Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Spiritual Tip #4: Creating a Spiritual Soundboard

Teresa Shantz Season 4 Episode 24

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Teresa and Tom discuss  importance of having a spiritual soundboard, a person or group of people with whom you can freely share your spiritual experiences and insights. We are here to evolve through sharing with others. They emphasize finding  a supportive space where you can freely express yourself without judgment.   It contributes to healing and growth.  As you share freely you often realize new insights and consolidate your new awareness.

They also explore different ways they have created a soundboard, such as through podcasts, books, and events. The hosts share personal examples of how it leads to new insights and growth for you. They highlight the role of guidance also being a great soundboard and offer resources for learning to work with guidance.

Key points:

  • Having a spiritual soundboard is important for sharing and processing spiritual experiences and insights.
  • A soundboard provides a supportive space where you can freely express yourself without judgment for healing of concepts.
  • Soundboards can be created through various means, such as podcasts, books, events, and personal connections.
  • Sharing with others can lead to new insights and growth.
  • Guidance plays a crucial role in being a soundboard and offering perspective and insights.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)
If you feel like you have got no one to share all those kind of unusual, unseen parts of us, things that happen every day, then you're going to love this episode because we're going to talk about creating your spiritual soundboard. Sounds great. Welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual. And this is our spiritual tip number four, spiritual tip number four, making spirituality practical, making spirituality very practical.

And I think I have a parrot in the room today. So, you know, this topic really came to me recently because for years I have had people sporadically in my life that I've been able to really share all the weird things that I was going through. And then I also had family that didn't get it at all and looked at me like I was a deer in headlights. Right. So.

Recently, I've had a lot of people not only at metaphysical fairs and expos over the last couple of years, but close people connect with me about, you know, things that have gone on energetically around them, things they've picked up on and what does that what does that, you know, sound like to me? So really creating a sound board and having that in your life for myself and for others is a really it's it's a it's a great way to create that space that you really have freedom to.

share with others. So how do you work with having your spiritual soundboard, Tom? Well, it's important that I have people to share with because as I share what I'm putting together, often the penny drops or I'll get new insight, you know, from my guidance. As to what I'm putting together, I'll see it, you know, a little bit clearer, you might say. So, you know, whilst we're all here on a mission, our own

know, purpose, our own spiritual mission, you know, we need others to share with that's to grow fast and to grow faster. Because I guess when we're on the other side, you know, like attracts like, you know, on the on the other side. And so when we come to planet Earth, we get to share with lots of different levels of consciousness. And it may be frustrating sometimes because, you know, we don't connect with people, or we don't connect with

particularly like our loved ones or our family members, you know, I have to have a lot of respect for where people are at, and not have high expectations that everybody's going to connect with me at the same, you know, wavelength. And, you know, dare I say it, even in a marriage situation like we have, where we're both very spiritual people, or we're very spiritual aware, you know, Teresa's got her strengths, I have my strengths. And sometimes they're

a little different. And we also have our areas where we're learning and growing. But if I, always share from that perspective that I'm going to share what I feel, as long as I have somebody, I can share what I feel and really, they allow me to articulate that no matter what I'm feeling. Then, you know, I need that. I need that, you know, so.

know, I think sometimes it's inappropriate, you know, to share certain things with people that you work with, you know, or that you are in your family. But it's really important to have a sounding board. Yeah, and that's really all they are. I think sounding board is a great word that you came up with. I knew it was like, he just came out of the blue this morning. And then I was like, Yeah, that happens. I'm a sounding board to quite a few people. And they are to me also. So like what Tom was mentioning about, sometimes in our families are in our close knit,

group, we may not understand or they may not understand what things we're experiencing or you're not understanding things they're experiencing. So really having or creating a space where you can invite in or even like, hey, that word manifest, right? I mean, you know, like attracts like energetically. So manifesting in people that get you people that no matter what comes out of your mouth and no matter what weird things you can share with them. So.

Something that was popping to my mind as Tom was sharing is that in my book, The Soulquake Survival Guide, I share all kinds of experiences that I've had throughout my life where spirit showed up and I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know why that was happening. And I share these experiences in my book because I want people to understand and also to resonate with others that, my God, I've had that happen too. And I'm not crazy. I'm not weird. I'm just...

it's part of the spiritual part of who I am. So that's why I shared a lot of those stories in the book because of the fact that I really want it to resonate with people as well as of course supporting them moving through a soul quake and you know, understanding how to work with the spiritual part of who you are, but really resonating with that no matter all these weird things that happen or people perceive them as weird, they're not. It's just another realm of what we are all working with while we're here in this dimension. Yeah, I found that, you know, as I

put things together for myself as I begin to discern, you know, what I'm feeling or I'm learning from my experiences and opportunities that when I share that with others, like I say, I usually get more insight to clarify it even further. And they may share something with me that I go, wow, I like that angle on it too. So that's really helpful. I like the idea of a sounding board.

you know, because really, it's me that's doing the learning. It's it's I accept things when it the penny drops for me. You know, it's never somebody telling me as much as I'm sharing, I'm outflowing. And but that sounding board, you know, it kind of echoes back to me. And that's what, you know, gives us a more full, full experience. Yeah, and I guess also,

It seems that like a lot of things can be a sounding board for you listeners. So if you don't necessarily have people I'm thinking too, like even a podcast like this where you hear things on a podcast that may go, wow, I had no idea that other people experience that. Or like I shared with my book, reading books, reading or going to an event where you are experiencing other, you know, what other people are going through and you also having that experience. So there's all kinds of ways to really be creative with your.

sounding board whenever you create it. He has a lot of creates. Yeah, you know, I had an experience this morning where a colleague of mine, he works with the similar, you know, the same spiritual ideas and some of the tools like he's had his gifts and guidance profile and he knows what his first, you know, type of perception is and his other four gifts and so forth. And he can work with this guidance and I,

We were on a call, a conference call alone together for a while. And you know, he's told me about this and I've told him about that. And I said, yeah, you know, it's funny. Now that you're the only one on the on board, I'll tell you, I have a keyword for my guidance today of participate. Because he said, what's the word of the day, Tom, you know, and unconsciously, he's so sensitive, you know, he's, he doesn't know how to, he hasn't worked with keywords as much I can tell. But I thought, let me share that with you.

And I said, you know, what that usually means to me is that, you know, I just have to show up like the old quote, you know, 90 % of sex success is showing up. You know, I think it's attributed to Willie Allen. I don't know if he really said it, but it's, it's kind of a neat quote. so I told him what participate meant to me, which is, you know, just show up. this is all part of your experience today is going to help lead to the success you want.

And then another, a third fellow jumped on the conference call. So during the call, he said, by the way, Tom, I need to reach out to you. I've got, you know, I've reached out to you. I've got a message to you for you. And, you know, you hadn't, hadn't responded. And so I go, okay. I didn't, I didn't see that. So after the conference call was over with, I reached out to him and I said,

know, okay, well, by the way, what was the message I don't see when hearing he goes, I have some leads for you in your state. So to me, that was participating in the call in the day, and all I had to do was show up and get some leads. Now, it's not a big thing. But it's a step in the right direction. So there's, it's great to be able to share those kinds of things with people. And when I was sharing that keyword with my colleague,

you know, there's a sense of fulfillment in that, that we can compare notes as to what we're learning, working with guidance, particularly, I like to, you know, share notes with people in business, you know, how to work with your guidance in business, because it's a big part of, you know, my life for earning a living is a big part of all of our lives. You know, we have to do something to be a service. Cool. That's awesome, Tom. And isn't that funny how I was up here getting ready for this set for this episode and you were downstairs experiencing.

being a soundboard and having that soundboard. So yeah, very cool. So that's this episode, guys just wanted to share a little bit about creating your spiritual soundboard. And we hope that you may have gained some insights for yourself today, or maybe something you could pass along to people or start manifesting that soundboard around you. So you have support and you have people that you can actually converse with in whatever ways you want to converse with people. Yeah, and learning to work with your guidance is a big key.

yeah, they're the number one soundboard. Yeah, they're the number one soundboard. Hey, I forgot about them. You always have your guidance. And you know, they always offer perspective to me that I must admit, it's not always what I expect, but I always find it a very, a very healing or eye opening, you know, kind of insight into situations. So, you know, if you're interested in learning about how to work directly with your guidance, you know,

just look at the show notes. You can, a book of time with us or a discovery call. If that's something like you'd like to chat about for a few minutes beforehand. Sounds great, Tom. So I guess, thanks everyone for listening into this mini morsel episode and until next time, just remember that life is too short not to be enthusiastic about your unique journey.