfalls, but areas that they're working on. And that helps me tune into how I might be able to be of service or just accept people a little bit more. That if I can accept myself more, accept others around me, it's just easier to stay relaxed. But the key thing with...


you know, for me is life with life after death is that, you know, there's life before death, there's life while we're here and there's life after we transition out or we, you know, we shed these bodies. And I think one of the things I love to share, you know, you see these shows where there's some folks that are trying to freeze people and they can bring them back, you know, in a couple of hundred years or a thousand years from now, maybe they'll.


them out and they'll fix whatever physical problem they had. And, you know, it strikes me like, if you were a soul, if I'm a soul, I am a soul. I don't think I'd be that interested in going back to my thousand year old body. You know, who knows what people will look like then and how will evolve and, you know, your family are gone. Well, not only that, you know, your


without answering all the questions that might be there, like, well, they still have the memories and all this, but we have a perfect system. We, as you know, souls or, you know, as we're growing and expanding and rising in our levels of awareness and everybody's going to make it. So I don't know how many, how many programs do you hear where people say, you know, the truth is, is we're all going to make it. Right. You know, it's just a matter of being patient.


you know, and spiritual growth by the inch is a cinch. But you know, there can be no competition in spiritual growth. Well, there isn't, you know, competition is a fact of life here on planet earth. And it's, you know, we need not to get caught in it. But spiritually, I have, there's no competition between you and me and me and you and unfolding your awareness. So that takes a bit of the heat off and a little bit of the pressure off. You know, that's just a concept of planet earth.


So we all grow in awareness over time. And what a perfect system we have, you know, I'll put that out there for folks, you know, isn't it really a perfect system? The true me is energy. You know, the true me can exist in what we refer to as other dimensions, I come here to learn and grow, you know, possibly we slow down and we get into the material world so that we can really the whole


whole game here is to be able to deal with lots of different levels of consciousness here on planet earth. We're not going to see eye to eye with everybody and have those learning experiences, you know, expand our inner authority, expand our self -confidence, expand our sense of attraction to the things we would really like to enjoy more of life, expand that idea that I have the power within me.


know, as opposed to be chasing that outer power so much. Anything get stimulated there? No, I think that that feels really complete for myself, actually. I think that that's a good place to wind this up. So, so yeah, we just want to come on today and just share a little bit about being a soul and, you know, and death and that there's and the transition we go through, we're all going to do it. And we hope that this might.


help you if you're going through this at the moment with any fears of what's coming or any contemplating of loved ones that have passed on and where their soul is and do they need saving and praying for or whatever like, you know, I hope we hope that this maybe gives you some solace to to work through those timeframes that we all have to endure. So what are your thoughts about saving and praying for your loved ones? Well, no one needs to be no one needs to be saved. There's I mean, we're all


we're all fine. And there's, but again, that's a religious concept, right? The prayer, the savings. So if that there's some truth in it, in that, you know, if we think of the folks we were working with here fondly and, and, you know, mentally send them love and release them, you know, it's great to say I love you, and I release you. And that allows them to, you know, expand and grow, go back home and re


reset themselves and we all have everything we need. We already have our own team of guidance. So I like that you said that about releasing them because I have a friend whose husband passed away several years ago and she is very connected with him on the other side. And she's told me that there's been times when, especially when he first passed it and cause she was, you know, obviously morning he was coming around a lot, right? But then over the time there was one time he came back and visited her and he said,


you know, she was talking to him, whatever. He says, look, you know, I'm, I'm busy. Like I got things to do on the other side. So, and he doesn't come back around as much. So that's one thing, the two to keep in mind is like, you know, we're, we're doing our things over here, but in spirit realm, we're also interacting, doing things. And so, but we can hold people here and buy, you know, buying them here by our, you know, longing for them, longing for them, yearning for them. And it's natural, believe me, I went through, I've been through it many times with all the deaths I've had.


with my dad, my brother and and other people. But now I recognize that there's a certain point where okay, I need, I need to go and you know, have my life and they're they're gonna need to go where they need to go in the spirit realm and do their things too. Yeah, I wanted to, you know, bring that up that I myself when some folks that I know that I was close to have passed on, you know, I did get some messages from them pretty, pretty much early on right after they passed on. And


And I felt, one or two come around occasionally. But the key thing is, is that if they come around, you know, just tell them to work through your guidance, through your spiritual helpers, through your angels, that's all the same thing, your guidance, all those three words I used. And that way, there's a buffer there. And it's wonderful that we can connect with, you know, folks once they passed on. But the key is, is to


respect them enough and release them enough so that you can carry on with your business and they can carry on with their business. And in the long run, you know, we're all one, we're all going to be together again, anyway, one way or another. And there's plenty more folks to get involved with while you're here. You know, that's what I found. So absolutely. Yeah. I think it's all real. And I, I noticed the same thing was that over time,


there, they seem to move out of it. And so that's all that's all normal. It's great. It's great to give them messages or receive messages from them. You can do that pretty easily. You know, and I guess it's like anything, it really just depends on what your motives are. You know, if your motives are to hang on to them for your own security, you know, they they will feel that energy and they'll they'll be your you're hanging on to them.


You know, it'll connect them. Yeah, it'll connect them, you know, so just like when you yearn for people, I mean, that's a little bit of another topic, but really, it's the same thing. If you're yearning for somebody else in your family, they could be across the country or overseas or something or a past loved one that's still around, you know, people will feel or your mother or father or your their kids, your kids, they'll they can feel it. And they one of the ways that you can feel it is you sort of just space out all of a sudden, or they come to mind.


Well, for me, they come in dreams. Okay. So I've had my both of my daughters, which they neither one are they're disconnected from me at the moment for God almost seven years now. And so yeah, they come around in dreams. And the times I've known that they've gone through like things that they're that have been intense, they've gone through in the life last couple years, they've shown up in my dreams during that timeframe. So I know that they were connecting in a different way versus in the physical so.


Well anyways, it's been great to share with everybody here. Yeah, what an interesting topic of being a soul in a body boy and then living and dying. So thank you all again for listening to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual and until next week. Well, you know what? Remember that life is too short to be not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.